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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Insanity of Nuke

Forget for a moment, the insanity of:
1) a technology that creates hazardous wastes that last many times longer than the span of human history, for which no permanent solution has been invented. To boil water.
2)the location of said technology in one of the most seismically active zones and densely populated areas on the planet
3) the design decision to clump multiple reactors and fuel storage pools in close physical proximity to one another, so that a single catastrophic failure of one is a guarantee of a chain reaction failure domino effect.
Japan is dying a slow nuclear death now from Fukushima, and these psychopaths in the government want to charge full speed ahead with reactivation of 40 year old reactors that were only designed to run for 30 years.
As a species, how is it that we allow these madmen to "be our leaders"? More and more I'm convinced that humanity is a failed evolutionary experiment, and it's time is almost up.

Dracula and Nuke

from a comment at ENENEWS

Has anyone read Bram Stoker's Dracula? In the novel, a ship floats into an English port without a crew, captained by a corpse whose hands are tied to the helm with a crucifix.
It is one of the first truly creepy images in the British setting, but you know what the people do? They get distracted by a discussion of British property law, completely missing the point, thereby helping the vampire to escape and further endanger the British people.
Today, it will likely be the same. This ship is important as a visible symbol of all of the invisible contamination, the deadly amounts of plutonium, uranium, strontium, cesium, etc. that Tepco has sent gushing into the Pacific for over a year, radiation likely crashing on the shores of the entire Pacific Rim and beyond.
The sea spray of the Pacific is now likely a vehicle of radiation itself, including Alpha radiation.

Another Clunker Pilgrim, same design as Fukushima and ready to blow

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blood Testing Chelation What Can We Really Do

I am going to use this post to plop down bit and pieces of information. This is probably 10 to 20 hours to get to where I am going.

Simple stuff....since we were exposed to massive amounts (well 2600% over normal) baseline of Uranium and more than proportional Plutonium, well the answer is to remove those from our body.

The process is called Chelation, I have been familiar with this since undergrad, its nothing new. However, the problem with Chelation of heavy metals is that as far as I know the process is not selective, it will remove all heavy metals and you really need some of them in your body or you could be very messed up/dead.

Because of that complication, I have neglected the analysis of Chelation. But it is now obvious, that regardless of how hard it is, the effort is required, essential.

I am also going to be adding other commentary on things that normal people can do. For instance, Justme from ENE has been using a microscope for blood analysis. I have a lab microscope, the real deal....why in the hell can't if even do something as simple as look at my own blood, when we KNOW the medical industry fails us on multiple levels with their own regulatory and pharmaceutical capture.

Commentary by Justme, on ENE

March 21, 2012 at 5:13 am · Reply

I have a bad case of Rouleaux and after some research discovered leukemic cells, but have still not been able to have this verified by an expert. The Rouleaux is out of control. I was very worried last night because I had been propping my head up with my hand and the area or pressure point(palm print) was not a normal red that you would expect to see. Instead it was a deep purple area and I'm assuming this is because of the Rouleaux. I've been researching this condition and there are many causes including cancer and radiation.
After my wife begged me, I went to the local emergeny room today. I started talking to a nurse and asked her if they were seeing a lot of GI issues. She told me there has been a big increase in GI cases. This information exchange was very low-key.
About 15 minutes goes by and the doctor comes in. I told him my symptoms and he asked why I thought I had what I claimed. Told him I had exposure. After going back and forth with the typical x-ray airplane bullshit, I told him to bring me a fetal doppler and I would show him exactly what I was talking about. He started to stumble on his words and then told me they didn't have one in ER and they were on the second floor (labor and deliver). Refused to get me one so I could show him the cause of my symptoms. He also told me Rouleaux doesn't happen in white people. To make this story short….they took my blood and did the labs while I waited. An hour later were my results. Healthy blood with no signs of illness.
Flash forward 30 minutes.. prepped another blood film and this time it didn't look so much like Rouleaux, they have started to gather into larger clusters many times greater than the stacked rows and still plenty of leukemic cells. I can tell you with 100& certainty the results they told me were not what they viewed in my blood.

I am more than pissed… and I'm dieing….


Have you checked your blood? What are your symptoms? Any unusual feelings inside your body? Take Bismuth Subsalicylate (It's the pink stuff). They will help remove this junk from your intestines. Search Youtube "human fecal radiaiton test"


Hi everyone. Usually I just read what all you great people are writing….so glad I found this site.
stock@hawaii…Zeolite is a great mineral to use for chelation therapy. It traps heavy metals and is also great for removing radioactive isotopes. It was used after Chernobyl. Make sure you get a 'high grade' micronized zeolite. Most health food stores have it. The lower grades are used for filtering air and water. Make sure to drink lots of water while taking it – 8 glasses a day.
I have been taking it since last March and I bought a water filter that has a layer of zeolite in it right after Fukushima happened.


This Alpha we have over here must be some kind of mutation. You could have a house full and not even know it was there. I'll explain. First your detector must be able to detect Alpha radiation. Normally we would expect the emitter to emit a burst of particles in all directions. Like pins in a pin cushion or spikes on a sea urchin, but the stuff we have here appears to emit the particles in one single line as if the pin cushion had only one pin sticking out. These Alpha emitters (dust from Fukushima) are throwing large amounts of particles in a very directional line and these particles have to hit the anode, which is a small wire inside the tube. You have to hold your Geiger counter very still, almost like you would hold a magnifying glass while trying to burn something, but on a microscopic level. You'll need to rest your wrists on the surface you are checking. It's nearly impossible to keep a particle focused on the anode. Once you learn how to do this…you will be shocked.
Check the manual and see if your Geiger counter detects Alpha. Also, go to your local library to learn about Alpha radiation. Finding reliable information on this topic, is becoming increasingly difficult, online.

Stacked blood cells are easy to see. Learn how to prepare a blood film (it's easy). You do not need stain to view the stacked cells. My wife's blood also has problems,but so far no stacked cells. I have been using a degausser and it's helping. I wasn't quite ready to start using it, still had some more reading to do, but with the way I was feeling and the deep purple marks, felt I really didn't have a choice. It was an instant relief.
The clumping that I am now seeing is called "cellular aggregation". I just found this.


Rad exposure and protection manuals. Chelation around somewhere

PS--some natural food stuff, but no key word chelation found --stock

Chelation Protocol Report
one year post 311
Every four months I have the family take a hair analysis to monitor internal heavy metal contamination. As Enenews readers all know, that radioactive isotopes are mostly comprised of radioactive heavy metals in various states and concentrations. The bodies total heavy metal load can include radionuclides such as Strontium, Plutonium, Uranium and Cesium 134 and C 137 etc. High Heavy metal levels within the body can indicate possible accumulations of radioactive metals within the human body.
Daily oral and dietary chelation gradually reduces heavy metal levels and by inference reduces radioactive heavy metals as well.
Mrs. Noah had high levels of Uranium (from suspected cosmetic and dietary sources) in her body. Through oral chelation protocols that I have published here on this site, those U levels have been reduced, along with mercury, to very low levels indeed! Achieving satisfaction level of 95% reduction. U levels is one radioactive heavy metal that hair analysis tracks quite will. Her follow up hair analysis continue to reflect downward trends as chelation continues through time.
On very effective protocol that I developed myself (published first here at ENENEWS) is my Apple Pectin Protocol. Below is the protocol modified for travel.
Apple Pectin Protocol for adult use at Restaurant while traveling.
1. Prior to eating take 5-8 caps of powdered apple pectin with a generous cup of purified water.
2. Begin eating.
3. Mid-meal take another dose of 5-8 caps of powdered apple pectin.
4. Continue eating to end of meal, including dessert (no dairy)
5. Take another dose of 5-8 caps of powdered apple pectin.
6. Add 3-5 caps of modidifed citrus pectin to chelate heavy metals entering the blood stream with your restaurant post 3-11 meal.
Needless to add, travel with a large supply of apple and citrus pectin, along with your favorite chelators and anti oxidants.
Very nice, simple travel…

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nuke Is SAD

Nuke is SAD,

Remember how Eisenhower invented the "Peaceful Atom" approach as the start of Gov speak.

Then we had bombs with MAD  Mutual Assured Destruction

Now we have SAD ---Species Assured Destruction.     Nuke is the only way we can self exterminate our species.   That is SAD.

Some technology is cool, not nuke

Princeton Biological Effects

Nuke Must Control Media to Advance It's Lies

GE owns like 50 varies media outlets

Uranium and Plutonium Launched into Atmosphere

Conclusion – Fukushima really blew up, launching TONS of Uranium and Plutonium into the atmosphere.

HERE is all the supporting information, in the yellow highlight right below, click on to download all of the data and calculations, which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that  at least Tens of Tons of Poisonous Heavy Metals were launched into the atmosphere, aerosolized well enough to travel all the way to Europe.

See the video of Unit 3 exploding over 1000 feet in the air.   Very dramatic.   There is no Reactor 3 left, only a few scattered pieces of yellow metal in the rubble.

Video Analysis of Unit 3 Explosion here

My maximum estimate is 195 TONS of Uranium based on an affected column of air 8 miles high, and the reality is that the actual TONNAGE LAUNCHED may certainly be less based on assumptions made, but the bottom line is that a huge amount of Uranium and Plutonium was exploded and aerosolized.

The quantity of tons aerosolized can be estimated by using official Government data, in particular Exhibit F-1 which is a 4/6/2011 publication of the EPA Radnet.   Keep in mind Uranium and Plutonium are heavy metals.   The air densities are higher in Guam and Saipan which are closer, still quite high in Hawaii, and they fall off quite a bit in California and Washington.   But this is April 6th, so these heavy metals have been floating for quite some time anyway.

UPDATE: I found the RADNET link direct, the proof of all that uranium in the air.

Exh F-1 Shows 130 aCi/M3 of URANIUM in air, in Honolulu, with similar amount in Kauai, and even more in Guam.

The “Background” amount of Uranium in Air in Honolulu is around 5 aCi/M3,  thus making the measured Uranium 2600% higher than Background  .See Table 9 from the EPA for this proof of background data.

Using a dispersion simulator, printout attached as Exh G-1, and with help of Google Earth (Exhibit G2 and G3) I calculate an affected area, which is about 2800 miles by 4900 miles.
Here is the simulator.

Now to make an estimate of affected volume of air, we need to select a height, I selected 8 miles.
The meat of the calculations are on Exhibit C-1, which is the next page

195 Tons Of Uranium!
Lets do a sensitivity analysis on the assumptions.   What if the affected area is 50% of the size the simulator shows, then use a multiplier of 0.5.

What if the height of the affected air is only more like 2 miles instead of 8, uses a multiplier of 0.25
195 tons *.5*.25= 24 Tons (Conservative Estimate)

Under the Conservative Estimate, and using .89% Plutonium per Table 1, this would be 433 pounds of Plutonium aerosolized.   But keep in mind the MOX fuel is souped up with Plutonium which could be more like 9% to 10% of the fuel rods, so it is possible that TONS of Plutonium was launched into our HOME PLANET atmosphere.

Truth is not the friend of Nuke,
No wonder this stuff has to be covered up.


This Scientific Report Shows Plutonium from Fukushima AEROSOLIZED all the way to Europe.


Yankee one of the Clunkers

Troll Roasting

Sometimes those industry hired pro-nuker types are just beyond annoying, well in fact lying in order to create death and disease is really beyond annoying.

Nuke is 24/7 lies, it really is that simple.

Smart boys with big egos, probably didn't get any chicks in high school cause you were too nerdy, and then to feel good about yourself, you play with the atom, godlike games of turning matter into energy.....

And over times, all the lies get repeated over and over again until you actually start believing them.    And then you got a career, and a family, and family takes precedence so the pursuit of nuke goes on even though once in a while you have nightmares of little Chernobyl monsters that maybe you created, and then you go back to providing for your family, telling the same lies as before.   

Grow up, be a man, face the truth, nuke fails us again and again, accident after accident.    And the most basic problem is not the science, the most basic problem is the humans and mother natures.   Humans go through cycles, political, financial, greed, war, terrorism, religious, and through all these cycles continually monitoring the most dangerous thing on earth - a nuke plant---cannot be done with 100% certainty.   

In fact 1% of all nuke plants blow up.   SO grow up be a proper citizen, renounce nuke, I will teach you solar. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

San Onofre Summary by Ace Hoffman

March 18, 2012

Dear Readers,

It's time to decommission San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.  It's the only sensible thing to do.  It makes economic sense for just about everybody, and spares us the possibility of "Fukushima USA" here in SoCal.

Right now, neither of San Onofre's two reactors are operating.  Southern California Edison is already predicting there could be rolling blackouts during the summer if they can't get the reactors running by then.  The threat of blackouts is at odds with the historic record of energy usage, which clearly shows that there is more than enough electrical generating capacity and transmission line capacity in SoCal to replace San Onofre.

Nevertheless, SoCal residents can EXPECT rolling blackouts -- because SCE wants them to happen:  It may cost as much as a billion dollars (or more) to repair San Onofre.  Instead SCE could be securing contracts NOW for summer energy use.  They could be building a billion dollars' worth of solar rooftops, offshore wind turbines, turbine peaker plants, cogeneration plants, energy storage reservoirs, geothermal energy systems, etc..

But they don't want to, because when San Onofre is operating, it's "easy money":  A million dollars per day per reactor!  So instead they'll want to "prove" that SoCal "needs" San Onofre, so they won't prepare, the blackouts will happen, and then they'll expect us, the ratepayers, to pay for it all!

Meanwhile, there is still NO solution to the problem of long-term storage of nuclear waste, which has been piling up for decades in dangerous "temporary" locations at every nuclear power plant in the country (and nor will there ever be a good solution).  And NOR is there a solution to the dangers of nuclear weapons proliferation, which SanO exacerbates by producing plutonium and tritium.  Additionally, the dangers from terrorism, or from mother nature's fury, remain unsolved too.  San Onofre is built on or near several fault lines, and along the coast, nearly at sea level.  It's tsunami-prone and earthquake-prone.  And surrounded by about eight million people within 50 miles (noting that the U.S. Government recommended U.S. citizens evacuate from within 50 miles of Fukushima, Japan -- and ALSO noting that even that might not be far enough!).

Furthermore, San Onofre continues to have problems with worker harassment (intimidation of workers to prevent them from reporting dangers) AND, paradoxically, worker safety complaints (that safe procedures aren't being followed).  San Onofre is officially (Nuclear Regulatory Commission's own data) the worst-run commercial nuclear facility in the nation on BOTH counts.

A meltdown at San Onofre would be the ruination of SoCal.  And we don't need a tsunami or "the big one" to cause it:  It's not inconceivable that a thing as simple as a flashlight dropped in the reactor water could start a cascade of failures, leading to a meltdown "just like" Chernobyl or Fukushima.  That's why they have regulations to prevent things like dropped flashlights (I mention this specifically because it happened there last month, and the contract worker, a temporary employee at the plant, who violated workplace rules by dropping the flashlight, then further violated the rules by trying to retrieve it -- and falling in!)

SCE doesn't want to be responsible for ANY of the costs to fix the reactors.  They just want to fix them any way they can, so they can restart them as soon as possible, so they can go back to making money -- and creating a ton a week of highly dangerous "spent fuel" which will be the real legacy of San Onofre's decades of operation: Millions of pounds of deadly poison sitting on our shoreline just waiting to be released by accident/sabotage, etc..  Southern California Edison will be long out of business, all of us will be long dead, California will be a nation unto itself (perhaps), but the waste will still be here.

The cause of San Onofre's current shutdown is defective replacement Steam Generators (SGs) made in Japan by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.  MHI has been building SGs for nuclear power plants since the 1970s and have manufactured, shipped and installed well over 100 SG units around the world.   MHI's current annual report indicates they plan to double their nuclear steam generator business several times in the next three years to almost $10 billion annually.  So this is a big setback for them as well as for SanO's owners.  The problem is almost surely the result of incorrect manufacturing procedures: This didn't have to happen.  What other SGs around the world are in trouble?

Steam Generators are massive things used in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs).  PWRs have three coolant loops:  Water under very high pressure in the primary loop goes through the reactor core, gets heated (and irradiated), and then goes through thousands of very thin tubes inside the steam generators.

San Onofre's two SGs each have nearly 9,500 long, thin U-shaped tubes (the tube's walls are about the thickness of a credit card).  Because the water inside the thin tubes is highly pressurized, it does not boil.  The water on the other side of the tubes (the secondary coolant loop) comes in contact with the hot tubes and turns to steam.  The steam is piped out of the containment domes and into the turbine room, where it is used to turn the turbines which generate electricity.  A third coolant loop (ocean water) condenses the steam in the second loop, and that condensate is then pumped back into the steam generators again.

When any company receives $800 million worth of equipment, it invariably inspects that new equipment very carefully to make sure it's exactly what they ordered.  San Onofre's replacement steam generators were inspected when they arrived at the plant in 2009, and found to be defective.  MHI had to send out a special team to SoCal to reweld them.  Like the defects that are appearing now, those defects SHOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT OFF THE FACTORY FLOOR.

You can be sure numerous additional inspections were done after the problems were discovered in 2009.  The additional inspections and repairs took about six months.  Then they put the steam generators in the reactors (two SGs in each of two reactors) and just over a year later... problems, problems, problems!

The first problems to show up were in Unit II, the older of the two operating reactors and the one to get its steam generators replaced first.  Excessive wear was discovered on the thin U-shaped tubes inside the SGs, when were inspected during Unit II's first refueling outage after the SG replacement.  The outage was already far from "routine" despite repeated assurances by the utility that it was "just" a routine refueling outage:  The Reactor Pressure Vessel Head was being replaced, which is another massive (and expensive!) part which had worn out prematurely.  Neither the RPVH nor the SGs were ever supposed to wear out in the entire life of the plant.

Unit II's SG wear is significant: Two tubes had at least 30% wear, and nearly 70 tubes had at least 20% wear, and about 700 tubes had at least 10% wear.  The new SGs are expected to last 40 years or longer -- but all of this excessive wear was detected after only about 14 months of operation!  PWRs rely on the SGs to remove excess heat from the reactor.  They are a vital safety component of the reactor, which is one reason there is a minimum of two SGs per reactor  (sometimes more than two) in every PWR in the world -- in case one fails.

San Onofre's engineers were quick to explain to the media and the public that the wear they found on Unit II was probably just wear from "settling in":  The parts merely had to "get comfortable" with each other.  I actually heard SanO employees using these "engineering" terms!

Then Unit III's steam generators failed, too -- and it was "discovered" the hard way:  A rupture.  One of the nearly 20,000 tubes inside Unit III's SGs suddenly burst, and the subsequent release of primary coolant -- which is highly radioactive -- into the secondary coolant loop -- which normally isn't very radioactive -- caused the control room operators to have to shut down that reactor as well.  Some radiation was released to the atmosphere (and to the public) when the radioactive steam condensed back to water at atmospheric pressure.

Calling what happened Last January merely a "leak" is being too nice:  It was an extremely violent flashing to steam of super-heated, super-pressurized radioactive water and chemicals.  (If you passed your arm accidentally over the breach, it would take your arm off (by steaming it off!) in an instant.  (But at least the stump would be sanitized.))

Such steam generator tube ruptures are rare, and it's a good thing:  The real danger would be that one burst tube would damage the tube next to it, which would burst too, and so on in a cascade of failures that would throw metal parts throughout the primary and secondary coolant loops, damaging valves and reactor fuel assemblies, blocking water flow, and damaging the other SG.  And then what?  Fukushima USA: An inability to cool the reactor -- a meltdown.

San Onofre avoided that, but their troubles had only just begun.

After letting the reactor cool for several days, technicians went in and started trying to discover what had gone wrong with Unit III's new steam generators.  Was it "just" wear, like Unit II was experiencing?  It doesn't appear to be the same problem:  SanO employees identified 129 tubes that appeared to be excessively worn, and started pressure-testing them.  This involves increasing the pressure in one tube at a time to about three times the normal operating pressure.  Seven tubes have failed these tests already, and they've only just begun that phase of the testing!

Will it ever be safe, or reasonable, to restart these reactors with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's steam generators?  When BOTH units are having problems?  (Exactly ONE tube in Unit II was pressure tested in light of the problems with Unit III.  That one tube passed the test.  All pressure tested tubes are plugged up permanently, and can no longer be used.)

There can be little doubt now that MHI has been delivering products with criminally-negligent workmanship, and San Onofre has been accepting those parts and using them.

One meltdown at SanO -- or two -- would destroy everything we love about SoCal.  Why spend billions of dollars just to restart THAT risk?  Right now we just have the spent fuel to deal with -- the radioactive waste pile.  It's deadly, difficult to manage, and will cost a fortune.  But at least it's NOT GROWING at the moment, and that's good.  In fact, slowly but surely, it's cooling and becoming less hazardous.

Restarting San Onofre is just plain stupid!


Ace Hoffman
Concerned Citizen
Carlsbad, CA

Betrayal of Mankind

These guys been exposing the Nuke Fraud for quite some time, good work!

And here is an Indian Guy who does alot of work on Dams and gravity and earthquakes.

The professionals.....hmmmm

Old Mar12-11, 01:05 AM
Re: Japan Earthquake

Posts: 210
Is there any real chance at a meltdown or is that just the typical media hype?

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Old Mar12-11, 01:15 AM
Re: Japan Earthquake

PF Admin

Astronuc's Avatar

Posts: 19,066
At the moment, I don't see a 'real' chance of a meltdown. It is a worst case scenario, which is what licensing space is all about.

Some of the worst case scenarios involve extraordinary, and not necessarily physical real situations. It's a bit like crash testing a car by dropping it out of an airplane at several thousand feet, knowing full well that such a car would never be able to achieve such a velocity on level ground since the engine could not achieve the speed or the tires would blow out well before the speed could be achieved.

Some in the media will sensationalize the situation in order to grab the audience in order to sell commercials for useless stuff. But I digress.

I'd like to keep the discussion here on the technical aspects - as soon as we learn from reliable sources.

We have the earthquake thread in P&WA.
Getting the 'right' answer is important, but understanding how to solve the problem (i.e. how you get the right answer) is just as important, if not more so.
Peace on Earth, and Goodwill to all Peoples, each day, every day, ad infinitum. - Joy to the World, Joy to You and Me. - Three Dog Night

The other 2005 Engineering Gurus: FredGarvin, Clausius2, Brewnog, Morbius, PerennialII, berkeman, arildno, Cliff_J, Geniere, minger

Raspberry Jam Delta-V - Joe Satriani

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cash for Clunker Plants

Cash for Clunker Plants

These are plants that are old, breaking down.     Some of these plants sell for as little as $100M although new plants cost over $14B to build, 140 times higher than the price of a Clunker!

Let's put that in perspective, lets say you can buy a decent new car for $20,000 but a clunker would sell for 140 times less, or $142.   What kind of car do you think you would be getting for a whopping $142----a seriously bad clunker.

That is what these plants are.    It costs ALOT of money to shut them down, so even though it doesn't make sense to keep them operating, it makes even less sense to shut them least to a greedy Corporation.    And that is all that Corporation are -- greed machines.    

So what is the answer?   Well we have to be practical.    Greed will not do the right thing.   We have to throw some tax dollars at this.   We need a Gov sponsored Cash for Clunkers program were operators get a subsidy for doing the right thing, for shutting down the Clunker.

Plenty of Clunkers out there--

Both units were shut down Friday as officials conducted inspections. Manfre said it was too soon to know when the units would be working again or how much of the tubing needs to be replaced or repaired.
On Friday, a local newspaper reported a third incident involving a veteran worker at the plant who lost his balance while trying to retrieve a flashlight and tumbled into a reactor pool. The man reportedly did not suffer significant radiation exposure. Edison may review its procedures for working around the reactor pool, officials said.
Some critics saw the incidents as a sign of greater problems.
"To have this many failures is to have a real breakdown in quality assurance, maintenance and safety culture," said Dan Hirsch, president of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, which follows the nuclear industry.
In 2008, the plant received a string of citations over such issues as failed emergency generators, improperly wired batteries and falsified fire safety data, records show.

Shut Them Down, Starting with the Clunkers

Here are some more Clunkers

Subsidies for Various Energies


Energy subsidy showdown: Fossil fuels, nuclear, biofuels vs. renewables

By | September 23, 2011, 10:36 AM PDT
Renewable energy has snagged just a fraction of the federal subsidies that fossil fuels and nuclear received when they were emerging technologies, according to a new report from venture capital firm DBL Investors.
The report probably isn’t surprising to renewable energy backers who have long argued that subsidies for fossil fuels make it impossible to compete. And it’s unlikely to settle the debate over ending subsidies for the oil and gas industry. But it does provide a valuable historical view of each energy source and helps explain why they’re so dominant today (check out the charts below).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Captain sayeth:

 Right On! Faved, already fanned!

Solar (of all flavors) provides lots of ways to store Energy!
1. Pump water up hill think Hydro Power
2. Produce Hydrogen from water and then burn the Hydrogen to generate electricit­y
3. Molten Salt
4. New Wind:
5. Area required for solar:
6. http://is.­gd/CfpiUJ

Good thoughts, indeed, the storage issue must be solved bit by bit as the grid goes from 10% solar to 80% solar.   

If only those smart nukers could get past abusing those poor little atoms, and turning matter into energy.....roh ruh, I think they got the god complex going on, and they ain't going to give it up.

Poor little delusion of grandeur nukers, we really can't save them from themselves, but we ought to save ourselves from themselves.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cash for Clunker Nuke Plants

1 hour ago ( 9:58 PM)

Obviously, Detroit (Big Car) has conspired with the TV networks to flood their programming with car commercials. We see a blond babe in a convertible Corvette cruising the highway with her hair blowing in the wind. Of course we are tricked into thinking automobiles are safe and sexy....all in the name of Big Car profits.

Don't expect to get honest information about car safety from the NTSB or any other government agency since they are controlled by Big Car. Only organizations like enews are trustworthy.

When will we say enough is enough?
America - First in Freedom...First in Fission
1 hour ago (10:06 PM)
It was Big Car that brought us "Cash for Clunkers."
Callme Ish
35 minutes ago (10:39 PM)

Palisades, Indian, Kewaunee, and how many plants cost $14B yet old plants are sellilng for $180M

Talk about clunkers, that's like a $30,000 car selling for $ know you bought a clunker.

Shut down all the CLUNKERS now. They all have a history of violations, fines, mistakes.

clunker for sale


I haven't coined many quote worthy phrases in my day, but I did coin this one, 10 or so years ago.

Never explain by conspiracy what can be more easily explained by ignorance and denial

Japan is a country in denial. While the government may be in league with TEPCO I am sure some of the nation’s leaders are just not willing to realize the magnitude of this situation. This whole scenario reminded me of an article I saved from Time magazine titled “Why we don’t prepare for disaster” It is worth the read. The Link is at the bottom of my entry. Here are some highlights: ["There are four stages of denial," says Eric Holdeman, director of emergency management for Seattle's King County, which faces a significant earthquake threat. "One is, it won't happen. Two is, if it does happen, it won't happen to me. Three: if it does happen to me, it won't be that bad. And four: if it happens to me and it's bad, there's nothing I can do to stop it anyway."]
[Because the real challenge in the U.S. today is not predicting catastrophes. That we can do. The challenge that apparently lies beyond our grasp is to prepare for them. Dennis Mileti ran the Natural Hazards Center for 10 years, and is the country's leading expert on how to warn people so that they will pay attention… "We know exactly--exactly--where the major disasters will occur," he told me later. "But individuals underperceive risk."],9171,1229102-1,00.html

Saturday, February 25, 2012

G2 Solar Storm on it's way

Mild G2 Solar Storm on the Way, Sunday

These happen pretty often.

A G5 could wipe out entire grids.    And you know what happens when nuke plants lose their power?    They blow up, over 1% of all nuclear reactor have blown up.

And we leave ourselves open to a G5 Carrington Event that could wipe out continents.   Only ignorance and greed can explain why we continue to live 100% at risk, so that we can get "cheap power" is the lie that was told to us in school.

In fact, Nuke is the most expensive power, we look at paying a long term cost of 60 to 92 cents per kWH, and lose our DNA, our genetic heritage, lose our lives or lose our humanity.   Absurd to pay this price.

Solar is 3 cent per kWH, what part of no-brainer do you need clarification on.  

Deadly and Expensive nuke

or Clean and Cheap Solar.

Solar backup proof here

Spent Fuel Rods are REALLY Deadly

I participate at Physics Forums and they do top notch analysis of nuclear stuff, although unfortunately, like any person or entity that stands to make a living from nuke, they are blind to the factors that would say Shut Them All Down.

But here is the point----One of the physics pros did a calculation and that if you had a pallet of spent fuel rod in one end zone of a football field, and a human started running at full speed from the other end zone, the human would drop dead around the 15 yard line.

And "we" store this stuff on top of the nuclear reactors, and then we put 6 of these all together, so that 1 blowing up makes it impossible to service the other ones, and thus they also blow up.

Insanity for energy junkies.

From comment on Huffpost - WeMustDoBetter09

This little illustration stays in my mind – offered by a guest on Dr. Caldicott's radio show – he said that IF a bicyclist rode fast about 6 ft. or less away from a bundle of those spent fuel rods, rode past them fast – he'd have gotten a LETHAL DOSE of radionuclides.

Other anecdote is the guy at Los Alamos in the early "Whee, this is fun!" years – he'd hold a mass close to another mass that would initiate a chain reaction. When it began, he'd pull back the mass he was holding – stopping Reaction. But it slipped out of his grasp, which he recovered immediately. It didn't save him - he was toast. He died horribly within a couple of weeks. As soon as it happened, he knew that was "all she wrote" for him personally. Others in the room got sick, depending on how close they were.

These anecdotes help non-tech People to understand just how toxic are these fuel pellets and rods that have been scattered over the Fukushima landscape.

If that were our only problem it would be bad enough. But keep thnking about all that incineration of radioactive materials that is on-going….and that PLUTONIUM.

Anyone STILL think the human race knows what the hell it's DOING?
I know this Nuke Industry sure doesn't.

Stick a Fork in Me. I'm done.