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Friday, July 13, 2018

Satanic Possession of Strzok Caught on Video

This is from the July 12 2018 Testimony Before Congress

Oppenheimer has a similar moment at 13 seconds into this video.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Major Forest Fires at Chernobyl -- Officals State No Increase In Radiation -- However They Only Mean Kiev

stock here.

In past years it has been publicized often that the expected decrease in radiation has not occurred at all.   It is about the same as 30 years ago.    This was not expected by the experts, and they expected at least a "half life decrease", along with a dilution decrease.

Somehow that is not happening.   I do not have a strong theory on that, except to guess (not even a
hypothesis at this point) that initially radionuclides were flushed into the upper layers of soil by rains, and down far enough to not register much on a Geiger.    Now they are re-suspended by plant uptake.

We also know that "decomposition" of the forest has been pretty much absent.   I am pretty sure that normal fungi and microbial decomposition would not make the radiation any less, and may actually increase bio-availability for plant uptake.  

My Chitin Hypothesis explains much of the reason for lack of forest breakdown.   This also explains the degradation of the Pacific after Fukushima.   

 A major wildfire is sweeping through the Chernobyl nuclear disaster area. The authorities have deployed dozens of fire trucks as firefighting aircraft bombard the radioactive exclusion zone with massive amounts of water.
The fire inside the Chernobyl 'dead zone,' which is now part of Ukraine, started on Tuesday morning, when dry grass was ignited, local emergency services said in a statement. The wildfire subsequently reached a forest, where up to 10 hectares (24 acres) are now in flames.
Some 29 vehicles and 126 personnel have been dispatched at the scene, with several planes and helicopters dropping water from the sky on the area engulfed by wildfire.
The zone saw another large blaze last year, which scorched 25 hectares (60 acres) of land.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Our Radiation Shield Is Diminshed -- And Flight Attendents Get More Cancer

stock here:

Many who read this page understand several important factors going on with the Earth and associated Space Weather.

1) Earth is undergoing a magnetic pole flip.   I first noticed this around 2005 when the compass readings I took for solar work in Hawaii no longer meshed with what was "expected".  Since then, the change has become fairly well documented, although maybe only 1 in 100 educated people even know about it.

2) The "Quiet Sun" which means, for the most part, lack of sunspots and their associated high magnetism.    Just like the last solar cycle, which also had scientists baffled at how quickly the sun got quiet, this cycle playing out in real time also beffudled said "scientists" by a quick drop below their expected near sine-siodal curve.   A quiet sun lessens the magnetic field interaction between the earth and sun, and allows more GCR's to get into our atmosphere.    Those GCRs are Gamma Rays....very much like the Gamma rays created by earth based ionizing radiation that we often focus on here at Nukepro


They point directly to GCRs in this article above.   But then throw out this ringer:

The study cannot prove what causes this increase, but the authors said increased exposure to ionising radiation from time spent in the thinner upper atmosphere as well as disrupted sleep and meal cycles could be factors.

Some 3.4 percent of the women who flew for a living had breast cancer, compared to 2.3 percent in the general population.
The flight-crew rate was 0.15 percent compared to 0.13 percent for uterine cancer; 1.0 compared to 0.70 percent for cervical cancer; 0.47 compared to 0.27 percent for stomach or colon cancer; and 0.67 compared to 0.56 percent for thyroid cancer.
The risk of breast cancer was higher in women who had never had children, as well as those who had three or more.
Having no childlen was a known risk factor, noted Mordukhovich.
- Cosmic radiation -
But we were surprised to replicate a recent finding that exposure to work as a flight attendant was related to breast cancer exclusively among women with three or more children, she said.
This may be due to combined sources of circadian rhythm disruption -- sleep deprivation and irregular schedules -- both at home and at work.
Male flight attendants were found to have higher rates of skin cancer -- 1.2 and 3.2 percent for melanoma and non-melanoma cancer, respectively, compared to 0.69 and 2.9 percent for the adult population as a whole.

This article from 2003 indicates that this is not "news".    But with the solar cycle and current quiet sun, this is a great time to educate people to overall risks of radiation, and that means not just cancer, but morbidity (sickness) in many ways.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Large Earthquakes in Hawaii up 4600% -- And Mass Media Is Focused on Cars on Fire

In Hawaii region,

In 2018 there have been 23 EQ over 5.0 so far.

In 100 years prior, there were 50 total EQ over 5.0

And this is just barely "news"

The Kileaua Caldera/Crater is collapsing in on itself.   Huge chunks of mountain are falling into a 1000' hole.

And in this most unusual and dramatic events unfolding, the Hilina Slump has not made mainstream news AT ALL.    Even in Hawaii, it is barely mentioned.   "Nothing" can come in the way of getting those tourist dollars.

NO UPDATES from USGS since June 14th, this is June 17th.    I guess they "take off" for fathers day weekend.   LOL

The experts pretend that because Hilina slump only creates a 1000' tsunami every 100,000 years, that there is no elevated risk.

I can't share this great video on fountaining and massive lava rivers.   So watch it at the source.

I can share this one direct USGS


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Significant Increase In Large Earthquakes over 4.5 --- and USGS Data Feed Now Failing 100%

I don't have time for a detailed analysis of GCR influx compared to Earthquakes.    Thats Galactic Cosmic Rays by the way.

But my hypothesis is that cosmic rays nucleate gases within Magma causing more EQ and Volcanic activity.    As the sun enters a "quiet period" it functions as a less effective shield for GCRs, thus more nucleation, more activity.  

Friday, June 15, 2018

352 Earthquakes On Hawaii in One Day, Double Previous Record

And they still pretend and downplay the chances of the Hilina Slump and a 1000' Tsunami

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Volcanic "Cycle" In Hawaii Supports Nukepro Hypothesis of Cosmic Gamma Rays Nucleation of Magma

I will claim this hypothesis as my own.   Seems like it could be proven pretty well by looking at historical data, even geological data for long term evidence.

GCRs Galactic Cosmic Rays (Gamma Rays) do nucleate cloud formation and greatly affect earth weather and temperature.    Now it seems clear that they also affect volcanic processes, Magma, and also Earthquakes.    Recent activity in Hawaii shows
1) A quiet day re earthquakes
2) A building day of swarms of EQ 100 to 200 over 2.5
3) A large volcanic earthquake, or they like to call it volcanic eruption although I think that is mostly some type of excuse to down play scary "earthquakes" by the USGS.    I haven't figure out the motivation yet.


These 5.3 to 5.6 "Eruptions" all happen in the wee hours of the morning, and none of this is publicized by the USGS as a proper warning.    Why is that?

They are also downplaying the likelihood of the Hilina Slump.   I can see why..... people would freak out.    And if it happens, its pretty much game over for 90% of the island chain, maybe Kauai gets somewhat spared, but a 1000' Tsunami is a serious thing.   Downplay the chances.....


LOL a reader sent into these links to "others" who look like they have "discovered" the same thing as me.    Sheesh, seems like I always end up being a "co-discoverer"

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Amazingly High Radiation in Tokyo Bay -- 131,000 Bq per Meter Squared


 A monitoring survey was conducted from August 2011 to July 2016 of the spatiotemporal
distribution in the 400 km2 area of the northern part of Tokyo Bay and in rivers flowing into it of radiocesium released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident.

The average inventory in the river mouth (10 km2) was 131 kBq⋅m-2 and 0.73 kBq⋅m-2 in the central bay (330 km2) as the decay corrected value on March 16, 2011. Most of the radiocesium that flowed into Tokyo Bay originated in the northeastern section of the Tokyo metropolitan area, where the highest precipitation zone of 137Cs in soil was almost the same level as that in Fukushima City, then flowed into and was deposited in the Old-Edogawa River estuary, deep in Tokyo Bay.

The highest precipitation of radiocesium measured in the high contaminated zone was 460 kBq⋅m-2. The inventory in sediment off the estuary of Old-Edogawa was 20.1 kBq⋅m-2 in August 2011 immediately after the accident, but it increased to 104 kBq⋅m-2 in July 2016. However, the radiocesium diffused minimally in sediments in the central area of Tokyo Bay in the five years following the FDNPP accident.

The flux of radiocesium off the estuary decreased slightly immediately after the accident and conformed almost exactly to the values predicted based on its radioactive decay. Contrarily, the inventory of radiocesium in the sediment has increased.

It was estimated that of the 8.33 TBq precipitated from the atmosphere in the catchment regions of the rivers Edogawa and Old-Edogawa, 1.31 TBq migrated through rivers and was deposited in the sediments of the Old-Edogawa estuary by July 2016. Currently, 0.25 TBq⋅yr-1 of radiocesium continues to flow into the deep parts of Tokyo Bay.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Volcano Hawaii 192 Earthquakes in last 24 hours and a BIG 5.3

also to miss Frill....appreciate all your comments, I have become shadow banned at my own site from posting comments....amazing, thanks Google. Time to back up my WHOLE SITE or GTFO to Wordpress, but also closing down Hawaii ops, so no time. --------------------------------------- EQ is increasing, not slowing down.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Hawaii Volcano / EQ Being Caused By Quiet Sun, and Central USA Unrest

106 EQ over 4.0 in 100 years.  
8 of them just in the last few months.

Hmmmmm  are GCR's nucleating gases in the Magma?

Back to Hawaii -- We are in uncharted territory.    Rumors of FEMA ships to rescue after a huge
disaster.   The Hilina Slump has in the last century, created 60' Tsunamis locally that threw 9 foot Tsunamis at parts of California.     What would a 1000' Tsunami do to California, say being 150' hitting California.  

Biggest Swarm so far this "event" 178 EQ and then a 5.2, followed by some pretty rapid aftershocks.


And some conspiracy stuff here -- Satanism

Friday, June 8, 2018

Hawaii Volcano Update June 8 -- After the Calm, Another Swarm, then another 5+

After yesterdays "calm day", the 2 to 3 range EQ started ramping up into a swarm, and then almost an
EQ every minute.....then early in the morning, another 5 plus.

This one was just 5.2, so it broke the trend of every increasing "big ones".

After the big one, the EQ drops to about 1 per hour instead of 1 per minute.   Look at the time stamps on the subsequent EQ

USGS 0060818

 Here is a nifty livestream with a split view showing the Caldera (which is collapsing like a son a gun) and a down slope view showing amazing fountaining.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Volcano Update -- June 7 -- Calm Period -- Just 18 EQ>2.5 Since the Predicted 5.6 at 4PM Yesterday

stock here -- just added this USGS chart from today....note how the new, infrequent (1 per hour)
quakes are filling in perfectly along the Hilina Slump, see top image.
Yesterday I emphasized the now clear patterns of swarms of small quakes preceding a big Quake, rather then the small 2.5's releasing energy, and preventing a "big one", they are a great signal to an upcoming "big one"

I also "discovered" something that NO ONE has talked about.    After the initial massive 6.9 EQ just barely off the shore, the 2 subsequent big EQ were not in the volcano but in the deep ocean debris field from the last Slump.   See yesterdays post for that, but it is very significant.

A disturbance of the debris field, can lead to a larger Slump, which in the recent past (1975 for one)
has caused 60' Tsunami, nothing to laugh at.    The Tohoku Earthquake that caused Fukushima was smaller, but admittedly quite a bit wider than these "small slumps".

A Big Slump could cause a Tsunami of 1000', almost hard to picture, and even after hours of research, I found no way to model it's dispersion or land entry penetration depending on location and local bathymetry.

So after i predicted a "big one", a 5.6 hit an hour later.   Since then, 19 hours ago, there have only been 18 EQ>2.5/19H.    A calm period.    Before the next storm........

Kilauea Crater saw significant collapse.   See Image.

Guatemala, Madagascar, Quiet Zone in Japan (building energy), Hawaii, and Yellowstone/Steamboat are all very concerning.      I had this crazy idea that maybe increased cosmic rays due to quiet sun et al, is activating gasses within the magna deep in the earth, and that is causing all this.    LOL  we will see how that Hypothesis plays out. 


Big Emotional Toll on Those Affected  -- One of the Things is "Inability to Forecast"

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hawaii -- Underwater Debris Field Destabilized -- No Support For Land Structure -- And Now More Weight and Lubrication

Note--new USGS livestream at main crater is at the far bottom of this post.   Steaming away across the entire throat of the crater.

The first 2 quakes of this "volley" started far off shore and relatively deep.   This likely disturbed the prior debris from the last Hilina Slump "slump off". 

THIS IS THE KEY POINT....the prior debris field that was stabilizing things, is disturbed and weakened.  
Geologists prior to this were claiming that the prior slump will prevent <link> or slow down another big Slump.     

Sure, unless of course some big EQ destabilizes the debris field and "re-liquifies" the rubble.   Which is exactly what happened.

I called for an even larger EQ--- I was convinced enough that I alerted the authorities by phone.

My call for a very large EQ, was spot on.     An hour after the authorities were notified,  a 5.6 occurred (the largest of this sequence, they keep getting incrementally larger!) 

You need to keep in mind the Hilina Slump is inherently unstable, but now 
1) it's base in the ocean has been liquified, 
2) millions of tons of mass of lava have been added to the top side, 
3) and a slip plain of pressurized lubrication makes it like the Slump is floated up by hot magma.

Damage reports have yet to come in, but this will likely spur greater fountains and flows.

This flow is already bigger than anything in 200 years, and regular people hear that "things are slowing down".    MSM at it's "best".

100,000 years between big slumps…but even recently…..

An earthquake on April 2, 1868, rocked the southeast coast of Hawaii with a magnitude estimated between 7.25 and 7.75. It triggered a landslide on the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano, five miles (8 km) north of Pahala, killing 31 people. A tsunami claimed 46 additional lives. The villages of Punaluʻu, Ninole, Kawaa, Honuapo, and Keauhou Landing were severely damaged. According to one account, the tsunami "rolled in over the tops of the coconut trees, probably 60 feet (20 m) high ... inland a distance of a quarter of a mile in some places, taking out to sea when it returned, houses, men, women, and almost everything movable."[24]
A similar earthquake occurred November 29, 1975, with a magnitude of 7.2. A 40-mile (60 km) wide section of the Hilina Slump slid 11 feet (3 m) into the ocean, widening the crack by 26 ft (8 m). This movement also caused a tsunami that reached a maximum height of 47.0 feet (14.3 m) at Keauhou Landing.[25] Oceanfront properties were washed off their foundations in Punaluʻu. Two deaths were reported at Halape, and 19 other persons were injured. The shoreline at Keauhou Bay was dramatically altered.[26]

Hawaii Volcano -- A Fresh Swarm of EQ Indicates Another LARGE Earthquake Coming Soon

The past week has seen
1) Quiet, energy building days
2) Followed by "Swarm  days" my definition of is over 100 EQ over 2.5 in last 24 hours.
3) Followed by LARGE EQ over 5 and massive lava flows.

Yesterday was quiet
Today shows 122 EQ >2.5/24H

Expect massive quake, each one has been getting larger after the Calm/Swarm.

Many of the quakes are exactly along the Hilina Slump (search that term, its scary)

What is More Dangerous Than Nuclear "Science", Circumventing Rules By Creating Human / Chicken Embryos
At Rockefeller University in New York City "they" have created a hybrid embryo that they say will bring insights into fetal development — and perhaps lead to new cures for several diseases — without bumping up against the so-called “14-day rule” that prohibits research on human embryos more than two weeks old.


Just because we can doesn't mean we should.   

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Indian Volcanic Plate Literally Bouncing Back and Forth

I saw 5 large EQ on the USGS data feed, and it puts together some great knowledge on plate

All 5 big EQ happened within 45 minutes, basically traveling back and forth over say 10,000 miles total.     "Communication" aka plate shifts can travel VERY fast.    I hope these arrows and numbers make it plain to see.

Part of the Deep State / Globalist / NWO Plot Is to Bad Mouth Capitalism and Replace With a Worse 'Ism

  • An all out attack on Capitalism is underway.    The globalists who pretty effectively co-opted what used to be a left leaning democratic party have swung the narrative.     They have convinced marginalized millenials that somehow socialism is "good".    Even though the same millenials have no idea what socialism is.
    ------------------------------------------------------------- from a discussion on a website.
    Note "Usury" is basically getting interest for loaned money or other resources. 
    Chomsky -- Capitalist thing you use, like airplanes, computers, are really socialist things because many started with government.    But the financial sector does have "real" marketplace characteristics, and is 30% of GDP.

    Usury…I had a feel for the hidden usury and capitalist skimming, and its much worse than the mere interest on your loan
    The incredible facts are these:
    1. In construction a whopping 75% of prices are related to costs for capital. Meaning that if we buy a new $100,000 home, $75,000 is lost to banks and other financiers.
    2. When we buy the house with a mortgage, we will not only pay $100,000 for the house, but an additional $150,000 in interest over 30 years.
    3. So we pay a total of $250,000 for a house that actually costs no more than $25,000 to build.
    That means, all else being equal, you work to build 10 houses and only end up with one house. This is not hyperbole, not hypothetical, not fake news. This is capitalism. The only reason its been working out is the increase in efficient manufacturing and ongoing exploitation
    go ahead stock, read about it, others will
  • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown all the people that didnt think about it or didnt have time to think about it now know what stock and razzz dont know, even though they claim THEY know and everybody else is a moron. This of course makes them look like morons, so if they care about reputation or anything they better wise up
    'So, you lose 40% (!!!!) of your disposable income to interest through prices.
    Interest is being payed by people borrowing money and received by people having loads of it. So it is per definition a wealth transfer from poor to rich.
    It transpires, that about 80% of the poorest people pay more interest than they receive to the richest 10%.'
    this is a capitalist success story;
    "In Germany the poorest 80% pay 1 billion Euros in interest to the richest 10% PER DAY. Yes, that’s right, one billion euros per day. That is a grand total of 365 billion euro’s per year. That is one seventh of German GDP and extrapolating this to America, the poorest 80% must be paying at least a trillion a year.
  • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
    Can I use the fuck you meme? Well fuck the capitalist and his apologies, denials, lies and the millions of minions that support him.
    you people out there, you spend 3/4 of your working life supporting those rich capitalists who gain their entire wealth from YOU. Read and weep for your lost years, your wifes lost years, your childrens
    "Worse still: approximately half our own disposable income is lost to interest, on top of the taxes we pay. Combined interest + tax takes 75% of our gross income."
    "It has been established that 45% of prices we pay are for interest on business loans or other capital costs. No less than 50% of taxes we pay go to servicing the National Debt and capital costs included in prices the Government pays"
  • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
    capitalism and usury. Here its well laid out. Why capitalist usury is an unsustainable wrecking ball. And an obvious solution
    Margrit Kennedy
    stock and razzz, Ive been over this in many different ways. You cant call me a blind purveyor of fake and preposterous idiocies if you dont read up. Thing is,,,other people WILL, and you will be left in the dust with your pants down

    I just laid out quite a thread on capitalism elsewhere. Proponents are more than hopeful, they go so far as to cuss at people with any other ideas. In light of the fact that mankind, who is perhaps at least 200,000 years old (where you going to draw the line?), and bees who are a few million years old, have not relied on this system that capitalists insist is the only viable one, their hubris and insistence receives the mortal blow of reality right out of the gate.
    Capitalism wasnt needed by Eagles, Dolphin or the builders of the great cathedrals. You dont need it for your family or your farm. Its really only needed for the people that make their living from it. The following is only a small part of the story. Productivity (think automation) is the reason the unsustainable capitalist workings seem to sort of work;
    "weve been hoodwinked. Using data by the U.S. BLS, the average productivity per American worker has increased 400% since 1950. One way to look at that is that it should only take one-quarter the work hours, or 11 hours per week, to afford the same standard of living as a worker in 1950 (or our standard of living should be 4 times higher)."
    • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
      In a fair world, there would be no inflation. Its a kind of sickness engineered by business and bankers and the war machine.
      Economists consider all sorts of things money which arent money at all. Like loans and credit and a hundred and one sneaky 'financial instruments'. They fool you with words. The war machine is not productive, its destructive and the burden is carried by the people. This is true for many things, like the stock market, usury in general, insurance, middle men, the profit margin, many service industries. Without the increased efficiency of modern technology, this great weight of anti-productive economics would have long ago dragged everyone to the bottom
      The history of Rome in regard to inflation tells the story

Hawaii Volcano -- USGS Footage of Lava Into the Ocean -- Making New Land.

stock here: Tuesday shows ANOTHER 5.5 hitting Hawaii, and a number of EQ right along the Hilina
Slump which could create the 1000' super Tsunami.

Yesterday was a quiet EQ day, pressure building during the calm.   I saw like 24 EQ over 2.5 at one point in 24 hours.    This is the 4th clear cycle of a daily "fast run" then a pause.

I wonder how many people in Hawaii realize that the Hilina Slump could change their reality in a very real way?    Low probability, but what we are seeing is unprecedented.

This just on's 12 noon in Hawaii, but just now Hawaii gov officials admit that hundreds of structures were destroyed just last night, after the "quiet" earthquake day.

EQ off Fukushima, 2011 happened after Lava lakes at Hawaii "drained" in 2011.
Bezos and his Propaganda Rag the Washington Post, have attacked an excellent Citizen Scientist who is making the paid "pros" at USGS look like.....jokes. 

Dutchsinse has been pushing Earthquakes, Vulcanism, and plate techtonics to new high levels.

WAPO outed Dutchsinse as "Fake News"



Monday, June 4, 2018

A Spiritual Center In The Brain -- Yale Calls It "Supernatural"

stock here

LOL part of the globalist narrative is for people to give up everything that they held dear, everything that they felt was a rock in the storm that they could hold on to.

1) Capitalism
2)  Patriotism
3) Spirituality and or a belief in the Great Spirit or God
4)  Hetereosexuality and the Institution of Marriage

The story below may be important, but check the spin imparted to it.     "God" may be nothing more than a chemical reaction within your brain.

Your thoughts on this?

and for damn sure, you best be turning in your guns also....


A team of US scientists believe they may have discovered the chemical origins of human spirituality in a particular part of the human brain. 
Religious, supernatural and even meditative moments can create all manner of human reactions, changing people’s emotional and psychological state. And, while supernatural events or incidents stemming from a mystical being on-high remain difficult to explain, scientists believe they now know where all the magic happens inside the human brain.

READ MORE: Here’s why you shouldn’t charge your brain implant during a lightning storm

The study, by researchers at Yale University, has been published online in the Cerebral Cortex journal, and it posits that experiences that transcend the ordinary sense of self have a neural base in the parietal cortex.

Pope Encourages Socialism and For White Women to Breed With Muslims (and stop being so greedy)

stock here --- yes they juiced this story, and the debunkers are saying "he didn't say that".   But he did, not in so many words, but his points were clear when you read it with red pill glasses.

This Pope is captured.  I postulate that they have video of him having sex with boys and/or girls.

When Pizzagate was getting traction he came out and said "listening to bad news, even if true, is the exact same thing as 'eating shit'"
