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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fukushima Coverup -- Why Are There So Few Celebrities Promoting The Truth, Speaking Against Nuclear

stock here: In the discussion below, CodeShutdown nails an important point.   Celebrities speak out on a wide variety of subjects.    But it is extremely rare to find a vocal anti-nuclear celebrity.   Something to think about, how can we communicate the reality of Fukushima and the Lies of the Nuclear Cartel to all celebrities and try to find a half dozen with the cajones (and hopefully breasts too--read the whole post you will understand the joke).   

So people, what I want you to do is to provide some ideas on how we can communicate to ALL celebrities, through twitter?    Find a shotgun way to send "personal" tweets to hundreds of celebrities.

stock out

Code said-----------------

stock, the goal is to awaken the public to what is going on with nuclear and the pervasive corruption. Mainstream media is no good. Places like Enenews do little good I'm afraid. Then it comes down to the famous people, and 'helps to have breasts' actually hits the… nipple square on the head. The point is this; there is a conspicuous lack of activists in the entertainment field. The people that have a truly big public following. Where is the Lady Gaga Fukushima piece?
Lets hear it from Susan Sarandon;
Explaining her anti-war stance, Sarandon said the world had belonged to her generation, but they "screwed up".
"Now we have to unscrew it. Maybe things have to get so bad before we wake up.
"I lost a very dear friend in the Twin Towers on 11 September and thought the shock was so huge that American arrogance would be diminished.
"Instead, our president has turned it into one of the most divisive times since the Civil War."
Her views led to her being the subject of a "witch-hunt", she said.
here is the original discourse.

Now lets say you really wanted to do something, wanted to kill a nuclear plant (watch the troll chime in on that), one way to do it is to show that they are not living up to the documents they should be following.
So you go to this page, look at key documents on lower left, and do some reading. Read some news, ask some direct questions to plant personal (helps to have breasts, just ask Erin Brocovitch), letters to the editor, maybe get a like minded lawyer to file a suit.
At some point they will be sick of the fight, and that and economics will kill the plant.
got it? stock out
and here is a list of all the plants. Take down the weak ones….they will collapse several month before the next outage when they have to make the decision to order and buy the fuel, so it is at site for the outage.

CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
actors get blacklisted, their careers ruined. In the world run by 3 lb brain apes, some things never change very much. Media is the henchman
CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
stock, the goal is to awaken the public to what is going on with nuclear and the pervasive corruption. Mainstream media is no good. Places like Enenews do little good Im afraid. Then it comes down to the famous people, and 'helps to have breasts' actually hits the… nipple square on the head. The point is this; there is a conspicuous lack of activists in the entertainment field. The people that have a truly big public following. Where is the Lady Gaga Fukushima piece?
Lets hear it from Susan Sarandon;
Explaining her anti-war stance, Sarandon said the world had belonged to her generation, but they "screwed up".
"Now we have to unscrew it. Maybe things have to get so bad before we wake up.
"I lost a very dear friend in the Twin Towers on 11 September and thought the shock was so huge that American arrogance would be diminished.
"Instead, our president has turned it into one of the most divisive times since the Civil War."
Her views led to her being the subject of a "witch-hunt", she said.


  1. Your goal of killing nuclear will never come to pass.

    1. It's starting to tipp nukist. As youse guys rearrange the deck chairs and pretend their is no iceberg, the world is waking up.


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