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Monday, November 9, 2020

Let's Define Some Types of Voter Fraud -- And a Look At Personal Experience With Voter Fraud In Hawaii.

stock here: I voted in Wisconsin.   They have a website that is easy to use, just your name and birthdate and they can tell you when each of 5 steps in the process of voting happened, including when your vote was received.    It does not tell you whether your vote was valid or not.

I also received 2 ballots from Hawaii to officially vote in the Federal Elections, even though I haven't lived here since 2013 and have voted since 2012 in Hawaii.    One of those ballots is in Wisconsin, I left it there, and one is in Hawaii.    Of course I didn't use those ballots:

1) It would be a felony

2) It wouldn't make any difference on the plantation.    140,000 people in Hawaii live in public provided many of those will vote democrat?

But if those ballots got into anyone's hands, they could have been used, and they never would have been caught as being fraudulent.

Hawaii does not require a witness in order to mail in ballot, making it ripe for fraud.     I did not ask Hawaii for anything related to voting.   To be clear, I did not ask Hawaii for anything, much less a ballot.


From NV elections website:

Since people use the term “voter fraud” to mean many different things, it is often important to clarify what a person means when they use the term.  Below are 8 common types of potential voter fraud:

  1. Double Voting – An individual casts more than one ballot in the same election.
  2. Ineligible Voter – The casting of a ballot by a person who is not an eligible to voter.  This includes non-citizens or those who have not had their rights restored.
  3. Dead Voter – The name of a deceased person remains on the voter rolls and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
  4. Voter Suppression – Any tactic aimed at lowering or suppressing the number of voters who might otherwise vote in an election.
  5. Voter Registration Fraud – Filling out and submitting a voter registration form for a fictional person; filling out a voter registration form with the name of a real person, but without that person's consent, and forging his or her signature on the form; changing information on a voter registration form once it has been completed; not turning in completed voter registration forms on time; or discarding completed voter registration forms due to party affiliation.
  6. Voter Impersonation – A person claims to be someone else when casting a vote, either in person or on an absentee ballot.
  7. Vote Buying – Agreements between voters and others to buy and sell votes, such as a candidate paying voters to vote for him or her, or a voter offering to sell his or her vote for money.
  8. Fraud by Election Officials – Manipulation of ballots by officials administering the election, such as tossing out ballots, casting ballots in voters' names, or changing votes from one candidate to another.

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