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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wins of the Day 05 27 2020

  1. Cuomo shoved COVID19-positive patients into nursing home communities, then granted immunity to nursing home executives who had given him huge campaign donations
  2. NY health website removes link to Cuomo’s order sending patients to nursing homes
  3. In early 2017, CrowdStrike’s president directly told Congress that there is “no evidence” that DNC’s docs and emails were taken from DNC’s servers
  4. Rosenstein the first to testify in Senate’s probe into origins of Russia collusion episode
  5. Fauci on CNN says second wave is “not inevitable” and that he’s feeling better and better about it each week
  6. Trump threatens taking over or shutting down biased social media
  7. Twenty GOP lawmakers sue Pelosi over proxy voting rules change
  8. New Zealand has had no new COVID19 cases for 5 days in a row and has ZERO cases in the hospital overall (by the way, NZ used lots of HCQ)
  9. India backs HCQ for prevention of COVID19
  10. El Salvador’s president says world leaders have been told to take HCQ at same time as WHO has told them not to allow it for their citizenry
  11. Meanwhile, France, Belgium and Italy have now all banned HCQ citing its potential dangers we will see how that works out for them comparatively
  12. Fascinating US map showing where COVID19 deaths are pooled
  13. MSNBC reporter on air live trying to shame people for not wearing masks is embarrassed on live TV when a bystander asks why the cameraman and crew behind the camera are maskless
  14. CNN interview of Biden holds Biden’s hand, guides him with leading questions, avoids Tara Reade issue, and is slammed by both Right and Left
 TRENTON, N.J. — John F. Russo, the Superior Court judge who once asked an alleged rape victim if she kept her legs crossed. was removed Tuesday in a unanimous vote by the state Supreme Court.

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