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Monday, August 2, 2021

First To The Truth, July 8th, I Identified the True Plan, Slow Dep*pulation, Via Reduced Fertility Via The nRNA "J*bs", And Then Replace Us With Robots/AI As We Die Off

Here is my original story, yes, I called it first.    My hypothesis fits all the data.

We already see how AI is being used as our censors.   Soon they will be used as our torturers.  Think of the psychopaths coders writing that code, even Klaus Schwab would not be that evil

 My second thoughts were that if fertility was brought down 30% to 50% it could very well be the "perfect depopulation rate" to allow them to replace us with robots and AI, whilst still keeping the most productive part of the "Slave Force" at work for their benefit. 

Obviously, they will get no where near 100% VXX.    So they have to target everyone, and the most important ones get the highest push.

Pregnant women are perhaps the most likely to get pregnant again, hence the massive and awful push they have undertaken.


Including the story that ended with pregnancy data through Feb 18th and with only 900 of 4000 cases concluded, either by a live birth or a still birth.    So its 5 month later.   I would say that 90% of the cases are concluded and the results would be very telling....and I have searched and there  is nothing.   Maybe I write  to the lead authors, but I don't any good would come of it.     Some say it showed that 82% of the 1st trimester women were having miscarriages, but I say that we don't really know the denominator because of the effed up way they presented the data. 

Why have they NOT updated this study?   Same reason they never completed the Alaska Radiation survey, they collected the samples but the actually told me they were too busy to do the analysis. 

No effing way.   The results were just bad.


Credit where credit is due, others have been watching the cabal work on Fertility Vaccines for over 20 years, similar to mRNA work.

Duly noted, they are not giving these vaccine en mass to Africa, just saying.

And Israel is 90% VXXd they say...."they" are not above killing their own to get future sympathy.

His original source document website has been knocked off.   RF is the Rockefeller Foundation.

“India’s National Institute of Immunology successfully completed in 1988 the first phase of trials with three versions of an anti-fertility vaccine for women. Sponsored by the government of India and supported by the Foundation, the trials established that with each of the tested vaccines, at least one year of protection against pregnancy could be expected, based on the levels of antibodies formed in response to the immunization schedule.”

In its 1997 review of anti-fertility vaccines, Indian based International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology didn’t forget to acknowledge its main benefactor:

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., explain the problems they see with gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. There is a load of highly useful technical information that you can use to defend your opposition to these dangerous vaccines.

Dr. Mercola interviewed Seneff about the excellent paper1 she published on this topic. That interview was featured in “COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease.”

In May 2020, Mercola also interviewed Mikovits about the possibility of these vaccines causing reproductive harm and other health problems. At the time, Mikovits warned that fertility rates may drop thanks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein creating antibodies that attack syncytium, and indeed, we’re now starting to see that.

Still, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are recommending pregnant women get these vaccines, as well as children as young as 12, which is unconscionable, considering the potential lifelong risks and impairment of fertility.


  1. No 'cases' at all at this place:
    The remote & covid-free nation of Tokelau is rolling out the CV VX & citizens declining it risk house arrest & phone confiscation


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