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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Besides Controlled Depopulation -- Is This Also A Test For Demoralization and Seeing How Much Abuse We Will Take


It's more than that...

If you are being pressured, coerced, bullied, shamed, or heavily incentivised to take any 'medicine', it's reasonable to assume it may not in your best interest.

That's why they pay people to do clinical trials.

Ethical medical practice requires consent.
The communication behind this whole thing has been an ever increasing series of red flags.

A lot of people have gone from "Maybe" to "Hell no" as a result of all of the coercive tactics, hostile messaging, and horrible, conflicting communication. 
I don't think there's been enough talk about just how awful the communication has been throughout this entire thing...

Unless the terrible communication is intentional. Which is possible.

My skepticism is at an all time high. With good reason. And I don't think I'm alone.
The fact that millions of people, including many doctors and politicians, are now clearly actively AGAINST informed medical consent is extremely troubling.

Very, very dark.
I'm extremely uncomfortable with telling anybody to take, or not to take, these shots.

It's very much a personal decision and I encourage people to do their own research and risk assessment.

Not just to follow blindly nor be forced into either decision. That's unethical.

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