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Friday, July 30, 2021

We are in Phase 3 of 11 Phase plot of Global Domination and Depopulation -- A Peek At Your Dystopian Future (If You Live)

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When the government started "being honest" about Aliens, and coined the UAP Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (to distance from the "crazies" of everything associated with UFOs and thus try to give more credibility to the new narrative they wish to spin).....well my Spidey Sense was tingling.

What phase are we in?   

1) Floyd Event, the intentionally videoed murder of a black murder, a 9 minute snuff film.   Choreographed and using 2 drug dealers who worked at the same Hispanic bar that was a haven for crime and drugs, with ownership tied to Saudi Arabia.   To keep it simple and not get too many phases, we include the BLM bullshit in this phase, and all the racist bullshit, including CRT.

2) The Bio-Weapon and the creation of an over publicized "Pandemic",    The murder of 60,000 seniors in nursing homes to pump the numbers and with one purpose to get Trump out of the office of president.   The early fake movies from China showing people dropping dead in the streets, hospitals lined with body bags, hundreds of millions under quarantine, people having their apartment doors welded shut.  Just saying, China is definitely complicit in all this.    All the above examples were present to create panic about what is coming.

3) The "Vaccine" and Trump's complicity with Operation Warp Speed.  We have yet to come to a conclusion about why Trump, an Anti-Vaxxer, jumped on this band wagon.  And the Jesuit Fauci, using intentional misdirection to create confusion, fear, distrust and division.   The push to maximum abuse by vaccinated Pregnant Women, and then little kids down to 3 YO.   Part of this process is testing how well the extended fear combined with tweaked "messaging" could be used to even get past the Mother Child bond.

So what's next?    Love to hear any ideas that others have.

4) UN with boots on the ground in the USA "investigating" structural racism.

5) Should the obviously and blatantly stolen election be one of the above phases?   What about the COVID money handouts, bribes to get local  governments to "go along", and to get citizens used to surviving on handouts?

6) Crash the stock market to create panic and need for "more handouts".   Will this help kill off more small businesses?

7) Have China pull out of their massive investments in USA pension funds, bankruptcies of those funds, and despair taking more useless eaters off  the planet.

8) Starting to see the effects of the Cytokine Storm that will kill off a good percentage of those vaxxed, just like the ferrets and monkeys with the early SARS vaccines that had horrible effect when they were re-challenged with a corona virus.    That should be just a month or two away in fall.   And those will be blamed on the greediness and callousness of the Un-vaxxed, as well as being categorized as a COVID death.    Oh, and the "booster shots"

9) An EMP weapon timed in conjunction with an expected solar storm (they have 18 to 36 hours) to plan, grid down scenario, say in LA and such, and China arriving to "save the US".

and finally, 

10) The Coming Alien Hoax, lets get the whole planet to unite as the only way to stave off the "Movie" of an impending Alien threat.  There are some variations on this theme, which we will cover in the next article.  

11) And let's not forget the depopulation agenda.   The Jab will not be a  50% death rate within a year.    Maybe a few percent.  But the biggest effect of the bio-weapon and the Jabs will be on fertility.   Cut the birth rate by say 35% and then the "Elite" have time to replace the lessening population with AI and Robotics, over say, a 40 year period.    Replace the bio-slaves with technology to keep their power and privilege undamaged.   That is my own original theory, and pretty sure I am the first to state it a few weeks ago. 


I wonder how they plan to deal with the remainder population after that kill off the easy kill sheep?   There will be Sheep Dogs and Wolves left.

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