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Friday, July 30, 2021

You Got Long COVID, I Do. And Now It Appears There Is A Solution, 95% Cure Rate With Ivermectin

Ivermectin in post-COVID-19 syndrome

Increasing reports of persistent, vexing, and even disabling symptoms after recovery from acute COVID-19 have been reported and that many have termed the condition as “Long COVID” and patients as “long haulers,” estimated to occur in approximately 10%–30% of cases. Generally considered as a postviral syndrome consisting of a chronic and sometimes disabling constellation of symptoms which include, in order, fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pains, and chest pain. Many patients describe their most disabling symptom as impaired memory and concentration, often with extreme fatigue, described as “brain fog,” and is highly suggestive of the condition myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition well reported to begin after viral infections, in particular with Epstein–Barr virus. Although no specific treatments have been identified for Long COVID, a recent manuscript by Aguirre-Chang et al from the National University of San Marcos in Peru reported on their experience with ivermectin in such patients. 

They treated 33 patients who were between 4 and 12 weeks from the onset of symptoms with escalating doses of ivermectin;

 0.2 mg/kg for 2 days if mild and 

0.4 mg/kg for 2 days if moderate, 

with doses extended if symptoms persisted. 

They found that in 87.9% of the patients, resolution of all symptoms was observed after 2 doses with an additional 7% reporting complete resolution after additional doses. Their experience suggests the need for controlled studies to better test efficacy in this vexing syndrome.



Those poor sheep that turned their bodies into spike protein factories. 

When the body is a spike protein factory...and the spike protein facilitates transmission...duh

The spike glycoprotein (S) mediates virus entry and is a primary determinant of cell tropism and pathogenesis. It is classified as a class I fusion protein, and is responsible for binding to the receptor on the host cell as well as mediating the fusion of host and viral membranes—A process driven by major conformational changes of the S protein.


  1. Replies
    1. TY Made article. I took my second dose of Ivrm for LONG COVID and feel pretty good. I monitor my vital signs every AM so that data record will mean a lot should it show results quantitatively.


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