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Friday, January 22, 2021

An Educated Wahine

Comparison of States That Use Dominion Voting Software, and States That Biden Supposedly Won

stock here, I wonder what trolls will have to say about this obvious correlation. 

And the Vile spewing, Trump hating, chief of Dominion Voting Systems....Eric link on his social media rants against Trump


Clearly, Biden Is Not Being Filmed In The Real Oval Office --

 Check out the comments below on YouTube ---Clearly people know that some type of sham is going on.   The question is what and why?

Is it because the libs are so over joyed that Trump is gone, that their "guard" (what little they have) is down, and the Cabal wants to "program them" for the most extreme parts of their "policy".    These 17, note 17, "Executive Orders" were so publicized, so prepared (even the blank ones) effort at programming the sheep, and outraging the Waken (opposite of the woke).

Anyone got an other ideas or feedback, even trolls are welcome to comment.


NP Stock

joe, you know if your mask rides down your nose at all, it doesn't protect you or anyone else. its all for show, the show.
A really bad actor in a really bad 'B' horror flic! They could have sent a little of the Hollywood money and created a proper CGI for the poor man. Deep state deflector shield that he is being used for.
Joe's fake Presidency. Are we watching a movie? Think Castle Rock!!
Sweet parking lot. Right, this guy's President.
Glad I wasn’t the only one to notice that.
Film Set! Just like the pre recorded fake inauguration! Castle Rock Entertainment! We are watching a movie!
If you're going to fake his executive orders you might want to close the blinds.... The deep state really is stupid.
unless... it's for show?
And move the flags to their rightful place. They’ve NEVER been BEHIND the table, they’re not allowed to be. U should see the other videos where u can see light sky in one window, and the other window is dark and u see stage lights...such a joke!
@David Brandt are u serious?? You haven’t been doing research?? Or watching timing? Or zooming in on videos and pictures?? I’ll help u start off with your own research...the inauguration was illegitimate. Why?? Bc the President and VP are to be sworn in 12:01 pm on the 20th. I clocked the swear in, and the entire thing was done BEFORE Noon. The US does not allow for 2 Presidents. Now start from there and do the leg work like the rest of us have
Different YouTube videos show him in different rooms, and on different tables!... doing the same damn signing! So I don't know what the hell's going on. they're idiots
He Gave a eulogy for a guy WHO WAS A KKK MEMBER at his funeral he is one of the most racist, "if you don't vote for me then you ain't black" Joe Biden
His 'new chinese bodyguard', might be behind the curtains. LOL!!
Since when is there a parking lot outside of the oval office? Look out the window behind him there is a parking lot and a car parked there... you guys must really think we are stupid. He is a fake President and working in a movie set.
secret service had to tear jo bi dinn away from sniffing all the children in the white house. its no easy task that's why the late start.
The new leader of the free world! Reading his notecards ladies and gentlemen... 🤦🏻‍♀️😫 emberassing.
You really don’t notice that he signing blank white pages??? Lol The power of illusion
if you look closely, you can see they are not blank. the quality of the video is low, which is why at first glance they appear blank.
Some are blank, and some actually have typing on them. Depends on what video you watch. Notice how he also doesn’t show the EO’s after he signs them like every other President has!
what a president, so proud, so full of energy, so positive in all his appearance....and how he closed the exicutive orders so fast without showing it, this is so..."presidentual" lol
Cause the papers were blank lol he's not signing anything🤣🤣
did they removed the grass and walking path outside hte office and put parking lots behind it? hmmmmm... something to think about? is that a van outside? it looks different
Oval office on the ground floor too now?
it's real picture
Newsflash: EVERYONE HAS BEEN LIVING IN A MOVIE FOR 57 YEARS!!!!! That's what Trump's been showing you.
@AFCIII Whatev my god... Where is Biden here..??
@AFCIII Whatev you got that right. This is probably a movie set from hollywood? Rumor has it that it is a tv set of the movie " Dave" or Nixon" the warner brothers sutdio facilities???
@AFCIII Whatev what do u mean? Living in a movie like illusion and things are not as their appear? Like cgi body doubles holograms sets that type of thing?
Obviously nobody told him that it's rude to speak when you have something in front of your mouth, but well who wants to listen to this bad actor anyways...
Was not signed on the 20/01 . He was on Florida this day. Biden is not Présidente.
Did anyone notice that's not in the white house?
Why are the papers blank and no ink. Something doesn't add up.
Signed : I'm Jill Bidens Husband
correction: "Dr Jill Hiden"
Funny how the fact-check under the video says "Joe Biden is president". I guess we'll need to be reminded every day just in case we lose the faith?
"Lest we forget" seems more apropo since it covers both our and his side of the events. Duality: what's done to 1 side will be done to both. Ergo the sayings "As above, so below".
This is not from Oval Office ... roads outside window.. fake?
Day 1 and Biden looks knackered already!
where can find a video of him explaining and singing all of them?
There is NO parking lot in the back of the oval office!!!! This is a fake room!!!
Day 1 of Bidens presidency! We are not impressed! Impeach 46!
Get ready for Gasoline to sky rocket!
Are they allowed to park their cars right outside his office like that? Lol