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Monday, January 26, 2015

Asteroid Impact, Asteroid Tsunamis and Nuclear Facilities -- A great new Blog Found

Here is the Source, visit and bookmark please.    I put it my blogroll also.

I wrote most of this post (below the line) a few months after the asteroid strike on Russia in February 2013. At the time I thought it might have been a little excessive to worry about such a low-probability event, but recent news makes me feel vindicated. This really is a problem that our society should wake up to because it highlights once again one of the many ways that the nuclear legacy has many shocks and surprises in store for future generations. Benjamin Hart, in The Huffington Post, reported today:

Bad news, earthlings. A former NASA scientist says it's mere happenstance that an Armageddon-style asteroid hasn't hit a densely populated area in the last few years. On Tuesday, the B612 Foundation, which is devoted to preventing the next deep impact, will present data from a nuclear-weapons test warning satellite showing that far more asteroids have hit earth in the past few years than previously thought, the organization announced on its website.

The data, collected from a nuclear missile detection system that picks up large blasts on earth, shows that since 2001, asteroids have caused 26 explosions on the scale of an atomic bomb. 

“This data shows that asteroid impacts are NOT rare, but actually 3-10 times more common than we previously thought,” Ed Lu, one of the astronauts working on the project, said in a statement. "The fact that none of these asteroid impacts shown in the video was detected in advance is proof that the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a 'city-killer' sized asteroid is blind luck."


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Obama With Campaign Funding from "All Of The Above" Nuclear Now Exporting Nuclear to Peaceful India

The Global Mass Insanity GMI rolls on.

The two countries reached an understanding on two issues that, despite a groundbreaking 2006 agreement, had stopped U.S. companies from setting up reactors in India and had become one of the major irritants in bilateral relations.
"We are committed to moving towards full implementation," Obama told a joint news conference with Modi. "This is an important step that shows how we can work together to elevate our relationship."
Sorry to those Obama fans, but what is up with this guy always smirking!

 Up to 40,000 security personnel have been deployed for the visit and 15,000 new closed-circuit surveillance cameras have been installed in the capital, according to media reports.    Hey this time around they are watching Big Bro, LOL.

Japan is also working on exporting nuclear technology.   Wow, just wow.

Friday, January 23, 2015

National Geographic is Catching On -- Fukushima is Killing the Pacific

Nat Geo has a comment section, please use it.   Spread truth.


In the storm debris littering a Washington State shoreline, Bonnie Wood saw something grisly: the mangled bodies of dozens of scraggly young seabirds.
Walking half a mile along the beach at Twin Harbors State Park on Wednesday, Wood spotted more than 130 carcasses of juvenile Cassin's auklets—the blue-footed, palm-size victims of what is becoming one of the largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded.
"It was so distressing," recalled Wood, a volunteer who patrols Pacific Northwest beaches looking for dead or stranded birds. "They were just everywhere. Every ten yards we'd find another ten bodies of these sweet little things."
Cassin's auklets are tiny diving seabirds that look like puffballs. They feed on animal plankton and build their nests by burrowing in the dirt on offshore islands. Their total population, from the Baja Peninsula to Alaska's Aleutian Islands, is estimated at somewhere between 1 million and 3.5 million.

And this is not the only species going down, there are mass die offs across the board.   The species withe first access to the lower life forms that bio-accumulate radio-toxins are the more quickly affected.

As Fukushima Radiation Destroys the Pacific, Massive Increase in Shark Attacks in Hawaii

As Fukushima Radiation Destroys the Pacific, Massive Increase in Shark Attacks in Hawaii

Nukepro first reported on a massive uptick in shark attacks in 2012 and 2013.
That report is here:

Then we didn't hear anything on main stream media in all of 2014.     Not one single report.

Now that I decided to revisit the issue, the results are startling, the massive amounts of attacks on humans continue.     In fact in one WEEK in 2014 Hawaii had three "non-provoked" shark attacks, and 4 shark attacks in a 2 week period.

What does that mean "non provoked".     Well it means just a totally random attack.

If you are spearing fish (I used to do this all the time) you are "provoking the shark", if you are fishing, you are provoking the shark, if you are night diving and grabbing squeaking lobster and crabs, you are provoking the shark.      So this is another way for the government to lie about statistics.

God forbid that you actually try to go fishing?    Sheesh, cannot believe you are provoking those sharks.
Of course like the plot in the Jaws movie the locals have a lot invested in making sure that Shark Attacks are kept to a minimum in the news.   

On Maui Information Guide they are quick to point out
All in all, you're more likely to die from a dog attack or a falling coconut than a shark attack.
Uh yeah, I think I am pretty competent about staying out from under laden coconut trees, and pretty good at assessing the danger of particular dogs.     But god forbid you want to swim in the ocean or fish from a kayak......

 In November 2014 there were 4 shark attacks in Hawaii in 2 weeks.    I am losing my thrill for SCUBA diving, although somehow sharks rarely attack SCUBA peoples, I think the bubbles scare them somehow.

And in Florida a 13 foot shark stalked two kayaker for miles, bumping their boats.   Here is a video

Local Maui girl suggests that radiation is the cause:
Like many longtime residents and fishermen here, Alesna offers myriad theories for the rise in shark attacks. She questions whether the tsunami in Japan increased the level of radiation in the water, driving sharks closer to shore. (State officials say radiation levels are normal.)
By July 2014 there were 5 unprovoked attacks in Hawaii.     But in fall there were 4 more in the space of 2 weeks.    

Maui Mayor denies that the Shark Tracking program could identify if a particular shark caused an attack.      hmmmmmm

Here is a shark tracking service, will this make people more comfortable?

ITS THE RADIATION DUH!   And the decimation of the food chain.

Sharks are becoming more aggressive.    Are they pissed or just hungry?    Or crazy from radiation?
stock out

Video of Fukushima No. 4 Reactor Building Blowing up

Finally, this was reported by or-well at ENENEWS

The video quality is poor, but this is still very useful

would like some Citizen Scientists to weigh in on this issue

I found a thermal image photo on the old "nukepimp" website when Anne pointed it out. The reason GE was on site, was that at the time of the accident, they were actively changing out the "Shroud" which is an inner lining on the reactor, that help protect the reactor steel from neutron and other radiation damage.

With MOX there is a lot more neutrons flying around. Neutrons will activate other materials that don't normally become part of a radiation family tree. The reason that there was a 10Sv source on a steel tower between reactor 3 and 4 is because of an open air fission criticality that "activated" the tower.

So at Unit 4 Fukushima, GE was changing the shroud and they had the equipment pool chock full of MOX fuel assemblies. This is the fire that the NRC FOIA documents talk about. A fire, a melting, an open air criticality. And then finally, a massive blow up of MOX fuel, liberating Plutonium and other nastiness into the atmosphere.

Pictures at such at this link

Thursday, January 22, 2015

WIPP In Another Failure, Trying to 'Recover', Sounds Like an Alcoholic Rationalizing It's Precious!

So here is the thing....I could put a 100 camera video monitoring system into WIPP for less than $20,000.     However, they are going to spend $500M estimated to Recover the plant, so that means $1.5B.

And with cameras they could see problems before they are big problems.   They could also do post investigation and get better results.   In fact they still haven't produced any real theory as to why the barrels blew up on Valentines night.    And why the heck were 60 workers there on Valentines night?

Sounds very suspicious, what kind of hanky panky was going on?

But they still don't have cameras.     And so a recent cave roof collapse that could have burst other radioactive drums occurred, and they didn't know about it until long after the fact.

These asshats are just amazing.   Its time to yank their contracts and get someone else in there.

The fallen piece of ceiling was found in the Panel 3 access drift of the WIPP underground, an area that is already labeled as restricted due to low levels of radiation contamination in the area, the release said.
Runyon said that problems in the restricted areas of the underground were anticipated after geotechnical inspections in November.

Look they are already spinning....."it was anticipated"

Engineers have indicated that the area where the roof fall occurred can be re-bolted and recovered,” the news release said.

It that all you folks do, is one recovery after another recovery?     WIPP is wasting our money, lying to us, and putting our health at risk.

Reminds me of Jimmy Conca....we just going to need a bigger bolt. 

And look at these lying asshats. 

A final report by independent researchers shows the radiation leak from the federal government's underground nuclear waste repository in southern New Mexico was small and localized.
The report released Thursday by the Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center also says no negative health effects are expected among workers or the public

They claim CEMR is independent, what a farce, CEMR is THEE lab built for radiation testing at WIPP

Government Weather Website Links, CO2, Global Warming, Acidification

Bear in mind, the US Gov is hell bent on Cap and Trade as a way to transfer money from weaker companies to bigger stronger companies.    This keeps the contributions and bribes flowing.

Check out NOAA

Sea Temp Anomoly

NASA Earth Observatory

How To Complain to Japan To Get Their Act Together on Fukushima

I sent this comment to the prime minister of Japan

Fukushima is killing the Pacific, Stop the Radiation and Heavy Metals

There are massive die offs in the Pacific

Would you like to be the party that Saves the Pacific, or face 30 generations of shame?    

Fukushima will cost $600B USD to mitigate damages.     Be real men, like the 500,000 men who fought Chernobyl.  

Claim your legacy, earn the respect of your family name.   

Arigato Gosaimas
Using this link, please also use it


January 22, 2015 at 11:34 am ·

Reply I just called and voiced my opinion against the release of any Nuclear contaminated waste into the ocean I asked Them to stop spending money on the Olympics and and use that money to save the earth the next generation would Have more Respect… explained to them how they were lied too by corporate greed & That I LOVE the Japanese & Stop the destruction of The Earth From nuclear radioactive isotopes

Embassy of Japan in the United States
2520 Massachusetts Avenue
N.W. Washington, DC 20008

 (Main) Tel: 202-238-6700, Fax: 202-328-2187

 (Visa) Tel: 202-238-6800, Fax: 202-328-2184
January 22, 2015 at 11:40 am ·

Japanese Embassy in Canada - The Embassy of Japan
255 Sussex Drive Ottawa,
Ontario K1N 9E6 Canada

Tel: 613-241-8541 Fax: 613-241-4261

General email: 

Consular/Visa email:


 Here, on a very quick form, you can send an email to the US Embassy in Japan


Here is a list of all Japan Consulates in the USA and their emails.   It would be great to put all emails into one email list that could be BCC'd

A Movie Showing Location and Size of Every Nuclear Bomb Test 1945 to 1998

This is a very powerful format. It show the complete insanity of those in charge. Sociopaths and maybe Psychopaths. It also shows just how dangerous this was. After all, the powers that be will not take any meaningful action until something is stupendously wrong, i.e. the massive radiation and heavy metals they put into OUR environment. POINT: Mixing Nuclear weapons or nuclear power and humans on the same planet is utterly insane.