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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I Was Wrong, I Predicted They Would Cheat As Much As They Could. Instead, They Cheated As Much As "They Needed To".

 Mark Levin comments

1. I thought about waiting until my radio show to state this, but it must be said now:

All night and this morning, the media are playing with the electoral map and their declarations of who won what states, and in virtually every case it assists the Biden campaign.

2. North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska should all be called now for President Trump.  There was no legitimate reason to call Arizona early for Biden with so much of the vote out.  There was no reason to sit on Florida and Ohio for hours when those outcomes were quite clear.

3. The purpose is to make it appear that the President is not close to the 270 electoral vote number to win the presidency and to make it appear that the President was never going to be re-elected.

4. And you can see all the delays through the night and beyond, waiting for mail-in votes -- Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc.  This is followed by commentators telling us that there's nothing unusual about all of this.  Delays in counting votes happens all the time

5. Really, we've experienced this before?  In all these states?  Nonsense.  Meanwhile, the Democrats have been litigating in states for months to change existing election laws to help Biden and the Democrats.

6. They set in place the mail-in voting chaos, some states literally a few months ago.


  1. The fat lady has yet to sing. When she does, you'll like her tune. Or else!

  2. Shall it be a re-vote but with standardized procedures, and full assurance of audiability, and no fake voter roles?
    I have not lived in Hawaii since 2012, I did not request ballots, but had 2 useable ballots mailed to me. There is no requirement for a witness, and you "self certify" and then the envelope is separated from the ballot and becomes a "vote" with no back traceability as to where that vote came from. So I could have voted twice in Hawaii, although it would be a felony so I didn't.

  3. Mich. breaks the law by not allowing GOP observers at the counting process.


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