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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Murder by Lockdown: Deaths Time "Perfectly" With Start Of Lockdown, 13 Countries Intense Charts!

stock here.   Weeks back I described to a female friend how the Government had intentionally stuff COVID positive people into nursing homes.   She was shocked as in "Why would they ever do that!?".     My answer visibly shocked her even worse....."because they needed the deaths".....

This is some top level work.    I would say at least 8 hours of work.  

Shall we brand John Pospichal as a hero of Citizen Journalism?   I say yes.


And Jon Rappoport, also chimes in with salient points.   These are at the far bottom to keep focus on the primary author.

Questions for lockdown apologists

We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.
Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.
This is an astonishing finding. But before I discuss its full import, and pose some questions to those who still defend the utility of lockdowns, I want to present the data that proves it.
Here’s a series of charts by the Financial Times showing overall mortality and “deaths in excess of normal levels” in 2020 for a number of countries:

Source. Note: I removed the chart in the bottom right corner which represented “13 countries/cities combined” and replaced it with the FT chart for New York City.

As you can see, in every country there were significant increases in overall mortality beginning some time in February or March.
Now let’s add the lockdown dates in green for each country:

You will notice that only after each country (or city) was locked down did the increases begin. Moreover, they began immediately, and in nearly every case, precipitously.
Now let’s examine the data for a few of these countries and cities in greater detail.
The Economist has published its own series of charts showing excess deaths in several countries. Here’s its chart for Belgium:

Note: The Economist’s charts are interactive in the source.

The national lockdown is shown to have occurred on March 18th. But that was only Phase 2 of the national lockdown. Phase 1, which included widespread business closures, began on March 13th.
Their chart, therefore, should really look like this:

Which shows no increase in mortality before the lockdown, and then an immediate and precipitous increase after it was imposed.
The Netherlands
Here’s The Economist’s chart for the Netherlands:

In a strange oversight, the lockdown that was declared on March 15 in that country is not indicated here. Moreover, the March 23rd “ban on public gatherings” shown in the chart was simply the bolstering of an already-existing ban on public gatherings that had been issued on March 12 (which was accompanied by the lockdown of nursing homes). The Dutch lockdown, therefore, began on March 12, escalated on March 15, and peaked on March 23.
Let’s add that information to the chart:

Once again, we see no significant increase in mortality before the start of the lockdown, and then an immediate, precipitous increase once the lockdown began.
(Note: The slightest increase in mortality is still observable immediately before the “Lockdown phase 1” line, but that is probably due to the fact that the Netherlands reports its mortality data on a weekly, rather than a daily basis, and March 12th (“Lockdown phase 1”) fell in the middle of the week. If we had daily data, we would probably be able to confirm that there was no increase at all prior to March 12th.)
Let’s move on to some larger countries.
Here’s The Economist’s chart for Spain:

Note that most of the excess deaths came from the Madrid region.
Here’s a chart I made of overall mortality in the Madrid region using the same data The Economist used (available here). Notice the steep rise in deaths beginning around March 9th:

Now let’s add the major lockdown orders to this chart:

Red text denotes lockdown orders limited to the Madrid region; purple text denotes lockdown orders affecting the entire nation. I compiled this information from news reports.

You will observe here the same peculiar phenomenon we’ve observed thus far: significant rises in mortality do not pre-date major lockdown events, but rather coincide with them, or follow them very closely.
Next up, Britain.

The Economist draws the “National lockdown” line on Mar 23. But again, that was only Phase 2 of the lockdown. Phase 1 began on March 20.
Many of the excess deaths occurred in London. Let’s take a closer look at that data:

As you can see from this chart (created using The Economist’s own data set), there was no significant increase in deaths before March 20, and no increase at all before March 13.
Now let’s add the lockdown dates:

And we see the same phenomenon here as elsewhere— namely, no increase in overall mortality until after the lockdowns begin, and then a sudden, precipitous rise.

In Italy, the largest increase in deaths occurred in the Lombardy region. Let’s look closer at that data, and also plot the regional lockdown on February 22.

Once again: the sudden, precipitous increase in deaths followed the lockdown.

The greatest increase in deaths came from the Paris region, so let’s take a closer look at that data:

Again, the same phenomenon is evident here as elsewhere: no significant increase in deaths until after the lockdown was declared, and then an immediate, precipitous rise.
New York City

Here, the “City lockdown” is shown to have occurred on March 22.
But let’s take a closer look. Here is the same data overlaid with lockdown orders:

Purple text denotes state-level orders, red text city-level orders.

Now it’s very clear: there was no increase in deaths before the start of lockdowns.
(Note: I plotted the state lockdown on Mar 20, which is when it was announced and went into partial effect.)
Let’s take a look at one more case.
A severe national lockdown was decreed in Ecuador on March 16th, and went into effect on March 17th. The Guayas province, which contains Ecuador’s most populous city, suffered the highest rate of overall mortality. Here’s the mortality chart (from the Financial Times) for that region:

And here’s a closer look:


As with all the other cases we’ve examined here — and as with all the countries and cities for which we have good mortality data — only after the lockdown began was there a significant increase in deaths.
All this leads us to the following questions, which we pose to all those who continue to defend the use of lockdowns as an effective means to prevent excess deaths.
Q: Why was there no significant increase in overall mortality, in any country we have good data for, before the start of lockdowns?
Q: Why does a precise and exact correlation exist between the start of lockdowns and significant rises in overall mortality?
Q: How is it that governments in every country imposed lockdowns at precisely the same time relative to the future precipitous rise in their populations’ overall mortality rate?
Q: How is it, moreover, that this moment in time happened to fall immediately before that precipitous rise?

Most attempts to answer these questions would probably involve the assertion that the authorities in every country had some notion of the true prevalence of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic. But we know now that that was not really the case. In the early weeks and months of 2020, testing was extremely limited. This was based, partly, on the assumption that the virus was not yet widespread. As testing was systematically expanded, the number of positive results increased, and this increase was generally believed to correspond to the actual spread of the virus.

Now, posthumous testing has shown that the virus was circulating — and killing — weeks, or even months before it was initially detected in many countries. Other researchers are coming to the same conclusion; the prevalence of the virus was vastly underestimated at the beginning of the pandemic.
Which leads us to our final question:

Q: If health authorities vastly underestimated the prevalence of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic, why did the virus nevertheless wait until lockdowns were imposed to suddenly start killing at levels which exceeded normal deaths?

—To that last question, I would respond: No virus would wait. We’re not talking about a virus at all. We’re talking about the sudden effects of the lockdowns.
And those sudden death-effects would come crashing down, first, and immediately, on the most vulnerable people in these countries:
The elderly, who were already ill for years.
Especially in nursing homes; but also in hospitals, and in their homes.
This is the true face of “COVID.”

This is how the case numbers and the death numbers are being propped up all over the world, to yield the impression of a virus on the loose.
Without those huge numbers, the whole vicious charade of a pandemic would be exposed and rejected at once.
The lockdowns are a method of killing.
The governors and mayors and presidents and prime ministers who imposed the lockdowns—and behind them, the planners of “COVID”— have been killing old people

Arrest of Ghislane Maxwell, Cabal Pretends That Is Going To Be Bad News For Trump

There is some BS going around that the arrest of GM is going to be a big negative for Trump.

Maybe for the "base" who does not question anything......

This interview with a Prosecutor for Epstein, indicates how Trump willingly discussed everything the DOJ wanted to know about Epstein in 2009.   No skeletons in the closet.

CNN Needs to Be Shut Down

Ghislaine Maxwell ARRESTED by FBI! False Flag Shooting In A Lib City Coming Soon!

One final important thought though, and I don’t want  you to miss it, because it involves a likely upcoming mass shooting, and likely in one of “our cities”.   Within 24 to 48 hours, in order to take over the news cycle.   Milwaukee, Philadelphia, LA, Seattle, Portland, St. Louis are the top picks.   

The above is speculation, None of the below is speculation, and even the super Establishment “The Guardian” is not even trying to spin down this story into something smaller than what it is.   The rabbit hole runs deep. 

Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested today.    She was the Madam that befriended and psy-oped underage girls to become sex (pretty much slaves) for Jeffrey Epstein and all of his guests.     Epstein hosted the rich and powerful, he worked with CIA and Israel CIA (MOSSAD) to blackmail them, while also rewarding them.    80% of the crime and corruption in the USA and beyond, think Prince Andrew, is likely linked to the sexual hijinks at Little Saint James Island and other Mansions, filmed and blackmailed.

Epstein was  murdered while in jail.    Maxwell was linked directly CIA/MOSSAD via her rich father, who was murdered.    She knows even more than Epstein about “where the bodies are buried”.   The charges against her are pretty much a life sentence, so likely she will cooperate to get a plea.    So the super rich/super corrupt are going to be panicking

Steve out

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

ENENews Archives - A Blast From the Past

sent in by Ms Frill

March 8th, Fauci on 60 Minutes "No one should be wearing masks at this time"

Intentional Misdirection from Fauci.

They first exdeavoured to spread the virus far and wide, once it hit a certain point, then it will continue to spread.

Then later, after cases were widespread, they brought back the "Mask" to provide a loss of freedom, a masking of free speech, and a cover for the paid insurgent operatives and the useful idiots that follow them


Yogi Bhajan's Lectures on The Mind and Meditation

He has numerous writings, for sale as a package, but many pieces are available open source, if you wanted to print for some "sun tan reading"

Message From General Flynn -- Now Is The Time To Act!

stock here

Message from General Flynn

I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time.

The more I’ve thought about this phrase, the more I believe it. There is now a small group of passionate people working hard to destroy our American way of life. Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning.

Despite there being countless good people trying to come to grips with everything else on their plates, our silent majority (the indifferent) can no longer be silent.
If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.”

As I recently wrote, the art and exercise of self-governance require active participation by every American. I wasn’t kidding! And voting is only part of that active participation. Time and again, the silent majority have been overwhelmed by the “audacity and resolve” of small, well-organized, passionate groups. It’s now time for us, the silent majority (the indifferent), to demonstrate both.

The trials of our current times, like warfare, are immense and consequences severe and these seem inconquerable.

As a policewoman from Virginia told me, “People don’t feel safe in their homes and our police force is so demoralized we cannot function as we should. In my 23 years with my department, I have never seen morale so low.”

Another woman from Mississippi told me that we need our leaders to “drop a forceful hammer. People are losing patience. It simply must be stopped! Laws MUST be enforced … no one is above the law.”

Don’t fret. Through smart, positive actions of resolute citizen-patriots, we can prevail. Always keep in mind that our enemy (these dark forces) invariably have difficulties of which we are ignorant.
For most Americans, these forces appear to be strong. I sense they are desperate. I also sense that only a slight push on our part is all that is required to defeat these forces. How should that push come?

Prayers help and prayers matter, but action is also a remedy. Our law enforcement professionals, from the dispatcher to the detective and from the cop to the commissioner, are a line of defense against the corrupt and the criminal. It is how we remain (for now) in a state of relatively peaceful existence.
We must support them with all our being. They are not the enemy; they bring light to the darkness of night through their bravery and determination to do their jobs without fanfare and with tremendous sacrifice.

The silent majority (the indifferent) tend to go the way of those leading them. We are not map- or mind-readers; we are humans fraught with all the hopes and fears that flesh is heir to. We must not become lost in this battle. We must resoundingly follow our God-given common sense.
Seek the truth, fight for it in everything that is displayed before you. Don’t trust the fake news or false prophets; trust your instincts and your common sense. Those with a conscience know the difference between right and wrong, and those with courage will always choose the harder right over the easier wrong.

I believe the attacks being presented to us today are part of a well-orchestrated and well-funded effort that uses racism as its sword to aggravate our battlefield dispositions. This weapon is used to leverage and legitimize violence and crime, not to seek or serve the truth.

The dark forces’ weapons formed against us serve one purpose: to promote radical social change through power and control. Socialism and the creation of a socialist society are their ultimate goals.
They are also intent on driving God out of our families, our schools and our courts. They are even seeking the very removal of God from our churches, essentially hoping to remove God from our everyday lives.

Remember, we will only remain united as “one nation under God.”

And yes, there is a “resistance movement” by the forces of darkness. However, we must also resist these onslaughts and instead take an optimistic view of our situation. Like war, optimism can be pervasive and helps to subdue any rising sense of fear.

We must, however, be deliberate about our optimism. Otherwise, we may get lost in discouragement and despair of any failings we encounter. We must be tenacious in the ultimate end we wish to gain. That end is to remain an unwavering constitutional republic based on a set of Judeo-Christian values and principles. We must not fear these and instead embrace each.

Our path requires course corrections. To move our experiment in democracy forward, we should fight and reject the tired and failed political paths and instead pursue a more correct path that shines a bright light on liberty, a path with greater and greater control of our livelihoods instead of being controlled by fewer and fewer of the too-long-in-power politicians. They have discarded us like old trash.

Our will, our individual liberties and freedoms, remain powerful forces and must be understood and applied smartly. We must not be overly stubborn. Following the Constitution as our guide and adapting to change as we have throughout history, we learn more about what freedoms humans desire.

At times, however, we have to fall back on what got us here. We cannot afford to lose our God-given human rights and the strong inner desire for freedom to choose and to breathe the fresh air of liberty. We must stand up and speak out to challenge our so-called “leaders” of government. We put them in charge; we can remove them as well.

It is through our rights and privileges as American citizens that we challenge the political class and leverage our election process so “we the people” can decide who will govern.
We must not allow a small percentage of the powerful to overtake our position on America’s battlefield. We, as free-thinking and acting individuals, must control how we will live and not allow a few passionate others to change our way of life.

To the silent and currently indifferent majority: Wake up. America is at risk of being lost in the dustbin of history to socialism. The very heart and soul of America is at stake.

In war, as in life, most failure comes from inaction. We face a pivotal moment that can change the course of history of our nation.

We the people must challenge every politician at every level.

We also must stand and support our law enforcement professionals: They are the pointy end of the spear defending us against anarchy.

Now is the time to act.