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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Gangnam Style Has 2.4 Billion Views, But the Death of the Pacific Gets 7,724 Views

 I guess the Death of the Pacific is not that important

1 comment:

  1. 2016 Flu shot info. To keep the targeted viral pathogen in a perpetually weakened state, specific amounts of formaldehyde and ether are typically added, and in some formulations, mercury in the form of thimerasol is added as a preservative to keep the egg albumin cells from decaying and dying prematurely. The established theory behind all of this 'vaccination' is the "protect the herd" theory which originated with Pasteur in the late 19th century. As in all vaccines, a certain small percentage of the herd will develop severe, 'full blown' disease states CAUSED by the attenuated viruses in the vaccine itself, and another percentage will exhibit side effects from the chemicals added to the vaccine ­ but if the vast majority of the herd is "protected" from the disease condition ­ the vaccine is approved and stamped "safe and effective" Each viral pathogen has its own unique characteristics that produce its own set of symptoms in the human hosts. Thus, each viral pathogen has its own unique fingerprints of replication and reproduction as well. Each virus also has a different level of effectiveness in its attenuated (weakened) state.
    Moreover, some viruses have shown the ability to "drift" and acquire additional genetic alterations over time. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE SO-CALLED "NOVEL" RECOMBINATION VIRUSES that have been "reverse engineered" in the world's weapons laboratories!

    When the RNA of the virus is spliced with other viral genes, the resulting "Franken-virus" is very unpredictable. Studies conducted (yet currently unpublished) by Terrence Tumpey, Jeffrey Taubenberger, and others at the NIH and CDC show that these 'resurrected pandemic viruses' do not exhibit the NORMAL tendencies of traditional, NATURAL influenza viruses such as seasonal H3N2 human strains. They are best described as "Viral Wild Cards". This is just one problem with the headlong, mad rush to vaccinate Americans with a series of reverse-engineered lab-created viruses, attenuated or otherwise, in an UNTESTED, UNTRIED, EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that has not been subjected to LONG-TERM CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETERMINE THE LEVELS OF "DRIFT" or even ATTENUATED TENDENCIES OVER TIME. This is, at the very least, BAD SCIENCE and borders on insanity for self-evident and fairly obvious reasons. By their own admissions, the NIH scientists in their various writings have declared that the level of potency of these REVERSE ENGINEERED VIRUSES show abnormal, almost RANDOM tendencies in their attenuated states. Nobody really knows what will happen over time as the inevitable "genetic drifts" occur. It is a literal crap shoot. It is highly probable that even the HIGHLY ATTENUATED FRANKEN-VIRUSES can swiftly regain their FULL POTENCY even in the presence of ether and formaldehyde. (See Addendum Below) Secondly, the full-strength BOOSTER shot viruses could just as easily "DRIFT" into something much more deadly than the "original' recombinant virus that it is targeting. I submit that the scientists responsible for this "pandemic" are not stupid. Therefore, I can only conclude that this entire affair is following the Modus Operandi of the medical elite since the 1920 engineered smallpox epidemics. It is all being ORCHESTRATED first and foremost for MONEY, and secondly, for social and geographical restructuring of the "human herd".


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