-----------------------==================== His Twitter is still up
I got my first vaccination today. I am incredibly proud of @Oracle and the team that worked tirelessly to create and run v-safe for the USA.#orclapex #oracle #LowCode #OracleCloud #MakingHistoryAtOhioHealth pic.twitter.com/wNptkUp9sW
— Joel R. Kallman (@joelkallman) March 26, 2021
This comment was particularly brutal, but Kallman was the creator of "v-safe" a propaganda and tracking software to feed into the CCP social credit scoring system.
Honestly, he didn't die from covid.
God probably killed him for trying to take part in communism..aka ccp social credit scoring larping as vaccine passports.
The Bill Gates' of earth should take notice.
We're not going to hang out in an open air tech prison, so they can chill with Epstein some more.
God has spoken and he does not approve.
There is a Remembering Joel page here, no one touches on why did he die so young?
----------------------------------- Here is another guy At Oracle responsible for the Social Credit Scores and Tracking Systems https://www.forbes.com/sites/oracle/2020/12/17/oracle-tech-at-center-of-covid-19-vaccine-and-treatment-rollout/?sh=56e11b2b29e9BREAKING: Oracle VP, Joel Kallman, dies of "COVID" after receiving vaccine pic.twitter.com/Vl8RGsC2OA
— djcalligraphy ™ (@DJcalligraphy) May 30, 2021
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