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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Diatoms Marginalized Cyanobacteria Forcing Them Into Specific Niches (e.g., high-light, low Fe, low N, low P

stock here: Dud presents some good information below, don't let the German throw you, lol.

I have long been of a belief that the Fukushima radiation in the Pacific has been a last straw which caused a tipping point in the balance of organizms, and in all likelihood, a mutation or 3 occurred which gave some small organisms an advantage enough that they would marginalize other species.
the research belows flows along these same lines.


DudNovember 5, 2015 at 1:45 PM
Quote: "Die Wissenschaftler am MIT kritisierten auch, dass Regierungsbehörden sie bei den Messungen behindert haben. Sowohl das National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), als auch die Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) und das Energie Ministerium (DoE) boykottierten die Arbeit der Wissenschaftlern.

„Wir boten unsere Dienste der NOAA an, denn wir wollten mit unserer Expertise helfen. […] Das NOAA hatte die Aufgabe dieses Desaster zu untersuchen und die amerikanische Reaktion darauf abzuschätzen. Ihre Reaktion war weitere Modelle anzufertigen und dadurch die Effekte [des radioaktiven Niederschlags] einzuschätzen, aber keine Außen-Messungen. Sie sagten, sie machen so etwas nicht. Sie messen keine Radionuklid. Stattdessen schoben sie die Verantwortung an das Energie Ministerium weiter. Dieses wiederum sagte, es hätte nichts mit den Meeren zu tun. Das sei Aufgabe des NOAA und nicht ihr Problem“, sagte Buesseler bei seinem Vortrag am MIT.

In den Tagen und Wochen nach der Katastrophe von Fukushima, fürchteten sich die Bewohner der US-Westküste vor dem radioaktiven Niederschlag. Dennoch entschied die Umweltbehörde EPA, keine Messgeräte an den Küsten von Oregon, Washington und Kalifornien aufzustellen. Dies berichtet Central Coast News und bezieht sich dabei auf eine offizielle Email der Umweltbehörde."

Quote: "The divergence of the cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococccus during the rise of the diatoms – the most important phytoplankton group in the ocean – suggests the impact of biogeochemical changes on marine microbes. The diversification and proliferation of diatoms in the oceans marginalized cyanobacteria. Diatoms are the workhorses of the ocean biogenic carbon cycle – in comparison to cyanobacteria, they grow quickly and sink faster – thus they sequester fixed CO2, N and Fe that all other surface ocean microbes need. The diatoms changed the ocean, thus putting pressure on cyanobacteria. A result (because many other things also happened) was the genome streamlining and niche adaptation of the lineage. The best example is the high-light adapted MED4 strain of Prochlorococcus. This particular strain has a small genome, low GC and is nitrogen-cost-minimized, as detailed in our paper. Diatoms marginalized cyanobacteria forcing them into specific niches (e.g., high-light, low Fe, low N, low P) where they are successful and well adapted (like these clades that live in iron poor water).
Where we are heading?

What are the implications of cost-minimization in the genomes of ocean microbes? Could it alter the overall nutrient pools in the surface ocean (and thus affect the potential CO2 draw down by phytoplankton)? These are questions we are now pursuing using modeling approaches in an attempt to bolster our understanding of biogeochemistry through genomics and microbial ecology. We are teaming up with Jay Cullen, a chemical oceanography professor, good friend and super smart guy to figure out if cost-minimization and other metabolic changes in microbes might be having more of an effect on biogeochemical cycles than we think. Stay tuned."

(Thanks to vital1 for this link:)

stock here, the above link is a great one. it is 1971, 44 years ago, Sternglass wrote:

They know, it would seem. They've known for a long time, it would appear.

Are they crucifying Dana? See FD Cbox for additional info.

stock here---Dana Durnford was arrested after complaints by Woods Hole and U of Victoria, they also partly scuttled his youtube account while he was in jail.

And Kenny boy Bueller says
Any increase in exposure to radioactivity increases your risk — the question is how much," Brenner said. "We are daily exposed to radiation from a variety of sources. Our body is naturally radioactive. We are bombarded from the sky by cosmic rays."

dud continues.......
I can't seem to find any evidence of anybody threatening Cull's life ... WTF?
Certainly, it is a great time to find those blogs spreading the news like wildfire, now. Much easier to see whom is reveling in this.

Remember my dissection of "Academic Dishonesty?"

Thanks for being here, stock. You rock! Tip it like you do! (real good!) ;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NOAA Lying About Cause of Ocean Mammal Deaths

What is worse than sad is that they are lying again.    They fail to correctly identify the enemy.

In prior test reports, about 1 to 2% of the animals had domoic acid poisoning.    Note that they present just numbers of dolphins and seals, complete with a cute graphic.    

Just 36 animals tested positive and only 11 had high levels of domoic acid, out of thousands or tens of thousands that died.

They blame it on "Global Warming" without even bothering to mention that we are in a strong El Nino and warmth is to be expected as part of that cycle.   It is part of the plot of the globalists to get effective control over all the worlds energy sources, via December's Paris-Site Global Climate Conference.

The detailed data on seals are here on this article, scroll down a bit to a table that shows the detailed causes of death, not even 1% .

Whilst these Globalists who want to control everything, use these lies to further their own greed, and they want $18Trillion in spending to "fix" a non problem.    Follow the money.

Lots of people are starting to understand these lies, and many just don't care, don't feel that "climate change" is one of their big worries.     It will be what it will be, and there is not much man can do about it.

Ah yes, the old CO2 meme.    But here is some cool satellite representation of CO2 levels, and some surprising results.       It is also clear that plants and trees do a great job of scrubbing CO2 out of the atmosphere and they thrive on it.    Too bad the sociopathic globalists just can't transfer enough wealth out of trees, and they have to wait so long.

Africa looks like the worst offender for CO2, go figure, beating LA.

A Few Anti-Nukes Being More Effective

    Here are some "more effective" people

  • from a distance from a distance
    Everyone, I'd like to raise awareness about UCY.TV and ask you to support them by listening to the interviews broadcast by UCY.TV
    > UCY.TV has been a real friend to the anti-nuclear community with radio broadcasts and hosting an archive of past interviews
    > RadChick used to do a radio show on UCY.TV
    > And now Lonnie Clark and Kevin Blanch are doing radio shows on UCY.TV
    > Lonnie Clark's does a radio broadcast THREE days a week
    Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays — 11am Eastern time / 8am Pacific time
    Lonnie's interview with Donna Gilmore ( is really good:
    > Kevin Blanch does a radio broadcast two days a week:
    Tuesday and Thursdays — 11am Eastern time / 8am Pacific time
    So please make a note to listen to UCY.TV in the mornings (have it on in the background while you're reading Enenews, etc.)
    > Link to listen to LIVE broadcasts:
    Thank you

    Report comment

    • from a distance from a distance
      > And Nuclear Hotseat — Saturdays, 2 to 3 pm Eastern time / 11am – 12pm Pacific time
      > Also there is a LIVE CHAT going on during the interviews:


      invisible ELEphant in the room
      "Those spam comments from the last article here at enenews make as much sense and will have as much effect as anything anyone else might come up with."
      Here's a perfect example:
      Fukushima nuclear disaster according to David Icke
      David Icke said "Japan is over." in the interview above. We're talking about a guy that can reach millions of people.
      Did the world listen? Not only did the world not listen…
      I don't even think David Icke remembers what he said about Fukushima because I haven't heard mention it in years.
      So, "Japan is over." but Icke won't try to help the victims there?
      Something about that doesn't add up to me but anyway…
      Our posts mean little in my opinion. ENENews posts are more therapeutic than anything else at this point barring a miracle.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nat Geo Bought By a Global Media Mogul born on March 11, 1933

Murdoch just bought Nat Geo.

Nat Geo had unmoderated comments and a huge following.   When I posted there on nuclear information matters, a lot of people heard.     hmmmmmm

21st Century Fox’s Takeover of National Geographic Just Got Off to an Ugly Start—With Layoffs

Comment to NRC on Recalculating Risk and Value of Life Comment Period NUREG

Comment to the NRC

I think it is good thing to properly increase the value of life, in evaluating how radiation and heavy metal releases from nuclear plants under normal operating conditions and when emergencies happen.

So the purported intent of this regulation is supported.

I am well educated in the nuclear, radiation, and overall energy fields.     Having an MSME from the University of Michigan in Thermal Fluids and Material Science, and having worked in the energy industry since 1985, I feel well justified in making the following comments:  

But not how it is worded, which appears to leave plenty of "outs" to allow continued damage to the citizens and ratepayers who pay the salaries of the NRC and our government overall. 

1st, the older you get, does not make your life less valuable.   And this also assumes that all radiation does is cause cancer, indeed it does a lot more than that, causes immune system suppression which allow many types of disease to take a pot shot, at any age, but especially at the over 50 crowd.

2nd, it is disingenuous at best to use a discount rate to discount the current value of life from a future value, absurdly created by an accident of unknown date that "you can't prove".    We don't know inflation going forward, but with no end in sight to money printing, regardless of jawboning to give confidence in holding T bills, but we can easily assume that the value of US dollars will continue to go down as we overspend on the government budget.   This is exactly the same as printing.    therefore the cost of a future cancer should not be discounted backwards, but should be inflated forwards.   Even if we accepted the "discount backwards" model, using a rate of 7% is absurd, when is the last time you thought you could get a 7% return on any investment, short of high risk junk bonds.

3rd, Using the ICRP model instead of taxpayer funded BEIR 7 is just a way to lowball the cost.   The ICRP model is flawed, as an example ICRP indicates that Cesium 137 is only twice as dangerous as natural Potassium K40.   Live has thrived on earth for hundreds of millions of years, with little change in the k40 present, and almost all live forms using K and thus K40 as an important element.

4th, whenever I see the phrase "to be consistent with" my ears immediately perk up and look for the real intention...usually a deception of some sort.    So when I saw "“2 In order to be consistent with the Commission’s policy on metrication (57 FR 46202), the conversion factor should be expressed in dollars per person-sievert (Sv) with the value in English units following parenthetically."

My take on this?   Using Sievert is just plain wrong, it is a huge measure of radiation, and a way to minimize things to the average citizen who hasn't studied radiation.  Plus it makes the "payout" or value of life appear to be very high.     It is much more appropriate to express all terms in mSV, please do so.

5th, not only does this need to take into account the "human cost" of not just Mortality, but also of Morbidity, and I really don't see how ICRP does this, even though the docket claims that it does.   Also, it appears that health care cost itself is not included, which is amazing, almost incredulous.     My ACA care costs $750 a month and that is with a $12,000 deductible per year.     Many cancer drugs cost over $100,000 per year and its getting worse.   Ignoring the cost of health care is wrong.

6th, what about the costs related to plants and animals?   This human centric view of things does limits the damage.   Even if you don't care about animals....they have value to humans and you should care about that.

7th, ALARA, well that will be conveniently be able to be discarded if the other NRC proposal generated from the radiation industry to throw out LNT and then just, replace it with "hormesis, radiation is good for you"  or as "doctor" Carol Marcus states....."why deprive them (the general public due to random radiation releases) of the benefits of radiation".

Concluding:    this document starts with a worthy premise, but the construct seems to be disingenious.  We all know the nuclear industry is challenged by more economic energy technologies, and even without the negative side effects of uranium mining and "normal" releases from nuclear plants, and the long term danger of nuclear waste......even without those, it would still make sense to not try to "support" an industry that has been proven to be too complex, too costly.

How To Establish Global Type Control of Energy, Buying and Selling, and well, Everything

White Lives Do Not Matter --- Could be the title of this article

Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group, unlike their counterparts in other rich countries, death rates in this group have been rising, not falling.
It is difficult to find modern settings with survival losses of this magnitude,” wrote two Dartmouth economists
New York Times Article

 stock here
This is part of the overall plan for global control.

The plan---the only truly "free" class in the world used to be the middle class whites, especially in the USA.     They had time, and ability to understand, to protest against Government misactions, often with only 1 spouse working, and that a 40 hour week.    Additionally within this class, the predominant religion by a long shot was Christian.

No largess of governmental control, especially a global one could occur with a strong white Christian middle class.   So the long plot to marginalize them, weaken them, even eliminate them in numbers (genocide).     First, blow up the financial system, stealing wealth and stocks from the "invested middle", advertise and get them deep into debt, then take their houses.    Tax them while 50% of America pays no taxes and openly give their wealth to the moocher class with obama phones.

Show them how, as Muslims kill them outright and chop their heads off, that our president tells us to not just tolerate muslims, but to respect them and promote them.    Allow in millions of illegal aliens to take jobs at lower pay from the whites.   

Penalize Christians who have "the audacity" to display their faith.    Make symbols of religion such as crosses illegal in public places.   Penalize high school athletes who display a christian belief.    Penalize public workers who are forced to act completely against their christian beliefs, force them to marry gays.

See how that works?    In the same day today, articles on astounding death rates for whites, and the lowest Christian faith in God, ever.   

Well done Globalists, well done.    Now stick a fork in us, we are toast.

Of course, it is also important that officials feel no threat from what even a marginalized person could perform with a gun.   Therefore it is also very important to take away gun rights, one step at a time.    Sandy Hook was a drill, that they decided could be rolled out as real.  

Funny how on the NYT comments, one guy tried to spin the excess deaths as possibly being caused by guns.......

New Hartford, CT 1 hour ago
Within the suicide number, how many are gun deaths? Does increased access to guns among white middle aged males, or ownership of multiple guns, correlate with increased risk of suicide and domestic violence death? Is there a 'smoking gun' health issue?

On this same day

Comment on the NYT
This is a silent genocide by the ruling elite via directing resources and laws to siphon wealth, security and dignity from the general population via:

1. Rigged trade agreements that destroy jobs and wages
2. Massive healthcare costs that are twice those of the rest of the world
3. Broken education markets that have inflated education costs
4. A banking and credit system that is usurious and destructive
5. A national security state that wastes trillions on wars and equipment
6. A lack of investment that broadly benefits the citizenry
In other words we have murder and tyranny by the powerful via a unique form of American totalitarianism.

Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant is Dead! One More Down, And A Bunch to Go, Morons Want to Put It On Life Support

Fitzpatrick nuclear plant will be closing. As the Nukepro predicted, this is a happy day.

Entergy is closing a lot of their plants, that is smart of them, they bought them up on the cheap and then made 10 to 50 times the purchase price, now they are dumping them before huge maintenance bills come up.    

Each one is a victory. But there is still just shy of 100 plants in the USA.

If we close 5 a year, that takes 20 years to get close them down, and another 5 years after that to dry cask them.

Well, 25 years is better than never.

This is the definition of an Asshat, Gov Cuomo will spend vast amounts of taxpayers dollars on a legal attack to attempt to force this non governmental company to operate at a loss.   What a shithead.

It's an absurd twist on socialism.   But like the citizen slaves who toil away, paying 73% of all of their efforts to support an egalitarian ruling (governmental) he wants companies to be walking zombies, forced to operate.    Personally, I don't think it is very smart to have zombies running Nuclear Plants.  

It seems Cuomo is not the only Socilaist Asshat in the crowd....

Oswego County's congressional representatives, U.S. Reps. Richard Hanna and John Katko, urged Entergy and the state to continue to meet and reach an agreement that will keep the plant open. 
"Absent a solution, our hope is that the company and the state will do everything possible to mitigate the challenges faced by the community," Hanna, R-Barneveld, and Katko, R-Camillus, said in a joint statement.

stock here---the only nuclear reactor that I fully approve of is our star, we call it the sun

Monday, November 2, 2015

Nuclear Power Is The Most Unreliable of Electricity Sources And Requires 100% Rolling Reserve At All Times

I make this large claim based upon REALITY.

I make this claim BECAUSE the nuclear industry, armed with a $1.4 Billion dollar budget to send propaganda our way to try to keep their challenged industry alive, states that solar and wind is no good because it is too unreliable and requires too much backup.
stock here

Unplanned scrams (emergency full shutdown at a nuclear plant is called a "scrams") come at any time of day or night, and require instantaneous 100% backup.

Losing this type of large supply can drop the voltage and frequency on the grid, and since many types of power generation is "inductive" meaning that they can only follow a known good electricity wave form, if the waveform (voltage, frequency, and sinusoldial shape) is not good, they are programmed to drop off, i.e. shut down.

So if the grid drops out because of of losing the nuke plant supply (wide area blackout) ....and the nuke plant gensets don't start....then we are into nuclear meltdown mode. Again, like TMI, Three Mile Island, nicknamed "They Melted It" like ice cream in the sun.

So 100% backup required for the full capacity of each nuclear plant, and instantaneous.   Instantaneous means that it is required more quickly than even rolling reserve.    That requires a shared "diversity" of power sources throughout the grid.    And say you have 3 or 4 nuclear plants serving an area, you need to do more than just back up one nuclear plant, you must back up all the nuclear plants, since the factors that take down one nuclear can confound to take down all the nuclear. 

So lots of small generation (PV solar and wind is good!) to help feed the matrix of the grid, thus cushioning the impact of the nuclear plant tripping out instantaneously.

  • =================================
  • Paid troll at big story

    and how often do those scrams happen? Are they more or less common than say times of low wind?

    stock well: Well I would say from the structure of your question, your slant to promote nuclear and pot shot wind is clear.    Nevertheless you deserve a response. 

    Sadly, on average, nuclear plants have an emergency requiring a complete and immediate shutdown about ONCE PER YEAR per plant

    Some nuke plants are much more dangerous

    Which bring us to the concept of diversity.   Diversity simple says that not all sources are producing at a given time, and not all users are consuming at a given time, but when you have a wide variety of producers, say solar, wind, geothermal, sometime hydro, the average supply into the grid is much smoother than an individual supply.    That's a good thing for solar and wind, and the more the better. 

    I established my company career on the cutting edge of solar in Hawaii.     Seeing it rise from a "nice idea" to a powerful force that took so much power (literally and figuratively) away from the utility and the various governmental bodies that benefit legally and illegally from the utility, that large forced were brought to bear to kill "citizen owned solar" and replace it with monopoly owned solar.

    Even during this process, I was a skeptic on how well the "aging grid" would handle a lot of solar and wind.    I thought at 5% we would start to see problems and require some proactive solutions.

    Per Wikipedia link above
    According to Benjamin K. Sovacool, most studies critiquing solar and wind energy look only at individual generators and not at the system wide effects of solar and wind farms. Correlations between power swings drop substantially as more solar and wind farms are integrated (a process known as geographical smoothing) and a wider geographic area also enables a larger pool of energy efficiency efforts to abate intermittency.[40]

    Sovacool says that previously intermittent sources such as wind and solar can displace nuclear resources.[40]
    A very nice summary of the ranked dangers of nuclear plants is at the Cascadia Times
     Cascaadia Times Nuke Plants Ranked by DANGER

    Solar and wind have effectively no CO2 production, although I won't even agree with the Carbon Meme which even the Pope is not promoting, even though science does not support it.

    But the promoters of nuclear ----well just watch

    hilarious how the nukists keep on playing the CO2 card. CO2 is an indicator of other pollutants, but is not in fact a "pollutant", its helps plants grow better.
    But it boggles the mind how the producers of the most dangerous substances on earth (nuclear waste of which their is no solution) trot out a non pollutant as an excuse for their own existence, which is no longer economic.

    • You've never heard of LFTR have you? Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors? I recommend you research this kind of reactor and learn how it takes nuclear waste and destroy it.
      • Yes I have heard of LFTR
        1) No real working model, no track history of operation in commercial environment.
        2) Complete rubbish that "it destroys it". It takes some of the longer lived waste 10,000 to 10,000,000 years and turn SOME of it into waste that only goes away by half in 300 it takes 3000 years to pretty much completely go away.
        We need to solve some serious issues in the next decade and two, or the human race will be gone within 100 years if not sooner.

      The erratic nature of wind/solar has to be compensated “real-time” by fossil-fuel power stations operating in back-up mode, consuming more fuel than they would otherwise.
      Nuclear is our best carbon-free option.

      • The diversity of the grid is actually amazingly good, and smooth supply variances can be simplistically predicted by a few data points of wind and solar insolation of which the data transmission ability is already present at nearly no cost. Other supply sources can thus be strategically ramped up and down (load following) in a very energy efficient way.
        But not nuclear, one of the great weaknesses of nuclear during regular operation is that it is not at all good at load following.

    Multi Billion Dollar Nuclear Ripoff In California, An Ongoing Debacle Detailed By Captain D


     I believe that this is a Pulitzer Prize story.  It is about a multi-billion dollar utility ratepayer ripoff, that is still growing in size.  It involves SCE, SDG&E, the CPUC, the CA Attorney General, the NRC and many CA Officials including US Senator Boxer and Governor Brown.
    Consider the following:

    1)  The CPUC is now considering reversing its previous "questionable" SCE settlement decision.  This is because of of all the new information  about the "behind closed door" meetings.  These took place between the then-Chairman of the CPUC, M. Peevey and SCE Exec.'s in Austria. These ex parte meetings occurred months before the public CPUC meetings.   Aguirre & Severson 

     (the attorneys representing the public) are demanding a new investigation.  The last one did not allow discovery into SCE's wrongdoing.  SCE designed the Replacement Steam Generators  which failed soon after they were installed, instead of lasting 40 or more years as promised.

    2) The CPUC Administrative Law Judge M. Darling has had ex parte communications with SCE.  She is herself now under investigation. 
    "Judge Darling refused to allow any "discovery" during the investigation of the replacement steam generator project failure at San Onofre (aka SanO) that ultimately lead to SCE decommissioning SCE early.  That is when I knew the "fix" was in.  I know there are many documents that prove that SCE was in charge of the entire design process, not MHI.  This shifts the responsibility for the replacement steam generator project failure to SCE. Since SCE, was getting paid BIG BUCKS to do the Replacement Project by ratepayers.   SCE's promises of billions in savings and a RSG life span of 40-60 years sounded great then.  Now we all realize it was just a SCE sales pitch since the RSGs failed almost as soon as they were installed.

    Now SCE, SDG&E, the CPUC, the CA AG and the NRC are all trying to delay any discovery until after the election.  They think, the longer they can delay the better chance they have of deceiving the public.  

    What they are not counting on is all the new information that is coming out, that will document that SCE was at fault."

    3)  You have not heard much if anything about SDG&E (Sempra Energy) involvement.  As a 20% owner of San Onofre (aka SanO) they have been doing a masterful job of avoiding any negative PR about SanO.  I expect their emails to be examined next, since they had to be aware of and pre-approve of any proposed SCE settlement deal.

    FYI, Their Exec.'s also sold stock once the premature CPUC-SCE "settlement" was announced...
    Should Sempra shareholders be worried?

    "In the first week of January, Sempra CEO and Chairman Debra Reed sold 54,786 shares for gross proceeds of about $4.8 million. President Mark Snell sold about $4.3 million worth of his stock."
    4)  Edison International Earnings Fall Due to SCE Rate Case

    For much more on this developing story, please refer to #SanOnofreGate *

    * The new hashtag that will allow you to keep up to date on the ongoing investigation into the multi-billion $ SCE-CPUC ripoff. 

    PUC reform vetos send wrong message | EnergyBiz 

    There's something crazy when the most powerful agency in California government spends an entire year mired in scandal caused in large part by inadequate controls over the activities of its key people ? and not a single reform emerges. 

    That's the end result of Gov. Jerry Brown's veto of a package of bills that handily passed the Legislature this fall aiming to fix aspects of the state Public Utilities Commission, even if those bills themselves had some flaws. 

    The net upshot is that Brown has yet to utter a negative word about the overtly crooked activities of former PUC President Michael Peevey and others at the commission, even complimenting Peevey on "getting things done" at the time he departed the commission in disgrace.

    EPA and NRC Both Captured Agencies and Both Trying to Ram More Radiation Down Your Throat

    I don't have time to provide all the backup for my assertation in this post, but it is findable via searchingthis lbog, searching at ENENEWS, and general Google search.

    Bottom line: as the dying and desperate, yet dangerous and well funded nuclear industry cannot compete with modern energy sources, it has corrupted it's captured agencies to try to raise the radiation levels that they can blast the general public with by 100 times more.

    Not joking.  It is beyond comprehension.   These are sick and desperate people.

    Some of the pro-nukers I chat with admit that they don't believe that 100 time more would be anything but very dangerous, BUT they also think it won't be opened up that high and maybe just relaxed by double.  

    That is very dangerous thinking, you have no idea the result once an absurdity like this enters committee and a vote.   Its a crapshoot at that point.

    from a distance
    Final reminder that your input is needed now:

    (1) Comment to the EPA regarding raising radiation levels:
     Also they are having a meeting Nov 9 in DC to discuss radiation protection standards.

    (2) Comment to the NRC regarding raising radiation levels:!submitComment;D=NRC-2015-0057-0086

    (3) Sign the Petition

    Funny how in 2014 the EPA comments on Nuclear Power Radiation Standards received 33, 960 comments, quite a lot.

    The  item 2 above only has a few hundred comments, how lame is that.