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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Radiation Food Testing -- Nukepro To Set Up a Full On Food Testing Lab For People to Mail in Food Samples

This is very topical, I decided yesterday to set up a real food testing lab for radiation.

There will be some fairly serious money involved, and I am just putting together the plan.

Current thinking is to use the Kickstarter Website which functions as a fund raising /crowd funding mechanism.

Those who donate $50 or more will then get the chance to send in a food sample and get a test report back with interpretation.

Its kind of exciting.   I think it will go over very well.   Details will follow, I have family in town and it is "festival season" so my time is limited for the next 3 weeks.
A blog follower from Alaska sent some feedback from his food coop regarding radiation.   It seems that they are getting it wrong at every level, even apparently (pHD) people who should know better, or at least know when they do not know enough.

I mentioned the food testing for radiation at the Co-op board meeting last week. The only seafood they purchase from outside AK is shrimp, so the General Manager will inquire about testing done by the State of WA.

Angela Matz (PhD wildlife toxicologist) is on the board.  She said that living organisms don't retain radiation, so salmon and other fish coming back to AK pose little risk, and testing so far is within background levels.  (Rich Seifert noted that Doug Dasher of UAF is involved in the periodic testing of wildlife near Amchitka Island and that similar findings have been noted there also.) Food harvested in the exposure zone (western Pacific) could be of potential danger, which is why we are inquiring about the shrimp.  The primary concern presently is shellfish and stationary marine foods along the west coast of the N.A.
He wanted a counter argument, so I put together the following:

Dude, I can’t do too much today, but try this.

Living organisms do not just retain radiation, but they bioaccumulate radiation, sometimes 100’s or 1000’s of time the ambient radiation.

Here is the most potent information that I have ever data mined, and it pertains exactly to sealife in Alaska.  
In June of 2011, government scientists were already scheduled to do broad radiation testing of sealife in Alaska.    This was not related to Fukushima.

They found that the increase in radiation from Fukushima increased from a low background to a super high level that was found after direct nuclear bomb testing in Alaska in the 1960’s.     Wrap your head around that.

In particular, CS137 in lichen in Amchitka prior to Fukushima was around 2.5 Bq/kG dry weight.    After Fukushima, in June 2011, before the process of biomagnification even got into full swing, the radiation had rocketed up to 250 Bq/kG…..100 times higher, and certainly already at unsafe levels.    30 Bq/kG has been shown to be very damaging to animals.


Considering the mass animal die-offs  of recent years, it would be irresponsible not to test food products, as something big is going on.

Additional ideas submitted by captdd at my blog

Google any of these titles:
Here are lots of links about fish and or the Ocean issues...

Top Cancer Doctor: Irresponsible to say cesium in California bluefin tuna is nothing to worry about — You have radioactive material in fish, which is being eaten by people (VIDEO)

Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California

BBC: Public health hazard from fish arriving in California waters? May be considerably more contaminated than radioactive tunas (VIDEO) + good comments

Radioactive Bluefin Tuna From Japan Caught Off California Coast

Impact to US West Coast from Fukushima disaster likely larger than anticipated, several reports indicate - Bellona

Japan Finds Radioactivity in More Foods From California: The California Radiation Report

Sea contamination of 3946 days later | Fukushima Diary

The Great Ocean Conveyer Belt

The Humboldt Current. « Paul Langley's Nuclear History Blog

Canada: Fish Eaters Threatened by Fukushima Radiation

SALMON Study Ottawa silences scientist over West Coast salmon study

Nobel: Radioactive contamination in Western US and Hawaii a concern — “Particularly in the water and milk sources” -CBS (VIDEO)

Mutated California Sunflowers July 2012 -

No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread -

The Great Ocean Conveyer Belt

Treasure Island Radiation More Widespread than Reported | NBC Bay Area

BUCKYBALLS - UC Davis News & Information :: How sea water could corrode nuclear fuel

Radiation Poisoning Hot Particles & Measurement of Radioactivity (Arnie Gundersen & Marco Kaltofen)

US Particulate and Xenon Measurements Made Following the Fukushima Reactor Accident « Paul Langley's Nuclear History Blog

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Oregon Covers Up the Fact That All the Fish Are Dying, With a State Wide Fishing Ban

H/T Female Faust see link below

I talked to ODFW's Public Information Officer, Rick Suart, and he talked with the biologists while we were on the phone. It was the consensus of the biologists that these were Willametter River salmon, trying to make it up the Willamette to the McKenzie River, but diverting into the Clackamas River to escape the hot temperatures of the Willamette River. But the Clackamas River was also dropping in water level, and heating up in the hot weather.

 Oregon: First-Ever Statewide Fishing Ban Coincides With, But Does Not Cite, Widespread Unexplained Fish Die-Offs (In Some Areas Mortality Near 100%)

Nuclear Shills and Trolls, Tragic Puppets of Death

From the Fukushima Hounds

This shill and troll issue we are having, AND the reactions of many of us here has brought a light of recognition to me, that some of us don't seem to understand the full impact of the mission we have chosen to be a part of, in becoming a Fukushima Hound. At first, it was a nickname; a handle that Dana called us, but following that, the reality of the true meaning of what it is to be a Fukushima Hound has set in, and we have become quite famous in our battle. (Thanks to all the trolls and shills lolol)

We are fighting a war against the most powerful entity on earth, and it seems to me that some of the Fukushima hounds don't seem to understand that we are not just babbling and complaining, but actually fighting a cold war, against the highest, and most powerful of the elites in this world.

Our mission here is one of literally saving humanity from a full, nuclear extinction event that is, at present, fully underway. We have to realize the seriousness of our chosen mission, and accept that we are going to be attacked on all fronts. The trolls and shills, although some may appear of low intelligence, are controlled by an extremely high, and sociopathic intelligence, and those are the enemies that we are at war with here. The trolls and shills are only their mindless puppets, and all the political bullsh^t is really just that: bullsh^t, and it all pales tremendously when one looks at the battle WE are fighting.

Ours is a fight that is invisible to the masses, but it is, I believe, the most important fight that any group has ever taken on, in the history of the human race as we know it, this time 'round... We ALL have to be warriors of peace, and love here, yet we have to also be STRONG, and spread all the information that we are gathering here, to the masses, because that is the ONLY way we will win this battle for the very survival of our species.

We all have to realize that every move we make online, every post we make, every video we put up, WILL be scrutinized, twisted, and replayed back at us, in a twisted, and demented form; to attempt to discredit us to everyone. The closer we get to revealing the truth to the masses, the harder they attack us. This is, sadly, what we have to accept as the norm, in our newly chosen mission in our lives here, as Fukushima Hounds. This is a badge of reality, truth, and heroism that we carry, but we need not wear that badge polished and shining for all eyes, or attempt to blow our own horns, as our enemy will use that against us.

This is not a popularity contest, or a race to see who can get the most views; it is for us to merely spread the truth that we are gathering and compiling as we go along, and the evidence that Dana and his crew are risking their lives to gather for us. We are becoming more and more educated in the information of our target, and we must continuously further ourselves in this education. Dana has been, and IS our professor, but mostly, our friend. He has educated us well, but it is also for us to take that knowledge he has given us, and continue our search for more knowledge of the nuclear world, so we may not be tripped up in any debate about this ELE event.

This fight is not for the weak of mind, or lack of conviction. This fight is one of intelligence and honor, and we MUST, ALL OF US, posture ourselves with the form of respect and honor, in all that we do within our mission. As a pack of Hounds, we must always guard each other with fierce love, and strength of conviction, so that our enemy will falter and trip in their own lies. Ours is a battle that stands firmly on the ground, and theirs is a battle that stands on slow quicksand. We WILL win this, and bring this to the masses, and I believe we will ALL come through this together, but again, we MUST tread carefully in all that we do and say, as everything we do is under the scrutiny of our enemy...

Let the trolls and shills do their worst, and allow all their work to bring us to the foremost spotlight, as that IS how we will spread this truth to the masses. There will always be the weak of mind that will follow the trolls into the quicksand; their own slaughter, but WE need to stay away from them, and we need to stay focused on our mission of educating ourselves further, and spreading the truth to the masses. Focusing on the negative only brings us into THEIR trenches, and we will surely lose, along with all of humanity, if we stay on the path of attempting to fight with, insult, and argue over the lies they are spreading in their dirty little trenches. They will sink themselves, if we just give them enough berth. Let them make us famous, and then let US, ALWAYS be firm, correct, and honorable, in ALL of our language through our posts, and videos; and throughout all of our movements online.

I have now come to the realization that I have to not be worried about swiftly removing members that are acting in ways that are inappropriate here, as our Den is now under SERIOUS scrutiny, and all of our actions here are read, then twisted and published by the trolls and shills; under the watchful eyes of our enemy. The ONLY private place we have, to be able to express our weaknesses and fears among each other for support, is the private messaging within the Den. Everything we say in our chat area, as well as emails through the public email servers, like gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc., etc., are also being watched heavily. My advice is to get an email account with Unseen, here:

Unseen is a private, and I MEAN PRIVATE email server that is out of Iceland, which is NOT under the scrutiny of our NSA; the eyes and ears of our enemy, so everything we write between ourselves within that email server IS PRIVATE. They also now have a chat area, as well as a video calling area, which AGAIN, is completely private from the NSA. With their software, we can also have private video conferences among ourselves, Lets ALL use it! We need to get away from the public email servers!!! Once you have an email account set up with unseen, send me a PRIVATE message here in the Den, with your unseen email account name, and I will also give you mine, so we can have a free, and truly un-seen communication among ourselves. This will be our first step of truly moving underground with our communications. We will need to be using the DEN, from now on, for our INFORMATION and the spreading of that information to the masses.

I am proud to be a Hound, along with you all, and am looking forward to when we can have truly private chatting as well as video conferences with each other on "unseen."

With that said, I again want to tell you how much I love you all, and add that we all have to send all the love, healing, and positivity we can towards Geoff in his dark hour, so he can heal, and come back home to us.

...and as a final note, we need to celebrate our pet trolls and shills, as they have made us famous. Newcomers, whether brought to us through the troll's and shill's nonsense, or our own videos, will determine for themselves whether they want to accept our truths or not. We have to believe that it is the majority that will see the truth, no matter how difficult it is to accept, and will also join us in spreading the truths, so something can be figured out, to entomb the Fukushima mess.

Your Hound Sis,
Kate ...hugs

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

As a Mini Ice Age approaches, The Criminals Extract Wealth With Lies of CO2 and How Nuclear Can Save The World

stock 2015---When governments start demanding that people burn wood and run natural gas plants because "we need the CO2" to warm things up, at that point I will be vindicated, LOL.

 A comment at ENENEWS

Stock, Praising Truth, anyone else, what do you think of this?
Wondering what will happen to FDNPP as well as nuclear plants worldwide, if we indeed reach a Maunder Minimum (climate, mini ice age) around 2030.
See this:
As if we didn't already have enough to be concerned about.
stock here
ya, I have been preaching that mini or full on Ice age as a real risk since 2006.   Its contrarian thinking, but in an upside world, it makes sense.

Cold spells wreak havoc on the world.   Changing weather patterns, destruction of crops, disease, war, looting. 

The Maunder Minimum did take a more direct toll as weather turned bitterly cold. Western Europe experienced the worst harvest of the century in 1648. Rioting broke out in Sicily, Stockholm, and elsewhere when bread prices spiked. In the Alps, poor growing seasons became the norm in the 1640s, and records document the disappearance of fields, farmsteads 

Most "conspiracists" (meaning those who have taken the red pill) know of the Maunder Minimum now, but there was in the 1800 a Dalton Minimum which had big impacts

During the Dalton Minimum, the abnormally cold weather destroyed crops in northern Europe, the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. Historian John D. Post called it “the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world.” The record cold intensified after the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815

Civilization is already stressed to a breaking point.   Another reason to shut the NPPs down now, while we can.

stock out.

----------------------------------------------------- Big Al had this to say

"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking…the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker."
- Albert Einstein

Cancer Started Sky Rocketing in 1945, What Else Happened in 1945, Coud It Be The Start of the Nuclear Cartel?

It fairly hard to find historical data on cancer incidence.

Cited near the bottom is an article that state circa 1900, 3 of 100 deaths were due to cancer.
A chart from the town of Boston 1811 showed 5 cancer deaths of 942.    Link and picture is at the far bottom herein.

What are the current stats on cancer deaths?   Honestly I haven't included any information here except in links.   I deem the answer to that question as so absurdly obvious to not deserve energy put into it.

How may people do you know who have cancer right now?     Drop a comment please.

The focus now is on "mortality", which in the twisted world of Big Med, just means that if you live for 5 years after diagnosis that your treatment was a "sucess".    If you die at 5 years and 1 day, then the cancer didn't kill you.  

They try to avoid clear presentation of "incidences" of cancer, aka new cases.   Some data is out there, but the spin is to try to show how Big Med/Big Pharma is "sucessful".
This chart from the New England Journal of Medicine is telling

find it here

Don't even get me started on Chemotherapy.    Its a broad spectrum human poison, but by pounding down the cancer, it allows the impacted human to "survive" for 5 years, although it is a pretty sketchy quality of life in that time.

I found another large treatise on cancer rates, their last report from 2011.     hmmmmmmmm

A lot of alternate media have jumped on this idea
Considering that Fukushima has released more radiation than 528 air detonation nuclear tests combined, and remembering that radiation from those tests is still affecting people around the globe to this day, the problems caused by Fukushima are going to be with us for generations.
There are 437 operative nuclear power plants world wide, and another 68 under construction. A dozen more are at the planning stage. Are we really so hungry for electricity that we are willing to risk annihilation to get it? What’s the point if generation after generation will suffer increased cancer rates?
- See more at:
Considering that Fukushima has released more radiation than 528 air detonation nuclear tests combined, and remembering that radiation from those tests is still affecting people around the globe to this day, the problems caused by Fukushima are going to be with us for generations.
There are 437 operative nuclear power plants world wide, and another 68 under construction. A dozen more are at the planning stage. Are we really so hungry for electricity that we are willing to risk annihilation to get it? What’s the point if generation after generation will suffer increased cancer rates?
Considering that Fukushima has released more radiation than 528 air detonation nuclear tests combined, and remembering that radiation from those tests is still affecting people around the globe to this day, the problems caused by Fukushima are going to be with us for generations.
There are 437 operative nuclear power plants world wide, and another 68 under construction. A dozen more are at the planning stage. Are we really so hungry for electricity that we are willing to risk annihilation to get it? What’s the point if generation after generation will suffer increased cancer rates?
- See more at:

USA Today (Quoting the WHO) weighs in

New cancer cases worldwide expected to skyrocket

Cancer deaths worldwide are predicted to rise from 8.2 million annually to 13 million a year with two decades, according to a new report.

The incidence of cancer worldwide is growing at an alarming pace, and there is an urgent need to implement strategies to prevent and curb the disease, according to a report from the World Health Organization.
Indeed, one of the "One Liner Lies Abour Cancer" is that most of cancer can be blamed on us living longer.    What a bunch of bunk.
Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer.

Read more at:
Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer.

Read more at:
Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer.
The year 1900: Cancer caused only 3 out 100 deaths in the
US. Breast cancer was basically unheard of.

- Food manufacturers began developing "better living
through chemistry" products like artificial sweeteners
(saccharin), taste additives (MSG), partially hydrogenated
vegetable shortening and margarine.
Considering that Fukushima has released more radiation than 528 air detonation nuclear tests combined, and remembering that radiation from those tests is still affecting people around the globe to this day, the problems caused by Fukushima are going to be with us for generations.
There are 437 operative nuclear power plants world wide, and another 68 under construction. A dozen more are at the planning stage. Are we really so hungry for electricity that we are willing to risk annihilation to get it? What’s the point if generation after generation will suffer increased cancer rates?
- See more at:

Considering that Fukushima has released more radiation than 528 air detonation nuclear tests combined, and remembering that radiation from those tests is still affecting people around the globe to this day, the problems caused by Fukushima are going to be with us for generations.
There are 437 operative nuclear power plants world wide, and another 68 under construction. A dozen more are at the planning stage. Are we really so hungry for electricity that we are willing to risk annihilation to get it? What’s the point if generation after generation will suffer increased cancer rates?
- See more at:

You can't blame nuclear because it would hurt their feelings. They want to keep up the PR spin that no deaths and no diseases are caused by them. You are blowing that PR out the window...

Dr. Busby; 40 - 60 MILLION Downwinder Deaths Due To Global Open Air Nuclear Weapons Testing Fallout 1945 to 2003

Here is a good scientific reference

 And here, a "stupid rat mother" (see link for information on how nuke promoters think that concerned mothers are 'stupid rats'), well this stupid rat mother using Facebook puts a statistical survey together  that a statistics professor at Northwestern deems .000000001 chance that it is random, showing massive cancers in St Louis after nuclear waste was allowed to leak out of rusting barrels.

It shows 750 cancers in a 4 square mile area, and 3 cojoined twins.   Thanks nuclear.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Erica Gray Bodyslams the Paid Nuclear Pimps Who Are Sent for Propaganda

At this article, Erica had this to say.


Erica Gray · Top CommenterWritten by "THE EDITORIAL BOARD"...what, no one wants to put their name on this infomercial piece?
Who ever wrote it.either is not paying attention or works for the nuclear industry. Saying "the demand for electrical power in the United States is only projected to rise in the future" is hype, because even the VA Nuclear Energy Consortium Authority menttoned at their last meeting,consumption is going down. But they are really interested in exporting the technology. The one thing that is increasing, is the amount of nuclear waste and still after 70 years the industry still doesn't have a solution. It's not like you can just throw it in a hole in the ground. We are talking about a waste product that is toxic and dangerous for thousands of years!

Another reality check is, this proposed new nuclear reactor has never been commercially built and operated any where in the world. Plus. why would we put all our eggs in one basket (3 nuclear reactors) in a seismic zone ~ where we have already been warned we could have even stronger earthquakes?
Here's a map that shows the fault lines, even though the latest one discovered isn't on the map yet (Quail Fault)

Dominion boasts, the new reactor would be 2x's a strong...but if unit's 1 and or 2 down't make it and that is very possible being both units have already had their design basis exceeded by the 2011 earthquake (11 miles from North Anna)...we would really be screwed.
Just remember. there are 3 melted reactor cores out of the 6 at Fukushima and the technology doesn't even exist yet to deal with the catastrophic disaster..

Hell, Dominion can't even locate or fix a radioactive tritium leak that has been ongoing for years now. Last report well GWP#6 was 3 times the EPA safe drinking water level...oh but don't worry it's just on the facilities property.
Make sure you check out the report, as it also shows all the other routinely released radioactive gases.

When the whole fuel chain for nuclear is included, uranium mining, milling, processing, all the in between and then the forever storage of it's waste, it's CO2 intensive and it's pretty clear nuclear is NOT clean and green.

What's even more disturbing is North Anna's history. It was knowing built on a fault line and lies.
Who ever wrote this article can't hide the truth.

No, another nuclear reactor at North Anna is too risky, too costly and frankly is immoral to continue using an energy source that threatens our health, land and future, be it through an accident or an act of terrorism and will burden the next 3000 generations with it's waste product.

True renewables, energy efficiency and a distributed grid is the solution.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

LNT versus hormesis

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British Columbia, Henderson, Sarah B.; Rauch, Stephen A.; Hystad, Perry; Kosatsky, Tom,
Canada Health Physics: May 2014 - Volume 106 - Issue 5 - p 608–613
41. What are the risks from medical X-rays and other low dose radiation? B F Wall, BSc, ,
G M Kendall, PhD, , A A Edwards, MSc, , S Bouffler, PhD, , C R Muirhead, PhD, , and J R
Meara, FFPH, Health Protection Agency, Radiation Protection Division, Centre for
Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon. OX11 0RQ, UK
42. What Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima can teach about the next one
Edward Moore Geist April 28, 2014
43. Knowing Endangerment: Worker Exposure to Toxic Vapors at the Hanford Tank Farms
September 2003 The Government Accountability Project (GAP)
44. Hanford Tank Vapor Assessment Report Savannah River National Laboratory October
30, 2014 SRNL-RP-2014-00791
45. Measures against increased environmental radiation dose by the TEPCO Fukushima
Dai-ichi NPP accident in some local governments in the Tokyo metropolitan area, T. Iimoto,
H. Fujii, S. Oda, T. Nakamura, R. Hayashi, R. Kuroda, M. Furusawa, T. Umekage and Y.
Ohkubo Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2012
46. 250 mSv: Temporary Increase in the Emergency Exposure Dose Limit in Response to
the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident and Its Decision Making Process Shojiro
Yasui Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015 pp.
47. Long term behavior of radioactive plume of TEPCO FNPP1 released 134Cs and
137Cs in the North Pacific Ocean through the end of 2014 Aoyama, Michio; Tsumune,
Daisuke; Tsubono, Takaki; Hamajima, Yasunori; Kumamoto, Yuichiro EGU General
Assembly 2015, held 12-17 April, 2015 in Vienna, Austria. id.3132
48. Radiocaesium activity concentrations in macrofungi from Galicia (NW Spain): Influence
of environmental and genetic factors M.A. Garcíaa, J. Alonsoa, b, M.J. Melgara,
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Volume 115, May 2015, pp. 152–158.
49. Radioactivity studies on farm raised and wild catfish produced in Mississippi, USA J.
Billa, F. Han, S. Didla, H. Yu, J. Dimpah, O. Brempong, S. Adzanu Journal of
Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry May 2015 doi: 10.1007/s10967-015-4159-5.
50. ML15051A503 Marcus
51. ML15057A349 Miller
52. ML15075A200 Doss et al

Friday, July 10, 2015

Another Large (300,000 people) study showing low dose radiation does cause Leukemia)

(Reuters Health) - In a long-term study of more than 300,000 workers in France, the U.S. and the U.K., those with many years of exposure to low doses of radiation had an increased risk of dying from leukemia.
Medical workers and even patients are also exposed to much more radiation than was common decades ago, the study authors point out, but it’s unclear what amount of low-level exposure raises cancer risk, they say.

 stock here: This adds proof to this other study

Of course low dose radiation causes cancers, it also weakens the system and causes or contribute to dozens of other diseases.

Global Cooling Makes Global Warming Look Like a Nice Day at the Beach

A new model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone. Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645. Results will be presented today by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.

Read more at:
A new model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone. Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645. Results will be presented today by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.

Read more at:
 A new model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone. Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645. Results will be presented today by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.

“In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other – peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun. Their interaction will be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other. We predict that this will lead to the properties of a ‘Maunder minimum’,” said Zharkova.

“Effectively, when the waves are approximately in phase, they can show strong interaction, or resonance, and we have strong solar activity. When they are out of phase, we have solar minimums. When there is full phase separation, we have the conditions last seen during the Maunder minimum, 370 years ago.”

In other words, we should expect continued deterioration in global climatic conditions between now and 2022, at the peak of Cycle 25. That’s only seven years away! Then it will get worse. We will be praying for global warming.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Classic Rant Received from Lot's Wife

Friends of the Earth Australia rocks!

However... Irrespective of the eventual toll from Fuku, the FOE analysis demonstrates what we're up against. Mauled by a grizzly, we are. The wounds and rot runs so deep, injuries so pervasive, that when presented to an ER doc amputation is task one.

Now, with China's bubble popping; Greece on fire and the Euro poised to collapse; USG proxy wars flaming in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Ukraine; a water war in California; and, with the US presidential election cycle ginning up, this report's significance is that of dust in a hurricane.

 About the best we can do is point at it while adjusting our breathing masks.

Homo-sapiens' vaunted intelligence [command of the field] has opened the door to its demise.

At the micro level, the hubris is revealed in the actions of Tiger Woods, OJ, Bill Cosby, Bernie Madoff, Colin Powell, Jack Abramoff, David Patraeus, Jesse Jackson, Jr., John Edwards, Duke Cunningham and many others.

Intelligence is dissolved by temptations of power. It's an acid that can't be contained.
Similar to unstable elements with rogue intentions.


The myth of the peaceful atom - debunking the misinformation peddled by the nuclear industry and its supporters

Jim Green, Nuclear Monitor #804, 28 May 2015
The greatest risks associated with the nuclear fuel cycle are weapons proliferation and related risks such as military strikes on nuclear plants. The nuclear industry and its supporters have developed an elaborate set of tactics and myths to trivialize the proliferation risks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

NWO Plot With Financial Terrorists Exposed Gets 20,000 Hits, Bikini Girls Cliff Jumping Gets 100,000,000 Hits

Max Keiser Exposes The Greek Debt As Financial Terrorism, As a Way For Germany To Exert Effective Control Over The EU as Some Sort of 4th Reich to Facilitate Power Consolidation And Wealth By the Super Rich Who Want to Never Have Any Serious Threat to Their Power, Ever Again

20,000 Hits

Bikini Girls Cliff Jumping Do your part to get this to 100,000,000 hits Only 900,000 more hits needed, whilst Rome burns, lol Fiddle around much?

Well at Least the Death of the Pacific Ocean gets more hits than Max Keiser

Death of Pacific = 177,000 Hits
Bikini Girls         = 99,100,000 Hits

Financial Plot to Takeover the World Forever = 20,000

Fiddle much whilst Rome Burns?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Highly Radioactive Rainwater Detected in Mainland USA

A Citizen Scientist who goes by MVB paid a large amount of money for a real lab test on "fresh rainwater".     He suspected that because of a dipping jet stream and the recent obvious atmospheric releases from Fukushima caught by "cam watchers" such as Majia and Nuchechen <sic> that he might get some hot rain.

Here is his report:

After my analysis of his results, about all I could do was post this at ENENEWS:
OK I am a bit freaked out about this

I have been analyzing MVBs gamma spec on rain water.

I have been trying to wrap my brain around it and create an article, but I am just flipping around like a boneless chicken.

What he found was 33,450 Bq per M3 water.   Of substances that could be of natural origin (but supplemented by fission)that would be 45%.

So 55% or more is from man-made radiation.     But only the gamma sources were detected, so isotopes that emit only in beta, such as strontium, tritium, plutonium 241 are not even part of the report.

There is a large presence of Americium 241, it 6 percent of radiation.    But that has a super long half life 3.8 million hours, so it doesn't emit that often, so there is A LOT of it.

Americium 241 comes from a beta decay of Plutonium 241.   So the plutonium was not detected because its beta decay.    And there is A LOT of Americium.    But PU 241 has a half life of 14 years, and Fukushima blew up 4 years ago, so not even 1/3 of 1/2 has transformed into Americium.    But there is A LOT of Americium.

So there is way more Plutonium

stock out--article will come later
I have made a spreadsheet that replicated some of the lab data.    I wanted also to figure out what might be naturally occurring.

I had previously analyzed the data for the CS134 to CS137 ratio which can function as a time stamp to see if they were from a recent release.     The Cs was actually in pretty low proportions and the data showed more Cs 134 than Cs137 so there was no "proof" as to whether it was a recent release.

Here is a screen cap of the spreadsheet

I'll add more later, including the spreadsheet itself.

If you want to learn more about Gamma Spectrometry, this is a great book that is an online resource

Majia, the author of 2 great books on Fukushima related issues, enquired about my thoughts on what is actually happening.

stock: Not sure, combination of factors.
Continued fallout of uranium (as well as airborne uranium/radium decay schemes), plutonium, and Americium from Fuku prompt criticality "canon blasts" as well on ongoing fresh emissions carried by jet stream.  

Fallout especially concentrated during cloud to cloud lighting discharges.
MVB was worried that because no individual result could be guaranteed by a radiation lab to be "correct" that we had to accept that none of the data was correct.     I provided a "duck theory" response in the comment section and then elaborated on my train of thought in the screen capture of spreadsheet.

One can see that even if you only had 5 samples that could prove recent fission products, and you were only 68% sure about each one being correct (i.e. a 1 sigma level of confidence), then the chance that all 5 are wrong becomes vanishingly small. 

Ducks Exposed Like Lying Nukists

IN Japan they say "we all know", good to see some truth dissemination in Japan

Another Mass Animal Death, Multiple Species, Birds This Time

Thousands of little blue herons, roseate spoonbills, snowy egrets, pelicans and other chattering birds were gone. Nests sat empty in trees; eggs broken and scattered on the muddy ground.
 "It's a dead zone now," said Vic Doig, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist. "This is where the largest bird colony on the Gulf Coast of Florida used to be."
stock here: What would cause birds to abandon their nests, scuttle their own eggs and throw them on the ground?    How about after detection of mutated offspring they are genetically programmed to kill it all off to prevent the destruction of their species, try again next year.
Finally, Doig said, recent years have seen an increase in night flights over the area by surveillance planes and helicopters used to combat drug runners. Although the planes' noise could be disruptive, Doig admits it's a longshot.
The abandonment concerns biologists because it could have a ripple effect: Many bird species here return year after year to the same nesting sites. The disruption provokes anxiety that this important island refuge could somehow be lost.
"Any rookery that's persisted for decades as one of the largest colonies is incredibly important," said Janell Brush, an avian researcher with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "It's quite a large colony. There had to be some intense event that would drive all these birds away."
Biologist also don't know how the disappearance will affect the island's other animals, some of which rely on the birds to survive. Cottonmouth snakes eat bird predators like rodents, and in turn the birds drop lots of fish and other nutrients from the trees to feed the snakes.
And on the other side of the country, more horrible fish news.

BETHEL – One of the worst returns of chum salmon on record has prompted the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to shut down sport fishing for chums in the Kuskokwim River drainage.
The state announced Monday that any chum salmon caught unintentionally by people fishing for other species must be released immediately in the Kuskokwim-Goodnews Area. The closure took effect just after midnight Sunday and at this point will last until the end of August.
Sport fishermen can still target pink, red and silver salmon, with a daily total bag limit of three fish of those species. But they cannot use bait or multiple hooks.
Sport fishing for king salmon also is closed.

The weighted count for chum salmon at the Fish and Game test fishery in Bethel is the third lowest on record, according to the department. It said the  run “appears to be late, weak or both.”

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cesium 134 Cesium 137 Half Life Excel Calculator and CS134/CS137 Ratio Also!

MVB did an analysis on rainwater, thinking he could catch Fukushima in the act. I was motivated to finally build my halflife sheet in Excel, and see if he results nailed a recent Fukushima release. Unfortunately the lab only did a 16 hour sample so the results were kind of weak. Check out MVBs fine article here:

 Here is a NOAA Fisheries Report from 2013, it seems a vast disconnect from reality

I will later add my EXCEL CALCULATOR here, but I need to get outside and do an organic Harvest before mosquito peak time starts!
