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Monday, April 15, 2019

Murkowski -- A Non-Sexy Symbol of the Failed American Political Establishment -- Promotes Nuclear for Alaska

Any female that lets themselves be controlled by the likes of Feinstein is shaky to the core.  

I am so far aghast that Uranium 1, and transporter Robert Mueller (the Mule) have not taken center stage.   

The technical, hidden nature, or radioactive decay, somehow draws darkness to itself, the great evils of the world gravitate towards uranium and nuclear.

Big money = big bribes and kickbacks, always true of "big projects"

In the 2012 debacle era of solar in Hawaii, the governor was making up lies about solar and pushing for a $2B cable between the 3 islands of Maui County and Oahu.    

Never once did my calculations hit the news, that with $2B, the entire state of Hawaii could be "taken off the grid" with solar PV.      No big bribes and kickbacks with projects that are smaller though.     Horrific to watch this in real time. 

And these asshats just lie through their teeth---
What’s more,
the technology is safer than ever before.
Advanced reactors are not your grandparents’ nuclear plants.
True, they are not BWR's, like Fukushima and 31 BWR's still operating in USA.   But there is no "advanced reactors" in practice, and if they were to be built, they would be way too expensive. 

LTE>  go here

The article --

from Lot's Wife

Murkowski is willing to risk a nuclear holocaust in Alaska to save a few bucks.

Send this woman to Fukushima; ask her to listen to mothers whose children will never be the same…to the farmers who sell but won’t eat the food they raise…to the doctors who’ve been ordered to not discuss radiation diseases with patients…to the journalists who risk jail if they speak or publish stories about Fukushima.

This isn’t about leadership; it’s about money. There’s super big money in nuclear…and no insurance company in the Galaxy will indemnify nuke plants. Taxpayers pay the bill when these bastard contraptions go south. According to a Japanese court, Fukushima’s poor design and flawed construction allowed the earthquake to knock out cooling. The tsunami was secondary.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Another Benefit of Pro-Biotics, Control over one type of "Autism" ASD

And commentary on article

Yeah, I’ve seen that study and others like it recently. It is quite amazing how far and how fast the genetic and body/mind linkage to autism and related neurological “conditions” has come in just the last 12-18 months or so. Once high-level research institutions like the NIH (National Institute of Health) stepped in because of how badly the APA (American Psychological Association) fucked up their autism classifications the scientific progress has been tremendous.

The study below is only marginally related to most of the recent work that is beginning to really understand how the human brain works. It isn’t that autism really matters to many people because it doesn’t and it is not the kind of “health problem” that impacts any nation near as much as blood pressure, cancer, or just being a fat and angry nation (FAN). But, they are learning so much about how different brain types works and how this plays into behavioral traits and how to a certain degree that epigenetic factors (environmental influences and “soft” factors of causation) dictate outcomes. The brain-gut link is pretty well known because of how many neurons we have in our stomachs. What they are saying in this paper is that if you can make the stomach healthier and better balanced it literally changes other symptoms. Same for anxiety issues – studies find that blood pressure lowering meds actually feed back into the body-mind relationship and help reduce mental pain for many people.

It is clear already that there will be no real definition for “high functioning” autism coming in future years because it is so wide-spread in the population. One recent study finds that key “autism-related” DNA duplication errors seem to have something to do with how our prefrontal cortex got big in the first place. They will find that autism traits are human traits. No cure for that….

Just picked up one of the weighted blankets (pretty heavy at twelve pounds) that I’ve read about for a while – the pressure is supposed to help with sleep. Last night was the first I got to try it and I’ll say that it worked. It is hard to toss and turn when you are pinned down! Woke up rested for first time in months maybe. In my effigy mound manifesto I introduce a new term that I call “Embodied cognitive functionalism”; some recent anthropological work draws the conclusion that our mind and the way we think is highly correlated with what we think. This helps us travel into the past and figure out with some certainty what people were thinking and feeling at a certain location (a high bluff mound site for instance) at some point in history. Lots of neat things happening on the cognitive front

Friday, April 12, 2019

Real NSA Twitter Account Just Tweeted the Q Card. Lock and Load

 They took the guns from Australia, then Australia went to hell in a hand basket, quickly.

Julian Assange is no journalist: don't confuse his arrest with press freedom

 Shameful, Wikileaks has a 100% untarnished reputation that what they have published is 100% correct.     CNN can't get through 15 minutes without an over the top lie or fabrication. 

Swedes are such hypocrtics, lost all respect for them.  

They believe in helping "poor immmigrants" in theory, but not in practice.   I am sure their self views of social justice may then feel good, until REALITY.

"Reparations" Georgetown University Can't Do Basic Math -- Misses the Real Points Entirely

Just some real basic math to bring this "policy" into perspective.

Georgetown University had some slaves, which they had purchased prior to 1838.

A salient point -- they were slaves before the sale, and they were slaves after the sale.   So what changed?    Not their value, not their lot in life.   The whole premise that "slaves saved the university" is faulty.    If they had sold off some blacksmith equipment, would it make sense to compensate modern metal workers or metal working manufacturers?

Sure it's a "nice idea" and it stinks to high heaven of social justice warriors run amok.

The University was is financial dire straits, and they were forced to sell 282 slaves, for $17,000.

Thats right around $60 each.  

In 1838 the price of Gold was right around $20 per ounce.    So each slave was sold for about 3 ounces of gold.

Gold fluctuates, especially now, but lets call it $1200 per ounce, a 60 fold increase.

So an "inflation adjusted" value would be 17,000 times 60 = $1,024,823 in 2019 "Dollar Value of Gold"

The article comes up with an inflation adjusted $465,000 without describing how they did it, I like my method much better. 
After say 6 generations (maybe 8) there would be roughly 720 descendants for each original person.    Some would have never had kids, or had accidents, so lets just cut that in half.     360 descendants for each of the 282, or roughly 101520 total descendants.

$1,024,823 / 101520 is roughly $10 per person.     If that were the intention, to split up the inflation adjusted value to all the modern day descendents, it would be a horrible "project" with the administration costs running 50 times the out pay.     And $10 wouldn't matter a hill of beans towards improving anyone's life.

Also noted in the story they said that it was 40 families, or roughly 7 per family.   Think about that a bit, and draw your own conclusions.

----------------------------------------   Modern financing

Apparently, there was no "sunset provision" in the "bill".    No ending point discussed.

But at $27 per semester and assuming 7000 students, that is $189,000.  

So it would take about 5 semesters to build up the $1M current "value"

Then what?

We know the Globalists have many divisive agendas, treasonous to the USA, and one is fanning the flames on a race war.     And it's also pandering for black votes.

Georgetown University has a $1.662 Billion endowment fund -- but let's nickel and dime kids some more as if it was their fault that Georgetown has a shady past that the University wants to pay reparations for.   I guess instilling the SJW program into their heads is important.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Epiphany -- Assange Arrest a Stunt to Protect the Deep State's Owned "Journalists"

stock here

The timing is amazing.

Trump talks Treason, yesterday.

Today, Assange is arrested.   But the planning process has been going on for some time, in fact this is a Deep State operation (definitely not a Trump driven action), including the $4.2B that the IMF gave to Ecuador last month

Deep State Operation

WATCH how the Ashkenazim owned media tries to spin this event.   

ACLU jumps on the bandwagon....."to protect journalistic freedom"

The Deep State is losing control of the narrative. They are very afraid of losing their expensive tool called the "media". I can definitely see some of the worst offenders in media being brought up on charges of treason or sedition.

 And this muslim asshat in the UK seems to be in charge of the asylum breaking UK police.

 I first became aware of this Muslim in charge of UK National Security last week, after Kristin Nielson met with him before her outster.
Speaking of the Globalist British Intelligence, heavily involved in the fake Dossier, Kristin Nielsen visited Britain last week and met with their Muslim "Home Secretary". Was this trip a contributor to her demise? And why does Britain have a Muslim Asian as head of their "homeland security"?
Q says Assange is bad, because he weakened the NSA. I can't quite wrap my head around that one.

Except for this epiphany I had last year "We have to use the machine to beat the machine" And part of the machine is the NSA.

Wonder why Trump hasn't reigned in the "illegal" capabilities of the NSA et al? Because he needs every tool in the tool box. In order to dismantle, and convince the brainwashed sheep, that the jailing of thousands of serious traitors to this country is correct....the evidence needs to be clear.

More than just "discovery". And the NSA can provide that.

What say you? stock out.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Finally, It's Out. Trump Is Kicking Ass, Calling Treason, and Naming Names.

Barr is clear on investigating all the base evidence.

Spying on a political campaign is a Big Deal.

 "I think spying did occur"

Shocking Mrs. Shaheen



Monday, April 8, 2019

NEST Thermostat -- Is It The Best Choice to Reduce Pollution and Save Money?

I have expertise in energy systems, data logging.

I have been running smart Thermoastats for myself since 2013.   I have used only the NEST thermostat so far.

I figured that as an HVAC expert and installer that NEST certainly must have great tools available for data analysis.    I was wrong.

After years of thinking that I will call NEST and get their inside information or tools, I finally did today, it did take about 45 minutes to "make my point".   Their customer service was "nice" but not particularly effective.

I did finally ferret out the area in which you can ask NEST to email you some JSON files.   Those were disappointing also.   Enphase (microinverters) does much better reports.!

I did find some interesting sites, that appear to help work with the data.

HINT, on NEST webpage, they always "hide" the important new information at the bottom of the

page, and you won't even know it is there unless you scroll down.  

I was able to plot some interior temp data, but these are only by month.    Horrible effort required to parse them all together. 

This is where you can request data.    But you have to log in first, before getting to this page,
otherwise if you log in on this page, it just takes you to your own thermostat page.   VERY frustrating!

Shit Hole American Cities -- Of the 20 Worst, 90% Are Decidedly Democratic

When will people see some very simple cause and effect relationships?

If you do "this" you will likely get "that".

I saw this on a Facebook post.   The graphic, presented without backup.   So I went to look for the back, and here is one of the latest ones.