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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

NRC Funds Study to Compare Cancer Around Nuke Plants, Spends 1.5M And Then Cancels, Chris Busby Debunks This Fraud

After spending some $1.5 million and more than five years on developing strategies to answer the question of increases of cancer near nuclear facilities, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) last week reported that they would not continue with the process. They would knock it on the head [1].
This poisoned chalice has been passed between the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the NRC since 2009 when public and political pressure was brought to bear on the USNRC to update a 1990 study of the issue, a study which was widely seen by the public to be a whitewash.


  1. most tinnitus is caused by nerve inflammation by a toxic reaction not hypercalcemia. of course w hormesis believer and quack asshole would talk trash like that to scare off a new guy. . tinnitus is a warning sign of acute or chronic poisoning It is also a sign of acute radiation poisoning because the radiation denatures proteins and myalin fibers he highly sensitive nerves in the inner ear. radiation tinnitus can be permwnent. people started living longer after world war 2 because of sulfa drugs and penicillin. before a scratch could kill ya as mrsa victims are finding out. enenews is now full of disinformation. most people are not so stupid that they cannot see that. too bad about its decline.

    1. Ya the PT operative is really causing damage. People are sick of it.

    2. i will agree pt sucks. i especially loved it when it attacked uni over a japanese joke for being politically incorrect. wallpapering galore. buesseler supporter. just bs all the way around. the stupid religious stuff.

  2. How can fraud debunk fraud? This is the funniest title you have ever published. Proponents knew antinukes would spin it this way. Pope Francis spoke at the UN today and did not speak against nuclear. Nuclear in fact fulfills his vision of living in communion with the environment. Your side interferes with poor countries like India and the the rest of the world that is overpopulated and desires this important form of energy. I spent my life's work in service to moving humanity forward. Fukushima did not kill the environment. Neither Chernobyl. Or TMI. The measure of safety with nuclear resides with how these accidents affect mankind and the environment. It looks like your side overplayed its hand. If Busby thinks normal operating reactors or even major accidents are harming the environment or humankind.then where is it determined? Where is his smoking gun? Buri ed in the noise of deaths anywhere? There is no proof. And where there is no proof there is pure conjecture. Look we can play this game of 'you prove it isn't happening' but at the end of the day, you have nothing. You might even feel compelled to erase my missive, but that makes you just as disingenuous as you claim the NRC is doing with the same behavior. Thats something to think about as you spend another 10 hrs a week here and on the rat farm.

    1. And Pope Francis knows the difference between using nuclear weapons, having them, and the difference with peaceful applications. In fact, the IAEA as an arm of the UN moves to keep vigilance and monitoring to this end.

    2. Incorrect, this Pope speaks against civilian nuclear power reactors, but the powers that be got him on the "climate" game anyway.

      Busby is now my "free consultant" to support the equipment selection for the upcoming "Rad Lab".

      Removing your too troll like comments is not at all like NRC killing a study on radiation. stock out

  3. Loose nuke dude you speak in nested lies. are you saying that the communion is the apocolypse? that nuclear bombs and nuclear energy are good becuase they insure the destruction of life on earth? if so you are no christian. you are at a very low spiritual level. you are a nihilist and probably a psychopath who sees no value in life and would kill pr sacrifice other living beings lives to get what you want.

    1. He may not be a full on sociopath, but he is anti social

    2. There is no apocalypse dude. Thats where you are missing the mark. Fukushima was an industrial accident with less health effects than the Chiba Oil Refinery fire. For all we know tge Reagan sailors got sick breathing in a cloud of chemicals. Those were hazmat suits they were wearing toadies in the pic of them swabbing the deck.

      Your missive makes no sense. Why would I want to carp where I eat? I live on this planet too.

      I think you are delusional with regard to radiation consequences.

  4. you are the best stock. love your website. i dont have so much against enenews just very burned out especially after jousting metal beard aunavoz etc and trying to get pt etc to be civil kinda got lost myself. been interesting though


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