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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Colleges Acting As Indoctrination Tools of the Establishment (NWO/ Democratic Drones)

Watch the video first then come back to my comments I sent to the head of the University that allows this blantant establishment propaganda to be foisted on students paying too much for a deplorable education.

It’s been 30 years since I went to Northwestern and then University of Michigan for my Masters.

Never in my 6 years was I subjected to “indoctrination by opinion”.   This video of one of your teacher’s is abhorrent and I ask for your response.

Sent to 

Dennis Harkins, Ph.D.
OCC President

"A student in California video taped what his professor was saying in class and how they are trying to create a revolution. He actually said that the people who voted for Trump were engaging in an act of TERRORISM because the socialist lost. He went on to say that the nation is divided as it was during the Civil War. Formal education is becoming indoctrination, not education. Children are being subjected to brainwashing and this video is just the tip of the iceberg."

Friday, December 16, 2016

Loretta Lynch -- Its not The Russians, We Simply Fear For Our Lives That The Public May Lose Faith in "The System"

Lorretta Lynch, in admitting yesterday, that Russia did not have direct interference with voting tallies, brought out the real truth that they hope to avoid

"It is not a matter of the results, it is peoples’ faith in the integrity of the system,”

Indeed "the system" is rotten to the core.  

Lynch "Fortunately we didn’t see the sort of technical interference that I know people had concerns about, also, in terms of voting machines and the like,” the attorney general concluded — putting to rest, for once and for all, claims from the left that the Russians had somehow hacked the general election and stolen it from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


And now, Michelle Obamaa is trying to convince the USA that all hope has been lost because of Trump....Literally as she flies off to Hawaii so she and Barrack Hussein Obama can enjoy a $40M vacation on taxpayer expense, rather than put his house in order.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fukushima Nuclear Waste Annihilates Pacific Ecosystem

This is an extremely well written article by Yoichi Shimatsu.

He hits many of the key points of Fukushima destruction of the Pacific Ocean ecosystem and food chain.  

Please review this.

Fukushima Nuclear Waste
Annihilates Pacific Ecosystem

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive To Rense

Strolling over the cliffs in Southern California, I looked down at a white-sand beach pimpled with a crimson rash along the high-tide line. Close up, the red dots turned out to be hundreds of thousands of thumb-sized crustaceans of the species Pleuroncodes planipes that resemble tiny lobsters. Most of those pelagic red crabs or langostilla, also known as tuna crabs, were sprawled dead on the sand, tangled in strands of kelp or alive but listless inside the rocky tide pools. The crustaceans appeared to be in fresh, without signs of injury or disease, and there was no stench of the fish market.

EPA Tried to Make Itself Relevant, And Ensure It Gets Funding, As The Restored USA Is Ready Chop EPA Down to Essentials

stock here.   Keep in mind Gina McCarthy at the EPA came up with the idea to turn off the radiation monitors after Fukushima.    Then she was promoted to the top position at EPA as a reward.

EPA is truly a dysfunctional organization that is not overall representing the American people, nor good business policies either.

Just saw this today as headlines.    And the "play book" was instantly clear--The EPA is scared for it's very existence and the EPA is now publishing "fake news" (at least it contradicts their prior report on fracking) in order to make people think "We Need the EPA and The Current People at the EPA".    I jokingly call it fake news because it is actually "real news".

These  EPA "scientists" have been costing us all $301,000 each per year (90,000 people total including all the admins) whilst coming up with drivel, excuses, removing radiation monitoring, poisoning Flint.

You want to see more on  Gina McCarthy, look here:

And now Trump appoints Rick Perry, who at one point wanted to disband the EPA entirely.   And now the EPA thrusts itself into the limelight, trying to be relevant.    Trying to convince us how needed they are.    Well someone needs to expose this "fracking" truths, but I think the swamp dwellers need a wake up shake up call with many heads rolling.   Sorry, that means you lost your pension too.

Fracking can affect drinking water supplies in certain circumstances, the Obama administration said in a long-awaited report issued Tuesday, leaving open the possibility of more widespread impacts that it says can’t be determined with current data.
The report, written by Environmental Protection Agency scientists, includes findings that are more open-ended than those in a draft version last year, when the agency said fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, isn’t having “widespread, systematic impacts on drinking water.”

Take a look at these NBC Headlines.   They don't even mention Trump's appointment of Rick Perry to EPA Head.    Perry at one time wanted to abolish the EPA, now he leads it. 


The EPA can be directly "thanked" for their part in the cover up of Fukushima.    Not just shame on them, but Nuremberg Trials for some. 

Compiled by Lot's Wife

"This landmark study of the survivors of the atomic bombings of Japan presents the strongest evidence to date that cancer risk not only exists at low levels of radiation, but may have greater risk per unit of dose than at higher doses. The study also shows that ionizing radiation is associated with non-cancerous diseases, involving circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems."

As the 6-year anniversary approaches, here's data that helps resolve some of the unusual mortality events and mass die-offs that have been observed from Alaska to Mexico. Temperature fluctuations alone cannot account for the observations. If you'd like to help bring more attention to the threats posed by Fukushima's ongoing crisis, please get in touch. 


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How Many Nuclear Bombs Worth of Radiation Did Fukushima Release / Is Releasing

Here is an estimate of becquerels from Hiroshima followed by three estimates of Fukushima release and how many Hiroshima bombs its equivalent to. Paper #3 looks good, so 10k Hiroshima bombs
89,000,000,000,000 Bq equals radiation released by …1 Hiroshima bomb (2)
15,000,000,000,000,000 Bq (lowest estimate of total released)= 168 Hiroshima bombs (2)
276,000,000,000,000,000 Bq (medium estimate)= 3,100 Hiroshima bombs (1)
860,000,000,000,000,000 Bq = 9,660 Hiroshima bombs (3)




Monday, December 12, 2016

Reindeer Health and Weight Impacted by Radiation Absorbing Lichens

stock here: Lichens absorb radiation like a sponge

They blame it on global warming while ignoring the 800 ton Gorilla, Fukushima
Lichen are complex organisms comprised of a fungus living in symbiosis with an alga or bacterium.
"The reindeer starve, aborting their calves or giving birth to much lighter young," said the BES.
Reindeer numbers have increased over the past two decades, said the research team, so greater competition for food likely also contributed to their smaller size.
This meant there could be more, but smaller reindeer in the Arctic in the decades to come, "possibly at risk of catastrophic die-offs because of increased ice on the ground."
The team has tracked Arctic reindeer since 1994, catching, marking and measuring 10-month-old calves every winter and returning the following year to recapture and note the animals' size and weight.


And here is a red pill website 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Who Are These People That "Lead" Us? Podesta Shows An Amazing Amount of Coincidence

Madaline McCann was kidnapped at 4 yrs old in Portugal while sleeping, May 3, 2007.

One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community  indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz,  Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madeleine McCann vanished.

The Podesta brothers were staying with a friend named “Clem.” Clement Freud, the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was known to be a pedophile.

This is a quote from our insider:  Of greater interest is that fact that Freud owned a villa in Praia da Luz.”

It was then revealed that Clement Freud’s villa in which the Podesta Brothers were staying, was in fact only a third of a mile from the exact location from which Madeleine was taken:

See the suspects, they are Podesta Brothers no wonder they are in PANIC!
These people will be killed if they gets out, and it is out!


Mutated Blood Found In Humans In Japan -- From Fukushima Radiation

Medical scientists have found people in Japan two new blood groups in addition to the known I, II, III and IV. This was announced by the French Institute of blood transfusion.
New blood types called Langereis and Junior, to distinguish them from traditional classifications. According to scientists, this phenomenon is associated with the leakage of radioactive substances resulting from the nuclear accident in Fukushima.
According to doctors, is to be expected in the near future to see additional changes. What scientists are saying in the future there will be at least another 15 new blood groups.


TV reporting on same

A reader submitted this link, abstract anyway, the rest is behind a paywall

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Peak Life: US Life Expectancy Going Down Overall, Especially White People

stock here: I am a "coiner" and I have thus coined it today "Peak Life".   And indeed back in the day 1981/1982 winter season, coined the term "Cheesehead".   

"There's not a better indicator of well-being than life expectancy," he says. "The fact that it's leveling off in the U.S. is a striking finding."

Now, there's a chance that the latest data, from 2015, could be just a one-time blip. In fact, a preliminary analysis from the first two quarters of 2016 suggests that may be the case, says Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the National Center for Health Statistics, which released the new report.

stock here -- and they are befuddled.

Let me break it down for you:

Since 1993 we have had:

1) Rampant corruption and collusion/capturing of US paid scientists at the EPA, CDC, NRC and more
2) Legalization and promotion of GMO "foods"
3) Massive increase in use of Glyphosate and other endocrine disruptors
4) Expansion of Big Pharma
5) The Monsanto protection act
6) Fukushima, and release of 2000 atomic bombs worth of radiation, and the coverup of such
7) The financial rape of the entire United States via the 2008 "crisis" and the knowledge that the fat bankers just stole our money and future, and they walk amongst us without prosecution.
8) The blatant power grab by the NWO jackals via Paris Climate "Agreement" and Pacific Trade agreements.
9) The capture of the Pope as a tool of the NWO.
10) Total media corruption and propoganda spreading
11) A Muslim loving president, who sneers as the USA is hobbled
12) Continuous warfare
13) Higher taxes
14) Exposure of massive and highly illegal spying program by Big Fed
15) Militarization of police forces, with predictable outcomes
16) NWO Bilderbergs funding riots in America, pitting everyone against everyone.
17) Poisoning of our water supply by various means, including fracking
18) Solar Radiation Management (aka Chemtrails) releasing toxic chemicals into our atmosphere.