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Monday, January 18, 2016

A Survey of 20 Worldwide Sites Destroyed by Radiation

stock here: I like number 3, Oppy as the Devil claims his soul in video

Everyone knows about Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and, now, Fukushima. But what about Semipalatinsk, Palomares and Kyshtym? The world is full of nuclear disaster zones -- showing just how dangerous the technology really is.


  1. RIP Glenn Frey, David Bowie and all those not famous dead from cancer or other nuclear diseases...

    1. Isn't it amazing that the young deaths are ramping up like mad 5 years after Fukushima? And these people got money, they can buy the best of care and yet still die young.

  2. In 5+ years we will be seeing an order of magnitude more people with health problems, I'm very sorry to say; if what many of us believe is actually happening in Japan and other places as a result of Fukushima's radioactive pollution.

    1. Indeed there will be no joy saying I told you so.


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