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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Penny Kelly's Predictions Through the End of the Year

stock here, I thought this was interesting, and it good to cast your net wide in terms of what could happen.


The following are Penny Kelly’s predictions for the near future. Both timelines are still running concurrently, but people are more focused on the negative.



August 15 – September 15


1.         Audit results keep coming out, but most people aren’t paying attention.  There is growing hostility toward government and the media.

2.         School openings are spotty because of heated arguments over masks.  Teacher’s unions are pushing vaccinations for teachers, but there is resistance.

3.         News of the virus not being isolated or validated and PCR tests being unreliable creates confusion.

4.         Talk of Trump coming back keeps being pushed back or delayed.

5.         The coronavirus narrative is unravelling.

6.         Government tries to mandate the vaccine, but there is pushback and some violence.

7.         Compliance with vaccine mandates causes death rates to increase, but not as many as some had predicted.  There is an increase in sickness.

8.         The real estate market slows down to a near halt because of uncertainty over the future.

9.         There is an extension of the law preventing evictions of tenants who cannot pay their rent.  There is concern that landlords will lose their property, and tenants will be relocated to concentration camps.

10.       There is a revival of interest in “Q” as information in old posts becomes more relevant.

11.       Is Trump coming back?  According to what Penny sees, the answer is NO, at least not to Washington, D.C.  The U.S. Capitol appears to be completely shut down.  Those who hope for a Trump return and the election of new members to Congress will be disappointed. The situation, however, is more complex than who is President and involves the entire planet.  Trump is merely the symbol of one group vying for global control.  The U.S. is a key player in the struggle.  The goal of the Trump faction is to collapse the system.  If they win, they get one third of the planet.  Trump will continue to work to rebuild the U.S.

12.       There is serious flooding in FL, AL and part of SC due to a storm.

13.       Labor Day weekend activities get out of hand in Chicago, TN, TX and MO.


September 15 – October 15


14.       Water problems continue in Northern California.  Farmers and ranchers are under pressure to leave.

15.       The Vatican is in the news regarding the library, vaults or catacombs.  The real story is different from what is being told to the public.

16.       Sweden and Belgium start to talk about leaving the European Union.  This will most likely not occur until next year.  The European Union will eventually be dissolved.

17.       Stories about underground tunnels and escape routes underneath continents and oceans fuel the public imagination and spark discussion of new possibilities.

18.       There is an attack (pre-planned) on a major news media office in Atlanta (CNN?).

19.       Australia looks depressed and dark by mid-October.

20.       Stories about ET’s continue to leak, but the public is more concerned about money.

21.       The narrative shifts away from COVID to money and paychecks.  Government workers don’t get paid, and the stock market drops.

22.       The population of the U.S. starts to realize that the world power structure has shifted, and that the new global players do not care about democracy or individual freedom.


October 15 – November 15


23.       Many people are sick.  Some are hospitalized, and others refuse to go to the hospital.  Families are stressed to the max trying to take care of their members.

24.       The price of food continues to go up.  Food is either too expensive or not available.  Those who did not stock up on necessities will wish they had done so.

25.       Whistleblowers are coming forward with incriminating evidence against bankers, politicians, media people, etc.  The bad actors are put on the defensive – many are afraid to go out in public.

26.       Money is in short supply.  The Federal Reserve seems to be “on holiday”.  There are no new infrastructure programs to create jobs.  The people are angry.  The Treasury starts printing more money to placate the people.  The big manufacturers start refusing to take U.S. dollars for products like appliances that come from China.

27.       Cryptocurrency is steadily increasing in value (mid-October).  Those who waited too late to get in will lose fortunes as well as those did not understand how to use/protect cryptos.

28.       Soldiers are returned to Afghanistan and get trapped by the Taliban.  In the U.S., many soldiers are sick.  Biden calls in UN soldiers to “keep the peace”.  There is no U.S. government in place.  The people are completely demoralized.


November 15 – December 15


29.       Thanksgiving is gloomy.  There is little travel for family gatherings.

30.       Electricity is spotty in the most populous cities.  The flight of people from the northeast to southern states becomes a flood.

31.       There is some kind of threat or attack on Israel.

32.       President Erdogan of Turkey suffers a heart attack or some kind of accident.


December 15 – January 15


33.       A settlement is made between the big global players that starts a planetary change.  Real money is made available.  Soldiers are withdrawn from areas of conflict, and the food supply is restored.

34.       Things are easing up, but the people are slow to recognize this.

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