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Friday, June 26, 2020

Wisconsin -- Key Swing State -- Cabal Trying Hard To Create Chaos

Wisconsin is a key swing state for the 2020 election.

But they really didn't have "enough protests", not enough killings or firebombings.

So stories are being created in Wisconsin, everyday, to juice things.

House burns at 40th and Llyod, Floyd you say?

WATCH: Milwaukee Crowd Burns House at 40th & Lloyd 

Gates Foundation Linked to Death Of 3 Family Members, All Drowned At Same Time, Above Ground Pool, 2 Adults

Bharat Patel, 62 YO

33YO Nisha Patel (Daughter in law)
This is the house,

and Nisha's daughter, 8 YO.
 A neighbor is also named Yamini Patel, and was one of the first interviewed. -------------------------------

So what is the real story? Adults don't drown in a 4' deep above ground pool.

The pool is above ground.   A neighbor had heard screaming.

1) Gates connection, She worked for a Philanthropy 100% funded by Gates.
2) Nisha (33 YO) oversaw $17B Gov Money, and
3) Nisha was into Vaccines

Nisha worked for Obama in the Heath and Human Services, and oversaw $17B in annual "spending", see what I did there?

She was currently working as Executive Director for "Mobility from Poverty" which was 100% funded from the Gates Foundation.

Before that, Patel was a program officer in the US Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Her Linkedin page is still up.   Check it out.    She worked in DC, but apparently 2 months ago, moved to this house in New Jersey.

She had her own web page

She also was the CEO of Robin Hood which is funded by 3 Entities, and of course, it seems like a
key point ought to be rob from the rich to give to the poor.....Noted Board of Directors, Harvey Weinstein and Llyod Blankfein. 

1) Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
2) Tipping Point
3) Gates Foundation

"Tipping Point" is transferring all of their Donations to Social Justice organizations that can drive the "conversation--and more importantly, the action, as far as possible."

So they are funding the Insurgency.

One of these is the Ella Baker Center, Oakland California.
Revenue of $4,018,000
Expenses of $1,870,000

So roughly half of the money goes to something other than themselves.  But they are trying to eradicate poverty, they say.    They work not to Defund the Sheriff, but to force the Sheriff's office to spend money on HIV, after school programs, and providing housing".

Just seems a bit odd to me, how about you?

This other page shows them with Assets of $10,587,000.   Which seems odd, on Revenue of 40% that much, why aren't they spending their money?

The 990's are the Federal Tax Forms, and you can search them here

Tommy G did a rambling drunken thread on this

Cash For COVID -- Facts For the Red Pilled

stock here, again not my work, but it's  huge issue.

The financial incentives to over inflate COVID SARS-2

Fauci again today playing the "You are going to kill Granda", especially if Grandma has cancer.

You have a societal obligation.......When the President opened up a few months ago, we have to step back and rethink that.

We are all in it together.

Yep, the Jesuit Fauci still at work for the Cabal.


The key fact here, established and unchallenged, is that the CARES act does direct a 20% bonus Medicaid payment to hospitals for every diagnosis of Covid19, and a greater payment again for the use of a ventilator.

The CARES act channeled $175bn dollars into the “fight” against coronavirus, including $15 billion purely for treating COVID patients without insurance.

Magnetic Anomolies, Lightning, Volcanic Eruptions --- And Grand Solar Minimum

stock here.   My call early this month for unusual Volcanic and Earthquake events, including the Eruption of Moana Loa, was on, just not spot on.

Calling for the Eruption of a Volcano that hasn't erupted in 35 years is always a bit on the edge, its where I live.    But there was some unusual Magma Chamber activity, with earthquakes heading inland from the combined magma chamber, indicating magma flowing into Moana Loa.

I am sure that review of the highly instrumented ML would show flank inflation.   Anyone up to the task?

I expected we would have increasing solar activity, mostly to spite NOAA who went on record as calling for 2 more years of solar minimum, which would be a known hisotircla record long cycle.   So I think they are wrong.    But we did not get much activity.   We got that one equatorial Coronal Hole, and that combined with the massive planetary alignments, triggered the Mexico 7.4 of this week.

That said, I expect weird magnetic effects as we transition to cycle 25.    Also electric effects, as we are not just at a historic record high of Galactic Cosmic Rays, but with the Magnetic Pole shift and the weakened field related to that, the GCR's are having even more effects, including more and more powerful lightning, more magmatic energy deposition aka nucleation of gases, and more cloud nucleation (just add ions!).  

not my story, but a great resource of links herein!      This flare on the limb of our Local Yellow Dwarf was May 29th.


Lately, Earth’s magnetic field has been quiet. Very quiet. The sun is in the pits of what may turn out to be the deepest Solar Minimum in a century. Geomagnetic storms just aren’t happening.

But on June 23rd instruments in Preston, UK, picked up a magnetic anomaly… And the local magnetic field oscillated like a sine wave for more than 30 minutes. Totally weird, no?

global magnetic anomaly june 23, global magnetic anomaly june 23 measured, A global magnetic anomaly was recorded around the world on June 23
A global magnetic anomaly was recorded around the world on June 23rd. Picture: Spaceweather
There was indeed nothing shown on solar wind data from NOAA’s DSCOVR satellite. No uptick in the solar wind speed or other factors that might explain the disturbance.
A similar magnetic anomaly was detected in the Lofoten islands of Norway by Rob Stammes detected a similar anomaly on his magnetometer. “It was remarkable,” says Stammes. “Our magnetic field swung back and forth by about 1/3rd of a degree. I also detected ground currents with the same 10 minute period.

global magnetic anomaly june 23
Global magnetic anomaly measured in the Lofote, Norway on June 23. Picture: Spaceweather
And similar electrical surge and magnetic anomaly was reported again from Norway beginning of this year (January 2020):

What happened?

Space physicists call this phenomenon a “pulsation continuous” or “Pc” for short.
Imagine blowing across a piece of paper, making it flutter with your breath. Solar wind can have a similar effect on magnetic fields.
Pc waves are essentially flutters propagating down the flanks of Earth’s magnetosphere excited by the breath of the sun.
During more active phases of the solar cycle, these flutters are easily lost in the noise of rambunctious geomagnetic activity. But during the extreme quiet of Solar Minimum, such waves can make themselves “heard” like a pin dropping in an silent room.

global magnetic anomaly june 23
Global magnetic anomaly recorded across the world from America to Antarctica. Picture: Intermagnet
Earth’s magnetic field was so quiet on June 23rd, the ripple was heard all around the world. INTERMAGNET‘s global network of magnetic observatories picked up wave activity at the same time from Hawaii to China to the Arctic Circle. There’s even a hint of it in Antarctica (note Scott Base in the plot, above).
Pc waves are classified into 5 types depending on their period. The 10-minute wave on June 23rd falls into category Pc5.
Slow Pc5 waves have been linked to a loss of particles from the van Allen radiation belts. Energetic electrons surf these waves down into Earth’s atmosphere, where they dissipate harmlessly.
With Solar Minimum in full swing, there’s never been a better time to study these waves.

Epiphany -- The Total Deaths Attributed to COVID Equals Normal Flu Deaths, Plus the Deaths Of the Nursing Home Granny Gate Gang of 5 Governors

stock here.

Looking for someone to support this with CDC data so no one can dispute it.

New Jersey Just Arbitrarily Adds 1,900 Deaths to the COVID Fantasy Data

And he calls them "Probable" meaning they won't actually test for it.

I guess that makes them more money too.    From the Federal coffers.

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality --"Government is not the personification of the national interest. They have their own interests." An incredibly important statement.

This one is kind of long but there are some great points made.

He was a former marxist, and took decades to get past that.

"Government is not the personification of the national interest. They have their own interests." An incredibly important statement.

Joe Biden Will Be Anything They Want Him To Be, His 1993 Version of Deplorables and Super Predators Is Enlightening

stock here, and below a recent co-video with Biden making no sense, and Obama participating with a look of disbelief and no books on the shelves behind him.   LOL

It's worth 3 minutes.   His main point....we need to take criminals off the streets for a long time, and it doesn't matter even if we "created them", and we have no effective rehabilitation.    He also has no suggestions for improvements in rehabilitation.

For him, we just need to stuff them away, those "beyond the pale", i.e. the Deplorables.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Best 2 Tweets Of The Day: Florida Woman Goes Off At A Council Meeting, and UN Vehicle Dry Humping An Underage Female

stock here:

The first one is funny, I love it.

The second one is disgusting.   The UN needs to go completely.

This angry Florida woman argued today against the mask mandate, while bringing up the devil, 5G, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, "the pedophiles" and the deep state.



30 Facts About COVID From Swiss Policy Research

stock here.   A real nice summary, a go to resource page.    Many hours of work to produce this, especially with all the links.



  1. According to the latest immunological and serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% and thus in the range of a strong seasonal influenza (flu).
  2. In countries like the US, the UK, and also Sweden (without a lockdown), overall mortality since the beginning of the year is in the range of a strong influenza season; in countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland, overall mortality is in the range of a mild influenza season.
  3. Even in global “hotspots”, the risk of death for the general population of school and working age is typically in the range of a daily car ride to work. The risk was initially overestimated because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not taken into account.
  4. Up to 80% of all test-positive persons remain symptom-free. Even among 70-79 year olds, about 60% remain symptom-free. Over 95% of all persons develop at most moderate symptoms.
  5. Up to 60% of all persons may already have a certain cellular background immunity to Covid-19 due to contact with previous coronaviruses (i.e. common cold viruses). The initial assumption that there was no immunity against Covid-19 was not correct.
  6. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years (e.g. 86 years in Sweden) and only about 4% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.
  7. In many countries, up to two thirds of all extra deaths occurred in nursing homes, which do not benefit from a general lockdown. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people really died from Covid19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation.
  8. Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital.
  9. Even in so-called “Covid19 deaths” it is often not clear whether they died from or with coronavirus (i.e. from underlying diseases) or if they were counted as “presumed cases” and not tested at all. However, official figures usually do not reflect this distinction.
  10. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 turned out to be false: many of these young people either did not die from Covid19, they had already been seriously ill (e.g. from undiagnosed leukaemia), or they were in fact 109 instead of 9 years old. The claimed increase in Kawasaki disease in children also turned out to be false.
  11. Strong increases in regional mortality can occur if there is a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick as a result of infection or panic, or if there are additional risk factors such as severe air pollution. Questionable regulations for dealing with the deceased sometimes led to additional bottlenecks in funeral or cremation services.
  12. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent the UK and the US, hospital overloads due to strong flu waves are not unusual. Moreover, this year up to 15% of health care workers were put into quarantine, even if they developed no symptoms.
  13. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, as the number of tests also increased exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to tests overall (i.e. the positive rate) remained constant at 5% to 25% or increased only slightly. In many countries, the peak of the spread was already reached well before the lockdown.
  14. Countries without curfews and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea, Belarus or Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. Sweden was even praised by the WHO and now benefits from higher immunity compared to lockdown countries.
  15. The fear of a shortage of ventilators was unjustified. According to lung specialists, the invasive ventilation (intubation) of Covid19 patients, which is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus, is in fact often counterproductive and damaging to the lungs.
  16. Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.
  17. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.
  18. Many clinics in Europe and the US remained strongly underutilized or almost empty during the Covid19 peak and in some cases had to send staff home. Millions of surgeries and therapies were cancelled, including many cancer screenings and organ transplants.
  19. Several media were caught trying to dramatize the situation in hospitals, sometimes even with manipulative images and videos. In general, the unprofessional reporting of many media maximized fear and panic in the population.
  20. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors and can produce false positive and false negative results. Moreover, the official virus test was not clinically validated due to time pressure and may sometimes react positive to other coronaviruses.
  21. Numerous internationally renowned experts in the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend rapid natural immunisation of the general population and protection of risk groups.
  22. At no time was there a medical reason for the closure of schools, as the risk of disease and transmission in children is extremely low. There is also no medical reason for small classes, masks or ‘social distancing’ rules in schools.
  23. The claim that only (severe) Covid-19 but not influenza may cause venous thrombosis and pulmonary (lung) embolism is not true, as it has been known for 50 years that severe influenza greatly increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism, too.
  24. Several medical experts described express coronavirus vaccines as unnecessary or even dangerous. Indeed, the vaccine against the so-called swine flu of 2009, for example, led to sometimes severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions. In the testing of new coronavirus vaccines, too, serious complications and failures have already occurred.
  25. A global influenza or corona pandemic can indeed extend over several seasons, but many studies of a “second wave” are based on very unrealistic assumptions, such as a constant risk of illness and death across all age groups.
  26. Several nurses, e.g. in New York City, described an oftentimes fatal medical mis­manage­ment of Covid patients due to questionable financial incentives or inappropriate medical protocols.
  27. The number of people suffering from unemployment, depressions and domestic violence as a result of the measures has reached historic record values. Several experts predict that the measures will claim far more lives than the virus itself. According to the UN 1.6 billion people around the world are at immediate risk of losing their livelihood.
  28. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the “corona crisis” will be used for the permanent expansion of global surveillance. Renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.
  29. More than 600 scientists have warned of an “unprecedented surveillance of society” through problematic apps for “contact tracing”. In some countries, such “contact tracing” is already carried out directly by the secret service. In several parts of the world, the population is already being monitored by drones and facing serious police overreach.
  30. A 2019 WHO study on public health measures against pandemic influenza found that from a medical perspective, “contact tracing” is “not recommended in any circumstances”. Nevertheless, contact tracing apps have already become partially mandatory in several countries.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Kamala Harris Threatens The Vengeance Of A Nation Against Anyone Who Supported Trump

Submitted by Contributor ACD

Kamala Harris has promised a communist style purge after Trump
Meaning, obviously, after they steal this next election, and they will. People had damn well better secure the voting process or we are DOOMED. Get a load of this!

DEAGEL WAS NOT BLUFFING. [FYI:  PDF of forecast for USA attached to this e-mail.]  AN INSIDER IS THERE AND KNEW A COMMUNIST PURGE WAS COMING. THE GOAL: KILL 230 MILLION PEOPLE. THAT IS WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO DROP AMERICA'S POPULATION DOWN TO 100 MILLION AS PLANNED. WHITES ARE 70 PERCENT OF AMERICA'S POPULATION. HOW MANY IS THAT? 231 MILLION. THE NUMBERS ADD UP. KAMALA AND CREW ARE GOING TO KILL US IF THEY GET THE CHANCE AND SHE JUST SAID IT. Don't go thinking her saying America is "great" actually means anything, it does not mean she wants that greatness to actually live. They feel jilted for being delayed in their plans by Trump, and they are going to kill every damn last person that supported him. With contact tracing, they have you flagged bagged and tagged.

We had damn well better take this seriously and NOT crack a beer, PREEMPTIVE ACTION IS NEEDED. WE HAVE BEEN WARNED. WE NEED ACTION NOW.

Trump is now openly stating the election will likely be stolen

Why would he say that? ANSWER: Because now he knows he can't trust the national guard, the U.S. armed forces, or ANY OTHER security force he puts to the task of keeping the election from being stolen. He knows this because two hours before last night's rally, the National Guard said the stadium was full and stopped letting people in. He found that out later. If this happened, it means there is so damn much corruption it cannot be overcome. The election WILL be stolen and he knows it.

Look at all the leftist states and how they acted with Antifa. If you think such states are going to turn in accurate results, you're dreaming and Trump just woke up. LAST NIGHT'S RALLY WAS THE WAKE UP CALL, CORRUPTION IN THE SECURITY FORCES WAS WHY ATTENDANCE FLOPPED, THEY TURNED EVERYONE IN THE LAST TWO HOURS BEFORE THE RALLY AWAY AND CLOSED THE GATES AND f***ing VANISHED entirely leaving locked gates behind a full hour and a half BEFORE Pence spoke.

This is a serious issue folks, the nation is so far gone we are easily provably screwed. There is simply too much corruption, the communists are in power EVERYWHERE. The conspiracy theorists were 100 percent bang on (like they all knew they were) and now it's all going to happen absent bloodshed and the use of the 2nd amendment.
The only silver lining in it all is that Trump is calling them out NOW and openly stating they are going to steal it, LONG before the election even happens. I don't know if it is actually going to make a difference if everyone knows, but at least everyone will know.


Lest you mistake my purpose in sending the above information, I think it necessary to emphasize, once again, I have allegiance to NO political party; I hold the belief that all candidates for major offices, and many if not most candidates for lesser offices, are puppets of forces that run both "demonrats" and "repugnuts", two wings of the same two-headed bird.  Trump is a puppet, nothing more.

Unless we the people of this soil and land choose NOW to self-govern, we shall deserve what "government" (((they))) bestow upon us.

In my opinion, based on research and study, I also hold the belief that we do have a choice, right now.

For example:  About the State Assembly Militias
By Anna Von Reitz

The State Citizens who shoulder the responsibility to self-govern the actual State Government are the only Parties having authority and standing to enforce the Constitutional guarantees. They are the “We, the People” who signed the Constitutions.

And as should now be apparent, State Citizens also make up the State Assembly Militia.  When we talk about the Assembly Militia we are talking about the “well-regulated” Militia guaranteed to each State under the provisions of the Federal Constitution.

This is not any unorganized “militia” of paranoids out in the weeds living in deer blinds.

There is no more official, legitimate, or venerable civilian community self-defense force in this country and Americans need to wake up and realize what it means and who we are talking about when we say, “We, the People”.

We, the State Citizens.

We, the State Assembly Militia.


And now for the real reason of planned confusing statements, extended lockdowns, Orweliian rules...... AOC

For every 1% increase in unemployment, historically in USA, there are 37,000 spin off deaths.    We are about 10% higher in unemployment now.

Some people are acting out of fear, lack of knowledge, excessive misguided caution.    But others are acting out of pure malice, and are willing to kill 370,000 people potentially.

I don’t know what could be more clear.