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Saturday, July 3, 2021

Obama Hands Out Presidential Awards to 4 Sexual Predators Clinton, Weinstein, Cosby, Who is Number 4?



Further searching indicates that it was actually Tom Hanks!!! How appropriate, Spanky Hanx!

GW Bush actually gave the medal to Bill Cosby in 2002, and Barack Obama was pressed to invalidate that medal when the Cosby stink came out.   Obama refused to.


 The "system" is not broken, but system has morphed to be a tool only to protect the system. Your "case" will just be thrown out on technicalities, or you will be found to not have "standing".

Cosby on Bitchute when they finish processing


  1. I out of 4 isn't bad. Bill Clinton is correct but Bill Cosby was awarded the medal by George Bush in 2002 and Harvey Weinstein never received the award. It is actually a picture of Joe Biden receiving the award. If you can't even get this correct what else is false information on this site.

    1. WEiner was actually Tom Hanks (spanky Hanx is a real pervert, maybe a sex murderer)


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