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Sunday, February 21, 2016

What Does German RealTime Power Production and Clinton/Sanders Have In Common: Nothing

So clearly, Hillary's big supporters are Banks and Main Stream Media

Sanders supporters are working people, including teachers.



  1. HRC and the GOP candidates are in bed with the Nuclear industry,
    Sanders is N☢T

    1. Ya, if Bernie is a choice, he will pretty for sure get my vote, although he does seem too socialistic.

    2. Sanders unelectable. No Socialist will be elected.

  2. Most politicians are in bed with any industry. Why single out nuclear? You don't think G.E. the maker of large wind turbines doesn't throw money in both directions? Politicians are hedge fund managers. They hedge both sides. Sanders won't be elected. A,Socialist isn't a national candidate. Maybe it plays in VT but in the end the country isn't in a ditch to turn away from capitalism.

    1. I see, I saw that argument on a Facebook page talking about Hillary. I pointed out that she killed Americans by the blackout on Fukushima, and then worse by cutting a deal to buy their contaminated food without testing.

      The ladies response was "other politicians did it too" therefore I shouldn't blame Hillary for killing people.

      Sorry I can't take both side of that argument, no hedging, being in a position of power or science and acting not in the best interest of the public, in fact killing some of them, is not acceptable, in fact, it is jailable or worse.

    2. You realize it was her husband that killed IFR development which basically addresses safety and actinide recycle and subsequent burning under one fell swoop. In fact I don't believe there is evidence not even anecdotal, regarding HRC and Fukushima consequences. No Americans I know of died as a direct result of Fukushima. There is really no facts supporting that claim. I think however you are looking to assign blame for a fog of war situation. The blame should go to the person ordering needless evacuations, and thus increasing risks and placing more lives in danger- not radiological danger but the hazardsecond associated with fear and panic. That person was then NRC Commissioner Jaczko. Political appointees are always jockeying for the Alexander Haig "I'm in charge" moment.

    3. oh sheesh, I presented the written evidence on Hillary
      I call BS on your-------------
      In fact I don't believe there is evidence not even anecdotal, regarding HRC and Fukushima consequences.

    4. And who cares what her husband did? The only thing that reflects on Hillary for what her husband did is cheating on her in her own house, and she kept her trap shut ONLY for the purpose of this shot at power. Shame shame.

    5. There is no direct evidence.

    6. There is no direct evidence.

    7. Your nemesis, Arnie, had a direct conversation with someone in the White House who confirmed the deal was cut by Hillary on that trip. That is direct evidence.


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