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Monday, November 23, 2020

Proof of No Pandemic -- The Only Excess Deaths Were The Murders At Dem State Run Nursing Homes



  1. why is average Mr. Joe American so o.k. with this elder abuse, senior-o-cide??
    Mr. Joe American ready to load his gun when gas supply has a hiccup and lines form at gas stations.

    1. many people want this "event" to be as bad as possible. Their TDS has turned them into pyschopaths.

  2. I regret to report from this rural county in Kalifornication that here, there, and everywhere, sheeple don't give a shit about statistics -- damned lies, even if they might convey truth of matters. What really matters is WHAT THEY BELIEVE, and, as sheeple, cattle, and worse, they believe in COVID.

    I have yet to see another naked face in grocery stores, any store! After months! I have no one with whom to discuss this insanity face to face, over a beer before the blazing fireplace, including dear wife of 30 years (marriage, not age).

    Whoever planned out this scamdemic did a helluva job.

    1. In Germantown Wisconsin, late September and I really should have been back in school, but at the Octoberfest, around 2000 gathered and around 10 had masks, mostly it seemed the hispanics who were a low demographic.

      Also at an art fair the prior week, same results.

    2. To clarify, low percentage demographic


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