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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Prediction: When the Crypto-Leftists Gain Control Over Technology -- The Shit Hits The Fan

Please watch the video below by the Amazing Polly. 
After reading this little stint, that I adapted from another source
As a warning for the future, that is now in play 
What was amazing after I wrote this article, and reviewed the video again, 
was the reality of the Frankfurt University introduction to USA
The amazing part it that it was at Columbia University, of which the latest 
article I just wrote used Columbia University as a central tenant of 
trying support the lying media.   I had wanted to 

Frankfurt University is anti-American to it's core.  

The more dangerous leftists, those who are most power hungry, are often characterized by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach to ideology.
However, the most dangerous leftists of all may be certain over socialized types who avoid irritating displays of aggressiveness and refrain from advertising their leftism, but work quietly and unobtrusively to promote

  1. collectivist values,
  2. "enlightened" psychological techniques for socializing children,
  3. dependence of the individual on the system,
  4. and so forth,

These Crypto-Leftists (as we may call them) approximate certain Bourgeois Leftists types as far as practical action is concerned, but differ from them in psychology, ideology, and motivation.
The ordinary bourgeois tries to bring people under control of the system in order to protect his way of life, or he does so simply because his attitudes are conventional.
The Crypto-Leftist tries to bring people under control of the system because he is a True Believer in a collectivism ideology.
The Crypto-Leftist is differentiated from the average leftist of the over socialized type by the fact that his rebellious impulse is weaker and he is more securely socialized.
He is differentiated from the ordinary well-socialized bourgeois by the fact that there is some deep lack within him that makes it necessary for him to devote himself to a cause and Immerse himself in a collectivity.
And it may well be that of the Crypto-Leftist's (well-sublimated, well hidden) drive for power is stronger than that of the average Bourgeois Leftist 

Oh, here is the source document, comments?

----------------------------------------------------------- Another real rebel (Renegade) is Jordan Peterson.

Foreign Agents Registration Act -- News Media (Lying or Not) Can Be Prosecuted Under FARA

Short of throwing lead down range, we need to try to reign in the Criminals That Be with all legal means possible.     Use the FARA Act!

Now that we have a DOJ with patriotic leadership, there is a  chance it can work.    Today I hear 94,000 sealed court proceedings, some of which are indictments.

Clearly, when I think about the coordinated, NWO agenda that is pimped out on CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and the other "specialty" media such as Center for American Progress
which was formed by none other than John Podesta, I clearly think of what they are doing as a crime.

Do you see it that way?

So how can we slap them back?   It's a slippery slope, any restriction on free speech could snow ball into something horrible.    But under FARA, there is a restriction on "free speech", quite simply that if you are projecting the views and wills of a foreign agent, be it country, corporation, foundation, and you don't tell the USA that you are doing so, the person involved has lost (or never had) any "Freedom of Speech".  

But today, I need to keep this article short.   I just want to present the idea.    And encourage you to email or call the DOJ and report CNN, and probably we need to point at specific people at CNN, and others.    Short because........
It's the first "nice day" in Wisconsin in weeks.    The green house has it's automatic heat release roof panel flying open early in the morning.   Plants love heat, not just sun, but heat.    They are like cold blooded reptiles...everything flows better with heat, really up to 110F doesn't seem to be a problem.    But that aside....I need to get to work on all things vegetable, herb, and prairie.    I have much automated infrastructure and pro-grade weed mat that will allow me to produce organically, and without even being around for up to 1 month methinks.   
"The Voice of Journalism" makes a startling claim:
In invoking FARA, Congress is relying on a notoriously opaque unit within the Department of Justice to draw an impossible line between propaganda and journalism
 Yes, that claim from Columbia Journalism Review.   It is impossible to tell propaganda from journalism.   There, all done, fixed that, keep the FARA dogs off of the establishment media.

Once I got on this trail, the above was exactly what I expected to find.    A pushback, the strongest pushbacks coming the biggest criminals that be.

In fact lil' Butina getting 18 months in jail for hob-nobbing with the NRA, FARA has been in the news quite a bit.    Manafort was actually guilty, as well as tax evasion.   But Butina just "needed a sentence" to continue the Russia Russia Russia propaganda, I mean "news"

Butina - Clarify -- She not not actually charged under FARA USC 611.   She was charged under USC 951 which is "Agent of a Foreign Government".     Clearly this was used to further the "Russia Narrative".

If you believe an individual or entity is violating FARA or has an obligation to register, please contact the FARA Unit:
  • By E-mail:
  • By Phone: (202) 233-0776 / (202) 233-0777
  • By Correspondence:
    FARA Unit
    National Security Division
    U.S. Department of Justice
    175 N Street, NE
    Constitution Square, Building 3 - Room 1.300
    Washington, DC 20002
Because investigations are confidential, the FARA Unit cannot provide updates on submissions it has received.
Updated April 25, 2019
The criminals that be will refer to Item D  of 22 USC 611, Definitions which excludes news organizations which are properly registered.    Ah, let's slap back the lies right now.....You only get this exception "none of it's policies are determined by any foreign principal".  

(d) The term "agent of a foreign principal" does not include any news or press service or association organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, or any newspaper, magazine, periodical, or other publication for which there is on file with the United States Postal Service information in compliance with section 3611 of Title 39, published in the United States, solely by virtue of any bona fide news or journalistic activities, including the solicitation or acceptance of advertisements, subscriptions, or other compensation therefor, so long as it is at least 80 per centum beneficially owned by, and its officers and directors, if any, are citizens of the United States, and such news or press service or association, newspaper, magazine, periodical, or other publication, is not owned, directed, supervised, controlled, subsidized, or financed, and none of its policies are determined by any foreign principal defined in subsection (b) of this section, or by any agent of a foreign principal required to register under this subchapter;

Just a thought, if Rep Omars marriage was considered invalid, would that make any citizenship issues subject to FARA registration and penalties for lack of doing so. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Summary of Attack Approaches to Weakening Western Civilization

Good questions my friend. Very political because this is about #WhiteGenocide being perpetrated by the Jews. Don't believe me? How about this evidence?

For those that have seen this pasta before, please ignore.

For those who haven't, read up. It's real.

What is #WhiteGenocide?

Why do they want Whites gone? It goes back a long long way. The term genocide was coined, ironically, by a Jew named Raphael Lemkin in the 1940s. He was the founder of the Genocide Convention.
This legitimized The Great Replacement under the guise of fixing a declining white European population
However, the replacement plan has been much longer in the making in the Kalergi Plan.
You can see how it's utterly changed the demographics of Europe and the U.S. What lead to the decline in birth rates and set the stage for the immigration Trojan horse? That plan has been long in the making too. A 1969 paper written by Planned Parenthood VP Jaffe outlined their strategy.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory schooling that destroys creativity, intelligence, and rewards obedience.
Decrease the average family size so we are no longer replacing ourselves.
Change the immigration laws designed and intended by the founding fathers so that only Europeans can immigrate... Import exclusively non European races that reproduce much faster and are a much greater burden on society (i.e. the white tax payer)
They destroy our families
They distract and weaken our men
They turn our women into degenerate, childless whores
They permanently Maim and kill our children
They constantly push propaganda that demoralizes and instills guilt and shame in our people
They push for multiculturalism and race mixing in white countries only. Diversity is a Trojan horse designed to destroy us from within.
The media, in all its forms, is their greatest weapon. It is so powerful, it has convinced us to hate our own people.
They systematically destroy the institutions our society was built upon
The summary
[–] 18377385? [S] 3 points (+3|-0) ago 
Completely agree friend. Thanks for keeping all this info handy! The point of my questions were to get others to ask themselves those questions too, and look at our movement from a different perspective, rather than the "these people are evil bigots" that they have been conditioned to think. I believe ours is a mission of love.

This Pope Is A Globalist Piece of Shit

Do your own research, it's clear.

This Pope is a full on Globalist, he is controlled.   Speculate how?   Sex with little boys on video?

That is what I think.

A conservative group of Catholic priests and theologians called for Pope Francis to be declared a heretic because they believed he has softened the Catholic Church's stance on major moral issues.
There were 19 signatories to a letter urging the College of Bishops to denounce the pontiff and even consider stripping him of the papacy if he does not show “true repentance.”
The letter, backed by a petition, alleged the Pope had “denied truths of the faith” and had not been outspoken enough on key aspects of dogma such as abortion and homosexuality and seems too accepting of other faiths. He was even accused of once using a satanic symbol.

This Pope also says that Capitalism is the root of all evil, and it must be replaced.

“The precarious condition of our common home has been the result largely of a fallacious economic model that has been followed for too long” — an economic model that is “profit-oriented, shortsighted, and based on the misconception of unlimited economic growth,” which results in a “disastrous impact on the natural world.”
He said “We need a paradigm shift in all our economic activities” because capitalist economic powers “continue to justify the current global system where priority tends to be given to […] the pursuit of financial gain, which fail to take the context into account, let alone the effects on human dignity and the natural environment.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Comey Still Walks Free -- Claims That Trump Eats People's Souls

Funny now how Comey has adopted a phrase I have been using for years now, and it didnt seem to
get much traction, but I think it describes the situation nicely.   Co-opting.   How to take over a former group that had a real purpose, and mold it to be a tool for the more powerful agenda.

As in the Liberal cause  has been co-opted by NWO (open borders, late abortion, LGBTQ, illegals voting in our elections)


Comey, on the treasonous New York Times

You can’t say this out loud — maybe not even to your family — but in a time of emergency, with the nation led by a deeply unethical person, this will be your contribution, your personal sacrifice for America. You are smarter than Donald Trump, and you are playing a long game for your country, so you can pull it off where lesser leaders have failed and gotten fired by tweet.

Of course, to stay, you must be seen as on his team, so you make further compromises. You use his language, praise his leadership, tout his commitment to values.
And then you are lost. He has eaten your soul.

Wow, even worse than a Pedovore, a Soul Eater.     Wow!

Comey wants to protect "Institutions we hold dear", but in fact he is really referring just to the CIA and their Lapdogs the FBI.
But his outrageous conduct convinces you that you simply must stay, to preserve and protect the people and institutions and values you hold dear.

It should be quite clear, the number of firings and forced removals from the CIA, FBI, and DOJ did not represent "people and institutions" that need to be held dear, they represent decadence and decay and an outright attack on America, and it's citizens ability to select those who represent us in government.
And so many "people held dear" like James Baker, did initially "intent to retire" as a way of depowering them quickly, He was put under criminal investigation.   He went on paid leave in Jan 2018 (in the military and Fed this is called Terminal Leave, and was eligible to retire in Mid March, and was fired for cause in Mar 2018.

Baker was the FBI's top lawyer from 2014 to 2018-- He was responsible for letting HRC off the hook, among other people also pulling those strings.

Baker made the statement that he thought that Russia had directed Trump to fire Comey.    Seriously.

Sessions said in a statement that McCabe was let go for “lacking candor under oath” in misleading investigators about the fact that he authorized a conversation between FBI employees and The Wall Street Journal.

Baker was fired 26 hours prior to being able to collect a nice pensions on the backs of working americans.     I remember that day, it was a great one.  

Take pension
Take Freedom

And here, showing great hope, is our freshmen Congress-peeps AOC