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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Hypothesis: In the Strategy to Jab as Many As Possible -- They Are Now Seeding COVID in the Ventilating Systems of Schools and Universities

Would they put COVID spray into the Ventilating systems of schools?


But of course! 

Like 1984 I hope this is a warning, not a playbook.

SEEDING:  Introducing viruses, into, say, schools.   Seeding as in cloud seeding, but instead put it in the HVAC systems.   Then make scary stories.  Especially scary stories about the "kids" so the psychopaths can Jab them too.    

Think of the long term repercussions of psychological damage to the parents when they later, maybe years later, realize that they gave the permission for their child to be sterilized. 

They love frightened damaged people, it is so much easier to trigger them.   I remember a short meme last year in which they tried to push the idea that "you only think that being centered is to your benefit".   I guess it didn't play well on their social media feedback systems, probably because most people have no idea what being centered even is.    

Twice in 2020 CDC put out a paper saying that SARS-COV-2 had never been isolated.    I think this was intentional mis-direction to get people to promote "crazy conspiracy theories".   A quick search today and CDC they were growing COVID in Petri dishes Jan 20, 2020.

So they easily have enough to also seeds schools and Universities, and they give it away for free to those with "expertise".



There are several what I consider "extreme positions", 1st being that COVID does not even exist.   

I counter:

Why would a Bioweapon not exist?  Of course they have the ability. We know they have been funding the research for decades.   Why would not say 5 to 8 exist?

I have had "it" twice, the first time Jan 31st 2020, after flying back from Honolulu to Chicago.

The second time my native immune was knocked out by VAX shedding at a restaurant in May in Honolulu, the flu is part of the VAX, and I got Flu the next day, then 5 days later I got the 'Rona and cured it quickly with a good protocol herein.   

Prior Flu only gives scant protection from the 'Rona.

Finally, after realizing I had long COVID (which is simply the virus existing in the body at a reduced amount), I tried Ivermectin which fixed the long COVID after 2 doses.  I will do a third dose to be more sure.
Post-finally I tested quite high at 207 on the Roche assay for the non-Vax antibodies.  

The second extreme position is that "viruses don't even exist".    I think playing that card, or the COVID doesn't exist will alienate any normie who might be on the fence or saveable.   Even if I thought it was true, I would not play that card.

stock out

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