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Monday, December 9, 2019

Kp Index -- Affects GCR's, Vuclanism, Earthquakes, and Clouds

12-10-19 Update --
Even though solar wind is picking up a bit, the Kp index stays flat on the floor.  

Expect more vulcanism, and Hawaii Earthquakes

I have also been observing near earth objects seemingly increasing over the last year, and have considered that it might be influenced by the newer telescopes put

I have a very scientific writeup on Space Weather, the new GOES-16 Satellite that went into official use today, and the 1972 Fast Flare that blew up 4000 ocean mines in Vietnam in 30 seconds.

Please check it out


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pedophile George Nader -- "Donated" $3.5M To Put Hillary In Office and Take the House, $8100 TO Schiff, Liu, Klobuchar, Gillibrand, Booker,Baldwin, HRC

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We "hear" a lot of things.   Having dead nuts proof is better.

George Nader was pimped out as the star witness against Trump in the Mueller debacle.   He was know for decades to be a pedophile, and by that I mean federal indictments.

Those who do not lie strongly enough about Trump get punished, and Nader sure did get punished.    As he flew into the USA, he was stopped at the airport, and they searched 3 phones, and found some pretty horrific child porn.

Like what?   You can read all you want but this guy has been getting sicker and sicker as time went on, see graphic on right.

Like 4 year old boys having sex with goats.  On his phone.

He was heavily connected with politicians, Democrats.   And the images below are from the spreadsheet I created, which you can download here from Box.

I created this from the raw data

stock here

We "hear" a lot of things.   Having dead nuts proof is better.

George Nader was pimped out as the star witness against Trump in the Mueller debacle.   He was know for decades to be a pedophile, and by that I mean federal indictments.

Those who do not lie strongly enough about Trump get punished, and Nadler sure did get punished.    As he flew into the USA, he was stopped at the airport, and they searched 3 phones, and found some pretty horrific child porn.

Like what?   You can read all you want but this guy has been getting sicker and sicker as time went
on, see graphic on right.

Like 4 year old boys having sex with goats.  On his phone.

Much of the actual indictments and such, and descriptions of the child porn, can be had at this site.   A real lefty site that tries to link Nader and Trump when the real Truth is Nader/Schiff/ Hillary


Now the globalists are pretending that Nadler was a top Trump campaign official.    I think that is a lie worthy of a defamation lawsuit.

Pedophile Nadler was 100% in bed with the DNC and Hillary 

In fact, and we have the proof, and with a lot of effing work I have put it into a spreadsheet and then into a PivotTable to summarize it.  You can have the whole spreadsheet, just keep the attribution "Another Kick Ass Societal Contribution by the Nukepro!"

This Pedophile donated heavily, donated 4 times to Schiff, donated twice to HRC and Booker. 

Some more writeup on Nader his funneler....

Scattered Pelosi Says If Trump Wins 2020 Our Civilization and the Planet Will Be Gone -- Global Flooding -- As Obama Buys House On The Ocean

stock here, the story speaks for itself.

Obama and "wife" have been handed almost $135M since he left office.

Selling Out Your Country pays well it seems.



You Will Know Them By Their Symbolism -- Pedophiles and Their Symbols

stock here: hat tip to Flying Cuttlefish
see video at bottom that gives examples of these symbols all over Hollywood and other places too, many related to places that children would go.

I knew this "issue" existed.   But I thought it would get very complex, with hundreds of symbols and codes.    But it isn't that way, and it would be a shame to have 4 simple symbols slip under your radar.

Here they are from the FBI

1 (U) Pedophile Activism, available at 2 (U) Ibid.3 (U) BLogo Variations, available at 4 (U) Pedophile Activism, available at 5 (U) Source is a Computer Analysis Response Team Forensic Examiner assigned to the Jacksonville Division. 6 (U) Support and Fellowship, available at 7 (U) FBI internal e-mail, 24 October 2006.  

George Nader and DNC Depravity --- Read Through the BS to See the Real Story

This fucktwit author is trying to frame Trump for what is clearly Nader /DNC depravity.

Although he is a good researcher, using PACER, his bias is obvious.

I posted this entire article as a comment on the site below....moderated....LOL

Also noted the FBI takes the information from his phones, and stores it on one particular hard drive, a Seagate, not particularly reliable.    I postulate that they do this on purpose, rather than immeidately taking it to a 99.9999% device like a synology server which has redundant on the fly backup.   

By storing it on a specific hard drive, they can at any point claim that the hard drive failed.

Fuck twit author also laments on how Trump attacks "rank and file" FBI (which he does not) and author exudes on how all FBI are good and hardworking.

Author also warns "do not read the real information" because it is so disgusting, and puts up images that are so small as to be unreadable.     If you right click, and choose view image, you can ctrl-scroll to zoom in to grainy image that is readable.    And yes there is some pretty disgusting stuff, beyond all "normal fetishes".

The author continues on with....

Hey remember that time President Obama’s campaign advisor helped set up a clandestine meeting in the Seychelles with a Russian Banker and then funneled millions of dollars to his West Coast Business partner (Elliot Broidy) by way of Canada?  And then said advisor landed at IAD with three cell phones that contained a dozen child porn videos? <note my extreme sarcasm>
He first pretends that George Nader was Trump Campaign advisor (not true and as you see below Nader was funneling 3.5M to Hillary before the election)

From a comment
He was not a Trump campaign advisor. He has been a shadow diplomat that helped broker meetings between Middle Eastern countries and the US. He "worked with" a Republican fundraiser to fund a conference denouncing Qatar. He was never on a payroll of Trump and was not a campaign advisor

He attempt to tie Nader's depravity directly to Trump via Broidy

Meet Elliott Broidy, Donald Trump's New Shady Fundraiser. Broidy avoided jail time by blowing the whistle on the same people who accepted his bribes. He admitted to ponying up $75,000 for an all-expanses paid luxury trip to Jerusalem, which included first-class tickets, luxury hotel suites, a helicopter tour, and a personal driver for New York State's comptroller and his family.

Per this article, Nader was funneling money to Hillary Clinton illegally, via a proxy.

Two Lebanese-American businessmen have been indicted for their role in a scheme to funnel $3.5 million in illegal campaign contributions to political campaigns in 2016.
George Nader, who was a key witness in the investigation by Robert Mueller of collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia in 2016, and Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja, CEO of online payment processing company Allied Wallet, were indicted for conspiring to conceal a $3.5 million contribution from Nader by making them in the name of Khawaja, his wife and his company, Allied Wallet Inc.
Although the 53-count indictment does not specify the 2016 candidate involved, campaign finance records indicate it was Hillary Clinton's campaign.

from the same article....after "She Lost" Khawaja tried to buy influence with Trump by a $1M donation for the inauguration.     So that is kind of true, but it is really just an obvious attempt to buy influence after much more heavily supporting the "sure to win" Hillary.

And the never trumpers always try to link everything bad directly to Trump, but never can.   In the paragraph below note the connection, between Trump campaign people and Trump associate (Blackwater's Erik Prince).   Oh and don't forget to tie in scary Russia Putin.

As for Nader, he rated more than 100 mentions in Robert Mueller's final report, most regarding possible UAE efforts to influence members of Trump's campaign. Nader's lobbying on behalf of the UAE crown prince involved setting up meetings with Trump campaign officials, including setting up a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles "between Trump associate and Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian official with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin."
In the Anti Trump spin on things, they try to prove how sex Pervert Nader is directly connected to Trump, because Nader's business associate had to resign because of a sex related payoff....they leave it open to make it seem like it was a payoff to benefit Trump on any of his hijinks....just saying, thats how they roll. 
While the two businessmen were helping Hillary, they also were interested in the Trump campaign and the early days of the Trump presidency. Nader appears to have been something of a political fixer. He was a business associate of Elliott Broidy, a top Republican fundraiser and deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, who resigned after it was revealed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen arranged to pay off a Playboy model Broidy had impregnated.

Criteria to Create a Cult, Also Useful To See The Narratives That Create "A Cult"

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Just ran across "Red Ice Media"

"Lana" did an interview with Amazing Polly, both very fine females, we need more like that.   That interview is at the bottom.

They had a Hit Piece wrote about them in the Guardian.   Then banned by Facebook and you know they are good stuff.

And their site directly

  1.  Milieu Control.  This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large.
  2. Mystical Manipulation.  There is manipulation of experiences that appear spontaneous but in fact were planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders in order to demonstrate divine authority or spiritual advancement or some special gift or talent that will then allow the leader to reinterpret events, scripture, and experiences as he or she wishes. 
  3. Demand for Purity.  The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection.  The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here. 
  4. Confession.  Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group.  There is no confidentiality; members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults" are discussed and exploited by the leaders. 
  5. Sacred Science.  The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute.  Truth is not to be found outside the group.  The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism. 
  6. Loading the Language.  The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand.  This jargon consists of thought-terminating clich�s, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking. 
  7. Doctrine over person.  Member's personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group. 
  8. Dispensing of existence.  The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not.  This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious and they must be converted to the group's ideology.  If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the  members.  Thus, the outside world loses all credibility.  In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.  (Lifton, 1989)

120919 Important Day In Space Weather -- GOES-16 Officially Available For Public Use

It's not just the "Totally Fake Inspector General's Report" day.....

Much more useful is that the New and Improved Space Weather Satelite GOES-16 is now official.

It will more accurately measure:

  1. X-rays
  2. Energetic Particles
  3. Magnetometer
  4. Solar Imaging

That said, the Planetary Kp index has been ON THE FLOOR for about a month now.   

I downloaded a month of data, and per usually, with all the alphabet soup agencies, it requires extreme research and then torturing of the data to put it into useable format. 
Here is the 3 day look from NOAA

It's a Quasi Logarithmic Scale
What is the key takeaway?    The earthquake scenario this month has been active and expect more, even a new 7.0 plus.

Also expect more volcanic activity.    Hawaii has been getting pounded with quakes, many at high elevation up in the top of the volcano.   Just not exciting enough to write a whole article on

Here is a txt file with the 30 day data. 

They also have improved algorythymns for alerting electric grid operators to potential space weather effects.  

But the real bottom line, is whether any utility would shut down on a maybe.

Instead, they will charge ahead, like nuke plants continuing to run in the face of hurricanes.   And if "Shit Happens" they just rebuild and add the cost to the rate base.   Potentially increasing their overall profits.

Lovely NOAA, has historical data, but in a really weird format that is not even defined.   Sheesh! 

At least here, they give you a text file!

Solar Events (on the sun) usually take a few days to reach earth, in terms of solar winds influenced by coronal holes.   Same with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).    But our star has many surprises too, and sometimes, like in 1972, we saw Solar Energetic Particles SEPs reach earth in just 14 Hours!

Some people called this a "Carrington Class Storm".   Well it was sure exciting.   This was during the Vietnam war.     This solar storm caused dozens of sea mines to explode in North Vietnam.

Think about if you were carrying those mines on a ship and deploying them.....

NOAAs instruments maxed out at their limit of an X5.1, Oshhio estimated it to be an X20 flare (thats really freakn' high in X-ray category).   You can see below, it was launched from very near the equator of the sun, and just to the left of "pointed right at earth".   It was "Geoeffective".

One Navy source wrote that 4000 mines had self detotnated, and another source indicates that all mines went off in less than 30 seconds, thought to be caused by a massive dB/dt (rate of change of magnetic field, inducing electric fields in the mines)
more of the story is here

Here is a map showing some of the Mag sites that contribute to the worldwide Kp index.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Shootings on Military Bases Seems Like The New Meme -- Motive Unknown

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Kind of cool, I been getting a ton of hits from an official Marines website.  To this article.

There are few coincidences.

Incidentally I was part of the collateral damage of the Pearl Harbor shooting.   I was entering Pearl Harbor, at least the long offshoot from the Highway, when it turned into a parking lot. 

I have a picture on my "backup phone" but I can't easily get it out since phone is so old.   Will try when time.

I asked a military man what was up and he said "Active Shooter, we won't be moving soon".    I was afraid that this could last hours.     Radio news reports indicated that the shooter had killed himself.   But it took an amazingly long time for the ambulances to leave the base, like 25 minutes after I first got into the "parking lot", so the victim recovery process was even longer than that.

But all the people stuck in this mess "played nice" and left a wide lane up the middle for second responders, many HPD officers came flying into the scene.    It was a very calm scene in the "parking lot".

So after 25 minutes, 3 ambulances went flying out of Pearl Harbor we saw them, a few minutes later, they stopped the "Lock Down" and traffic began moving, and I was not late for my meeting even.

The second shooting was in Florida.    Apparently the shooter was a Muslim.

Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani  

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Biden Ain't Biding His Time -- He Is Launching Himself Off A Cliff -- Loves Having Kids Jump On his Lap

And the other day he was nibbling his wife's finger.

Does this feel like some type of alternate reality, that this could actually be a presidential candidate?

I think Obama just needed someone so dumb, that he could "transform" the USA without even the VP figuring out what was going on.

But this is relevant.    "Business Insider" is one of the more blatant Globalist Rags.    You want to see
what the NWO handlers are pushing?   Just review Business Insider.    So when I saw this on Business Insider, I knew for sure, it was time to throw Biden under the bus.....a top story pushed at business insider....

Trump on Biden: "only a good vice president because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama's ass"

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Virginia -- Insane Dems Try Not Just a Gun Ban, But A Ban On Any Type of Self Defense. Tyrants In A State Whose State Motto Is "Death To Tyrants"

Virginia seems in the news a lot lately.

stock here -- I remember somethings with amazing accuracy, and others not at all.   But when I read the "tyrannical law" proposed by Dem controlled Virginia, I immediately remembered their state motto....."Death to Tyrants",  "As Always to Tyrants" depending on interpretation, but the general meaning/outcome is the same.  

So ironic that Virginia with this motto is the worst State in the Union, yes worse than Florida, worse than California, at least in terms of the advancement of disregard for the Basic Law, the Constitution.

Virginia Roberts did not kill Virginia. Democrats did, following the manipulated leftist game plan.
The law would instantly transform all martial arts instructors into criminal felons. This includes instructors who teach kickboxing, BJJ, Krav Maga, boxing and even Capoeira.
It would also criminalize all firearms training classes, including concealed carry classes.
It would even criminalize a father teaching his own son how to use a hunting rifle.
Specifically, the law says that a person “is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity” (a class 5 felony) if that person:
“Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons…”

The actual proposed "law", in quotes, because any law that is against the constitution, is in my view null and void, and not acceptable in parts.    It is all null and void.     Item 3 prevents open carry, which is legal in all states. 

1. That §18.2-433.2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.
A person shall be is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:
1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
3. Assembles with one or more persons with the intent of intimidating any person or group of persons by drilling, parading, or marching with any firearm, any explosive or incendiary device, or any components or combination thereof.
2. That the provisions of this act may result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment or commitment. Pursuant to §30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of imprisonment in state adult correctional facilities; therefore, Chapter 854 of the Acts of Assembly of 2019 requires the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to assign a minimum fiscal impact of $50,000. Pursuant to §30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of commitment to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Emotions and Fear Used To Control, Reinforced With Coordinated Media Propaganda "Climate Hoax"

stock here.

It is clear that after dozens of failed attempts to "Get Trump" a final emotive strategy is emerging.

Scare people into submission, you will either vote for us, or you will be effectively just murdering your own children, via "climate".    And how dare you even have children!

This story is kind of about Michael Bloomberg.    Biden was never a candidate, he was bait to try to get Trump to attack him too hard.   All the rest of the candidates are pretty much jokes, zero chance.    Not even good enough to entice the "reluctant" Hillary or Michelle to enter the race to save "our democracy".

And I think that is the plot.    Now position an old white guy (Bloomberg) to not just create a target for the Dems to position their chosen one (Michelle Obama) against, but also to push the narrative of climate change.    Look at all the Greta non-sense.

This article is well written.   He gets a few things wrong, and maybe intentionally.   He points to Obama as the point man to take down the USA, Obama is a tool, as are the Clintons.

It's also funny how many are getting the right message....Quiet Sun brings cold temperatures.   But they get the essential essence wrong.  It is OK to say essential essence?

In the quote below, they not just miss the causative effect, that error can lend credibility to the lie that the Globalists push....that solar irradiance varies so little, that it is not necessary or allowable to factor the sun into any climate models.
The last time the sun’s power was as low as now, Scotland saw the bitter 2009-10 winter, Britain’s coldest winter since the 1970s, and the 2010 Big Freeze, with the coldest December ever recorded. 

They also toss out their own "fear" about "if solar activity returns to normal in the next few years...."

Of course it will, the magnetics are already setting up as a "tell".   The real question is whether the next low part of the solar cycle (low sun spots and especially highly convoluted mixed magnetics) will also be low, super low, and will we go through another Maunder minimum, or Dalton.

There is a boat load of climate data on Nukepro.    Do a simple search.


Here is a great video, in less than 12 minutes, you can understand the financials behind the Climate Hoax.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

American EU Ambassador Sondland Sex Accusations After He Did NOT LIE HARD ENOUGH ABOUT TRUMP

stock here.

The plot is pretty obvious.    If you do not lie, HARD ENOUGH, about Trump, you will be taken
down with false accusations.

I mean, how implausible is this?   3 women, all of a sudden, all recall a time when Sondland tried to "kiss them forcefully".   And the incredulous "shoved his tongue down my throat"....I mean who even writes these things.


Meanwhile, Epstein's Human Sacrifice Heiau did not kill itself, it was simply covered up by Google showing a weird looking tennis court instead.

If you read the article, implausible is clear.   And the writeup attempts to show "a pattern".
Three women have accused Gordon Sondland, the American ambassador to the European Union who is at the center of the presidential impeachment inquiry, of sexual misconduct. The three women say that Sondland made unwanted sexual advances while in business settings, and on one occasion exposed himself, before he became the diplomat to the E.U.

The women say that Sondland retaliated against them after they rejected him advances, according to a bombshell ProPublica report. The three women who shared the allegations agreed to be named in the report. They s came forward by name. They are Portland Monthly Magazine owner Nicole Vogel (far left) insurance executive Jana Solis (far right, bottom), and Portland political consultant and nonprofit manager Natalie Sept (far right, top).

Sondland has denied the report as 'untrue claims ... coordinated for political purposes'.

Vogel accused him of forcibly kissing her in 2003 during talks for a potential investment in her magazine.
 Solis accused Sondland of exposing himself to her and said he 'shoved his tongue' down her throat in 2008. Sept claimed Sondland forcibly kissed her during talks about a potential job in 2010.
----------------------------------- A quick does reveal a pattern....super liberal democratic women.

Funny how these guys never "hit on" conservative women?

 Natalie Sept

Founder, Organizer

Dates Employed Nov 2016 – Present

Employment Duration 3 yrs 1 mo

Location Portland, Oregon Area

Launching and organizing an event that pulls together impactful non-profit organizations in the state of Oregon engaged in work protecting and enhancing communities threatened by our current federal administration
Emerge Oregon

Dates attended or expected graduation
Recruiting and training Democratic women to run for office in Oregon. Training over the course of several months dove deep into strategy, skills and landscape of seeking elected office as a woman in Oregon.

Epstein Temple Modeled After "The Mamluks" Which Are White Slaves Forced to Convert to Islam

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Saw this prior and never did a story, here it is quick and dirty.

I wonder who else had a temple that looked like that?    See below, Epstein and the Mamluks.

And the "guardians" of free speech, ABC news, tried to pretend that the "temple" was not really a temple, but a "gym".

ABC also trying to peddle / downplay what really happened on that island to just "naked young women".   Oh My God "They were topless"

Ya right, a gym which oddly had bloody mattresses in it as shown by drone footage.


Who Are The Mamluks?

MamlÅ«ks, also spelled Mameluke, were a class of people, mostly of Turkic or Caucasian Arabic word meaning slave which actually comes from the 10th century AD. They were known as the ones that defeated the Mongols and the Crusaders and established a dynasty that lasted hundreds of years.

ethnicity, who served as slave soldiers between the 13th and 16th century in the Islamic world spanning from Egypt to Syria. The name Mameluke is derived from an
There are 2 distinct periods during the Mamluk reigns. The first period saw the Bahri dynasty that ruled Egypt between 1250–1382 AD. This dynasty would import young slaves, mainly Qipchak Turks from Central Asia and groom them to be warriors. They were more in common with the Mongols than with the peoples of Egypt and Syria among whom they lived with, while making sure they did not mix with the locals.
The second period saw the rise of the Burji Circassian dynasty which ruled from 1382-1517 AD. The Circassian Mamluks were white slaves that were taken from the northern Caucasus mountains and traded in slave markets. They were captured in their early childhood, usually around 13 years of age, by the sultans who raised them in special military camps to become soldiers for the ruling class. Many of the sultans were of Circassian origin themselves and were acquired as slaves by previous sultans. These Circassians converted to Islam and became freed after rising within the ranks of the military by proving their loyalty. This is the period that is relevant to this report, so let’s explore further.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Styx Hexen Hammer 666

stock here.

This guy does a good and entertaining presentation.   And is more honest, because he swears quite a bit, LOL.

The hippy hair and leather jacket is counter intuitive.


hey and this guy likes a good size garden