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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Climate Scientist Recognize That Cities are Heat Islands. But Then Claim Thsi Effect will Double the Cost of Climate Change While Refusing to Correct Data From the Cities

Tens of Thousands of Air temp Sensors are Located in Cities That Were Much Smaller 20 Years Ago.

And they are registering higher temperatures.   But NOAA refuses to "correct these downward" whilst they correct other temperatures upward, so they can show some warming, and so they can achieve the political objective of the Paris Climate Agreement.  

Seems a wee bit on the hypocritical side, doesn't it?


Study: ‘Heat island’ effect could double climate change costs for world’s cities

From the UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX and overheated climate science department, comes a claim that just doesn’t seem plausible, suggesting that in the future, nearly 11% of a “worst-off city” gross domestic product would be consumed by UHI boosted climate change. On the other hand, the study is by Dr. Richard Tol, who is well respected by the climate skeptic community. He does have a point about “the effects of uncontrolled urban heat islands”

Nuclear Operatives (aka Trolls) Infiltrate Web Sites That Go Against the US Gov Desired Narrative

Hippie Dog
"I caught Kenny boy testing plankton, and not reporting results"

Interesting and something I'll personally look into…


Let's face it Ken is the head and is a mouthpiece, he is not the one that actually does the testing.

Gathering samples, transporting them and the many stages of testing things as complicated (and hard to read) as foods and water for individual isotopes requires 100's of people.
If you look at the sea reads they are on point. problem seems to be noone can understand the results so sea water results are posted without worry.
Foods like kelp and plankton are a no brainer. If there is any AT ALL in it it's a problem. Easy to understand right?
Any levels could ruin a global industry. I think we should ALL be able to view and know the results. But this creates a problem, a world wide problem. So the results must be tested again and again with the same result for a no holds barred release of information.
We know in our knowers (those that have actually been studying this stuff) That certain isotopes decay and change the overall readings over time so this creates a lawyers dream for not releasing the results. They can argue to the cows come home that the results don't show the same levels and therefore can not be accurate. So the argument is since the tests are not showing the same results when repeated they must be flawed.
Simple argument for a food lawyer to block the public release of results.

We should support these people instead of casting doubt…
Doubt is why we can't see the results to begin with…

earthsmith earthsmith
Yeah just smile that radio-toxicity away. No doubt about it. It's poses no threat "they" said so. "We" just need to support that..simple ain't it.

"Yeah just smile that radio-toxicity away. No doubt about it. It's poses no threat "they" said so. "We" just need to support that..simple ain't it."
It would be if any of that was true.
But I think you know what I was saying.
Support those that test like woods hole!
A very complicated process (testing water and food) that you can't possibly do.
I have no personal opinion on Ken. Infact I don't even pay attention to him, I pay attention to the results of the testing at WH.
The numbers aren't a political he said she said debate.
The numbers are not subject to your opinion or what he said or what she said. They aren't up for debate or assumption nor are test results subject your need to talk bad about someone or something.
The results are the results and if we want to see more of them we need to support the testing and disclosure whole heartily.
NEVER casting doubt on the testing, only doubt on the nay sayers that make it harder still to get the actual results by reinforcing doubt in the accuracy or spouting that the most poison substances on earth are not a problem…
Cry like a spoiled brat or be a responsible adult…
After all it's only the future of the planet we are dealing with…

CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
a bullet was fired into the dense crowd. Scientific testing using the sample number required to achieve statistically significant results showed that likely no one was hit. Not a he said, she said debate, just the numbers.

I don't support anything about Woods Hole

Numbers=dollars…the scientific method. Oh what numbers are you looking for? Yeah "we" can support that.

Obvious points out how Woods Hole if 80% funded by the US Government

start here:

** 2005:

** 80 percent of its annual budget is supported by federal grants and contracts

** 2010: NIST "With ultimate research targets ranging from off-shore wind power and coral reef ecology to quantum physics and nanotechnology, the 12 projects will launch more than $250 million in new laboratory construction projects beginning early this year."

** 2016: Coalition for National Security Research Members listincludes WHOI: Files/Key Issues/Budget %26 Appropriations/FY17/CNSR-FY17-Funding-Statement.pdf "DOD funded educational programs that cultivate a new generation of talented engineers and scientists"

** Then google search (for period 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2016): woods hole oceanographic institution department of defense dod

and this is interesting – 2015: WHOI sustained a “sophisticated, targeted attack”
"WHOI isn’t a company or a government agency, but given its close ties with the US military and the National Science Foundation, it’s not exactly a regular research institution, either."

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Let's Talk Yucca Mountain -- An Essential Disposal Site for Nuke Waste

Lets Talk Yucca Mountain

My estimate for the survival of the human species is 30 years to 100 years.

Yucca is over a water aquifer.   It will eventually leak and get into that aquifer.    If we are "lucky" that will be 500 years to 10,000 years from now.

So sorry future peoples, if there are any, we need to kick this can down the road to you, but if we don't we will die now.   So please understand.   We also hope that you are smarter and more spiritually tuned in to how everything interacts and have better technology to deal with our shitty mess, that we reluctantly, but out of necessity, jam into Yucca mountain and hope for the best.   Please forgive us, but you would not exist if we had not taken this action.  

Comments please.

  • HoTaters
    Interim storage times, from World Nuclear Association:
    "As outlined above, used fuel may either by reprocessed or disposed of directly. Either way, there is a strong technical incentive to delay final disposal of HLW for about 40-50 years after removal, at which point the heat and radioactivity will have reduced by 99.9%."
    See the graphs for more information.
    The status of high level nuclear waste storage:
    “The majority of current U.S. irradiated spent fuel storage facilities use thin-walled (mostly 1/2” thick) stainless steel canisters that the NRC acknowledges cannot currently be inspected or repaired and are vulnerable to cracking and leaking 16 years after a crack starts.
    These 'dry storage thin steel canister systems cannot be inspected, maintained, repaired, adequately monitored to avoid radioactive leaks, and the DOE pilot plan has no plan for replacing failing canisters or retrieval of fuel, as required by NWPA.' ” (cont.)


  • HoTaters
    "(Excerpts from Donna Gilmore-San Onofre Safety, 7-31-2016 Comment to the US DOE on 'Consent Based Siting'). Additionally, as she points out, 'Near real-time radiation monitoring with public access should be required,' yet it is not. Read here article and more here: And here: "
  • Lastly,
    "Also frightening is that most US high level waste appears to be kept in open air parking-lot like set-ups. While the US harasses people at the airport over their shoes, etc., this is the real risk and it’s being ignored. The proposed interim storage facility is also open air. In the UK, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and probably every European country with nuclear waste, the spent fuel casks are housed inside of some sort of building. A building would allow secondary monitoring of spent fuel canisters and the potential to filter any leaks. Additionally, a building would help protect from the elements, helping to reduce corrosion, and ideally be resistant to airplane attacks. The Ukraine, and Kazakhstan have open air facilities, built with US help. In the case of the Ukraine, “The Guardian” newspaper has called these “shocking”:
    Most, and perhaps all, US high level nuclear is stored like North Anna Nuclear Power Station, which is near many small airports and the 50 mile fallout zone would impact Richmond Virginia and suburban DC. As seen in the pictures below, these spent fuel casks are huge, and yet only a very thin piece of metal protects the environment from potentially lethal levels of radioactive materials…." (cont.)

  • HoTaters HoTaters
    "Don’t be fooled into thinking that those at the bottom are in a building. This is the horizontal storage system sold by French state-owned Areva.
    North Anna Nuclear Spent Fuel
    NRC spent nuclear fuel horizontal storage
    NRC spent fuel canisters
    Clearly there is nothing innovative, then, about the spent nuclear fuel conceptual drawing for the WCS Interim Waste Facility as presented to the US NRC. Proposals to insert the casks in the ground would mean increased corrosion rates, increased difficulties in monitoring, increased retrieval difficulties and do not necessarily protect from an airplane crash as they are not deep enough in the ground. The only decent solution is to store the nuclear waste in a hard-rock facility which remains permanently open and perpetually monitored. The second best is an above ground bunker-like facility, which is permanently open and perpetually monitored. Additionally the nuclear waste oligopoly needs to be broken and innovation in storage encouraged, instead of being blocked. The storage needs to be not for profit in order to have better storage at lower cost."

  • HoTaters HoTaters
    This should be posted at the Nuclear Issues Forum.
    DOE white paper on Interim Storage of High-Level Nuclear Waste
    Nuclear Fuel and High­Level Disposal Facilities for Spent for …
    3.2 Pilot Interim Storage … 1 U.S. Department of Energy, Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste, …
    [Search domain
    Consent based Siting of Nuclear Waste, from DOE, January, 2017:
    The consensus is existing interim storage of HLW (high level nuclear waste) are inadequate.
    " 3.1 SNF and HLW Types and Quantities
    The types and quantities of material in the nation’s inventory of SNF and HLW vary. SNF from the operation of commercial nuclear power plants accounts for the largest portion of the inventory:
    approximately 75,000 metric tons of heavy metal (MTHM) in total.9 This SNF exists in the form of fuel rod assemblies, and nearly all of it is being stored at the reactor sites where it was generated,
    either submerged in pools of water (wet storage) or in shielded casks (dry storage)."
    7 DOE webpage on Integrated Waste Management

  • "High-level radioactive waste, most of which was generated by reprocessing for defense nuclear activities, consists of roughly 90 million gallons of high-level waste liquids, sludges, and solids. Most
    of the defense high-level radioactive waste in DOE’s current inventory is stored at the Hanford and Savannah River sites and is planned to be (or has already been) vitrified into a glass form. DOE also manages defense high-level radioactive waste in a dry calcine form at the Idaho National Laboratory. DOE also manages spent nuclear fuel from the operation of the U.S. Navy nuclear fleet,
    and from research and development (R&D) activities. The DOE spent nuclear fuel inventory totals approximately 2,400 MTHM.10
    10 U.S. Department of Energy, Assessment of Disposal Options for DOE-Managed High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel, October
    2014, p. 8-9.
    Look at how this stuff is transported:
    Granted, HLW is hazardous to transport, and has a lot of decay heat and often high levels of gamma radiation.
    Trans-Uranic waste and HLW should be differentiated for discussion of interim and long-term storage.
    See also:
    Interm storage facilities need to be designed to be more safe. Current facilities are inadequate for safety.

  • OK, granted interim storage is needed. But likely not for 100 years.
    The problem I had was your saying it had to be stored above ground for 100 years. And it sounded like you were implying present interim storage facilities were adequate to address safety concerns.
    They are not.
  • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
    100 years seems plenty until we reach a zero wildlife stage.

    Report comment

  • HoTaters Geology of the Yucca Mtn. site, published in 2006:
    Just because you may have read somewhere the type of volcanic tuffs underlaying Yucca Mtn. are "porous" does not necessarily mean there is cause for concern. Please see this discussion from the Federation of American Scientists, 2013:
    "The rock at Yucca Mountain is neither granite nor a plastic material that will entomb the waste – Yucca Mountain is made primarily of rocks called tuff and ignimbrite – also called pyroclastics. Both of these rocks are the remnants of ancient volcanic eruptions – volcanic ash and debris that fell and that solidified into a solid mass. Both of these rocks can be very porous – some tuffs have a porosity of over 50% (meaning that half of their volume consists of pore space) – but they are not necessarily permeable. In other words, they might be built like a sponge, with lots of pores and holes, but the pores aren’t well-connected so there aren’t many pathways for water to easily flow. Not only that, but over time other minerals have formed in much of the pore space, blocking what flow paths do exist.
    What all of this means is that the rocks of which Yucca Mountain is composed should …." (cont.)

  •   HoTaters
    (cont.) "…do a fairly good job of keeping water away from the waste that would be stored there, but the rock might not be monolithic. In fact, virtually all rock everywhere is riven by cracks and faults and these can act as conduits to lead water from the surface to the spaces below. And, indeed, the rocks that comprise Yucca Mountain are fractured and faulted. The question is whether or not these will let enough water into the waste repository quickly enough to rot the waste storage containers.
    The answer to this seems to be “it depends.” For example, water will flow more quickly along fractures and cracks, but the water will also deposit secondary minerals along this path and these minerals will eventually help to seal off the cracks (this same process is behind the beautiful crystalline linings of geodes). Both of these seem to have happened at Yucca Mountain in the past – geologists have found these secondary minerals lining fractures in the rock, indicating the past flow of water through the fissures, but the mineralization has also served to clog these conduits. So the question should be not so much “are there fractures” so much as “how much water can flow along these fractures?” In the case of Yucca Mountain we need to consider not only the permeability of these fissures, but also the amount of rain and groundwater available to percolate."
    The concern is climate change over time, for the discussion of permeability of the rock.

    Code, not sure you were addressing. Interim storage is not a solution.
    At present, there apparently is no solution.
    Deep geologic repositories and possibly borehole storage are sadly, at present, our best potenitial solutions for long-term waste storage.
    The dry casks and interim storage facilities vent off radiation into the environment.
    Yet the World Nuclear Association states this does not happen (see link above, previous post), and that there is no risk.
    Anyone who has become educated on the problem of waste storage and the types of wastes generated by nuclear facilities and weapons manufacture will be able to see specious content in the information published by the World Nuclear Association.
    Dentists and medical professionals (sigh) rely on information published by the World Nuclear Association to determine safety standards.

  • HoTaters HoTaters
    For those wishing to know more about Hydrogeology of Yucca Mtn., another discussion from Federation of American Scientists:
    Good discussion of rock porosity and permeability in an aquifer, by a hydrogeologist.
    "So we know that the Yucca Mountain repository site is situated several hundred feet from both the water table and the surface precipitation, but what about the rock? Well, it’s reasonably porous and it has some fractures – not the ideal rock to form an impermeable barrier. Geologists have found fractures and faults in the overlying rock, as well as evidence that hydrous minerals have formed in the past. This means that not only will the rock hold a lot of water, but there are some flowpaths to get that water to the waste location. On the other hand, the rock pretty dry, so the water has to first fill up the pore space and then hydrate the minerals – something that can take hundreds of thousands of years in a climate as dry as Nevada’s. So from this standpoint, the hydrogeology of Yucca Mountain might not be perfect, but it’s pretty good.
    The kicker is that, while we know what today’s climate is like, we don’t know what it will be like in a thousand years. If it stays dry then the waste will be in good shape. But if the climate changes and puts Nevada in the monsoon belt then all bets are off. This is not disqualifying, by the way – but it would …." (cont.)

  •   HoTaters
    (cont.) "…call for relying on engineered barriers as well as natural ones to help keep the waste dry. The engineering is something we’ll look at in a future posting.
    The post Yucca Mountain – hydrogeology appears on ScienceWonk, FAS’s blog for opinions from guest experts and leaders. "
    Looks like the jury is still out on Yucca Mtn. The project was killed, IMHO, before the researchers could reach meaningful conclusions. That (reaching meaningful conclusions) takes a long time.

Exposing Globalist Plots -- Forced Into the Open Through Desperation

At the bottom I added a bit on the first Globalist--

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ideological Father of the EU


IR Hologram  had this to succinctly say.

Sadie, the press is a mouthpiece for a cover-up of
1) Clinton Foundation Corruption,
2) DNC corruption,
3) child rape and murder,
4) murder of whistle-blowers,
5) and organ harvesting from 3rd world countries.

Unless Trump is stopped by McCarthyists' smears and Soros financed revolt in the streets alleging Russian collusion (for which NO EVIDENCE has been found, according to the CIA, James Comey and others), intended to create hysteria through known falsehoods and a "special PROSECUTOR," NOT to prosecute a crime, but to FIND a crime so that impeachment can occur within 6 months …so voters will have forgotten by mid-term elections…

Unless these clearly SUBVERSIVE, defamatory, and even traitorous attempts to overthrow a valid election succeed…

An FBI investigation now underway of parties complicit in pedophilia, money laundering, human trafficking, and traitorous action, using Anthony Wiener/Huma Abedeen's Clinton-Podesta-Alefontis-Abramavovitch "insurance policy," of unbroken FBI chain-of-custody e-mails to "out," DYNCORP, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, David Brock, and John and Tony Podesta's CRIMINAL participation …that would have to result in at least a few indictments and perhaps the biggest scandal Washington has ever seen…

THAT "hate" brush "tarring" Trump should be as clear to you…as…well, the corner NASA would be painted in if FE is true.

Research George Webb's YouTube.  Download the e-mails! The VERACITY of the emails were NEVER questioned.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Ideological Father of the EU

This article describes a mixed-race political figure, basically a professional activist, who projected a benevolent exterior, yet brought destruction in his wake.  Count Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi is today an obscure political figure, though in his time he was kind of a minor celebrity, and began the concept leading to the European Union.

His father descended from Byzantine nobility, and also with ancestry from lineages all over Europe.  This citizen of the world was a diplomat and married a Japanese woman whose parents were quite displeased, throwing her out of the family.  Richard was born in 1894, the second of seven children.  In his infancy, they moved from Tokyo to a small town near the present-day Czech-German border.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Censorship by Main Street Media -- Already Out Of Control, But Getting Full Tilt Absurd

I wonder if this comment will ever be approved.

I bet instead, the result is that I will be banned.   Probably been banned as 4 different monikers on ABC.    I haven't done too much articles on the Censorship, but have been screen capping for about a year, I should be able to dumpster dive up a nice selection.  

I placed one comment about "jew owned media" not only was the comment scrubbed from ABC, but they also scrubbed it from MY disqus history too.   Nice work.  

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Global Warming is a Lie, Meant to Transfer Wealth to the Undeserving

"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports

"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." -Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

"The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can't let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are." - Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

"Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control." - Professor Maurice King

"We require a central organizing principle - one agreed to voluntarily. Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change - these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary." - Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsiblity to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

"A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation." - Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies

"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable." - Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

"Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it." - Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

"The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet." - Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

"Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." - Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

"The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil." – Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview

"My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world." -Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." - Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor

"... the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion." - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund

"I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems." - John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

"The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing." - Christopher Manes, Earth First!

"Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." - David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Poor Temperature Data Caused By Cities, Concrete, "Heat Islands" Means Global Warming Is Even More of A Lie


This is just one example of temperature sensors under AC units, in the middle pf asphalt parking lots, etc. The site is filled with examples if you search under how not to measure temperature.

The North Pole was once tropical long before humans came around and destroyed the planet and somehow life survived and thrived, even when the temperatures went the other way. If CO2 is the problem, plant more trees. Problem solved.

CO2, climate change, global warming, etc. are just useless bits propaganda to keep people in fear. Talking about carbon dioxide does nothing to alleviate the toxins and VOCs spewed into the air and water supply, yet the mainstream media that hasn't reported on Fukushima is trying to tell the world that CO2 is far more dangerous than radiation or the GOM blowout or any other environmental catastrophe.

If they lied about 9-11, then they would surely lie about something like Global Warming (renamed Climate Change because there is no global warming).

NASA admitted to fabricating climate data because their data did not supported the concept of GW. GW only existed because Ken Lay gave Al Gore 20% of the carbon trade exchange in exchange for not contesting the 2000 election. Al Gore had one science class for which he earned a D. GWB took the same class and got a gentleman's C. Gore is a hypocrite and a con artist pushing the GW scam.

Shelter in Place During Radiation Emergency -- How Much Air Do You Need?

I would like someone to do a study on volume of air, estimated infiltration rates even in a taped off room, respiration rate and volume and percent oxygen in the exhaled, and depletion times to say 17% O2, 15% O2, 12% O2. Should be easy enough to handle in a spreadsheet.
Anyone game to try that one?

Report comment

AirSepTech AirSepTech
What do you think will work, as a guide?
There are a lot of variables, too many to be exact/safe without monitoring. People,,,their individual physical health, is a big unknown.
Co can kill you with 20% O2 available, it inhibits O2 exchange.
Co2 is widely variable, some can handle 5000-10000ppm, others???
There is a lot to it, and an enclosed space increases humidity, a very small space becomes miserable quickly. An open flame in a small space, is foolish.
4 exchanges per hour is 'minimum', although homes range 1-2/hr
A 10x10x8 foot room is 800cuft.
A bathroom 'fart fan' moves 50-70cuft/min
So 15min of run time an hour. How many people? hahaha
This may help:
Less than 18-19% O2 is not do-able for most people.
Less than 19.5% is not allowed under OSHA guidance.
Less than 17% mental impairment begins, for healthy people.
I got plenty more if you need it. :lol:
All bets are off if someone has bad gas, methane while not poisonous per se, does displace O2. :)

Report comment

Air, thanks for the information, I will start a draft article with that.
At 8000 feet, there is about 25% less oxygen. I have skied at such heights, hiked heavy packs through Haleakala at higher heights, and never had a problem.
So 15% (25% less than starting point of 21%) should be manageable for most people, especially if just sheltering in place.

Destruction of the Bottom of The Food Chain -- Insects

Also via Lot's Wife

Hello Gretchen,
This is fascinating and troubling research; thank you for covering it.

I live in central Alaska, where I've also noticed changes in insect and bird populations. Because of its relative isolation and small human population, industrial agriculture is unlikely to influence my observations.

However, there is a culprit that has yet to be widely acknowledged. Ionizing radiation from nuclear bomb tests, leaks, releases, accidents and explosions such as Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Thousands, perhaps millions, of curies have been dumped into the biosphere over the last 75 years. It did not disappear - we are living with its consequence to this day.

As researchers in Chernobyl and Fukushima have shown, insects are the first to show damage and loss. Fukushima's releases continue on a daily basis, both to air and the sea.

If you care to delve into this area of unintended consequences, you'll find growing interest. Note the claims that radiation breaks the bonds in chitin, the exoskeleton of most insects and many other creatures.

Many questions about ionizing radiation and Fukushima are addressed here:

While it's a different type of radiation, electro-magnetic radiation [emf] impacts plants, as seen here:

For more on EMF, look at the work of Magda Havas who has researched the field extensively.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Media used as a Tool To Insert False Memes Into the Political Narrative

stock here:
Submitted by Lot's Wife
I have not reviewed this, but Lot's Wife is almost always on point.

We are not going to be able to solve our big problems until our biggest of problems are solved


Here's a writer of acute means, which she uses to our advantage. Caitlin Johnstone dissects the political establishment's rotted foundations, pointing out as she goes that Americans have been ridden hard and put up wet. With a narrative not unlike those recorded during an autopsy, Johnstone exposes how the body politic was abused by competing forces of the 2016 election campaign. It continues today. Via the media, false memes were inserted into the political dialogue, fostered and abetted by neuro-linguistic programming aimed to divert and confuse. As explained by Johnstone, the paroxysm against Trump is the outcome of a deep state psychological operation. Such operations on US soil have been illegal since the earliest days of the CIA. However, the restriction was wiped from the books in a 2013 amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. As a result, journalists have been turned into performers. The MSM cannot be trusted.