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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Doctor Pierre Kory, MD from Aurora St. Lukes Milwaukee Break Down The Simplistic Treatment of the COVID Flu Like Disease

 stock here: the whole video is good, but the good Doctor from St Lukes Hospital Milwaukee starts at 55:30.    Doctor Kory MD breaks it down in just over 2 minutes.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

33 Great Reasons To Say No To The Vaccine

stock here: As expected, there are more and more problems and Negative Health Events being reported for the untested experimental vaccine.     

This goes against a founding principle of the medical profession "First, do no harm".  

In Australia they are pretending that they are cancelling a $750M program of vaccinations because "it causes false positives" which to any thinking, should immediately see that as a bullshit excuse, a cover up.    The PCR test, which is the only test being used to identify "COVID Cases" generates 90% false positives


For those who tend to obey authority without question (few in Alaska, I wager), it’s likely you've not
looked closely at what’s going down. The so-called vaccine (actually it’s a ‘therapeutic’) includes a chip that can be read at a distance. 

Since it was approved under emergency status, the experiment requires tracking each subject throughout its lifespan. BTW, the word “experiment" implies “unproven’. The animal testing phase of safety permitting was skipped in order to narrow the timeline of normal development. 

What usually takes a decade was reduced to less than a year. We were told urgency was necessary as Covid has a recovery rate of over 95 percent and seems to kill only people with multiple co-morbitities and/or the aged. 

The Covid vaccine is different than a traditional vaccine as it contains a lab-made sequence of genetic MRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) material. It is designed to invade the body’s cells and set up shop in its DNA, where according to the experiment’s authors, it makes copies of the Covid virus in order to give the body a head-start learning to cope with it. 

A renown German physician and scientist, Wolfgang Wodarg, calls it genetic manipulation and suggests most people should reject it. Additional cautionary reports follow.

 Learn about Messenger RNA:




America’s Frontline Doctors, Simone Gold


Whitney Webb reports:

"...Given that the Covid-19 vaccine [is now being injected into Alaskans] it appears that the US national-security state, which is essentially running Operation Warp Speed, along with “trusted messengers” in mass media, is preparing to enter the second phase of its communications strategy, one in which news organizations and journalists who raise legitimate concerns about Warp Speed will be de-platformed to make way for the “required” saturation of pro-vaccine messaging across the English-speaking media landscape."


“...Aside from the troubling aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy as outlined above, there is the separate issue of the way in which these “populations of focus” will be chosen and identified. Palantir, the big data firm with deep and persisting ties to the CIA, has created a new software tool expressly for Warp Speed called Tiberius. Not only will Tiberius use Palantir’s Gotham software and its artificial intelligence components to “help identify high-priority populations,” it will produce delivery timetables and map out the locations for vaccine distribution based on the masses of data it has collected through various contracts with HHS and data-sharing alliances with In-Q-Tel, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, among others."


Dr. Francis Boyle, global bio-weapons expert, discusses the Covid scare and purported treatment (30:00)

Anna von Reitz: The UK or British, Not Chinese, Are Head of the Snake

 yep, they and the 5 eyes club.


A Quick Comment – It’s Not Really China

Many of you have received news stories, claiming— correctly— that Chinese Government Operatives have infiltrated nearly everything in sight and are actively engaged in trying to conquer this country by any means fair or foul, and also clearly stating that many “American” politicians have been bought off and are engaged in acts of treason.

All of that is true and apparent and has been for years.

What isn’t being said is just as important.

The Chinese are doing this because they were hired to do it and promised big rewards if they did. Hear that? They have been paid off and instructed and assisted to do all this.

By whom? Who else? The ones that are always at the bottom of the dogpile. The Brits, including the Lord Mayor, the Government of Westminster, the Governors of HSBC, the British Crown Corp, SERCO, and the BBC.

Our “friends” at it again.

So don’t waste your spitwads and F-16s on China or Trudeau.

Go directly for the head of the snake and whack it off.

Target Edinburgh for starters and make sure you take out Glammis Castle. Then bomb the Inner City of London into smithereens.

And if they still continue their “antics” we can give you a lot of other far more appropriate targets than Shanghai or Beijing.


The Vaccines Are A Joke. The Only Real Test Is To Re-Challenge The Recipient With The Virus, And The Virus Has Never Been Isolated

 stock here:

This is a super critical point:  The only way to test a vaccine is to "Re-Challenge" the recipient with the same virus.

They did this in a decade of trying to develop a SARS-1 vaccine.   Remember the supposed COVID19 is SARS-2.

In the SARS-1 vaccine trials, they rechallenged Primates with the SARS-1.   20% of them died after going into an overdrive immune response that destroyed their own bodies.

Take note: for anyone paying attention, we have known for a long time that the PCR test can create 90% false positives.

Now the WHO is saying the same thing?   And why is this?   So that agencies using the PCR test, use less cycles, and therefore show less positives, and thus PROVE that the vaccine works!

Take a look at Bing images of Tedros, the non-doctor head of the WHO....they are filtering out the images that make him look like the beast he is.



Why is Trump playing the "vaccine" card so much?   We know that he is a strong believer in "technology".   He think nuclear is cool.   So on some levels, he is no genius. 



Friday, December 18, 2020

Christine Fang -- Chinese Spy, Nicknamed Fang Fang


Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction -- And Eruption Of Moana Loa


Usually it’s the Astrology types that talk about conjunctions (being close or in line) of planets.   There
was a massive conjunction this summer solstice of planets all lined up on one side of the sun.    Jupiter takes eleven earth years for a trip around the sun, coincidental with the half magnetic cycle / sun spot cycle of the sun, 11 years, the full magnetic flip is 22 years.


Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction Is the Best in 800 Years—Here’s

How to See It

I will be rewriting earth geo-mechanics later next year, at which time I shall expose the 22 year volcanic cycle, and the interactions the interplanetary magnetic fields, galactic cosmic rays, and “nucleation” of volcanic gases in magma all influenced by the sun and space weather.    We are definitely in an earth based magnetic excursion (aka possible magnetic pole flip) and maybe headed to a “Grand solar minimum” (aka a dearth of sunspots).     One startling finding from my observations during the 2018 HVE Hawaiian volcanic event, was that during period of very low sunspot activity… get increased clouds (via cloud nucleation via GCRs) which create cooling effect, and you get increased vulcanism, via the same GCRs Galactic Cosmic rays and other magnetic field (aka magnetic shield) effects.    


So it a double whammy….more clouds and more volcanoes.    And it’s likely where we are headed over the next 11, 22, 33 years.   So I bought a larger greenhouse, LOL.  And 10 cords of red oak


About 2 weeks ago, I predicted an eruption of Moana Loa or Kilauea or both in the next month, it’s possible this conjunction, and the combined interplanetary magnetic fields and flux transfer, could be the trigger, and solstices and equinoxes of the Earth are particularly prone to large volcanic and earthquake events.   So stay frosty, and any night in the next week would be great viewing of this historic conjunction if you can find some dark skies and tip a frosty one too!


PS, a 4.4 Mag EQ hit the Moana Kea volcano last week too, that’s big for Hawaii.

When Pence Counts The Electoral Votes On January 6th, He Should Feed Them Through A Dominion Machine and come up with 80% for Trump

 LOL stock here:

An explanation from a Michigan politician.


Death of Small Business -- Obituary That Went Viral

Steven Klein wrote this: Wretched Gretchen is killing his baby.

stock here --- a case could be made on Amendment 5

nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

This is NOT a political post. My sources are telling me an extension is going to be announced. May God help her❤️

My business, my livelihood, my invention, my baby that I have nursed from birth, called Vision Lanes is in jeopardy. 😌😌😌

She is barely conscious. She is dying slowly. She is watching her loyal staff and caretakers go find other sources of income because she can’t provide for her family any longer.

Her customers are finding other places to bowl. The people she loves are being forced to bowl in another State just to do what they love doing with her at her house. But, she is not conscious. She is not available to them. She is dying. Something is killing her and she is being told that she needs to be sacrificed. Her death will save lives.

She sees the mailbox continue to fill up with bills. Bills that have never stopped coming. The bills are as unrelenting as a shark that smells blood in the water. The end is near.

There isn’t anything her Daddy can do to save her. He is helpless. It’s killing him. So when you see her Daddy, and he doesn’t have that same sparkle in his eyes or same love in his heart understand he is watching his baby die, right in front of his eyes.

Those of you who say, “Oh we will be there when she gets better”.

Its time to relinquish to the fact that she won’t be alive when she is allowed to be open again, when she is allowed to be conscious.

Those of you who don’t understand the tragedy and loss of her death haven’t witnessed her unconditional love and friendship.

You haven’t watched her introduce people and they become “friends for life”.

You haven’t watched her atmosphere, and her influence people to find their soulmate and get married because she introduced them and she gave them a safe place to interact.

You aren’t aware that in her house everyone KNOWS they are treated with equal respect and people KNOW they have equal responsibility as well.

You aren’t aware that her house is a place, where black and white people learn about each other. They get to experience each other in a 50/50 environment, that they love equally.

You don’t know she provides a place where people give each other a chance no matter how different the people are! She is like no other! She celebrates the beauty of diversity. There isn’t much of that going on today, if you haven’t noticed. Some of you are fine with the lack of acceptance of diversity. She is not fine with it. She celebrates diversity with ease and grace❤️

She has hooked up some of the best bowlers in the country. She introduced them at a team tournament, a league, or just when they are hanging out.

She is way more than a “bowling alley”. She improves everyone’s life that gives her love a chance.

Her little brother, the Hamtramck Singles needs to find a new place to grow up before he is infected and dies an unforgivable death as well.

Goodbye girl. I love you and I will miss you❤️🎳🎳

With much love and respect

Signed by Your Daddy❤️