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Thursday, January 14, 2021

But, we cannot talk about the fight against globalist oligarchy without also acknowledging that the political left is the weapon the elites are using to maintain and expand that oligarchy.

stock here, amazing that the controlled Zerohedge is publishing truth.   I can only fathom that they wish some truth to continue the outrage and the division.   

 Give them no quarter.


But, we cannot talk about the fight against globalist oligarchy without also acknowledging that the political left is the weapon the elites are using to maintain and expand that oligarchy.

At bottom, extreme leftists do not care about authenticity or honesty. They do not care about logic or rationality. They do not care about being right, they only care about winning. In fact, their hypocrisy is probably not lost on them at all; many of them are well aware that they are hypocritical, biased and illogical and they revel in it. They love double standards and doubling down when they are wrong or caught in a lie. This is what they do, and they do it because they are convinced that they are virtuous in their cause, thus anything goes.

Remember when leftists spent 4 years claiming that the 2016 election was “stolen by the Russians” despite zero concrete evidence ever found to support the conspiracy theory?

Now they want any discussion of the 2020 election being stolen removed from the internet.

Remember when the leftists adamantly supported and defended violence, looting and property destruction by BLM and Antifa all year long?

Now they admonish conservatives as “insurrectionists” because of a single protest at the capitol that turned violent.

Remember when leftists wanted to defund the police, many of them publicly calling for violence against officers on social media sites like Twitter?

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