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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tell the Oversight of the NRC How You Think the NRC is Doing, Sept 9 Briefing

The Subcommittee on Energy and Power, chaired by U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), and the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, chaired by U.S. Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.), have scheduled a 10 a.m. hearing in room 2123 of the Rayburn House Office Building on Sept. 9.
The hearing is entitled, “Oversight of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.”
The hearing will examine NRC's long-term budget development and resource planning. Additionally, members will examine the proposed rule-making associated with the Near Term Task Force (NTTF), which was established in response to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident in Japan. The NTTF is tasked with evaluating the incident and developing recommendations for reactors throughout the United States. Ongoing activities related to storage, transportation and disposal of high-level nuclear waste will be examined as well.
Can we get even 30 people to send both of these chairs a short letter indicating disatisfaction with NRC?
1) They are considering adopting the "hormesis: radiation is good for you" and throwing out the fairly conservation LNT model.
2) They refuse to take disciplinary action against those who break the rules, they never impose fines, instead they write "because you have put it in an action plan, we will not fine you"
3) They are not pro-active enough. Regulation shouldn't be just about what is brought to your attention. The San Onofre debacle should not have been accepted as like for like, that should have been obvious to a high school student and NRC should have been on that like a big dog.
4) They have refused to require nuclear operators to have a REAL PLAN in the case of a serious accident
5) They do not update their website promptly, even though they are asking for public comment. Comments can take weeks to appear. Why do comments even need to be reviewed (aka censored) in the first place. By taking forever to put comments up, and by having a vast divide between the number of comments received and the number of comments showing….it demoralizes people. Then they won't take the time to comment. We have lives to live, we can't spend our time hawking over whether the NRC has finally posted our comment or not. It's "pretend" participation.

  • Looks like Ed has no direct email, and won't accept an email unless you are in "his district", hmmm, seems like a call may be in order.
    Actually calling people has way more effect than you might think
    DC Address: The Honorable Ed Whitfield
    United States House of Representatives
    2184 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-1701
    DC Phone: 202-225-3115
    DC Fax: 202-225-3547
    Contact Representative Whitfield:
    WWW Homepage:
    Twitter: @RepEdWhitfield

    John Shimkus
    Also will not only not reply to an email, unless you live in his district, you can't even send him an email.
    Hmmmmm….Seems like our government is getting even less accessible.
    Washington, DC Office
    2217 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-5271
    Fax: (202) 225-5880

    Here is Whitfields FB page


  1. This is what aunavoz posted on enenews today
    the above question

    Report comment

    September 9, 2015 at 4:10 pm Log in to Reply
    Goodheart .. again you bait me into making a statement designed to be divisive.

    An Ene pledge of allegiance. However .. I shall answer as I responded to the NRC.

    Hormesis and lowest dose are both a red herring here.

    Nuclear cannot complete decontamination or decommissioning without raising the dose standards .. because it's too expensive for them.

    Added to the fact that there is still no permanent waste storage plan.

    And the dose I fear will be raised .. has nothing to do with hormesis or lowest dose theories.

    It's all about the money.

    Done deal. An effective counter measure is too late. Gonna have to catch them on round 2.

    With a much more cohesive antinuke contingent than presented here.

    So sick.

  2. the nuke shills have a 1.6billion budget from the 400 billion they screw us out of. aunvoz is such a liar and twisted psychopath like loose nuke. aunavoz never sent any letters to nrc. the nuke shills wanna tell us that hormesis should be the standard or rad standard should be raised because nuc asshats need money to get rid of waste aw they try to build more nukes and keep rat traps going. aunavoz is a shameless criminal. they just want us to all fry. bastards.


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