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Monday, February 22, 2016

The Higher Responsibility of Scientific Researchers to Defend the Public Interest -- Or Hang

A supposed pHD pronuclear kiik by Moniker of Loose Nuke had this to say---
Most politicians are in bed with any industry. Why single out nuclear? You don't think G.E. the maker of large wind turbines doesn't throw money in both directions? Politicians are hedge fund managers. They hedge both sides. Sanders won't be elected. A,Socialist isn't a national candidate. Maybe it plays in VT but in the end the country isn't in a ditch to turn away from capitalism.
- See more at:

Most politicians are in bed with any industry. Why single out nuclear? You don't think G.E. the maker of large wind turbines doesn't throw money in both directions? Politicians are hedge fund managers. They hedge both sides. Sanders won't be elected. A,Socialist isn't a national candidate. Maybe it plays in VT but in the end the country isn't in a ditch to turn away from capitalism.
Most politicians are in bed with any industry. Why single out nuclear? You don't think G.E. the maker of large wind turbines doesn't throw money in both directions? Politicians are hedge fund managers. They hedge both sides. Sanders won't be elected. A,Socialist isn't a national candidate. Maybe it plays in VT but in the end the country isn't in a ditch to turn away from capitalism.
- See more at:

I see, I saw that argument on a Facebook page talking about Hillary.   It's the "everyone  does it therefore you cannot place blame on the person carrying my vested interest" lie.   I pointed out that she killed Americans by the blackout on Fukushima, and then worse by cutting a deal to buy the Japanese contaminated food without testing.

The ladies response was "other politicians did it too" therefore I shouldn't blame Hillary for killing people.  

Sorry I can't take both side of that argument, no hedging, being in a position of power or science and acting not in the best interest of the public, in fact killing some of them, is not acceptable, in fact, it is jailable or worse.

The higher responsibility of scientific researchers to defend the public interest was accorded special emphasis at the the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial. The tribunal’s counts against the German medical researchers included “common design or conspiracy”, “crimes against humanity” and “membership in a criminal organization.” Among those who received the maximum penalty of hanging by the neck were Red Cross chief Karl Gebhardt, the Reich’s chief hygeinist Joachim Mrugowsky, and Wolfram Sieverts, head of military science research. The Nuremberg verdict set the standard for dealing with serious abuse of scientific authority. – See more at:…


  1. I still don't believe you understand that she didn't kill anyone with her action or inaction. You know Durnford is in court now because he said stuff he could not back up. As much as our views are opposite I would hate to see you go down that same road. It's not that I am siding with her. I'm not even a democrat. I just think it will be bad for you to continue making accusations you can't prove. The tsunami did the killing not low low radiation levels. Those are the facts. Take it or leave it.

  2. To equate legitimate R&D to Nuremberg is a false equivalency. My professional life has been in support of the Greater Good. I don't believe you realize that we,are driven by higher ideals. I could have a more lucrative career in the private sector yet am driven by a higher purpose to serve mankind in a post 911 world. Oh and engineering isn't the same as science. You really need to understand the difference. Engineering is the art of applying science under constraints. I'll leave it up to you to figure out constraints. It's not a blank check.

    Oh and it's really not about nuclear more so than how the system is set up.

    1. OK I will call that playing the R&D card...."because I am in R&D I am exempted from the Paris 2020 Nuremberg redux trials"

      To not be able to understand that human greed and nuclear energy are unacceptably risky. Regardless of any individual efforts, the overall equation has got a full head of steam towards a singularity.

    2. Nuclear energy is not unacceptably risky. In fact by the true definition of risk, it poses the least risk. Real risk analysts understand that point. Antinukes define risk by their flawed terminology.

    3. Nuclear wasn't on trial at Paris. The takeaway from Paris was that antinuclearism was the reason for increased coal. Zimmer. And increased coal put the planet in the shitter. You can connect the dots. You bet on the wrong horse.

    4. Aiyaiyai, you don't even read, I put Paris 2020....for the upcoming trials of the scientists that are found dead to rights lying, especially under conflict of interest. Jail or worse, are you ready for it?

      are you chitin me?

    5. I'm talking Paris COP and the great antinuke shaming. Now the whole world knows.

    6. "The takeaway" hilarious....shame on the nukist shame

      shame on the lying scientists, shame

    7. You call shame on the wrong group.

    8. NOAA was directed by Obama to jigger the temperature data to make things seem "more clear" at the Paris-site Climate Conference.

    9. You call shame on the wrong group.

  3. Knowingly covering up information that results in the deaths or injuries to people is criminal. Some of the nuclear cult leaders have clearly lied about nuclear contamination and it's impacts upon human health. The public is waking up to the truth. Hillary willingly covered up the severity of Fukushima fallout. Obama did the same unless he can prove he was lied to by subordinates. The NRC, EPA and DOE is obviously guilty of misleading the US public regarding the severity of the Fuku fallout raining down upon US in 2011; and beyond. The people in charge of these criminal actions should be put to death. Hang them in the public square to set an example of what happens to TRAITORS WHO MURDER BABIES. THESE PEOPLE WILL BURN IN HELL.


    1. Your first sentence in general goes without saying. Your second sentence is hard to prove. The premise of your post assumes Fukushima is a public and world health disaster. It is not. At best it's a localized consequence the vast majority confined to the site boundary. There is no direct evidence Fukushima is causing anything you note.


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