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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Fukushima 8th Anniversary -- News Video At The Time - Discussing Spent Fuel Fires

Dissenter -- Taking Back The Web Narrative

stock here -- not sure what to make of this, "real comments" that aren't censored by Big Social?
Need to work on a critical panel rewire in prep for a new PV system in Cheeseland.   Quickly posting this, saw it on Twitter.
The comparison to the censored version of the internet could be very interesting.   Revealing.   Let's hope its as good as it seems it could be. 
The Comment Section of the Internet
and GAB

Terrence McKenna -- 130 Great Quotes

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Terence McKenna Terence McKenna > Quotes

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Terence McKenna quotes Showing 1-30 of 130

“We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”
Terence McKenna
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lot's Wife Exposes the CIA as the Main Puppet Master

Thanks to Lot's Wife

ISIS fighters and families pushed to last corner - a makeshift camp anchored around battered vehicles

If you’ve read L. Fletcher Prouty’s book “The Secret Team”, you know this was a CIA op from beginning to end…a plan hoisted on POTUS and over his objections.

See the human remains of a CIA plan to leverage political advantage. Mostly women, children, and old men. See the battle-tested white Nissan and Toyota vehicles.

Fleets of these vehicles, purchased new by CIA cut-outs, were used to transport fighters, weapons, as well as captive women and girls.

With enough money[religion, coercion, and intolerance] spinning wheels of influence, people can be convinced to act against their best interests. Power brokers and weapons dealers prefer chaos to dialogue. The former is good for business while the latter threatens it. This is the business model. To suggest otherwise is naive.

A slice of the weapons makers' profits bribe Congress members [campaign donations] who favor the business model. Keeping them in office requires favorable coverage of selected members, so building a stable of journalists who understand the game is crucial to its success.

Prouty died in June of 2001 but his book, and other material, provide evidence that supports the assertion and much more. The CIA runs the show. Remember how eagerly Obama green-lighted drone strikes? And Trump? The CIA trumps Trump. What behind the CIA?

Radchick Week: Universities In Cahoots To Change the Narrative of History

stock here
Radchick did this valuable service of summarizing an important interview/conversation at a UC College. 
Her post is here

On May 7th of 2016, an extraordinary conversation took place between Professor Darrell Hamamoto and Nuke Lab Whistle-Blower Leuren Moret, in the Asian Studies Department at UC Davis. This interview is astounding in its detail, scope, and massive implications. The model discussed, focused primarily on the faculty appointments at UC Davis and the current scandals playing out there, reveals quite vividly the darker underlying framework being used throughout colleges in the United States, including a broad network of surveillance – which is now fully integrated. By hiding our ‘true history’ and controlling the information shared through Universities and higher education, the Powers That Be are assuring the indoctrination of our future generation into complete acceptance of the New World Order Agenda. The process has been gradual. But it is apparent, if you know who, where, and what to look for.
Darrell and Leuren
Surveillance, Satanism, NWO controls such as Frequency Manipulation, Bloodlines and the CFR, the Heroin Epidemic, Deliberate Poisoning of the Food Supply, Radiation Sickness from Nuclear Pollution, and even the Wigner Effect – are also key components of this amazing and insightful interview.
Professor Hamamoto also discusses the repercussions of asking questions about his own institution, and both he and Leuren Moret offer hope in their candid exchange of ideas and information throughout their discussion. He states near the end:
“I have not had this much fun so far as an intellectual exchange in years, because I am used to working with cowards, bullies, and ignoramuses.”
I highly recommend the entire presentation, which can be found here. It is well worth the time spent watching, and especially if you are in, or have children in – our formal education system.
A general time-stamp layout of the info contained in this interview is as follows, with some important quotes highlighted:
0:58 Introduction of Leuren Moret; qualifications as International Radiation Expert.
3:20 Highlights of current UC Davis Scandal & the Monsanto Connection.
4:05 Collapse of Western Economy; Rebirth of “Silk Road”
5:15 College Curriculum leaving out important facts about our ‘Real History’ – how to put together ‘Signs & Symbols’ which Rule the World (Confucius).
8:00 History of UC Davis in the 1960’s; Transformation into Campus of Today (UC = Undercover Cop). Students not the Priority, NWO Agenda is Visible, Trans-humanism Movement, other Indicators.
10:10 Chancellor of UC Davis, Linda Katehi – History, Connections, Administrative Leave (pretext was spending $170,000 of school money to fix her own PR); Comparison to Former UC Davis Chancellor Emil Mrak, who was Close Personal Friend to Leuren at the time she was a Student @UCD.
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13:15  NWO Placements: Linda Katehi; Specialist in ‘Antennae Technology’ with 19 patents. Husband is Spiros Tseregounis; Engineering/NWO Technologies, Specialist in Coatings on Metals (Wigner), Materials Science.
14:29 Wigner Effect: Radiation from Fukushima, Battlefield Nukes/DU, Chernobyl, and recent Nuclear Events in Ukraine, causing problems due to Entropy Acceleration in Planes/Airline Industry.
15:30 Any Solid can be affected by Wigner – Discomposition Effect – Entire Air Column is Contaminated.
17:20 Hamamoto: “Who is Causing all this? What Groups are Responsible?”
19:30 “Embrace, Enfold, Extinguish” – Explained.
31:35 Main Stage Players: J. Napolitano, L. Pannetta (Sec of Trans/Clinton, Head of CIA/Obama, current Sec of Defense).
32:35 Chinese Heroin and Dope, Inc. Clinton Connection to Mena Airport, Distribution around US. Hamamoto details Investigative Reporters who have uncovered this.
34:20 Military very involved in Drug Trade; Heroin Flooding United States.
35:00 Heroin Addiction now being reported in JAMA; Soldiers self-medicating, College Students finding Heroin easily.
37:00 Fidel Castro – Papal Nobility Family, Dukes of Castro, 1848 Spanish Land Grant holders.
40:50 Almost all California Colleges are on land owned by Castros; this includes Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab.
41:20 CERN and UC Davis.
42:20 Livermore Lab – Leuren Moret’s Experience there from 1989-91 and WIPP failure. All Attempts at Storing Nuclear Waste have FAILED.
“You have to live in their house to know who they are, and how to challenge them.”
46:02 Hamamoto:
“I have experienced the repercussions of asking questions of the nature of the place where I work. This is not a game, this is not an academic exercise, either for Leuren or myself…I am in their house, I am working in the belly-of-the-beast…and I will continue to exercise my rights as a human being…but it takes research such as this to provide us the historical, the analytical, and the intellectual ‘framework’ to understand what we are facing.”
50:00 Occult Overlay at State Colleges; Skull & Bones.
52:00 Waveforms are New Mechanism to Enslave Society.
52:36 Animal Studies for ‘Mind Control’ done on UC Davis Campus since 60’s; Decades-old Technology.
54:00 Delivery System for Mind Control; Frequency to Use and Influence Human Behavior.
56:30 Current Surveillance Technology is Now All Integrated.
58:00 Gradual Observation of Hostility in General Population and College Campuses.
1:02:27 Carrier-Waves in ELF, ULF Frequencies.
1:02:30 Satanism becoming Mainstream in Colleges. Baphomet & other Symbols. Prostitution being Encouraged.
1:10:00 1972 Rothchild Ball.
1:10:45 Human Genome Project & Russian DNA Research.
1:21:00 Breeding Programs, Inbreeding of Elites.
1:23:00 Forensics Study of Portraiture, Photography.
1:24:05 Princess Diana – Targeted/Used as “Broadmare” to Regenerate DNA after Inbreeding in Royal Family; Insertion of Iranian Bloodline; Father Sir James Goldsmith.
1:25:55 Bill & Hillary Clinton: Rothchild Connections.
1:27:26 Hamamoto:
“We are deputizing you as researchers, because this is not coming out of academia.”
1:33:42 DNA, Mitochondria, Body Process & Function.
1:34:08 Radiation Damage to DNA/RNA Mitochondria. Increasing Brain Diseases, Heart Disease since Nuclear Technology Introduced.
1:35:34 Oct 2011 (Post Fukushima) Operation “Urban Shield” at UC Davis.
1:40:15 Occupy Movement.
1:47:00 “Malice of Forethought”
1:48:38 Monsanto Connections to Universities & Jesuits.
1:50:07 Obama Jesuit-Trained.
1:51:10 Our Declaration of Independence terrified Jesuits. Secret Treaty of Verona.
1:52:38 “Yamashitos Gold” – Projects funded by stealing Accumulated Wealth.
1:56:30 “Black Budget” and Election Money.
1:58:00 Suicide of Iris Chang (The Rape of Nanking); Historian who discovered Official History and Propaganda she Promoted was Funded by Yamashita’s Gold.
1:59:00 Japan & Jesuit Connection.
2:01:45 The Future: Repercussions of Being a Truth-Teller.
2:06:58 Political Ponerology.
2:07:20 Moret:
“We will prevail by educating people, by exposing the scandals, by presenting the truth…it empowers the people. Here is the information, when they are ready to digest it. By putting that truth out, and leaving it alone, it empowers people to find their own solutions when they are ready.” 
Final thoughts by Prof Hamamoto and Leuren Moret follow in the last 6 minutes of the interview.
Total Interview time 2:13:08

Fukushima -- Radchick Discusses the ELE of it all

Fukushima, an ELE?    My take is that if there is another Tsunami, all the waste they have stored, mostly near the ocean, nuclear waste, would be a death blow to the Pacific.   As it is the Pacific will require 30 years to rebuild the food chain.   T2 = 100 years+ to rebuild


Radchick, keeping the proper narrative in focus

  • Recently it has become rather annoying to try to research almost any topic without repeatedly tripping over the letters E-L-E. From Nibiru to Yellowstone, this term has been getting thrown around a lot, sometimes as irresponsibly as the impending doom scenario being described, which often times hasn’t even happened yet. Generally, I like to stick with the doom that has already occurred, rather than worry about things that haven’t. So what exactly is an ELE? Wayward planets, supervolcanos, and scary comets aside, in the case of the Fukushima Accident – 3 nuclear meltdowns which have gone China Syndrome and have never been contained – is this term really being used correctly? Extinctioj flood
    An ELE is a BIG DEAL. So when laying down the ELE-card it is important to understand exactly what an ELE is, and how it changes the game. By definition:
    An Extinction Level Event (also known as a mass extinction or biotic crisis) is a widespread and rapid decrease in the amount of life on earth. Such an event is identified by a sharp change in the diversity and abundance of macroscopic life. It occurs when the rate of extinction increases with respect to the rate of speciation. Because the majority of diversity and biomass on Earth is microbial, and thus difficult to measure, recorded extinction events affect the easily observed, biologically complex component of the biosphere rather than the total diversity and abundance of life.

    Extinction_intensity.svgOver 98% of documented species are now extinct, but extinction occurs at an uneven rate. Based on the fossil record, the background rate of extinctions on Earth is about two to five taxonomic families of marine invertebrates and vertebrates every million years. Marine fossils are mostly used to measure extinction rates because of their superior fossil record and stratigraphic range compared to land organisms.
    Since life began on Earth, several major mass extinctions have significantly exceeded the background extinction rate. The most recent, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago (Ma), was a large-scale mass extinction of animal and plant species in a geologically short period of time. In the past 540 million years there have been five major events when over 50% of animal species died. Mass extinctions seem to be a Phanerozoic phenomenon, with extinction rates low before large complex organisms arose.

    Estimates of the number of major mass extinctions in the last 540 million years range fromExtinction as few as five to more than twenty. These differences stem from the threshold chosen for describing an extinction event as “major”, and the data chosen to measure past diversity.
    Recently I began my new hosting gig at Wide Awake News on the Rense Radio Network, so I figured we would get the hard stuff out of the way and tackle this term for the first show. After all, if people are going to toss these 3 little letters around, then they better know what they actually mean. Personally, I find it better to err on the side of caution, as failed ELE’s tend to lead to failed credibility. The show is posted below in 3 segments. One thing I am fairly certain of, is that the only way we have any hope in ever ‘fixing’ anything about the Fukushima Accident is if we KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT. I don’t mean talking as in “liking” and posting stuff on Facebook, but having real conversations with real people, and in real-time. As silly as that sounds, and as connected as we are today because of things like Twitter, at the same time we are actually strangely disconnected from other things like face-to-face conversations, or even good old-fashioned phone calls. Not that the internet and social media hasn’t expanded our reach and knowledge exponentially, that is true. But making a post, composing a tweet, or watching a YouTube video is no replacement for having a real conversation about a topic as important as this one. In doing so, the camaraderie that results can be helpful emotionally, and that feeling of being lost and alone, wading through a nuclear swamp, becomes much more bearable. Many are just now learning about this catastrophe, as one caller named Elizabeth admitted during the show, even though a close relative of hers had founded The Sierra Club. As important as this sometimes newly-acquired knowledge is, the various implications which materialize in just knowing can be almost too much to bear, as another caller named John shared candidly.
    Yesterday, I was talking with a woman in a waiting room about Fukushima, and a gentlemen who had been listening intently for some time walked up to us and said “I don’t know who you are, or how you know what you know, but there are 7 women in my family and every single one has cancer. No one can tell me why. The youngest is 20, the oldest is 44. Do YOU know why? Because I would really like to know – what the hell is going on?” He pulled up a chair, and a few others eventually joined in around the room. We talked for over an hour discussing Fukushima, nuke plants, chemtrails, toxic chemicals, GMO’s, fluoride, fast food, and surveillance. Interestingly, everyone seemed to know about the revelations of Edward Snowden, and were quite concerned about the government spying on us. But not a single person knew anything about any of the other mentioned issues, except for the long-held belief — and proof — that we have been gradually poisoned through our water supply by chemicals to make the water ‘safe’ – or because of the carelessness of dirty companies that dump (or spill) loads of crap around rivers and lakes. In a state like Michigan, with lots of big lakes and tributaries, most people DO know this. Yet even though this is a widely acknowledged fact and has been basically known for decades in a state like Michigan, not a single person had as much as even a water filter on their kitchen sink. Another woman, who lives in a rural area, shared that her 40 year-old daughter has developed a super rare and aggressive cancer, only previously seen in children. Her daughter was the first-ever adult to develop this type of tumor, and fairly recently. So we also talked about natural cancer cures, how to make Kombucha, and more importantly where to find more information about all these interesting things that the news never talks about. We were just hitting the highlights, the basics, but it was obvious our conversation intrigued them enough that they will look into it further. Most of these people seemed to know something was wrong, they just didn’t know what exactly. I would describe this as latent or peripheral awareness, a condition as widespread as the aerosolized Plutonium that blew our way 3 years ago. And hopefully, they will in turn share what they learned, and seek to learn more. If the gentleman from Detroit tells 7 people, and the other 5 in our little group told 7 people, well…you get the picture. Then social media can be an important tool. But it should never take the place of a ‘real’ discussion. And it should (preferably) be done before everyone important in your life already has cancer.
    Sometimes, these conversations may lead to individuals in a position to actually make a huge difference. That hasn’t happened yet, as Fukushima is still a big dirty secret. But thankfully I stumble across hope on almost a daily basis. For an example: a friend on Facebook, Janet Saxon Pieck, sent me a study from the state of Michigan today, titled:
    An Update on the Impact of Sudden Cardiac Death of the Young in Michigan 1999-2011
    A quote that appears at the top of this extensive document reads:
    “…no important health problem will be solved by clinical care alone, or research alone, or by public health alone, but rather by all public and private sectors working together…”  ~ JS Marks.
    Of course, the data was old and pre-Fuku, as usual. Listed on this study was a phone number for the Genomics and Genetic Disorders Section, Perinatal Health and Chronic Disease Epidemiology Center, who put this study together several years ago. So, I called the number. Because I really, REALLY want to know, what is happening now, not what was happening 3 years ago.
    The woman I spoke with seemed irritated at first, and busy. I asked her where can I see the recent updated stats for sudden cardiac death across the country in children, as well as rare cancers. Her response was “Well, you are actually talking about 2 different issues here” – annoyed. So, I patiently explained why I was asking.
    About 10 minutes later, after hitting just the highlights of Fukushima, CDC stats not being updated, what occurred in Extinction pollution-global-warming-prevention-738373_1024_1005the 14 weeks post accident, the 28% increase in thyroid problems in west coast babiesChernobyl heart, and fallout measured across the country by various world-wide organizations, I could almost hear the alarm sounding and gears clicking in her brain. Her tune became decidedly more helpful. She said, “I need you tell my boss everything you just told me” before thanking me, and transferring my call to her bosses office. I await a call back from her, and hope she will be receptive as well. I am assuming the lady on the phone will fill her in first, which means when the boss calls she will probably be defensive. I have consistently found that the ‘higher up’ one is, usually equates to how mind-controlled they are, and the more resistant they will be to anything that goes against their beliefs and/or programming. Hopefully, humanity will score some points via governmental agency, which is, after all, made of up just people like you and me. They get cancer too. Whether or not this will have any impact whatsoever, remains to be seen. But it won’t stop me from trying.
    So why do the county health people need to be informed? Why aren’t they all over this story? There are a number of reasons, one being all orders come from above, where the clampdown of nuke info is carefully avoided. Our government has become quite proficient at minimizing, denying, or distracting from important issues that hurt corporate friends and profits. This seems to be widely known too, but people just aren’t aware – or haven’t quite made the connection yet – to how it directly affects them. In the case of the AMA, EPA, CDC and NIH, they have become The Gatekeepers of Fukushima Fallout, and the gates are shut tight to protect the guilty inside. Several physicians have told me over the past 3 years “If we knew about this, trust me, we would be talking about it.” Well, they don’t know, because someone doesn’t want them to. Knowing just the basic, and fairly obvious assertion that the government doesn’t really give a sh*t about you, and is only interested in profits and control, why is Fukushima such as giant leap to take for otherwise well-educated people? Are they really unaware of the nuke plants that exist across our countryside? Do they only notice them if they are a backdrop in a James Bond movie? Yet another reason, is that people in the research industry are very compartmentalized, much like the Manhattan Project was. After working in the medical field for 25 years, I have seen first-hand how strict chain-of-command functions in medicine as efficiently as in military ranks. Like it or not, drug companies are also calling the shots, and fund many of the studies being done for hospitals and clinics. This can make millions for a single practice, and in turn, the ‘drugs’ that company sells get passed out to the masses in bulk via pre-printed Rx scripts. Nevermind the perks that come along with these shady alliances: courtside seats for basketball games, dinners at expensive restaurants, and even escorts at big meetings afterparties  (yes – escorts. Some might also refer to them as hookers). Again, I have witnessed this first-hand, and anyone who has ever attended an Academy meeting knows this is true, but never EVER discussed. If you want to keep your job, you only do what you are told, and you certainly don’t expose sketchy behavior from your doctor-bosses and their drug-pushing co-conspirators. What we really need are more researchers to wake up, look around, realize this is wrong, and Do The Right Thing. Hopefully this will start happening soon. I don’t believe people are inherently evil (or scientists possibly this stupid) and plus, it’s getting really hard to ignore. The CDC stats, if and when they ever become available, will probably be very telling, although their accuracy will need to be carefully and meticulously verified, as any info/statement coming from a government agency needs to be.
    Extinction artWhat we facing as humans beings living in a toxic experiment will play out over the next few years. Japan is certainly at the forefront, and the illness and death that affects the Japanese will undoubtably affect Canadians and Americans as well, the extent being unknown. Reports from Japan are now fairly scarce, as the “Secrecy Law” has gone into effect. The Japanese people have effectively been gagged from speaking out about the ongoing nuclear catastrophe/coverup, or risk jail. Once in a while, a brave person will sneak out some info that we need to take seriously. Like this gentleman from Iwate, Chiho Kaneko.
    Chiho Kaneko, member of the Board of Directors of Fairewinds Energy Education originally from Iwate, Japan: I think about what’s unfolding in Japan today — I sense something grave is happening. I have heard many Fukushima people’s personal accounts of their family members or friends dying suddenly. In one case, a baby suddenly died — and these illnesses and sudden deaths are not happening only in Fukushima Prefecture — people are sicker in Tokyo. During my month-long stay in Japan in December and January, I too experienced unusual symptoms. I developed a skin rash that doesn’t heal. When I was in Fukushima, I developed a scratchy throat and pain in my eyes. Something is happening, and yet we cannot prove anything. The IAEA and Fukushima Medical University are working together to collect and collate the health data of Fukushima residents. Many residents fear that this effort is just a show — or worse yet, just for the sake of collecting secret data. Many people fear that the experts already have a forgone conclusion — the conclusion that if people get ill it is not because of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi disaster opened the door for me to see how this is not a mere Japanese crisis, it’s a crisis that transcends geography and time. What can we do now? Sometimes a big part of me feels the situation is too late to remedy. This is a situation mired with the world politics and economy, the struggle for power and money. If we care about life, we must try to find ways to at least slow the pace of nuclear contamination and we must focus on what’s actually happening to humans, animals, and birds, and everything else on this planet — instead of consigning the interpretation of radiation’s effects to the so-called experts.
    Before we have the data, we have our instincts, and gut-feelings. We have observations. We can extrapolate, from what we know so Extinction Vatican globefar. We have testimonials. And what my gut tells me, is this: a lot of people are going to get sick and die because of this accident. But is this really an ELE? To find answers to these and many other questions, we need to have actual discussions, and we need more data. In the meantime, stay positive and hopeful, keep honing your Galactic Sense of Awareness, and please –
    I know I will be.

    I will be on Wide Awake News the 4th Friday of the month, as well as guest hosting for Charlie McGrath.
Our new Mutation Map is now live, please consider uploading your pictures so you can be part of this one-of-a-kind collection of images.
Featured image by photographer Gregory Crewdson.
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8 thoughts on “Is Fukushima really an ELE?

    1. There is a lot of industry, chemical refinery type stuff, on the south side of Detroit and over in Canada. We get ‘lake effect’ rains from the marine layer too, so contamination and fallout issues are significant. The synergistic relationship of rads + chemicals increases the damage to an organism by sometimes 1000’s of times, then one or the other would do alone. Fermi had a partial meltdown in 66, and there are numerous other facilities around the Great Lakes…Besse, Palisades, etc. all which will contribute to significant exposure risks to the population from releases during normal operation. It always ‘seemed’ like a nice place to live, but it’s actually a hotspot for Fukushima fallout and the Multiplier effect from all the dirty industry we have allowed around the state, plus existing nukes. We had a lot of cancer in these areas already, but it is going to get much, much worse.
  1. Fukushima will now generate an enormous amount of carbon intensity that cannot be overlooked in any comparison which lists nuclear. Until each nuclear reactor is fully decommissioned, which takes decades, its carbon footprint is UNKNOWN.

    It is no longer appropriate for the nuclear industry to cherry pick numbers to make itself look fiscally and/or environmentally viable!


    Because the global nuclear industry has the money it needs to fund all the peer reviewed studies it wants, they all end up saying whatever they want them to, or they simply will not publish them…

    We also know that about three years ago today, all the Japanese nuclear Experts (along with most other nuclear Experts in the World) that said that “modern” nuclear power plants were safe and had so many safety features that they would not meltdown because they were so well designed, were proven terribly wrong by Fukushima’s triple meltdowns and that it will take decades if not about 100 years to deal with its on-going pollution of the Pacific Ocean, that is, if nothing BIG goes BAD before then.

    Also in all fairness, mankind will have to employ NEW types of equipment that have never ever been built, in order to deal with the new problems Fukushima has created. Also, until fully decommissioned, the Japanese will continue to contaminate massive amounts of sea water with radioactivity daily, that will all end up in the Pacific Ocean unless the UN sanctions the Japanese with penalties which should be used to finance Solar (of all flavors) R&D and it’s installation in developing Countries, if they will agree to not use nuclear. This will enable mankind to begin the transition to Solar while at the same time reduce the need for our Earth’s limited resources.

I also will be the first to point out that the Coal Industry has many health problems associated with it, which the Nuclear industry is all too eager to point out; but the SAME THING COULD BE SAID ABOUT THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY; since it also mines radioactive Uranium ore which is then processed into highly radioactive fuel rods of several different types. Once this radioactive fuel is used in a reactor, it then produces huge amounts of additional radioactive waste that will have as yet unknown effects on mankind over the enormous timespan that it will take to render all of it harmless! Because this radioactive timespan dwarfs anything currently affecting mankind, it is completely unscientific to say today, what the harmful effect of our using nuclear power plants in the twentieth and twenty-first century will be generations, from now!

For example, should highly radioactive “dirty” material from Fukushima be used in a terrorist weapon at some point in the future, its affect on man must be placed directly upon the nuclear industry that created it, because without building the nuclear power plants it would have never existed to cause harm to man’s health. This is yet another potential “future” health problem that cannot be discounted since there is so much radioactive waste material unaccounted for at Fukushima and many other locations globally!

It is no longer fair for the nuclear industries spokespersons, the IAEA and/or Regulators like the NRC to try to limit Energy discussions to only the positive points that favor using nuclear while at the same time shrugging off all other negative points as not being relevant!

    Excerpts from:
  2. Fantastic article. If any one knows anyone in health industry, this is a must read. So many truths in one article. Writer captures our culture by talking about Fukashima. This is exactly why centralization/compartmentalization won’t work.
    Things are worse than I thought (have been told) on radiation. I have friend who told his daughter to leave Tokyo 3 years ago. She didn’t.
    In a bankrupt system keeping itself propped up with printed money, who will shut down 430+ reactors world wide, and how?
    As I discuss in Chapter 6 of Lipstick and War Crimes book, our government wants more people to die. We have many sanctioned diseases in secret, to keep the sheeple disconnected from personal sovereignty and having no say in the uninformed “democracy”.
    Sanctioned diseases are the planned contraception, and the purpose of prophylactics is not birth control, but promiscuity. Big Brother does not want chastity, restraint. or any other behavior that resembles moral strength. The Lipstick part of our culture is to keep us below the waist, neutralized as activists, and silently complicit to crime.
    Lipstick and War Crimes.
    As this article says, if you want to keep your job, you shut up.
    Why the silence on radiation? I can answer writer’s question. The silence is crucial to the elite’s de-population agenda.
    A relative of mine had promising cancer research which was shelved because health is not wanted by this government or the industries that make money from disease. Yes, there is a conspiracy. Our entire lives and almost
    everything we think is a bunch of lies. Almost everything we think is true or valuable, isn’t. What we call freedom is the opposite. It is suicide. At first these seem like crazy radical statements. But when we start asking question, we see that that response too is programmed.
    I’m hoping the writer will read this and check out my book. I think you will like it. or it is on Amazon too.

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