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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Obama and Cameron -- Flying Nuclear Waste From UK to USA -- Dangerous Puppets of the NWO

Anyone who is interested in being prepared, should think about owning a Geiger Counter and knowing how to use it.    And here is one reason--Obama has arranged to FLY nuclear waste into our airspace. 

Second reason: when there is a radiological accident, they always cover it up, and they can't anymore.    And the largest damage to humans is done in the first few days.   So if you have your own information, you can more effectively protect yourself and your family.
We just learned today that they plan on conducting these flights for at least 18month, so there will potentially be hundreds of load of nuclear waste (actually highly enriched fissionable material) playing Russian roulette with our lives.

THE first flight believed to be carrying British nuclear waste to America took off from Wick Airport
amid tight security yesterday.
Scots politicians and anti-nuclear campaigners have slammed the deal,
brokered by David Cameron and Barack Obama, to move the waste.
The airport was closed from early morning as armed police patrolled the perimeter.

Twenty miles away in Thurso, more armed officers escorted a lorry from the Dounreay nuclear plant through the town. It was carrying two heavily reinforced containers.

They announced this is Spring 2016, but it never got any traction with MSM.   Imagine that.
Without any further discussion, and garnering only a brief reference in the NDA's Strategy consultation that Dounreay HEU may be 'transferred to a third party', it appears the previous public consultation processes - which were already fairly inadequate - have been ditched in favour of removing much of the materials to the United States in, as the BBC called it, "the largest ever such movement of nuclear waste".
No mention had previously been made of the US link and no specific public information has been provided to consultees.
NFLA are writing to NDA to now clarify how many transports, whether by sea or by air, will have to take place, and whether there will be any public consultation on this. It also wants to know what programmes the HEU arises from at Dounreay - such as nuclear submarine fuel, fuel for nuclear weapon warheads or from other military nuclear programmes.

We answers we need - and are not getting
There are a number of other important specific questions about this deal which also need answers, including:
  • What is the percent enrichment of the HEU?
  • What is the actual 'swap' for HEU to medical isotope reactors?
  • As part of any deal, will the US no longer advocate conversion of medical isotope reactors to LEU?
  • How much money is exchanging hands in this deal? Will the deal have to be subsidised or will the fuel value of the HEU pay for it?
  • At what point in the transit does waste from Dounreay become a commercial product in the US? Only after it's converted to fuel?
  • What are the waste streams in the US and how will they be disposed of and who pays?
  • In the US, where is the environmental impact documentation on the import?
  • What type of export and import licenses are needed from regulatory authorities for this commercial deal? Both in the UK and US the Governments appear to be doing this under the cover of a government-to-government non-proliferation deal which may allow them to avoid obtaining licenses. That looks to us like poor radioactive waste management practice.


  1. 1. HEU is probably 93.5 wt % U235. U235 isnt nuclear waste. It has incredible fission content.

    2. HEU sent to the US for 25 years now, under RERTR

    3. Keeping HEU out of circulation reduces proliferation risk.

    4. The US is fufilling its treaty obligations

    5. The world is made safer.

    Any questions?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Flying it? Seriously? In a crash?

      Safer than in Scotland? WTF are they worried about, Scotland breaking away and going rogue?

    2. Dude, wake up. Weve been receiving HEU from the UK for at least 20 years that I know, maybe longer. NNSA requires stringent safety protocols. Its flown routinely from Russia too. Get in the loop.

    3. "Biggest operation of its kind ever"

      Its effen batshit insane! Let's have say 1000 dirty bombs go down in Boston, have a Te-party!

  3. You answered with PR values.. Admin was asking about this particular HEU shipment... was that not clear? Asking "what is the exact crystal geometry?" and "within what reactor were these crystals enriched?" or "from what other devices were these "wastes" dismantled?"... you roll out minimal enrichment values.. I think you are right though, this can hardly be considered waste especially when it is this hot and practically fuel as is...Pretty sure someone is making a ton of cash taking this "waste" while making safety a line item. Think of this as an analogy to the Organ Donor shite... hospitals take your organs without paying your family or loved one, an organisation pays the hospital a recovery fee to recieve the donated organ, then proceeds to sell it to its "lifesaved" recipient. We get the donated HEU based on treaty obligations.. but on the back end of the deal we clean it up at the taxpayers expense and sell it again on the "free" market... really both cases are reprehensible as business models, pure profiteering at the expense of life.

    1. Good point, this isn't just waste, not just fuel, it's bomb material.

      Terrorist observe plane and security detail in Scotland, alert comrades in USA, fire up a sidewinder or two.....insane to conduct this operation especially now.

      I guess Barry Hussein needs a real legacy

    2. HEU isnt "hot" unless it has been burned in a reactor. Yes there is alpha and gamma radiation from any uranium, even nat U in the ground. HEU in the form being shipped is most likely in metal form, not oxide, not UF6.This "line item" you refer to really is tbe bulk of the work. You never ever hear of any nuclear accident in transit because 10s of millions of dollars are spent on the Documented Safety Analysis process that involves thousands of man hours to develop, complete, and aoprove.

      What did you think? It's not some flim flam operation like shipping sporting goods by fed ex. Its a rigorous, big deal,and from your reply, youve never been involved in such operations. You only know what you read in the papers, which really isn't much on this subject matter. You need to have a higher level of comprehension on such complex undertakings.

    3. Every gram of HEU recovered by the US removes that material from potential nefarious use. Furthermore, it can be downblended, and used for research reactor fuel that makes medical isotopes, thus helping extend life.

      We can agree to disagree on the utility of the atom, however, all things considered, it has a net positive effect on the human condition. I just believe you have no appreciation for the technology and its historic signicance in extending human life and our general condition. Much of our high tech materials were tested in reactors such as ATR, HFIR. The latter made possible material to make DVD discs. So think of that when you listen to Jackson Browne.

    4. I dont understand the reference to "crystal geometry" knowing the most plausible material forms. It seems irrelevant to the topic of overall safety, since metal isnt hydroscopic and pretty stable chemically. I surmise that neither Admin or yourself fully understand the technical envelope we are discussing, and only know generalities that for the most part, are not relevant.

      All you have to do is search the Congressional Record to be more informed than shooting from the hip and lobbing grenades from the balcony. I suppose this is standard operating procedure from antinukes, as they fill in the gaps with irrelevant information.

      If you think HEU is such an abhorrent thing, consider the alternatives, then ask yourself would humanity be better off if it were sold on the black market to people, organizations, or countries you would not want this material in their possession.

      Think about the greater good.

    5. PR values? No sir. Im not a PR person. Im a working, professional nuclear safety technologist. What is your line of work? Definately not in this area from your replies. PR values... sheesh.

    6. I dont understand the reference to "crystal geometry" knowing the most plausible material forms. It seems irrelevant to the topic of overall safety, since metal isnt hydroscopic and pretty stable chemically. I surmise that neither Admin or yourself fully understand the technical envelope we are discussing, and only know generalities that for the most part, are not relevant.

      All you have to do is search the Congressional Record to be more informed than shooting from the hip and lobbing grenades from the balcony. I suppose this is standard operating procedure from antinukes, as they fill in the gaps with irrelevant information.

      If you think HEU is such an abhorrent thing, consider the alternatives, then ask yourself would humanity be better off if it were sold on the black market to people, organizations, or countries you would not want this material in their possession.

      Think about the greater good.

    7. HEU isnt "hot" unless it has been burned in a reactor. Yes there is alpha and gamma radiation from any uranium, even nat U in the ground. HEU in the form being shipped is most likely in metal form, not oxide, not UF6.This "line item" you refer to really is tbe bulk of the work. You never ever hear of any nuclear accident in transit because 10s of millions of dollars are spent on the Documented Safety Analysis process that involves thousands of man hours to develop, complete, and aoprove.

      What did you think? It's not some flim flam operation like shipping sporting goods by fed ex. Its a rigorous, big deal,and from your reply, youve never been involved in such operations. You only know what you read in the papers, which really isn't much on this subject matter. You need to have a higher level of comprehension on such complex undertakings.

    8. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. You whine more than my chihuahua. Can there be positive uses for atomic science? boiling water a "good" use? No. Is nuclear medicine even medicine? It only kinda helped those i know who have used radio therapies, since they are all dead, I am just assuming they feel helped tho.

    9. Ya Geeraham, once in while chemo might be a net positive, but mostly it causes a lot of pain, suffering, cost and wealth transfer, to be a zombie that is "cured" for 5 years....mission accomplished!

    10. You dont understand atomic science.

    11. You dont understand atomic science.

    12. Im not the one bitchin and moaning about nuclear. Seems you are against it on ideological grounds, and not on any measure of practicality.

    13. Im not the one bitchin and moaning about nuclear. Seems you are against it on ideological grounds, and not on any measure of practicality.

  4. I make maps, i know stats. I am asking about crystalline geometry because i come at things from a background of geology and geo-science, I took plenty of chemistry although admittedly i haven't done the "work" you claim to do. Someone should have done some x ray diffraction along with some gas chroma to determine the purity of these products... and you knew i was referring to the counts coming off this HEU when saying "hot". And yes we actually do have crashed and covered up shipments of radioactive materials.. and not just the lil coverup in spain. So there are big precedents for accident and mishandling.

    1. YA they fessed up on Spain, kind of. Probably 5 more covered up for each one fessed up.

      Ya know, they have to, to protect the sheep from fear and doubt.

    2. You only know what you read in the news, which is always bad news. It skews your perceotion.

      Airplanes crash, people die. Yet it doesn't deter you from flying. Same thing with driving.

      Your fear and angst of nuclear stems from miscalculations regarding consequences and the perception that any nuclear mishap is dire. Suggest adopting the graded approach.

    3. Oh dont worry about my background and what i know and do. Just worry about how kittle you know on the subject and have to fill in the gaps with spitballing. Until youve studied and done it, its just speculation and rhetoric. I bet more people have died from a faulty map or reading it wrong than any nuclear accident. Something to think about.

    4. Making maps and knowing stats doesnt qualify you as,a nuclear safety professional.

    5. Broken arrows and loose nukes are a different beast than what we are discussing. The HEU being shipped isnt capable of being a weapon. Also, even for broken arrows, a bomb cant detonate by itself. It has to be armed, which requires deliberation.

    6. Your discussions are always driven by fear and doubt. "Me thinks the lady protests too much"

  5. Ur right about maps being deadly but whatevs.. its me who stated the very same Shakespearean quote about you many moons ago... i am not being portrayed in a light i resent. Its you who are the queen in this farce and indeed you may see the truth being put on stage but cant bring urself to mutter any amount of 'mea culpa" now i go to another good instance of this type of irony.. a man who knows he has produced a pile of crap and SHOULD distance himself from it but cannot because he never mastered his own ego. Citizen Kane .. we all know the scene.. /claps wildly

    1. I haven't met a single nukist who had any game


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