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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Trolls are a Form of Censorship

This Eugene Guy is one that get pushed to the top of replies to Trump Tweets, and of course he is 100% TDS.

I guess no one told him about my declining exponent modeling method.


And when you are pimping for a pimp, that is not a good living.  

Trolls Are One Tool Of Censorship and Controlling the Narrative

This Eugene Guy is one that get pushed to the top of replies to Trump Tweets, and of course he is 100% TDS.

I guess no one told him about my declining exponent modeling method.


And when you are pimping for a pimp, that is not a good living.

And this is another troll continually pushed on to my feed......trying to create hatred between men and women, and always pushing the libtard memes.

Big Mike Writes a Transgender Book -- This is Not the Onion

I thought this was a spoof.    Weird too, posing with the dog, not the "kids"

It is well known now, this is how they pay bribes, launder money.   Through "book deals" and especially Netflix.  

But wow, just wow.  

WHO is Pushing Depravity Unto Toddlers Under 4 YO

For kids 0 to 4 years old.

AG Barr will be participating in the nationwide #AskTheAG Q&A session on May 1 at 12pm ET

stock here, OK I am game

Mr. Barr I am referring Governor Evers of Wisconsin for prosecution under

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.


from a contributor

"Within what time-frame will you address the belief among a significant portion of the electorate that there exists at least 2 justice systems in the United States"

"Are there plans to curtail the sensationalistic and exclusively one-sided "mistakes" being reported by the media with regard to our government as well as the pandemic?"

"Do you feel the intelligence communities (FBI/CIA/NSA/DNI, etc) are now trustworthy partners for the DOJ and court systems"

"Are there plans, within the DOJ to evaluate judges prior rulings as well as maintaining an evaluatory system to catch problems henceforth?"

"Are there companies/individuals within the pharmaceutical industry facing investigation due to withholding valid therapies/cures for diseases, Covid-19 being just one of these diseases?"




Gates Is Now Fully Exposed -- Awesome Summary, Rockfeller, The Fed Connection, and Life After Microsoft

Gates paralyzed 490,000 children in India with a Polio Vaccine, and that is one of his good points.

I don't believe he is a sociopath, I believe he is a sadist.

This is by "reallygraceful" a spicy redhead.

Gates relishes in a destroyed economy

Christopher Elias -- Mouthpiece of The Gates Foundation -- Talks About How to "Access" Children and Event 201

stock here.  

This Asshat participated in Event 201 -- Which was the staging exercise for the the fake COVID pandemic.    See Event 201 HERE

He says a mouthful in 1.5 minutes.

He pretends their $60M will be working with the Pharmaceutical industry but nothing specific

Even TGF tries to shy away from the word vaccine.

He states they want to work with the UN.   Seems odd, that he didn't say WHO instead of saying the UN?    

This is Feb 20, 2020 (2-20-2020) the only thing they they have definitely picked a "target" to get their money

 Note in this Polio related narrative...."we still don't have access to some children" ?? 

 Is that how they think about their reaction and interaction with children? Ask Rachel Chandler about access. 

And amazingly he notes that they have to fight not just natural polio, but also vaccine derived polio.....hmmmm so the vaccine causes polio? hmmmmm 

NEVER EVER talk about strong and diverse immune systems. 

445 views in 2 years, and 1 comment "A Noble Cause",

please visit and drop your own comments. 

1976 Swine Flu an Even Worse Scam, YouTube Censoring The Story, But We Got It On Bitchute

stock here,

The huge scam of the 1976 Swine Flu, sheds important light on the scam we have just been through.    In that one, get this.....1 person died, but they rushed a vaccine in months, lied and scared 40M into taking it, maimed 4000 seriously, and prevented.......nothing.

Not saying it was due to my publication and several thousand views, yesterday, but yesterday we published a 1979 "60 minutes" story that detailed the scam called Swine Flu.     I also saw it on Facebook and Twitter.

YouTube then censored it, see below.   Fortunately, someone had put it on Bitchute.   And I also  found a transcript, put at far bottom.    Note the middle part with the then CDC Director lying his ass off, even smirking, it's highlighted.

The CDC illegally used Mary Tyler Moore's image, without her permission (a huge TV star at the time) saying that she was going to take the shot.   Moore was "America's Girl" everyone liked and trusted her.

I added at bottom an Amazing Polly video who deep dives into this predatory vaccine industry.   UPDATE: This has now also been censored.

What can we "harvest" out of this Pandemic?   A few of the swamp critters that were never on our radar are now fully on our radar.

It seems that government is the perfect place to hide these critters.    They work behind the scenes, only ever so often popping up for their spin salad in front of the camera, and then they slink back into their element, sucking off the government teats and getting ready for their huge retirement.

Hence, the smaller the government, the better.  Always.   Accountability seems a far reach from where we are at, when it seems like 10% of the players should be hanging from a noose, yet except for the most horrific, we can't even depower them.

Its a big club and you ain't in it.

One of the swamp critters that was exposed is Bill Gates.     What do we do with him now?

Some may remember when 60 minutes was a well done, well watched show.    Now it is primarily a limited hang out, controlled opposition, narrative pusher.    No teeth.

The Swine Flu Vaccination Fraud Of 1976 On 60 Minutes


60 MINUTES, Sunday Nov 4, 1979

MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims - two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

We pick up the story back in 1976, when the threat posed by the swine flu virus seemed very real indeed.

PRESIDENT GERALD FORD; This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States, as well as 20 million deaths around the world.

WALLACE: Thus the U.S. government's publicity machine was cranked into action to urge all America to protect itself against the swine flu menace. (Excerpt from TV commercial urging everyone to get a swine flu shot.) One of those who did roll up her sleeve was Judy Roberts. She was perfectly healthy, an active woman, when, in November of 1976, she took her shot. Two weeks later, she says, she began to feel a numbness starting up her legs.

JUDY ROBERTS: And I joked about it at that time. I said I'll be numb to the knees by Friday if this keeps up. By the following week, I was totally paralyzed.
WALLACE: So completely paralyzed, in fact, that they had to operate on her to enable her to breathe. And for six months, Judy Roberts was a quadriplegic. The diagnosis: A neurological disorder called "Guillian-Barre Syndrome" - GBS for short. These neurological diseases are little understood. They affect people in different ways.

As you can see in these home movies taken by a friend, Judy Roberts' paralysis confined her mostly to a wheelchair for over a year. But this disease can even kill. Indeed, there are 300 claims now pending from the families of GBS victims who died, alledgedly as a result of the swine flu shot. In other GBS victims, the crippling effects diminish and all but disappear. But for Judy Roberts, progress back to good health has been painful and partial.

Now, I notice that your smile, Judy, is a little bit constricted.

ROBERTS: Yes, it is.

WALLACE: Is it different from what it used to be?

ROBERTS: Very different, I have a – a greatly decreased mobility in my lips. AndI can't drink through a straw on the right-band side. I can't blow out birthday candles. I don't whistle any more, for which my husband is grateful.

WALLACE: It may be a little difficult for you to answer this question, but have you recovered as much as you are going to recover?

ROBERTS: Yes. This - this is it.

WALLACE: So you will now have a legacy of braces on your legs for the rest of your life?

ROBERTS: Yes. The weakness in my hands will stay and the leg braces will stay.

WALLACE: So Judy Roberts and her husband have filed a claim against the U.S. government. They're asking $12 million, though they don't expect to get nearly that much. Judy, why did you take the flu shot?
ROBERTS: I'd never taken any other flu shots, but I felt like this was going to be a major epidemic, and the only way to prevent a major epidemic of a - a really deadly variety of flu was for every body to be immunized.
WALLACE: Where did this so called "deadly variety of flu", where did it first hit back in 1976? It began right here at Fort Dix in New Jersey in January of that year, when a number of recruits began to complain of respiratory ailments, something like the common cold. An Army doctor here sent samples of their throat cultures to the New Jersey Public Health Lab to find our just what kind of bug was going around here. One of those samples was from a Private David Lewis, who had left his sick bed to go on a forced march. Private Lewis had collapsed on that march, and his sergeant had revived him by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. But the sergeant showed no signs of illness. A few days later, Private Lewis died.
ROBERTS: If this disease is so potentially fatal that it's going to kill a young, healthy man, a middle-aged schoolteacher doesn't have a prayer.
WALLACE: The New Jersey lab identified most of those solders' throat cultures as the normal kind of flu virus going around that year, but they could not make out what kind of virus was in the culture from the dead soldier, and from four others who were sick. So they sent those cultures to the Federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, for further study. A few days later they got the verdict: swine flu. But that much-publicized outbreak of swine flu at Fort Dix involved only Private Lewis, who died, and those four other soldiers, who recovered completely without the swine flu shot.
ROBERTS: If I had known at that time that the boy had been in a sick bed, got up, went out on a forced march and then collapsed and died, I would never have taken the shot.


DR DAVID SENCER: The rationale for our recommendation was not on the basis of the death of a - a single individual, but it was on the basis that when we do see a change in the characteristics of the influenza virus, it is a massive public-health problem in the country.

WALLACE: Dr David Sencer, then head of the CDC - the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta - is now in private industry. He devised the swine flu program and he pushed it.
You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of '76?

DR SENCER: October 1st.

WALLACE: By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?
DR SENCER: There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press, by the news media. There were cases in -
WALLACE: None confirmed? Did you ever uncover any other outbreaks of swine flu anywhere in the world?
WALLACE: Now, nearly everyone was to receive a shot in a public health facility where a doctor might not be present, therefore it was up to the CDC to come up with some kind of official consent form giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested. What it didn't say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine and that it was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot. That vaccine was called "X-53a". Was X-53a ever field tested?
DR SENCER: I-I can't say. I would have to -
WALLACE: It wasn't
DR SENCER: I don't know
WALLACE: Well, I would think that you're in charge of the program
DR SENCER: 1 would have to check the records. I haven't looked at this in some time.
WALLACE: The information form the consent form was also supposed to warn people about any risk of serious complications following the shot. But did it?
ROBERTS: No, I had never heard of any reactions other than a sore arm, fever, this sort of thing.
WALLACE: Judy Roberts' husband, Gene, also took the shot.
GENE ROBERTS: Yes, I looked at that document, I signed it. Nothing on there said I was going to have a heart attack, or I can get Guillain Barre, which I'd never heard of.
WALLACE: What if people from the government, from the Center for Disease Control, what if they had indeed, known about it, what would be your feeling?
JUDY ROBERTS: They should have told us.
WALLACE: Did anyone ever come to you and say, "You know something, fellows, there's the possibility of neurological damage if you get into a mass immunization program?"
WALLACE: No one ever did?
WALLACE: Do you know Michael Hattwick?
DR SENCER: Yes, uh-hmm.
WALLACE: Dr Michael Hattwick directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC. His job was to find out what possible complications could arise from taking the shot and to report his findings to those in charge. Did you know ahead of time, Dr Hattwick that there had been case reports of neurological disorders, neurological illness, apparently associated with the injection of influenza vaccine?
WALLACE: You did?
WALLACE: How did you know that?
DR HATrwICK: By review of the literature.
WALLACE: So you told your superiors - the men in charge of the swine flu immunization program - about the possibility of neurological disorders?
DR RATTWICK: Absolutely
WALLACE: What would you say if I told you that your superiors say that you never told them about the possibility of neurological complications?
DR HAJTWICK: That's nonsense. I can't believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination. That simply is not true. We did know that.
DR SENCER: I have said that Dr Hattwick had never told me of his feelings on this subject.
WALLACE: Then he's lying?
DR SENCER: I guess you would have to make that assumption.
WALLACE: Then why does this report from your own agency, dated July 1976, list neurological complications as a possibility?
DR SENCER: I think the consensus of the scientific community was that the evidence relating neurologic disorders to influenza immunization was such that they did not feel that this association was a real one.
WALLACE: You didn't feel it was necessary to tell the American people that information
DR SENCER: I think that over the - the years we have tried to inform the American people as - as fully as possible.
WALLACE: As part of informing Americans about the swine flu threat, Dr Sencer's CDC also helped create the advertising to get the public to take the shot. Let me read to your from one of your own agency's memos planning the campaign to urge Americans to take the shot. "The swine flu vaccine has been taken by many important persons," he wrote. "Example: President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Elton John, Muhammad Ah, Mary Tyler Moore, Rudolf Nureyev, Walter Cronkite, Ralph Nader, Edward Kennedy" -etcetera, etcetera, True?
DR SENCER: I'm not familiar with that particular piece of paper, but I do know that, at least of that group, President Ford did take the vaccination.
WALLACE: Did you talk to these people beforehand to find out if they planned to take the shot?
DR SENCER: I did not, no.
WALLACE: Did anybody?
DR SENC ER: I do not know.
WALLACE: Did you get permission to use their names in your campaign?
DR SENCER: I do not know.
WALLACE: Mary, did you take a swine flu shot?
MARY TYLER MOORE: No, I did not.
WALLACE: Did you give them permission to use your name saying that you had or were going to?
MOORE: Absolutely not. Never did.
WALLACE: Did you ask your own doctor about taking the swine flu shot?
MOORE: Yes, and at the time he thought it might be a good idea. But I resisted it, because I was leery of having the symptoms that sometimes go with that kind of inoculation.
WALLACE: So you didn't?
MOORE: No, I didn't.
WALLACE: Have you spoken to your doctor since?
MOORE: He's delighted that I didn't take that shot.
WALLACE: You're in charge. Somebody's in charge.
DR SENCER: There are -
WALLACE: This is your advertising strategy that I have a copy of here.
DR SENCER: Who's it signed by?
WALLACE: This one is unsigned. But you--you'll acknowledge that it was your baby so to speak?
DR SENCER: It could have been from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It could be from CDC. I don't know. I'll be happy to take responsibility for it.
WALLACE: It's been three years now since you fell ill by GBS right?
WALLACE: Has the federal government, in your estimation, played fair with you about your claim?
ROBERTS: No, I don't think so. It seems to be dragging on and on and on, and really no end in sight that I can see at this point.
JOSEPH CALIFANO: With respect to the cases of Guillain Barre...
WALLACE: Former Secretary of HEW Joseph Califano, too was disturbed that there was no end in sight. So a year and a half ago, he proposed that Uncle Sam would cut the bureaucratic red tape for victims suffering from GBS and would pay up quickly.
CALIFANO: We shouldn't hold them to an impossible or too difficult standard of proving that they were hurt. Even if we pay a few people a few thousand dollars that might not have deserved it, I think justice requires that we promptly pay those people who do deserve it.
WALLACE: Who's making the decision to be so hard-nosed about settling?
CALIFANO: Well, I assume the Justice Department is.
WALLACE: Griffin Bell, before he left?
CALIFANO: Well, the Justice Department agreed to the statement I made. It was cleared word for word with the lawyers in the Justice Department by my HEW lawyers.
CALIFANO: That-that statement said that we should pay Guillain Barre claims without regard to whether the federal government was negligent, if they - if they resulted from the swine flu shot.
GENE ROBERTS: I think the government knows its wrong.
JUDY ROBERTS: If it drags out long enough, that people will just give up, let it go.
GENE ROBERTS: I—I am a little more adament in my thoughts than my wife is, because I asked - told Judy to take the shot. She wasn't going to take it, and she never had had shots. And I'm mad with my government because they knew the fact, but they didn't realise those facts because they - if they had released them, the people wouldn't have taken it. And they can come out tomorrow and tell me there's going to be an epidemic, and they can drop off like flies to - next to me, I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.
WALLACE: Meantime, Judy Roberts and some 4,000 others like her are still waiting for their day in court.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Twitter Policy Is Fully Supportive of Pedophilia "Attraction Towards Minors Are Permitted"

stock here These people are sick.    I am not sure what to "do with this", report Twitter to Twitter?

We need a "Technological Bill of Rights".

Note the structure of the first sentence.   It is intentionally ambiguous, so that later they could back peddle and say we meant the "attraction towards minors" was supposed to only be permitted as a phenomenon.

So clearly we have Twitter aiding and abetting child abuse, purportedly as an aid to increase the deviancy of the public as well as creating "damaged goods"

No one with an 8th grade reading and writing level could be this sloppy on leaving these gaps in language, unless it was intentional.

What Better Time to Declassify UFOs Than In A Fake Pandemic

Aliens? What better time to declassify that? The Pentagon declassified the videos in an effort "to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos," a spokesperson says.

Vaccine Are Big Business -- Any Big Business Should Be Looked At With Suspicion -- The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976

stock here
Added an Amazing Polly who deep dives into this predatory industry.  

What can we "harvest" out of this Pandemic?   A few of the swamp critters that were never on our radar are now fully on our radar.

It seems that government is the perfect place to hide these critters.    They work behind the scenes, only ever so often popping up for their spin salad in front of the camera, and then they slink back into their element, sucking off the government teats and getting ready for their huge retirement.

Hence, the smaller the government, the better.  Always.   Accountability seems a far reach from where we are at, when it seems like 10% of the players should be hanging from a noose, yet except for the most horrific, we can't even depower them.

Its a big club and you ain't in it.

One of the swamp critters that was exposed is Bill Gates.     What do we do with him now?

Some may remember when 60 minutes was a well done, well watched show.    Now it is primarily a limited hang out, controlled opposition, narrative pusher.    No teeth.

The Swine Flu Vaccination Fraud Of 1976 On 60 Minutes


Monday, April 27, 2020

Google's Eric Schmidt 100% In Cahhoots With the DNC in 2016, Serving As Tech Consulting Getting Paid Standard Hourly Rate

Lets see....if I was CEO of Google, my standard hourly rate would be like $2000 per hour. 

I wonder how many bonus algorithms Google put in to sway the optics and narrative to benefit the DNC, which was 100% controlled by the Clinton foundation.

Caught Red Handed, They Are Padding the Death Number, Changing the Historical Data, Fudging the Data

Caught red handed, they retroactively adding additional deaths into the COVID record.

HERE is my original sheet with the unaderated data 

And here is the new sheet they produced today

ON 4-20-2020 They added in 592 additional deaths!

Although the news reports that states are "forced to remove hundreds of miscategorized deaths"

0 2/28/2020
0 2/29/2020
0 3/1/2020
0 3/2/2020
0 3/3/2020
0 3/4/2020
0 3/5/2020
0 3/6/2020
0 3/7/2020
0 3/8/2020
0 3/9/2020
0 3/10/2020
0 3/11/2020
0 3/12/2020
0 3/13/2020
0 3/14/2020
1 3/15/2020
1 3/16/2020
1 3/17/2020
3 3/18/2020
4 3/19/2020
6 3/20/2020
9 3/21/2020
10 3/22/2020
12 3/23/2020
19 3/24/2020
22 3/25/2020
23 3/26/2020
30 3/27/2020
37 3/28/2020
60 3/29/2020
77 3/30/2020
74 3/31/2020
77 4/1/2020
89 4/2/2020
86 4/3/2020
108 4/4/2020
160 4/5/2020
217 4/6/2020
195 4/7/2020
190 4/8/2020
235 4/9/2020
263 4/10/2020
263 4/11/2020
318 4/12/2020
385 4/13/2020
398 4/14/2020
404 4/15/2020
426 4/16/2020
420 4/17/2020
418 4/18/2020
431 4/19/2020
592 4/20/2020
476 4/21/2020
405 4/22/2020
371 4/23/2020
465 4/24/2020
89 4/25/2020
0 4/26/2020

The Slow Walking of the Re-opening of USA Is Criminal

stock here.

As it becomes painfully obvious to EVERYONE even the brain dead, that this thing is over, then "they" will need to switch into another mode to create as much pain and suffering, hatred, and discontent, economic damage and hunger.

The coronavirus commission is likely to be an easy source to see their slow walk strategy.

On Apr 20, they decided that they wouldn't meet again until May 5th!

You can email them here


here is what I emailed to them

USA Deaths Fall from 2000 to 1200, This "Thing" Is Over

stock here, this is amazing and great news.  

The talking heads are going to keep on talking.    Bookmark their really stupid points, even print to PDF. 

The model is working.   No one else in the world has a model that is working, I am flabbergasted at that.

Will take a sizable position in 2X Index ETFs tomorrow morning.   

BLUE is reported data
Orange is my proprietary model, which is nailing it like no other.

Canada To Issue $1M Dollar Fine and 3 Years In Jail For Leaving Your House

Little Tyrant Trudeau needs to be removed.

God forbid you actually try to get some food for yourself!

“Unfortunately, there are a number of people who have not been following [public health] guidelines,” Trudeau said last month. “We are implementing the Quarantine Act to keep all Canadians safe. If you do not comply with these instructions, you could face serious fines and even prison time.”

 If the Canadian police can't verify that you are at home, by phone or email, then they will visit your house and make a physical search.  

Checks will “generally be limited to persons who, after PHAC has done initial verifications by phone, text or e-mail, may require a physical verification by police,” the RCMP statement said. 
The maximum fine for failing to comply with the quarantine is $750,000 and up to six months in prison, but those who put others at risk could face harsher penalties: up to a $1-million levy and three years imprisonment.

The Continued Lockdown is Criminal, Deadly, Non-Constitutional -- Call Your Congress Critters Today

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law -- Is in FACT a CRIME 

 And this one from the UK....The murderous mainstream Media is fabricating deaths to make things look horrible.   Their intention is to inflict as much damage to society as possible.    Doe the UK have a law similar to the US?

Britain records Europe's highest single-day death toll: Number of victims jumps by 980 to 8,958 - surpassing Italy and Spain's worst days - as 5,706 more patients test positive

But, at the time the report was released, the previous 24 hours had seen just 117 “Covid19 related deaths” according to NHS England, with a further possible 90 coming from Northern IrelandScotland and Wales, for a maximum possible total of 204.
The other 776 people included in the report had died at seemingly random points between March 5th and April 8th.
Apparently in Germany, any dissent is seen as insanity.....

German Lawyer Sent to Psychiatric Ward for Organizing Protest Against COVID-19 Lockdown

Uh, does it seem that Canada is a bit over the top here?
The maximum fine for failing to comply with the quarantine is $750,000 and up to six months in prison, but those who put others at risk could face harsher penalties: up to a $1-million levy and three years imprisonment.

Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers Breaks Down The Deadliness of The Lockdown

Ben does a lot of the same stuff that I do, although I am well ahead of him on earthquakes and vulcanism.   

"They" knew a long time ago. All the curious CEOs stepping down at the end of last year. The "club" is willing to kill dozens of millions through poverty and hunger. ----------------------------------------------------

Sunday, April 26, 2020

USA "Flu" Deaths Fall Off A Cliff, And Total In Hospital for SARS-2 Heads Down!

stock here, this is amazing and great news.   

The talking heads are going to keep on talking.    Bookmark their really stupid points, even print to PDF.  

The model is working.   No one else in the world has a model that is working, I am flabbergasted at that.

Will take a sizable position in 2X Index ETFs tomorrow morning.   


SARS-2 Covid and A Great Video Of 2 Doctors talking About Real Stats

Health system focusing on COVID SARS-2

Brilliant, educational video. Wish they had a few charts. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED VIDEO of the California ER Doctors Debunking our shutdown Economy. – How babies build immunity. –

ER doctors “in the real world, not in an Ivory Tower” (Dr. Fauci) – They politely slam Dr. Fauci – “he probably hadn’t seen a patient in 20 years.” – increasing rates of suicide, spousal abuse, decreased immune resustance – “we will see a spike in illnesses when we go back to work” –

pushing Gov Gavin Newsom for a gradual reopening – doctors being encouraged to mark COVID as a cause of death!