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Monday, August 9, 2021

Quick and Dirty Geophysics -- Cosmic Rays "Charging" of Magma Chambers Leads to a 22 Year Volcano Cycle and Expanding Rising Gases and Viscosity Change Via Water

 stock here.    Printed up some super technical paper for airplane reading.   And I was squashed between 2 fat hilly woman, sisters that even dressed the same. 

My only escape was into the tech docs.  It worked, I came up with a remarkable discovery on that airplane.   Thank goodness for hillbillies.

What you see below effectively re-writes the field of Geophysics, and you saw it here first.  I expect it will be common knowledge in 10 years, with others saying "we suspected that all along".


I have long know from observation that Galactic Cosmic Rays are tightly linked with Volcanic Eruptions, and especially on Silica rich magmas.

So I had printed several tech docs, one of which was phase diagrams of Silica Di-Oxide and more et al.   Its beyond complicated, especially at the elevated pressures in the earth!

And then I discovered that in the presence of water /water vapor the viscosity of a magma can be reduced 3 orders of magnitude, aka 1000 times. 

Then I found that OH- is a very common element in Magma' and what if you added say a Hydrogen nucleus that had been stripped of it's electron.....well you would get water. 

But where would these Hydrogen nucleus' come from?

The most common Galactic Cosmic rays are Hydrogen nucleus stripped of an electron.

Got it?   I just re-wrote geophysics, and am staking that claim NOW.


Also there still is something about the silica content.    High silica magma are highly viscous, so maybe the decrease in viscosity by the creation of water by OH- combing with CGRs is the complete explanation.   Silica rich lavas really need "a push".

But there can be more, and I shall hypothesize more if it is discovered.   Right now I am just guessing that the ionic Silica Tetrahedron (4 oxygens) can also be affected by the GCR, maybe breaking the bridging beyond shared oxygens in chains of tetrahedrons.


I try to stay away from reading too much "classic knowledge" of Volcanoes because obviously those "experts" reading all the same narratives have not gotten far, I don't want to fall into their same trap.   But link below is simple and fun

GCRs are almost always positively charged, So that would definitely mess with the Tertahedron that has 4 negative charges.   More to come.

But after the deep solar minimum we just went through, the magmas of the world are literally "charged up", and as more coronal holes, and CMEs occur these massive magnetic events (and charged particles too, also Solar Energetic Particles SEPs) are going to be the hammer that hits the charged magmas.

It will be interesting to see that as less GCRs come in, and thus less clouds and warming occurs over say the next 8 years....that it may be modulated down by the increased volcanic activity, and maybe we get the Goldilocks "just right" conditions that will exasperated the warmistas!

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