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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Unusual Earthquake Activity, North, South, AND Hawaii Volcano and Hilina Slump

I have a whole collection of graphics that I am just going to dump here in no particular order.   Text that talks about some of them are below.   Please peruse and comment.

Bottom line....we are in a very unique earthquake environment.    Could be affected by planetary alignments as well as Earth magnetic pole flip which is going on. 

Moana Loa -- The Largest Volcano on Earth -- Got Hit Today as the Hilina Slump also took a Large 4.4

And a hit near the volcano caldera, but not on it, closer to an old caldera.

And west of South Africa, on an old sea mount that NEVER gets hit....the largest EQ in 100 years just happened.
In 100 years, this is the ONLY EQ over 5.5 in this area.   And there have only been 4 total over 4.5.

This is notable after the Indonesia 6.9 and the Hawaii Volcano stopped within hours of each other.
Rough path of Magnetic North Pole, as it approaches the Gakkel Ridge where the large EQ happened today, will it encourage more EQ?

We know for sure that large Sun generated CME and related magnetics do impact the largest quakes our Earth sees.


  1. [from Flying Cuttlefish comments ]
    Hey Cuttlefish!
    I have chosen not to sign up for, so
    i’ve never been able to put comments on Stock’s page
    at His work is freaking great, highly valuable,
    but trying to make an anonymous comment
    never works! He deserves to know folks are reading
    and trying to share. I guess you are able to communicate
    with Mr. Stock, at He still makes comments
    at the stagnant I am on the
    mailing list at
    Thanks again for this work you do Cuttlefish!
    We have hardly any bugs outside,
    and it seems obvious we’ve lost some atmospheric
    softness here just below 6,000 feet in SW NM.
    It seems unnaturally bright, too hot in the sun.
    I go to food pantry places. There are no fruit flies.
    We used to have dozens of houseflies to whack every day.
    Not no more! Decay process in my half-ass compost
    seems suspended, stuff is not rotting rightly.
    How about it, Cuttlefish?
    Let us ride forth! With a Blast of Trumpets! Defeat this
    demonic enemy! At least we shall have an End that
    is Worthy of a Song! Huzzah!

  2. Russia does have HAARP --- from Jim Lee
    The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)

    plus more if you look around ... I used Control + F trick with "Russia" search word....

  3. from The Big Wobble -
    Nearly two dozen quakes at the gigantic Katla volcano in Iceland has experts worried which is long overdue for an eruption

  4. The World Must Take Charge at Fukushima

    America's Being Nuked: Can Together We Stop the Madness?

    "I Have Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds"

    Wasting Away - The Nukes in Your Backyard

    "NukaTuna" - The Last Fish in the Ocean

    With great respect
    Peace Love Light
    Hec'el oinipikte - That We May Live
    Mni Wiconi - Water Is Life


Insightful and Relevant if Irreverent Comments