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Monday, July 5, 2021

The Famous SARS Vaccine Testing Creating "pulmonary immunopathology" on re-challenge with corona virus


  1. Narrow focus must exclude much. Narrow focus for financial gain or to fuel pomposity or malign intent, leading to claims of specific benefit, typically excludes clearly harmful, potentially harmful, or problematic unknowns.

    So, for example, via narrow focus and with dubious intelligence masks are deemed helpful against whatever dreaded plague-thing the scamdemic concocts, but the vast grey area and the potential harmful effects of masks are ignored, downplayed, etc.

    Perhaps one explanation for the epidemic of idiocy and evil in high places is that the normalization of specialization - narrow focus - has prevented the development of broad-field-derived common sense, both in the few on top and their legions of fervent or unwitting minions. Thanks again for your great effort, Stock.

    1. Great theory! My interests have been so broad throughout life, that I think the cross pollination of ideas and skill sets makes a huge difference. An MS in Mech Eng also is a good kick starter.

      First, do no harm!

  2. JIM STONE REPORTED TODAY: "UNDENIABLE: Fauci has been replaced by someone wearing a mask."
    "You will see it in the first 10 seconds of the video. Either he was carted away for crimes or he was not going along with the plan.

    Messed up world we live in no doubt . . . . it is amazing how well that mask works except for the fatal blooper in the neck area."

    Now that all this dirt became highly visible, I think Dr. Faucistein will exit the scene, replaced no doubt (as was Netanyahoo) by someone equally capable of wreaking havoc. Vegas ought to offer odds on (1) suicide (2) "assisted" suicide (3) murder by an UNVAXXED individual (or "White supremacist") (4) disappearance (no body!) under suspicious circumstances (5) early retirement, then disappearance (6) your guess here.


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