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Friday, April 13, 2018

What Do Zuckerberg and Fukushima Have In Common? Destruction of the Vitality of Our World

Lot's Wife writes below, LF sure can turn a phrase, although I would like to see a little more Jackboot, Goosestep, and of course Cow Bell, we need more Cow Bell.

I did a preliminary post on resources to help us minimize our footprint on the "services" that can do us the most damage.   Regardless of how much you like these "services", continuing to use them re-enforces in the establishment's eyes, your willing acceptance of a loss of rights.   Please help add to this list via comments or direct email <>


New study reveals that the center of the world's marine biodiversity is on verge of loss 

...up to 90% of the seagrass meadows that they examined in Indonesia have been extensively damaged and degraded over the past five years.

..."Declining seagrass health is the result of shifting environmental conditions due largely to coastal development, land reclamation, and deforestation, as well as seaweed farming, overfishing and garbage dumping.
No one is looking for radiation damage because it is an undiscussed prospect. Nuclear radiation enjoys an ignorance that favors continued damage.


Tuck vs Zuck (Day 1) 

Excellent commentary about monopoly, free speech expectations and political influence.

Circling overhead, dumping fuel, FB’s origins are about to be spilled. It will be revealed - or should be revealed - that the CIA/mil intel developed a working model for a digital monitoring, data gathering, influence vectoring project that is now called Facebook. In order to make it safe and friendly, it was given to Zuck with the understanding that all data is back-doored. He was told, “Here, have fun, make a pile of money. We’ll be watching but we don’t know you.”

If this is surprising, you’ve not been paying attention to CIA proprietary operations. If you are looking to get on step, read Peter Dale Scott for background.

Some of you may be familiar with Q anon, which may be 2 seperate entities, not sure.   This guy takes Q postings and deciphers them.   He is very level headed, and not trying to sell anything.   

My first time, trying to post a URL from Facebook, hilarious, as I speak of fleeing the establishment internet memes.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ecological Predictions of Species Devastation Due to Biological Impoverishment

stock here, written in 1986 1988 this prediction of species die offs and problems created by lack of diversity of life forms (sheesh, and just lack of presence of life forms) 

Let's hope that this ecologists have about as much success as modeling the future as climate scientists.


"This utter dependence of organisms on appropriate environments (Ehrlich, 1986) is what makes ecologists so certain that today's trends of habitat destruction and modification—especially in the high-diversity tropical forest (where at least one-half of all species are believed to dwell)—are an infallible recipe for biological impoverishment. Those politicians and social scientists who have questioned the extent of current extinctions are simply displaying their deep ignorance of ecology; habitat modification and destruction and the extinction of populations and species go hand in hand."
The Loss of Diversity Causes and Consequences – Paul R. Ehrlich – 1988

Another Radioactive Barrel Heading to WIPP Explodes

The last barrel that exploded, which was in WIPP, cost over $2.5B to cleanup
This barrel was going to be shipped to WIPP
 But they want to also put the highest level nuclear waste into WIPP and are seeking approval to do so, even though it is obvious they can't even manage the low level waste.

stock out

They couldn't even think to put down a PVC sheet, wow
and they have no idea whats in the barrels
but gosh golly, sure good the firefighters didn't breath anything
It didn't rupture, it exploded in a firey mess that set off fire alarms.
And it was headed to WIPP, that cost $2.5B to clean up after a barrel exploded in WIPP

It's not clear how many barrels are in the earthen-floor structure that's 380 feet (116 meters) long and 165 feet (50 meters) wide. The barrel that ruptured had been moved to the containment structure in preparation for shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico.

One news outlet on 4-15-2018 stated that there are filters on the building to handle any radiation.     That doesn't mesh in any logical way with an earthen floor.   

Get Away From Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Just starting this page.   My new saying recently coined:

We need to use the machine to beat the machine.

Soldiers of Ra "We are not machines" What a great song if you can find it, wish I could find the lyrics.
Yahoo and Bing are suspect, way too establishment!

If anyone has internet websites or tools like TOR that allow us to step back the overly concentrated and potentially evil power of the "Establishment Techrocracy" please drop in comments.

Some alternative search engines to Google --- Note your search results will definitely be different than Google.   Sometimes Google provides the best, but it is 24/7 slanted.

Cookie Free, no Search History

Yes, as long as you donate cumulative millions to all the politicians, which did happen.   Right before they “soft grilled” Zuckerberg.

Confirmed: You can lie to Congress and get away with it.


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