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Monday, December 21, 2020

VOAT and Zerohedge -- Both Brought Down By The Cabal At The Worst Time

Expected -- and "we" seem to have no backup plan.   Shameful actually. 

 VOAT going offline DEc 25th, in the most demoralizing way possible.

Methinks they let the operator in on secret......his daughter was going to have a car accident.............--

And see below, Zerohedge going to be a paid only "service".


 I Can't Keep It Up (announcements)

 submitted ago by PuttItOut

It’s embarrassing but it’s true, I just can’t keep it up. I’ve tried meditation, I’ve tried prayer, I’ve tried reaching out for help. Some solutions worked for a little while but nothing has remedied the underlying issue. No matter what I do, I simply just can’t keep it up. I expect most will be disappointed and let down, while others will just point and laugh. So be it, it’s a problem every man like me will face at some point.

One thing is true though, while I kept it up, it was glorious in many ways. It was the hardest (website to corrupt with CCP rules), it was the biggest (bundle of laughs ever… 4chan raids us and we didn’t even notice), it was bulging (with red pills and truth that you can’t find anywhere else), it was throbbing (with people eager to teach others the deception of the world). It’s so great in so many ways that it has a list of haters who will be extremely aroused by this post.

I know I’m going to get a hundred PMs from all of Voat’s hottest girls (Voat has some hot women, fact) with tips and tricks on how to help me keep it up. While I appreciate the concern and the offers of lending me a hand, we’re just going to have accept the situation for what it is- it’s just not going to be much fun for anyone.

/s (end of sarcasm)

What happened

I fight not being bitter and resentful. You see, this wasn’t supposed to happen, at least not now. The short of it is that the “Angel” defaulted on the contract in March 2020. This is when Voat lost all of it’s funding. I personally decided to keep Voat up until after the U.S. election of 2020. I’ve been paying the costs out of pocket but now I’m out of money.

A New Perspective

Instead of feeling pity or vengeful, I’m instead going to celebrate the fact that Voat stayed up for so long. In my opinion, Voat is and will always be the biggest dysfunctional family on the internet. Voat users were much more intimate with each other than other sites (chances are you have a handful of enemies and a handful of friends that you can list by name at a moment’s notice). Voat always had a better community dynamic than any other site on the internet. Considering everything, Voat was untouchable. There will never be another Voat and each of us had the opportunity to enjoy it. That’s awesome.

Some say life is worth it all if you can help just one single person. In this way I know Voat was worth it because you guys have changed thousands and thousands of people’s hearts and minds. You’ve made so many people aware of the lies taught as truth and the truth taught as conspiracy. It’s beautiful. What a great thing.

I love you all. Every single one of you. I hope you all have a life filled with overflowing joy and happiness. So many of you have been so selfless over the years, helping in so many ways. My heart is just touched when I think of all the good that was generated. Fucking love you guys (Say it in a slurred drunken voice).

Another great thing is that we stayed true over here on our end. Atko and I never betrayed our users. Never once. In fact, I can list example of example of how we ended up doing the right thing over what we wanted to do or what we felt like doing. I’ve come to find that doing the right thing is often the hardest thing. But we did it. We didn’t sell out and we passed the test.

The Sacrifice

I will lay Voat upon the cross on December 25th 2020 at 12 noon PST. I have chosen Christmas as the day to do so in honor of the only True thing you will find in this world and that is Jesus Christ, the son of God, and the only way to the Father. I chose 12 noon in honor of the twelve disciples who spread the message of salvation to the world. In this way, my hope is that perhaps 12 people will carry the cross for Freedom of Speech and sacrifice part of their lives for an ideal in the way I did, but hopefully with much more success, glory, and reward.

The Triumph of Defeat

It seems like a great time to share one of my favorite quotes, so I will leave it here.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

For those who I’ve let down, please forgive me. I’m sorry Atko. I love you like a brother.


  • You guys crack me up, even now you accuse me of being mossad or a honey pot. If I keep it up or shut it down I'm the same thing. Damned if you do, damned it you don't.

  • Trust me, I want to drop every dirty detail about the Angel and the act of betrayal that Voat has suffered. But it is written:

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay", saith the Lord. Romans 12:19


Do not say, “I will do to him as he has done to me; I will pay the man back for what he has done.” Proverbs 24:29

  • The secret reality of the world we live in is that winners and losers are chosen by the power structure. If you don't play the game, you don't get any prizes (aka $$$). Shutting down is the consequence of not compromising ideals.

I chose a noble death.


5 Ways Biden and Harris Reveal They KNOW They Lost The Election


5 Ways Biden and Harris Reveal They KNOW They Lost The Election

12/20/20201 Comment


Y'know, for people who are supposedly so confident in their Big Win on Election Night, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris sure aren't acting like people destined for an Inauguration Ceremony!

They should be rushed off their feet preparing guest lists, meeting with the Inauguration Committee, having fittings for their outfits, etc. etc. Instead they're behaving like Willy Wonka's famous spoonerism: "So much time and so little to do!"

1. Harris Fails to Resign from Senate

No hurry, Kamala. Heavy sigh. We'll wait. I'll merely mention that effective November 16th, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama had lickety-split resigned his Senate seat, a mere twelve days after Election Day.

We're now 45 days post-election, and one week post-Electoral College vote, and Kamala "The Kondescending" Kommie has yet to resign her Senate seat. Money talks, bull$hit walks. She's determined to have a paycheck, even if it means revealing she knows they lost. Wow!

Do you hear that? It's the sound of a glass ceiling not shattering. Not that woman. Not ever. Kamala herself has revealed that she knows it.


2: Haute Couture...NOT!

By December 7th, 2016, we already knew exactly which fashion designers were refusing the great honor of designing Melania Trump's clothes for the Inauguration Ceremony and Inaugural Ball. Famous, hoity-toity designers like Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs who, apparently, did not want their creations living forever at the Smithsonian.

Conspicuous by their absence this year are the names of any designers selected to design the Inaugural outfit and ballgown for our supposed next First Lady, "Doctor" Jill Biden. Oh yeah, and Kamala too.

Vogue made a half-hearted attempt at drumming up enthusiasm on Nov 11th when Brooke Bobb wrote, "While the inaugural gowns of first ladies go down in history—we’re sure designers across the U.S. are lining up for the chance to dress Biden."

Yep, still waiting on that queue. Haven't heard a word.


3: Listen to the Sound of Silence

Theoretically, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies should be the one committee where politics can be set aside and we can all just enjoy being Americans who love their country.

Not this year! In fact, they're stalemated. They tried to vote in the House to get the ball rolling but the Republicans shot 'em down. Publicly, not much is happening planning-wise.

Let's compare that to 2016, shall we?

By Nov. 16th, 2016, Missouri Senator Roy Blunt was already offering tickets to the Inauguration on his website. By Dec 16th, Politico was telling you how, when and where to watch the livestream and announcing the parade line-up.


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This year? "Listen to the sound of silence."

Of course, the glaring vacuum of information is being blamed guessed it: covid-covid-covid.

If anyone actually believed Biden had won, we'd be hearing everything from which musicians would perform to who would be giving the prayers and benediction. Instead, there's zilch, zip, nada, nothing.


4: Cabinet Appointees NOT Quitting Their Day Jobs

So far, we've heard a lot about which pathetic life forms Joe Biden has selected to fill his Cabinet but we haven't heard anything about them actually behaving like those appointments are for real.

If I knew I'd be moving to Washington D. C. in January, I'd be taking positive steps now. Maybe put my house on the market or up for rent. Check out new schools for the children. Put furniture in storage. Has anyone heard of any appointees acting like they were going anywhere!?!

Bit of advice: Take a lead from Kamala's book and don't quit your day job.

Oh wait. You haven't. Mm-hmm. Good call. Also...


5: Climate Change, Climate Change, Climate Change

For you, I broke my resolve to not look at Joe Biden's tweets. To follow his tweets is to lose IQ points.

I only made it back to December 12th when I realized something weird: This guy is not tweeting like the next President. He's playing it safe, mostly tweeting about climate change, climate change, climate change.

So I toddled over to Kamala's twitter. Twenty-three seconds ago she tweeted, "The climate crisis is not a partisan issue." Same thing: climate change, climate change, climate change.

They're not acting nor tweeting nor talking like winners nor the next leaders of the Free World. They're playing it safe. Not making waves. Not building treason on top of treason.



The great thing to remember about liars and cheaters like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is that they, more than anyone else, know that they're lying. Usually, liars over-act to convince themselves of their lie. In this case, possible because they committed treason, Biden and Harris are under-acting.

They're not even trying to behave like the lie is reality. They're doing a spectacularly bad job of acting like winners at all. It's a gift. A gift to the MAGA crowd.

Trump Won! Biden/Harris lost...and they know it!

From The Boards -- Dissonant Perspective On Trump Transition Team --- Transition the Rats Out Of Government

 Before the 23rd, you'll know that Trump will be finishing out his second term. The phone call came through. He does have access to military intelligence on a great deal of fuckery by top Democrats but regrettably a lot of Republicans he needs are involved as well.

Trump can upset the house of cards, but a vast number of people would have to go down for it to happen and it would dramatically destabilize the government.

stock here --just saying --- is there really anyone out there who still has confidence in our government?



Trump has a team at the Pentagon and increasingly at NSA and lower levels of the FBI. Upper levels of all agencies are almost all TeamObama or TeamClinton.

The fraud will be presented in the most undeniable way. Everyone will know and it will be done in such a way that we cannot move forward.

Sorry to Q this, but it won't be the courts. What do you do when about 65% of the government is agreeable to massive fraud? You know it will happen again and again.

Trump is going to drop some news that will have people shitting themselves. Major declassifications will come down. One or two former presidents will be in very hot water unless the elites back down and pressure Biden to concede.

Before December is over, Biden will give a very difficult speech addressing fraud and admitting that Trump won. He will cite irregularities, but not fraud. This will coincide with a flurry of prosecutions for lower-level people in the vote fraud operations of which there were 3 overlapping programs with former ACORN people and DNC activists.

This will be a messy Christmas. Cheer up, in 30 days Trump is sworn in again. There will also be a new chief justice.

But I'm not one to gossip, so you didn't hear it from me.

Q is bullshit. Corsi and Scavino are giving you the hints you need.

You Are Being Played

LOL -- I hope I am not like Trump who throws gasoline on EVERY FIRE.


gets -- ye ol' "divide and conquer" play.  I myself would add that reports of adverse reactions to the "COVID-19 vaccine", judiciously sprinkled throughout mass media and even social media like Twitter, throws proverbial gasoline on an already enkindled fire.


In the meantime, mean times from sea to shining sea, meaner putative viruses stalk the lands in search of the unwary!  So, here's Round 2, folks, with people of America and other countries ALREADY on the ropes!


Verify Dr. Yan’s Warning! The UK Found That the SARS-COVID-2 Virus Gene Mutation was Out of Control, and the New Strain’s Infectivity Increased by 70% – GNEWS

Verify Dr. Yan’s Warning! The UK Found That the SARS-COVID-2 Virus Gene Mutation was Out of Control, and the New Strain’s Infectivity Increased by 70%

10 Things We Know About The New Mutant “Super COVID” That Is Causing Extreme Panic In The UK – NewsWars


On Sunday, hordes of London residents were flooding out of the city after they learned that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was going to put them in Tier 4 lockdown for the holidays. 

Johnson said that he had to make this move because of a frightening new variant of COVID-19 that reportedly spreads much more easily than previous versions. 

Scientists are telling us that this new mutant form of the virus is “unlike anything we’ve seen”, and it is making headlines all over the globe. 

There is still so much that we don’t know about this new mutant “super COVID”, but here are 10 things that we do know so far…


‘Mutant Virus’ That Cancelled Christmas: What is Known About ‘New Variant’ of COVID Spreading in UK | SGT Report

While different strains of the coronavirus have been spotted around the world throughout the pandemic, this is the first time health authorities have suggested the mutation changed the properties of the virus.

Authorities in Britain have officially confirmed the detection of a new strain of coronavirus. The finding came during genome studies of the virus in patients from southeastern England. The government added that the new variant, called VUI-202012/01, is spreading rapidly and reacted by introducing a new level of restrictions, affecting Greater London, Kent, Essex, and other cities in the region and which are effectively equal to a lockdown.

These and the hundreds of other similar "stories" that infected Mass Media and its ostensible ALT Media yesterday shout out,


The "Virus" Has Not Been Isolated: Jon Rappoport's Blog

stock here: and no vaccine recipients have been re-challenged with the "virus", therefore there is ZERO proof of any effectiveness of any vaccine.

And more proof BJ and the UK sociopaths... are gaslighting us with the fake mutation of the fake virus.


First of all, very high praise goes to Christine Massey, for her work in exposing the coronavirus fraud. In a half-sane world, she would have received many awards by now.

Her latest communication reads: “Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever” [1]

I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.

This means exactly what it seems to mean: the virus has not been proven to exist.

As for the people who keep chanting that the virus has been isolated, I can keep explaining why this is not so. I can do this forever. [2] [3]

Whether it’s a scientist, a gaggle of scientists, a government official, a person waving a study around like a newspaper with a hot headline from an old movie, my response is the same, and I make it knowing that some people will intentionally refuse to understand it:

ONE: SAYING the virus has been isolated is not the same thing as proving it’s been isolated.

TWO: Researchers routinely twist the meaning of the word “isolated” to mean its very opposite.

Isolation is absurdly taken to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. It is not separated out (isolated) from the soup. The soup contains various cells—human, monkey—and an array of (toxic) chemicals and drugs. We know the virus is there, because it is infecting and killing some of the cells.”

A reasonably bright junior high school student would immediately realize this is not a description of isolation.

A reasonably bright high school student would point out that there is no proof the virus is infecting and killing cells, because the toxic chemicals and drugs in the soup are sufficient to do the cell-killing. He might also mention the cells in the soup are being starved of nutrients, and this alone could cause their death.

Therefore, there is no evidence that “the virus” is actually in the soup.

Therefore, there is no evidence in this situation for claiming the virus exists at all.

On to the next factor: the ever-present claims of having “sequenced the genetic structure of the virus.” Again, SAYING the sequencing has been achieved is not the same thing as proving it.

And proving it is impossible, if you don’t already have the virus in a purified and isolated state. Instead of proof, you have shady inference and assumption and guesswork and deception.

How can you sequence something you don’t have? You can’t.



I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.
