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Monday, January 28, 2013

Pro Nukers are nasty people, for the most part

Links to Fukushima news mostly old

4. Readings of radioactivity level in drinking water by prefecture, Tokyo, January-March, 2012
5. Readings of radioactivity level in drinking water by prefecture, Tokyo, April-June, 2012 
6. Readings of radioactivity level in drinking water by prefecture, Tokyo, July-September, 2012 
7. Results of ACRO’s monitoring in Japan (12th of July 2012 update) 
8. Monitoring information of environmental radioactivity level 
9. Gundersen on WHO: I don’t trust their data 
10. WHO forecasts no significant increase in cancer patients in Fukushima 
11.No Safe Dose – Japan’s Low-Dose Radiation Disaster 
12. “All who met with Fukushima’s radioactive fallout are probably to have some problem with the thyroid” 
13. Paul Zimmerman, A Primer in the Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science (778 pgs., 2009).
14. The scientific jigsaw puzzle: Fitting the pieces of the low-level radiation debate 
15. Even low-level radioactivity is damaging
Broad analysis of many radiation studies finds no exposure threshold that precludes harm to life 
16. Meta-Review of 46 Studies: Even the Lowest-Level Radiation Is Damaging to Human Health
17. Tepco doesn’t deny radioactive materials are seeping into Pacific 
18. Ocean still suffering from Fukushima fallout 
19. Top scientist suggests contaminated water is “actively being pumped out” into ocean from Fukushima plant 
20. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Plant’s Contaminated Water Storage Running Out Of Space 
21. Contamination from Fukushima “is almost irreversible” in coastal sediments 
22. The muddy issue of cesium in a lake 
23. 515,000 Bq/Kg of cesium in Fukushima city 
24. 80 Bq/Kg of cesium from tea leaves produced in Kagoshima 
25. Researcher: Japan should prepare for worst-case magnitude-10 earthquake 
26. Fukushima One Year On: Nuclear workers and citizens at risk 
27. Tepco will oblige all the employees to go to Fukushima, 100,000ppl/y in total 
28. NHK Documentary: Recently deteriorating working conditions at Fukushima plant causing workers to quit 
29. A Tokyo resident on facing his fear and living with earthquakes 
30. Inside the Japanese Matrix 
31. Nuclear crisis lowers curtain on Japan’s Confucian politics 
32. Science’s Looming ‘Tipping Point’ 
33. Martin Cohen and Andrew McKillop, The Doomsday Machine: The High Price of Nuclear Energy, The World’s Most Dangerous Fuel, pg. 28, (Palgrave, 2012, 242 pgs.)
34. Fukushima’s Radiation Release Here’s One Important Way to Protect Yourself 
35. Medicinal Uses of Seaweeds

Beta monitoring

I finally figured out how to use the EPA site to generate Beta charts.

First one I looked at, WOW, Spokane WA really got dosed this week, I wonder if anyone told them?

Anything over 100 CPM is a big concern.

Radnet Realtime Gamma Charts

Here is a link to the Gamma charts---see the Beta charts below, when Fuku and local sources go off, you will see the big moves on the BETA

Man, It is hard to find the right link at the Radnet site, never seen a site so bad.

HERE is the BETA Charts!   finally found them.   Higgins used to link up these charts on his nicely deisgned site before Hurricane Sandy wiped out his house and servers.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Some good nuke links from the living moon

Check out EARTH AID and let's join forces:
Earth Aid

All-time Darwin Award: The Nuclear Industry

Do Citizens of Earth Have the Right to a Radiation-free Environment?

FukuGate - We've Been Conned

Wasting Away - The Nukes in Your Backyard topic=2726.msg37754;topicseen#new

Fukushima, Pandora's Box and the Nuclear Demon

"I Have Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds"

Radiation Watch 2012]

"NukaTuna" - The Last Fish in the Ocean

Fukushima Tsunami Meltdown Debris Field ETA America Summer 2012?

San Onofre - America's Fukushima?

It's all tied together:

Mutated Fish, Eyeless Shrimp, Clawless Crabs: GOM Fisheries Devastated

Peace Love Light

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Palisades - Propaganda for the Clunker

Palisades is another Clunker on Lake Michigan.   Just like Kewaunee on the Wisconsin side, the clunker Palisades is on the Michigan side.    Think if a Fukushima type release into the water occurred  in this landlocked Lake....the midwest would be killed and that would probably be enough kill off the American empire.

How can we take these risks?    Through greed, we have achieved action akin to insanity.   The lure, the promises of power "too cheap to meter" has played out in Orwellian fashion with reality setting in above the propaganda, and Kewaunee is being shut down because it can't compete with Nat Gas and Solar.    

Palisades also has THE WORST Embrittled reactor due to:

1) Age of plant and extent of neutron bombardment
2) Specifics of Metallic Alloying of the reactor vessel including the weld materials.

I did a future article on Embittlement.   It's very important.    In an emergency, when the reactor was melting down and at very high pressure, the addition of cooling water would crack the whole thing open with a massive radioactive explosion.   Read up, it's worth it.

Now the NRC is partaking in "communication with the public", to assure them how safe Palisades is....after a series of 4 pipes leaked radiation right through the wall of the pipe...not at a joint, not at a pump, not due to seismic event, just a plain old rust a 1960's car with multiple holes in the radiator and engine block, and yet they want this clunker to live on.

PS Communication = Propaganda

Drop by the NRC website and drop a comment.  They are pretty good about not censoring comments that are civilly worded, even if critical.

source for us electric data

EIA good data here, you can download very nice spreadsheets and make some charts Clearly, nuclear is dying, coal is dying, and renewables are rocking.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Radiation Spread in the Pacific, a good model

This model does self admit that they are completely ignoring the effects of bio accumulation, which would make things much worse.    Looks like Hawaii is already seeing the ocean impact.

The red zone is 1/1000 times less than the original dispersion in Japan.    That doesn't sound all that great considering they just caught a fish with 254,000 Bq per kG at the Fukushima harbor.    Anything above 100 Bq/kG is extremely bad.    Eating 1kG of this fish is like a total of 2 years of total radiation exposure, and ITS INTERNAL!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Romania Nuke and solar

I just put in 65 solar systems, a massive push.   Very tired.

Not enough to knock out a nuke plant, but we have different methods of doing that.

When I think Romania, I think of communist girls pushed to gymnastic heights, not quality nuke operations.....ouch.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mass Murders by Democrats?

Seen on a blog

1. Ft Hood~~~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim

2. Columbine ~~~ Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

3. Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat

4. Colorado Theater ~~~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
Occupy Wall Street participant; & progressive liberal.

5. Connecticut School Shooter- ~~~ Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Also, of the worst killings in the last several decades, only one was a female,
all the rest were boys, barely men, and none of them had a strong male father
or role model in the household. Their role models were rappers, action movies,
comics and violent video games. Our problem isn't weapons, it's boys without
boundaries. Who live in 'progressive' households

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fukushima Lies After the Earthquake

Think Before We Sink
9 hours ago ( 3:31 AM)
This all sounds like a bunch of doublespeak:

After the earthquake occurred at 5:18 pm on December 7, 2012, we have conducted checkups at the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, and have found there was no problem.
Since we had found positive pressure in the reactor building of Unit 1, we have started Stand by Gas Treatment System* (the pressure was 0.05 kPa at that time of the start), and confirmed negative pressure in the reactor building. The negative pressure has been kept currently. We will conduct inspections for the cause of this matter.

The fluctuation of the monitoring post readings is being maintained within the range of normal fluctuation before and after the earthquake and currently no radiation impact to the outside of the power station has been reported due to the earthquake. The Unit 1 of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station is under the cold shutdown condition and there is no problem.

Nuke Pro sayeth------
Yep, real doublespeak, you wonder how much is translation related, but obviously simple concept like "no problem" versus.....we found positive pressure, i.e. the coriums remaining in the building were jostled around with the cooling crust broken and the hot underlying corium shaken and stirred and reacting with metals and producing hydrogen and other gases which  definitely released alot of radioactive gases, and of course, potentially highly explosive.   However, since we can now operate a venting system and eject these radioactive and explosive gases high into the atmosphere through our remaining vent towers, we are able to report that our already fudged radiation monitors at ground level and upwind...well, suffice it to say that we only had to lie a little bit to say "no problem". 

By dilution of these radioactive gases into  the atmosphere of the HOME PLANET, we have effectively protected the workers at the jobsite, thereby setting up our "get out of jail free card" to prevent lawsuits, and of course we can continue to parrot " no one harmed by Fukushima".    Thank Kami-san for science and those tall venting towers, and the fact that the Government is now complicit in the cover up operations since we are effectively nationalized, however the elite at the top can still extract huge salaries and bonuses as if this was a non-zombie company, but after all, we are stressed out so you are lucky we don't just run away.

Ruh-roh, I guess it is winter again...maybe we better check the insulation on the pipes so they don't freeze and leak like last year....but that is messy work, so we will just say that with nuclear power fighting the evil global warming causes by natural gas, that with the global warming that freezing is beyond the design basis, and therefore we can get the ratepayers AND taxpayers to pay us more to cleanup any freeze related mess caused by this mother nature that we can't predict.

Out TEPCO (masters of shenanigans and fleecing)

Sierra Club takes Stance against Nuke

Why Nuclear Power Doesn't Make Sense

As the disasters at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima have shown, nuclear power can cause catastrophic damage to land, human health, and our food supply. We should pursue our cleanest, quickest, safest, and cheapest energy options first: Nuclear power comes out last in every one of those categories.
In the long-term, nuclear power is also unnecessary: With an intensive effort to exploit our clean energy resources, we can power our society, create good jobs, and keep our environment healthy with renewable energy such as solar and wind. With the right policies and investments, we can achieve 100 percent renewable energy in our lifetimes -- without nuclear power.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fukushima resources after the Earthquake

 Links below are stolen from

AFter Higgins house and website were wiped out by Sandy, I learned the importance of not relying on another website to store link locations.   So I will store them here, with credit to the source.

Dec07.12  5:00 am PST  The Fukushima hit by 7.3 Richter EQ and 1 m. tsunami.  The area has been bouncing along at 5-12 EQ a week for quite a while.  Today is the worst since 3/11.  Here's what my resources are saying 5 hours after the initial shock.
  • I see MSNBC report on the latest 7.3 EQ near Fukushima, with 1 m tsunami.
  • Live TEPCO webcam shows good, clear shot. Everything quiet and looking normal.  Helpful
  • Live TBS webcam is down.  Worthless.  
  • TBS historical camera 2012.1207_17.23@2:41-2:49 shows the EQ, no visible effect on the facility. Helpful.
  • USGS EQ map says 7.3 at 08:18 UTC -- followed by multiple bumps over 6.0 Helpful
  • ENENews is down at first but comes up.  Says nothing.  Worthless.
  • Nicholls EQ map is scrambled..  Worthless.
  • Jap gov't EQ map -- minimal info.  Almost worthless.
  • Japanese gov’t EQ "predictor" says "No information."  Worthless.
  • Fukishima Diary is reporting in real time, and using the event to beg for money, as per usual.  Helpful
  • Fairewinds says nothing, except begging for money, as usual.  Worthless.
  • JapanTimes says nothing.  Worthless
  • Fukushima Update says nothing.  Worthless.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Greed and Science discussion at Huffpost

I see no signs that society mistrusts science or engineering. I see society mistrusted big corporations, oil and nuke, governments, human greed, GMO, mass media and its unstoppable lies and propaganda, vested interests such as unions and old school business models.

But never have I seen the vaguest hint that science and engineering itself are mistrusted.


I'm interested in your response, would you trust nuclear if it was publicly-built and controlled, owned by the US, its scientists, and engineers in the DOE? Like a research lab?
Interesting articles---

It seems a big part of the so called mistrust is based in a greater shift to a religious pack mentality.  

Not a broad indictment of science, and in particular I didn't see engineering enter the equation at all.

Although people may think the travesties of the Gulf Oil spill and Fukushima to be engineering failures, but I think most people realize these are not engineering failures, but failures of greed and regulation, of captured regulatory bodies.

The numbers were a stark blow to high-school science teachers everywhere: forty-six per cent of adults said they believed that “God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years.”

Read more:
I believe this goes more to a "retreat to the pack mentality" caused by the unbridled greed of the financial greatest theft on earth, drawings people into religion.
Not necessarily a distrust of science and engineering.

The last article also indicates somehow its only the conservatives that have developed a distrust of science, and they seem to be a little crazier than most when it comes to stuff like abortion, creationism.

I wont ever trust nuclear again, as long as humans as part of the equation.   Those who can't see this have their ego in the clouds and their heads in the sands.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vogtle over budget, behind schedule

And all the players are fighting each other, suing each other, contradicting each other.....sure when something make no economic sense, that is what we should expect.  Sheesh when a $200M plant like Kewaunee is shutting down for economics, why would a $14000M plant like Vogtle make any sense?

It doesn't

From PowerGen Magazine

The addition of two new nuclear reactors at the Vogtle plant in eastern Georgia could be completed a year or more behind schedule say the lead contractors on the project, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports.
Georgia Power, a subsidiary of Southern Co. (NYSE: SO), disagreed with the contractors, The Shaw Group (NYSE: SHAW) and Westinghouse Electric Corp., insisting that a delay is not inevitable while conceding that any delay could lead to higher consumer utility bills. Georgia Power blames worker training, increased oversight and stiffer regulatory requirements for throwing the project off schedule, which the company expects could cost an additional $100 million.
Westinghouse and the Shaw subsidiary are also suing Georgia Power and the co-owners of Vogtle for breach of contract due to additional construction costs. They say Georgia Power is responsible for at least half of the costs.
The new reactors under construction at the Vogtle plant are the first new reactors built in the United States in three decades. Regulators are thus keeping a particularly scrutinizing eye on the project, Georgia Power said.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

20 mSv /hour!!! Futada Japan

4 Micro Sv/Hour is extremely high, dangerously high

But this town has come down from 30 mSv/H to 20!!!!   After a year.

Sick.   Literally sick.

Friday, November 23, 2012

North pole shifting

Funny, how the last report of the north pole position was over 5 years ago, however in the prior 5 year period, the north pole has move more than in the last 100 years.   hmmmm

Do your own Google search to find 2012 data, it is not out there that I could find.

Yet another reason to shut down this insane technology.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nuke Robots Dying Left and Right in Fukushima

The reality is that although nuke has some backup plans, they don't have good depth.     And when the SHTF, they aren't ready, except with lies and excuses.

Even the Iodine pills....better than nothing, but maybe not.   They do provide a false sense of security, because there are alot more isotopes emitted during the all too frequent nuclear disaster.

And Iodine only protect against one, the one that last the least time, 8 day halflife.    People are told...if there is an accident take this pill and you will be protected.....sure thats a half will be protected against radioactive iodine.   BUT NOTHING else.

When an accident happens, and they are all too frequent, no one in government or the nuclear authority having jurisdiction is ready to deal with it.    They weren't at Three Mile Island, they refused to evacuate people when it was obvious that they were taking "husky doses"!

And when it is time to decomission or do a cleanup of an all too frequent accident.  They are not ready either.   In fact, they are never ready.

At Fukushima, their cameras were fried by radiation.   Their robots were fried by radiation, lots of them, many of them never even made the news.      At Chernobyl, the rooftop was so radioactive with debris, that robots would not last at all, so they used Bio-bots, aka Humans.    Their "lifetime" exposure time allowed was 45 seconds of work to run on the rooftop, grab some debris, and throw it over the edge and then run down the ladder to relative safety.   Then you were "retired" for life.   Except some guys went back 10 times....for 450 seconds of total work.

But at least at Chernobyl, they were real men.   They did what had to be done.      They did an amazing fight, and the death toll was high, and the disease toll was in the millions and still counting.    In Japan, the "political correctness" makes it hard to do what needs to be done.    Even some older engineer type volunteeredd to Kamikaze the job, although they wanted a real plan without senselessly throwing their lives away.    Japan's pride wouldn't take that help, at least until now.   Criminal nukers, methinks.

And now the robots....Fukushima is so deadly that robots are dying left and right.

Sickputer provide this info on ENENEWS, and here is the article by ENENEWS

From that article on "Nuclear Firewalker":

"It is the second time such Japanese robotic technology has experienced problems. Last October, a crawling robot developed by the Chiba Institute of Technology lost connection with operators and was abandoned inside Fukushima's No. 2 reactor building."

SP: Poor Tepco…they not only deploy suicide robots, they are liars also. They have lost at least FIVE robots inside Units 2 and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi: Two made by Americans (Packbots) and three made by Chiba Institute of Technology.

RIP Quince 1 lost in Unit 2 June 2011:

"Quince 1 is still stranded in the Reactor 2 building, "for the moment", in much lower radiation, relatively speaking (10 millisieverts/hour where it sits)."

RIP Quince 2 (aka Survey Runner):
"TEPCO announced on July 11 that the robot became inoperable [April 18, 2012] after it was sent to the Reactor 3 building basement at FUkushima I Nuclear Power Plant to measure radiation levels and take the video. The company said it would be difficult to retrieve the robot for the moment because of the high radiation levels."

Rosemary 1, 2, and 3 (designed to last 3 years) went into the hellhold at Fukushima in August 2012 and succumbed without even a death notice by Tepkill:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Modern Survivalist

I saw this at

Hey guys, here’s a few nice downloads to put in a thumb drive or maybe print some of the more relevant ones. Its all free stuff, lots of good reading.
First Aid
Wound Closure Manual
Emergency War Surgery
More Books and Manuals
( Hand to Hand: Martial Arts ) Aikido ( revised )
bushcraft leather work PDF
boyscout cookbook PDF
The Back Country Recipe Book
Australian Bushcraft PDF
Flintknapping PDF book
Guide 5, Preparing and Canning Poultry, Red Meats, and Seafood
The New Complete Book of Food
The Jerky Chef
The complete guide to home carpentry
The Back Country Recipe Book
The Journals of Lewis and Clark by Meriwether Lewis.pdf
Solar Dehydrator.PDF
Guide 6, Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods and Pickled Veg
Practical Guide to Free Energy DEVICES
Joy of Canning
How to make common things
Food Storage Cooking School
Every Step in Canning
Essentials of Archery
DOD Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Manual

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seattle Spiking to 300 CPM last week

Since Higgins house and servers were wiped out by Sandy, his very valuable website showing beta and gamma realtime charts is no longer available.

I wrote to him to ask for help on chart setup, it looks tricky, but he very likely has other priorites on his mind.

At this link is a scatter chart of recent readings,

Seattle spiking to 300 CPM last week!
Anything about 100 CPM is cause for concern.     At 100 CPM you have a significant increase in cancer if you stay in the 100 CPM zone for 1 year.

Seattle Beta