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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Dying Brontos (Nuclear Industry) Are Starting to Fight Each Other

This is a good sign, it shows that we are near a tipping point.

Dive Brief:

  • FirstEnergy's proposal to guarantee income for two struggling power plants in Ohio continues to face questions, and now the nation's largest nuclear generator says it believes the deal is unfair to the state's ratepayers and that it can offer a better deal, EnergyWire reports. 
  • A new round of hearings this month will consider fresh questions behind FirstEnergy's plan to guarantee income at its Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor and the W.H. Sammis coal-fired plant in Stratton. The utility's proposal also includes a portion of the output of Ohio Valley Electric Corporation units in Gallipolis, Ohio, and Madison, Indiana.
  • Exelon believes the deal is a bad one for Ohio consumers, and told state regulators in a filing just before the end of the year that it can provide 3,000 MW of carbon-free generation $2 billion cheaper than the eight-year settlement deal FirstEnergy brokered with stakeholders in December.

----------------------------from a reader

Inside the NRC we have one side focused on issuing permits to build more. Then our Non-proliferation team advocating for full Germany style decommissioning plan. And that is inside the same agency.


  1. always good to see their empire in turmoil.

    1. ya, its a good sign when nuke owners start building solar assets.

    2. Stock - I see it as more of a plan to scoop up all the Solar credits for themselves so that their ratepayers don't get any tax credits to make installing Solar themselves pencil out.

      Next we will se that only Utility Solar pencils out and therefore Utilities should be the only ones getting federal and State tax credits.

    3. The attacks on Net Energy Metering have been effective, what a sham, what a shame. Shame shame on the nukist.

  2. Inside the NRC we have one side focused on issuing permits to build more. Then our Non-proliferation team advocating for full Germany style decommissioning plan. And that is inside the same agency.


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