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Monday, March 21, 2016

Story of the Bats and the Bees -- Radiation and Destruction of Chitin

This article is also going to be my "go to" link for Bee information that I am gathering and will implement 2 hives in April.

Hey are there any bee keeps on ENE, like to chat.
I have to explain the bats and the bees to my environment.

PavewayIII PavewayIII
Not me, but in case you find others here (or have thoughts yourself, Stock):
Short half-life positively-charged alpha emitters love to stick to pollen, which a plant will negatively charge to stick to bees. Bees themselves positively charge themselves when flying.

Two of the fastest and most powerful natural sentinels for the most dangerous radioactive releases (anything containing much alpha) are pollen and leafy plants with sticky trichomes.
Hand-held counters are not terribly efficient at alpha counting and preparing the sample is critical.

We may have been able to see immediate and profound effects of Fuku by looking at those two natural sources.

If there are any bee keepers in the Northwest or Cali: does anyone have any references for unusual die-offs in the spring/early summer of 2011? Honey and comb would not have been tested properly or quickly enough to see the short-lived alpha, so I know tests showed nothing. The honey itself would not have been an issue by time it went to market. I'm interested in any anecdotal evidence from bee-keepers for unexplained colony collapse. Of course, if you miraculously happened to do detailed alpha surveys of pollen on your hives that spring, that would be most helpful too.

There is a question if you could even detect the amounts of alpha likely to collect on pollen/bees even in the most extreme circumstances. Enough to kill the bees, but not enough even for good equip. to detect
bat chitin crazy, bats rely on digesting the chitin in the insects they pound, say 600 to 1000 per day.

The gastrointestinal tract of animals is adapted to their primary source of food to optimize resource use and energy intake. Temperate bat species mainly feed on arthropods. These contain the energy-rich carbohydrate chitin, which is indigestible for the endogenous enzymes of a typical mammalian gastrointestinal tract. However, the gastrointestinal tract of bat species should be adapted to their diet and be able to digest chitin. We hypothesized that (i) European vespertilionid bat species have the digestive enzyme chitinase and that (ii) the chitinolytic activity is located in the intestine, as has been found for North American bat species. The gastrointestinal tracts of seven bat species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Plecotus auritus, Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri, Myotis daubentonii, Myotis myotis, and Nyctalus leisleri) were tested for chitinolytic activity by diffusion assay.

Gastrointestinal tracts of P. pipistrellus, P. auritus, M. nattereri, M. myotis, and N. leisleri were examined for acidic mammalian chitinase by western blot analysis. Tissue sections of the gastrointestinal tract of P. pipistrellus were immunohistochemically analyzed to locate the acidic mammalian chitinase. Chitinolytic activity was detected in the stomachs of all bat species. Western blot analysis confirmed the acidic mammalian chitinase in stomach samples.

Buzzing Bees

 The story of continuining damage to the Pacific, well, continues

So let's see. Since 2011, we have had a continuous degradation of the Pacific west and north west ocean and even south pacific now.

We had reports of massive amounts of iodine in the kelp early on. We have the collapse of various feeder fish species and their fisheries. We have the collapse of krill. The collapse of many sea birds.
We have chronic wasting diseases of various otherwise hardy sea life all over.

Now there is starving and sick higher order sea life all over the place that is continuing to get worse.
The tidal pools on the west coast look completely sterilized. Even early on there were many reports from the arctic and Alaska of radiation sickness in mammals.

You are in denial, wake up. This is real and it isn't going away.

In a few years, there isn't going to be anything left to argue over because the few remaining unhealthy sea mammals kicking around will have perished.

It started with the plankton/phytoplankton super concentrating isotopes and it's been working it's way to the top ever since. We sterilized the Pacific, it's dying.

It's blatantly obvious.

Liver Damage and Cancers Skyrocketing, As Lying GMO Scientists Get Shamed In Court, Forbes Also Guilty Via Henry Miller

Nice Lady from CDC answered a question I first posed in 2014

The U.S. Cancer Statistics data can be found here:

The recently published Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2012, can be found here:

I no longer work in CDC’s main press office. For future inquiries, please contact CDC-INFO at or 1-800-232-4636.


Brittany Behm, MPH
Public Affairs Specialist
Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

from above links 

Special Feature: Liver Cancer

Unlike most other kinds of cancer, liver cancer incidence and death rates are going up. From 2008 to 2012, the liver cancer incidence rate went up an average of 2.3% per year, and the liver cancer death rate went up by an average of 2.8% per year for men and 3.4% per year for women. About twice as many men as women get liver cancer.

What Causes Liver Cancer?

  • In the United States, hepatitis C causes about 20% of liver cancers. People born between 1945 and 1965 are most likely to have hepatitis C.
  • Having hepatitis B also raises the risk for liver cancer. Asians and Pacific Islanders, especially Asians not born in the United States, are most likely to have hepatitis B.
  • Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and drinking too much alcohol can cause cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver, which can lead to liver cancer.

Scientist who linked GMOs and glyphosate to rat tumors wins SECOND court case against criminal biotech shills who forged signatures to discredit his research Monday, March 21, 2016
by: Amy Goodrich Tags: Seralini, Monsanto, fraudulent scientists Twitter Seralini (NaturalNews) The Parisian High Court has ruled that French Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, a scientist known for his controversial research linking GM feed with cancerous tumor growth in rats, was right when he concluded that GMOs are unsafe for human consumption.
Marc Fellous, former chairman of France's Biomolecular Engineering Commission (BEC), has been indicted for "forgery" and "the use of forgery," in a libel trial that he lost to Prof Gilles-Eric Seralini. The BEC authorized multiple GM crops as safe for human consumption, while lying to the public and hiding scientific data suggesting GM food may be carcinogenic and health-damaging.
Learn more:
MONSANTO guilty of criminal data misdirection
When the scientists took a closer look at Monsanto's data, however, they found the Purina feed given to the control group to be contaminated with 12.8% GM soy and 35.6% GM maize, which wasn't even labeled as GM at all.
stock here: These horrific criminal acts are as bad as the "doctors" in Japan using hand selected control groups in Japan to try to downplay the massive 550 times increase in thyroid cancers.

Here is the findings of a "control study" of children away from Fukushima using ultrasound to detect thyroid anomalies (cysts and nodules, cysts are softer and more fluid, modules are harder and more likely to be able to be felt).

Here is a link to that study

They picked 3 cities for this "control group".

1) Nagasaki: previously bombed by an atomic bomb
2) Yamanishi: Listed as heavily contaminated by the Japanese government
3) Aomori: Just north of Fukushima, many articles on severe contamination from Fukushima.

They tested around 4500 children, but DID NOT provide the overall test results.    I have asked the author for the full results, we will see.   {this was months ago, no response}
Physicians Estimating 10,000 to 66,000 excess cancers in Japan from Fukushima
5 Years Living with Fukushima is a report outlining the devastating health effects of the still ongoing disaster of the meltdown of three reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.  We estimate 10,000-66,000 excess cases of cancer, half resulting in death from this event, even using the underestimated radiation emission data from the WHO and the Japanese government.  Already 16 cases of childhood thyroid cancer have been operated on in children who were cancer free two years prior.  Fifty cases of possibly thyroid cancer by biopsy are awaiting surgery.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Nuclear Radiation Is Far More Toxic to the Living Environment Than Previously Thought.

Jebus, it comes down to this; 'for reasons only partly understood, nuclear fallout is far more toxic to the living environment than previously thought' That's it in a nutshell

The fallout doesn't seem to disperse to a level of non toxicity, as is commonly believed. Biological response seems to linger even after an element has decayed to very low levels, for reasons science has not adequately examined. It is known that animals can re-concentrate radioactive and non radioactive elements thousands and even millions of times, but science does not apply this knowledge adequately to risk factors.

The in-use risk model is outdated and should be replaced immediately. It was invented before the discovery of DNA and is an antiquated model based on false assumptions and faulty data. The newer models show that man made radioactive elements are 10 to thousands of times more toxic than assumed. These new models will also be outdated someday and its likely that many elements will be revealed as even more toxic.
This Yale author, Elizabeth Grossman, with some Title shown at the right, seems to be "on topic".    I sent her the "Chitin research" and will see if that gets any traction.


The creatures that are hardest hit in the last few years either rely havily on chitin in their own life, or rely on eating creatures that use chitin. chitin bio-magnifies radiation in water/air. Radiation is one of the few things that destroys chitin. Yes, this is the smoking gun

at 20:35 Buesseler puts up a bar chart of quantities released. Note its logarithmic. Iodine is nearly 10x th cesium. "but its gone" he says. Wishing I suppose, that the thyroid and constitutional damage left behind in every creature is gone with it.
Buesseler seems like a likeable guy. His expositions are obfuscation. One wonders how much even he realizes it. The ICRP dose model is the keystone to this problem -------------------------------------------------- at 20:35 Buesseler puts up a bar chart of quantities released. Note its logarithmic. Iodine is nearly 10x th cesium. "but its gone" he says. Wishing I suppose, that the thyroid and constitutional damage left behind in every creature is gone with it. Buesseler seems like a likeable guy. His expositions are obfuscation. One wonders how much even he realizes it. The ICRP dose model is the keystone to this problem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a rebuttal to the Science Pimps of "Our Radioactive Ocean"
CodeShutdown March 20, 2016 at 1:48 pm · Reply as far as man made k-40, we have stocks position as of last year. Dr Goodhearts article on this extrapolates from different sources but misses the actual science, the timing and physics of neutron absorption and actual yields. Some of the potassium isotopes that can be created have short half lives and thus dont contribute to the background level. Paveway was quite outspoken that man has not contributed measurably to the background. Paveway appears to be high level in physics carbon 14 is another issue and its rather shocking to realize how much carbon14 was added from the bomb test era. Man, with his relatively (compared to background) small addition of radioactive elements has made the earth a hell for the animal kingdom in just a few short generations.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Court Order Nuke Plant to Shutdown Because it Is A Danger to the Public, And They Agree
Kansai Electric Power Co. fell by the most in more than 28 years, leading Japanese utilities lower after a court injunction prevented the company from operating two nuclear reactors, threatening the country’s return to atomic power five years after the Fukushima disaster. Kansai Electric, Japan’s second-largest power utility, closed down 15 percent at 1,047 yen in Tokyo on Thursday, the biggest drop since October 1987. The 20-member Topix Electronic Power & Gas Index slumped 3.1 percent, compared with a 1.5 percent rise in the broader index. The Otsu District Court cited safety concerns in issuing the injunction Wednesday in a decision that applies to the plant’s No. 3 and No. 4 reactors at its Takahama plant, according to court documents. The utility said it will begin shutting its No. 3 unit on Thursday. The ruling is a setback for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has backed the return of atomic power after the 2011 Fukushima disaster led to the shutdown of the country’s entire nuclear fleet. Kansai resumed operations at its Takahama No. 3 unit in January and the No. 4 unit in February before the latter was placed in cold shutdown on March 2 after an alarm.
This is big folks, the biggest story perhaps. Could be a first. Court orders nuke plant to shut down and they comply. Is this a model for USA to get them shut down?

 And finally, they come out and admit that there will be additional cancers in Japan due to Fukushima.    Then they minimize at 10,000.    It's probably 10,000,000,  one thousands times higher.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

St Louis Nuke Waste Dump -- Town Meeting -- Shows The Sheeple Apathetic As They are Poisoned

Skip the first 20 minutes, its all just pre-meeting chatter.
Caldicott makes some extremely strong statements, but the rest is BS Sheeple

penny at ENE summed it up nicely
I watched it yesterday, no problem; when i looked for it today it told me the site was not secure. If you watch, skip the first 20 minutes or so, most of which are crowd noise and the titles. And if you watch to the end, prepare to be sickened by the crowd itself, as it claps politely for the gov't reps who tell them everything is under control, they can apply for compensation for their deceased loved ones through the proper channels, and there will be a peer-reviewed epidemiological study done (to be filed away with the 1000's of others) whilst they die. The only outrage came from Caldicott herself, and one woman who has stage 4 lung cancer. She got a standing ovation, as if that made everything okay…

The NRC is a Captured Agency, Their Conflict of Interests have Made Them Dangerous Overseeing Nuclear Power in USA

This shows it clearly.  A known nuclear plant risk, with a simple fix, and the NRC decides to "do nothing" in fact rejecting multiple attempts from engineers within the NRC to push for the required safety upgrades.

The NRC itself claims the risk to be just 1E-4 (using confusion at every chance to get people to turn off their brains).    1E-4 risk of a meltdown per reactor year.   Now what does that really mean?

Well let the NukePro shed some light with clarifying numbers. 

If we trust the NRC's own numbers, that means 1 in 10,000 chance of a meltdown per reactor year.    We know the NRC has been low balling risk for decades.   Even in 1990, after TMI they pegged the risk of a reactor meltdown in USA at 1 in 1,000,000, when in fact there have been 5 meltdowns in the world with 440 nuclear plants, so the risk is greater than 1 in 100.

Now lets get back to the calcs.    There are about 100 reactors in the USA, so that means every year there is  100 reactor years.    So 1/10,000 times 100 = 1/100 chance of a reactor meltdown per year.

This means in 10 years, there is a one in 10 chance of a meltdown in the USA.  Again, that is if we trust the NRC low-ball numbers.

The cost of a meltdown can vary, but lets put a range of 100B to 800B.

Lets say the safety fix at the plants is $10M each.   A total of 1 Billion.

In 10 years the chance of a meltdown is 1/10, and the cost is 100B to 800B, so the "Expected Value" is 10B to 80B in a 10 year period.  

This would be a VERY smart bet to implement the safety features.   Yet the NRC refuses to put this cost onto the dying nuclear industry.   Clearly they do not have our best interests at heart.


The "NRC Seven" have been unable to get the NRC to take effective safety action, and are so frustrated that they have gone outside the NRC to file a petition.

I can imagine their future promotions will be greatly curtailed, but good on them!

These are modern day heroes, like the Fukushima 50
Roy Mathew, Sheila Way, Swagata Som, Gurcharan Singh Matharu, Tania Martinez Navedo, Thomas Koshy, and Kenneth Miller

Here is the petition

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Seven electrical engineers who work for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission have taken the unusual step of petitioning the NRC as private citizens in hopes of compelling regulators to fix a "significant safety concern'' that affects all but one of the nation's 100 nuclear plants.

The petition filed this week by the NRC Seven, as some call them, is similar to what anti-nuclear activists or other outside watchdog groups would file to raise a concern with the NRC.

The engineers say there is a design flaw in the electric power systems of all but one of the 100 U.S. nuclear plants. The flaw prevents the detection of certain disruptions on power lines connected to the plants. If a degraded power line were called into service during an emergency, the reactor's motors, pumps and valves could burn out, preventing a safe shutdown.

No such catastrophe has occurred. But since discovering the flaw in 2012, NRC staff have looked back and identified 13 events since 2002 when an undetected electrical fault could have resulted in serious problems during an emergency plant shutdown, the employee petition said. 

Here is more 

The NRC refuses to listen to its own people to protect the public.
Roy K. Mathew
found it
Mr. Mathew has extensive experience and background, approximately 33 years, in the nuclear power plant design, construction, start-up, and operation. Mr. Mathew joined the NRC in 1988 as a Reactor Engineer in Region I. He led NRC inspection teams from Regions and headquarters such as EDSFIs, SSFIs, ORATs, AITs, and AE Design Inspections. He was the lead senior staff for developing many of the Engineering, Maintenance, and Surveillance program inspection procedures for ROP. He was a Team Leader in the Division of License Renewal, NRR. He has been the Acting Chief of the Electrical Engineering Branch, NRR. He is currently a team leader in the Electrical Engineering Branch, Division of Engineering, NRR.
Prior to joining the NRC, Mr. Mathew worked as a design engineer, construction engineer, start-up engineer and a supervisor for Bechtel Power Corporation. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of Kerala and attended Master’s Degree program in Electrical Power System at the California State University. He is a graduate of the NRC Team Leader Development Program. He is a member of the IEEE. He represented NRC in developing several standards at the IAEA, IEC, and NEA.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Nuclear Cartel Say People In High Background Radiation Areas Are Just As Healthy -- They Lie

 stock here, also see at the bottom, an epidemic of thyroid cancer around nuke plants.
Genetic study of high background radiation regions/India – 1990
(April 27, 1990) The US National Academy of Sciences recently revised the risk estimate for radiation induced cancer which is now 10 to 14 times higher than their 1980 estimate (see WISE News Communique 326/7.3261). The new estimate is based on recent reanalysis of data on bomb survivors and the studies of medically irradiated persons conducted by Dr. Alice Stewart and others.
"What," they ask, "will be the effect of an increase in radiation exposure due to nuclear power and other human-made sources on the health and well being of future generations? How many more unfinished children (known as Downs syndrome caused due to an extra two chromosomes) will be born if Kaiga and Koodamkulan (nuclear plants being built in India) start functioning?"

March 2, 2016 at 10:06 pm

The center says a near accurate answer to that question would already be available had the nuclear research establishment conducted a recommended detailed health study among the people living in higher natural background radiation regions (HBRRs) in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India. Due to the presence of thorium and uranium, the background radiation in the fishing villages of Neendakara, Chavara, Ponmana and Alappat in Kollam and all the coastal villages in the Kanyakumari district is very high. People have been living in these HBRRs for several generations. Considering the uniqueness of these people, the World Health Organization had, in 1957, recommended that such a study be conducted there. However, the nuclear energy researth establishment instead went to the extent of preventing or dissuading researchers from civil medical research establishments such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and the Medical College Trivandrum from conducting it. So, now, the center has taken on the task.
So far, the center has completed a survey in the Kerala and Tamil Nadu HBRRs, details of which are summarized below:

Between 18 and 25 February of this year the center's international advisory board met and discussed the findings. The preliminary results show that the prevalence of Down's syndrome in the radiation exposed population is three times higher than that of the control population. There is a significant deviation from an earlier study showing no cases of Down's syndrome in the control area (population 6,000). There was a statistically significant difference In the prevalence of mental retardation, epilepsy, cleft lip and palate, etc. A few extremely rare genetic disorders have also been observed. A further disturbing finding is the higher number of childless couples in the HBRR.
The advisory board meeting, chaired by Dr. Rosalie Bertell of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health in Canada, decided to do a finer analysis of over 96,000 pregnancies of 18,000 mothers from both the regions. The parish data needs also to be analyzed to see if there is any difference In sex ratio at birth and sex-wise age at death in the study and control population. These should be completed during the next few months. In the meantime, the preliminary findings are available from the address below.

The Nuke Cartel likes to pretend that people around nuclear plants have zero effect from the plant, and sometimes I hear the incredulous "people are even healthier"

But that is a Bald Faced Lie (BFL)

Invisible Epidemic: Thyroid Cancer in the US
Feb 2016
The highest rates of thyroid cancer in the United States, according to federal statistics, are found in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, states with the densest concentration of reactors in the nation. In a study conducted in 2009, one of this article’s authors (Janette Sherman) found the highest rates of thyroid cancer occurring within 90-mile radiuses of the 16 nuclear power plants (13 still operating) in those states.
By Janette Sherman, MD and Joseph Mangano Director, Nuclear & Public Health, NY
Posted on February 4, 2016 in Environment, Politics

Then nukists pretend that because thyroid cancer is unlikely to kill someone, that if the thyroid is "treated" then everything is A OK.  

A BLF, living without a thyroid really sucks, it controls your whole metabolism.  

Citizen Scientists Hampered By Illegal Paywalls on Publicly Funded Research, and a Fix

This girl started the free distribution of science articles

She also set up Sci-Hub which didn't appear to work for me, but here it is

And here is a way to surf anonymously without the hassle of setting up TOR


uses the hashtag #ICanHazPDF

One way to try to get research papers behind paywalls.

More from Wiki

New Dangerous Asteroid To Skim By Earth Tomorrow, Packs the Energy of 515 Atomic Bombs

Discovered Feb 28

A newly discovered asteroid named 2016 DV1 is expected to make a very close flyby of Earth on March 3, 2016.

And there is another, even bigger one on March 8th

2016 DV1 is an Apollo class asteroid discovered on February 28, 2016.

Its estimated size is between 28 and 62 meters (92 to 203 feet), which is about twice the size of Chelyabinsk asteroid.

2016 DV1 is traveling at a relative velocity of 18.08 km/s and at the moment of closest approach – 05:17 UTC on March 3 – it is expected to fly by us at about 1 LD (lunar distance). That's about 384 400 km (238 900 miles) above Earth's surface.;orb=1

The orbit of this object is very uncertain. According to observations made on March 1, its MPC "U" parameter is 7 out of 9 (with 9 being highly uncertain)

Here you can download my actual Asteroid Calculator
Link to Download Nukepro Asteroid Calculator

 Screen Shot of my Asteroid Calculator

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant.    What if this asteroid hit in the ocean anywhere nearby?
Look at that wave amplification bay and center pivot rock?    Do you think they figured out why the bay is scooped out as it is?    Because that center rock amplifies the waves as they recombine on the backside.    Duh!

TEPCO Admits Nuclear Fuel at Reactor 1, 2, 3 is "Missing"

No Chitin Sherlock!   Video at link below

Naohiro Masuda, the Chief Decommissioning Officer of the Fukushima nuclear plant, said on Wednesday that operators have yet to locate where the melted nuclear fuel has gone, five years after the meltdown caused by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami

The Nuclear Cartel Lies, Always, And Here is One Of the Great Basic Lies

This troll, who trolls me relentlessly, across the web, states the following as the entire mechanism for damage by radio-isotopes.   

There is no damage without energy deposition and the entire established radiation protection community uses this model.   All damage is only related to energy deposition/kg.  REAL pros understand this maxim and it's taught in universities all over the world. Your alternative science has no purpose in professional radiation protection practice.
So to set the troll straight, I responded, with facts.

Your definitions and practice of radiation is wrong.  Out of the gate.   You are blinded by what you were told is science, and by your arrogance, and the ego's need to make a human feel like they are a "good person" even as they are doing bad things, aka denial. 

It IS NOT "just" energy deposition per kG.

Damage due to radiation, and radioactive heavy metals is dependent on many things:

1) Whether the substance is natural or manmade, i.e. have we "grown up with it" for millions of years.
2) Not just the energy per kG, but
2a) where the energy is delivered
2b) how often energy is delivered in a particular area
2c) how strong that energy is
3) What organ(s) or fleshes are being targeted.   ALL of them, and as how they work together.   The current nuclear cartel pretends that everything can be calculated based only upon (1) One "Critical Organ".   The Japanese would say "Bakarashii!"
4) Some don't develop a cancer or disease, some just weaken an organism, and provide an opening for other viruses, bacteria, fungal, or other disease to attack elsewhere in the organism.
5) Combinations of different radionuclides can also have a negatively synergistic effect on the organism.
6) Bio-accumulation into certain organ or organic structures can also be a major factor in  radiation damage.   One specific item to mention is "chitin" which both bioaccumulates radiation and heavy metals, and radiation is one of the few things that can damage chitin.


7) The damage is also highly dependent upon individual differences.

8) The damage is also dependent upon age, sex, and race

9) The damage can be shown as a chart, but the chart has 2 big problems, neither the X axis nor the Y axis can be fully defined, and the chart will be different for each individual, the age of the individual, and the isotopes involved.

9a) The Y axis is usually shown by the radiation cartel as the increased chance of getting cancer.  Or sometimes as the increased chance of getting killed by cancer directly attributed to the radiation. But it really needs to be defined as "Total damage to the organism".   And it should be obvious that, that is not an easy determination to make.

9b) The X Axis is usually labelled as mSv (milli-Sieverts) in which the INCREDULOUS assumption is made that all of the items in 1) through 8) above have been properly crunched into one nice little number called usually "Effective Delivered Dose".    Note the use of "Delivered" which goes back to the basic lie "energy deposited" as if it were a one time event and could ignore all the other factors I detail above. 

Because there are large individual differences in reaction to radiation, it cannot be said that what is good for the gander is good for any particular goose.    What one particular individual, probably healthy, may tolerate quite well, may be a painful and costly death sentence for another person.

Having the arrogance to then state what is a safe level of radiation, is really just the willingness to be a murderer.  Nukists are murderers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Over 50% of Hawaii's whales are Dead or Missing, Real Data Finally Gathered by Citizen Scientists

Here is the scientific basis for how radiation is killing the oceans and the bees.   Seriously, I figured it out.
Whale study here

OK, further down is a video, labelled as a whale "singing". Dr. Goodheart said it best --"

AWOL means "Away Without Leave"

IN early January 2016 came a rash of new articles on how Hawaii's whales were "missing".

Then came a massive backlash "missing whale deniers". Without even a pretense of evidence, numerous stories came out about how the whales were not missing, just delayed.

This site, which in years past had whale song live streamed, somehow without explanation, does not "have that luxury".    Very odd.   The Song Archive hyperlink on the main page, also did not work for me.
One story used a picture from years earlier of a whale jumping by some stand up paddleboarders, and pretended that it had just happened this year. I sent numerous emails to the parties that were promoting that picture, asking for date, and a better resolution image I could use for an article. ZERO response.

A commentor on this article at the Facebook page of a TV news reporter (who stated the picture was provided by a hotel guest just then), well the commentor stated that picture was taken by his 2013

 And then this strange comment from the TV reporter.   A local boy from Hawaii, and he is pretending that although he knew what the word breach meant, he was surprised that Whales in Hawaii did breach.     Really??   Does that make any sense?

Must be a fan of The Beach Boys: Astonishing moment diver comes across 'singing' humpback whale off Hawaii coast
The male humpback whale was singing right under the diver's boat The amazing footage was filmed off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii

They are famous for their magical song although why they sing is unknown

Read more:
stock here: Magical song?   Sure in the past they were, hauntingly beautiful.   But this 2016 whale in the video seems more like it is bleeting, grunting, moaning.   Please listen.
And now the number of whale deaths in Europe has somehow doubled, and scientists are stumped.

Enjoy the audio track of this video, shot in February 2016 off of Makena, Maui. You can clearly hear the songs of humpback whales, which this year features more "blips" and "pings" than last.

Same diver, Makena Maui

Mechanism By Which Radiation Destroys "Chitin" Which Destroys The Ocean Food Chains and Bees

Mechanism By Which Radiation Destroys "Chitin" Which Destroys The Ocean Food Chains and Bees

Many "critters" on the low end of the food chain rely upon "chitin" an amazing organic chain molecule with structural properties, optical properties, and even the ability to function as a sensory device for various electro-magnetic energies.

But what is most interesting to me, is that chitin is a particularly effective bio-concentrator for man made radiation and heavy metals.

Chitin is particularly strong with its chemical bonds, most acids cannot destroy chitin. But radiation is also VERY good at destroying the chitin bonds, thus destroying the chitin.
So radiation is destroying the basis of the ocean food chain.

Curiously enough, bees and butterflies also use chitin in their structures and functional features. Damage to chitin exoskeletons makes it easier for parasites to get in, and that is a main cause of bee deaths.

The scientific backup for all this is here:

CodeShutdown and myself are the discoverers / developers of the hypothesis.


Tweeted to


"Many kinds of seaweed produce chloroform, and fungi are believed to produce chloroform in soil.[citation needed]

Chloroform volatilizes readily from soil and surface water and undergoes degradation in air to produce phosgene, dichloromethane, formyl chloride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen chloride.
 Its halflife in air ranges from 55 to 620 days. Biodegradation in water and soil is slow. Chloroform does not significantly bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms.[5]"

Fungus mutation producing more chloroform?
