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Monday, March 17, 2014

Large Scale Die Off Sea Life in Hawaii (Kauai)

Large-scale die-off of sea urchins discovered off Kaumakani
A heart urchin
U.S. Department of Interior
Red dots on the map indicate the area off South Kaua‘i where sick and dying urchins were discovered
Posted: Saturday, February 18, 2012 12:30 am | Updated: 9:58 pm, Thu Feb 23, 2012.
Large-scale die-off of sea urchins discovered off KaumakaniVanessa Van Voorhis - The Garden IslandThe Garden Island Newspaper | 51 comments
PORT ALLEN — While conducting a recent diving tour along Kaua‘i’s southern coast, a diver made an alarming discovery: a field of dead heart sea urchins on the ocean floor.
“It’s a massive die off of urchins,” said Linda Marsh, owner of Bubbles Below Kaua‘i dive company. “This is a dive site we normally go to, and this die off is a sudden thing. We have seen evidence of it miles away.”
Marsh, the veteran diver who made the find, called in a report on Feb. 3 to Don Heacock, Kaua‘i’s biologist for the state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources and to Thierry Work, wildlife disease specialist for the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Honolulu.
“We’re always concerned when urchins die because of what happened in the Caribbean,” Work said. “The Caribbean has lost 80 percent of its coral. The massive coral die off was preceded by a massive die off of urchins. They are a keystone species and an early warning system for large-scale changes in the ocean.”
Marsh led Work and Heacock to the dive site on Feb. 5, and the biologists began a two-day field investigation that included surveys and sample collections. They documented 149 urchin shells littering a 25- by 4-meter sandy stretch, Work’s USGS Port Allen trip report states. Sixty-eight percent of the mortalities were skewed to the smaller (younger) classes.
Dead urchins were found 241 meters southwest and 147 meters southeast of their dive boat moored offshore but, ultimately, the area was too large to fully survey, even with underwater scooters. Based upon their observations and available data, they estimate 52,000 individual heart urchins have recently died off.
The biologists collected 28 specimens of sick and dying urchins. Seventeen of them were suitable for further analysis and sent to California to be processed for cross-section microscopic examination.
“I did see something like this in the past in Johnston Atoll because of a protozoan infection,” Works said. “That’s the only other urchin die off I’m aware of.”
The cause of the Caribbean die off of urchins and coral was never determined, Works said, but what they do know is that urchins play a critical role in the health of coral reef ecosystems and that population crashes may have “important upstream consequences.” Urchins are grazers that keep the algae at bay and a food source for other marine creatures.
They are also useful in laboratories to measure and test toxicity because they absorb chemicals directly through their shells, Heacock said. Because they are highly eco-sensitive, they are the equivalent of “canaries in an oceanic coal mine,” he said.
Heacock hypothesized that genetically modified seed corn crops and related chemicals used for their abundant production along the west and southwestern shores of Kaua‘i may be a contributing factor.
“We can only speculate about what’s killing them right now,” he said, “but here’s something to think about: Kaua‘i produces more GMO seeds than anyplace. Now, there are a whole bunch of people in the genetic engineering camp that say GMO crops need less pesticides, but the new wave of crops is more toxic than ever before.
“The BT corn is meant to kill,” Heacock said. “It has an insecticidal protein in the corn. In the Midwest, they found the residue from GMO corn is related to aquatic insect deaths, which are food for baby fish.”
Kaua‘i seed companies constantly till and grub their soil, which is full of these chemicals, he said. When it rains, the loosened red topsoil flows into streams and rivers that eventually flow out into the ocean and onto coral reefs.
Works said that during his dives near Port Allen the water was cloudy but not red or silty.
“Cloudy water does not mean pesticides,” he said. “It’s easy to start spinning stories. What we need is hard data. This is a detective type of story, with a crime scene and a dead person. We don’t want a preconceived notion to determine what killed the victim. The ideal thing is we arrive at a cause of death, but often times we can’t figure out what killed them. We can figure out what didn’t, such as infectious disease,” Works said.
“Even though what happened in the Caribbean looks similar, I’m not saying it will happen here. We’re just trying to stay ahead of the curve. The major message to the public is to report their findings. We have Eyes of the Reef Network reporting online for unusual mortality events. This particular event we never would have known about without Linda Marsh.”
Marsh said, “It’s a really good thing dive companies are keeping an eye on this and reporting it. We took the right step forward by contacting Thierry and Don. Hopefully, we can stop the point-source pollution.”
The Eyes of the Reef Network website is To reach the Department of Health Clean Water Branch for Kaua‘i, call 241-3323.
• Vanessa Van Voorhis, staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681, ext. 251, or by emailing

WIPP Filters were 50% past their maximum expiration date per US Law

Former director Conca confirmed that these are the original filters, making them either 15 or 20 years old.

But this DOE design book, states clearly that filters will normally have a 5 year life, and NEVER allowed to be used over 10 years.    I see....all about that culture of safety....sure put up some big safety signs, and have a feel good moment.   

Also curious that the DOE is using taxpayer money to keep on paying over 1000 people at WIPP even though they have nothing to do.    Last week they said employment was around 650, curious number change.     Obviously, to keep the whistleblowers down at WIPP they will use the taxpayer money to bribe the WIPP workers.     Money for nothing and your Plutonium for free.

Here is a link to a PDF on the Codes for Radiation Filtering.   WIPP broke them.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIPP Confirms A Leak in the Filter System, Engineer Estimates 10% to 20% went directly to atmosphere

Funny how I regained administrative control over the Nukepro blog 1 day after March 11.    And funny how ENENEWS was undergoing a large denial of service attack starting March 10 and through March 11.
We are striking close to the mark.  
WIPP Admits ongoing direct leaks into the atmosphere that went out through open ducts prior to the filters.
I don't have time to calculate the releases, but in reality they are going to be MUCH higher than previously admitted.      If we take for granted that this "damper system" of multiple dampers would only release .4% of the contaminated air into the atmosphere (which is certainly just a calculation to begin with, and probably fudged) and then we consider that these are the original filters from the original construction, 15 years ago, and certainly they were partly clogged before the radiation emergency, and certainly during the radiation emergency they became much more clogged, well what happens to a flowing fluid when faced with an simply takes the path of least resistance, and a massive amount, potentially 10% to 20% took the easy way out through the open dampers.   
If we integrate the  sum of daily radiation readings on the upstream side of the filters, taking into account the CFM rate through the filters, and realizing the CFM will actually be higher because of the open holes to the atmosphere, we can approximate the release of plutonium and Am to the citizens.    I'll do that soon, not tonight.   And I have 10 or more stories to break that I saved up whilst unable to perform admin functions.  
Here is the report from the horse's mouth or other orifice of that horse they rode in on.    They have more holes in their story than in their ductwork.

A damper system that’s designed to allow .4 percent
of airflow to bypass the air filtration system
during filtration operations has been sealed with a
high-density foaming material. Before sealing
the dampers, a small amount of
unfiltered air was released to
the atmosphere; the WIPP
ventilation system is more than 99 percent effici
ent in trapping radioactive particles. Monitoring
after the sealing of the dampers shows that
leakage past the dampers has been stopped.
Nuclear Waste Partnership, the WIPP management
and operating contractor, is looking at
alternatives to ensure there is no leakage in
the future caused by long-term degradation of the
2 Hours before I lost admin access to my blog, I had busted the former director of the "independent monitoring agency" of WIPP bragging about the super hot radioactive materials they had stashed in WIPP.   They were supposed to just be storing old gloves and such.   
That story is here, learn about the Conca shill.
And a quick calculation I did based on the former directors statements, showed that that had enough radiation in 1 liter of stored liquid, to contaminate 2.5 Billion Fish to the point they could not be used as food per government standards.   
Here is the story I couldn't post directly.    One of the pro-nuke advocates who refers to anyone on the other side of the argument as "stupid" has stated at atomic insights "but there isn't even 2.5 Billion fish in New Mexico".    Makes me say hmmmmm....
(1)     One Liter of the hot waste they stashed into the WIPP is radioactive enough to contaminate over 2 Billion Fish

James Conca, long time nuclear promoter, was caught bragging about the high level waste that they put into the WIPP, and he should know, he was the former director of the WIPP independent lab that is funded by DOE.
He was bragging that they have some really hot stuff down in the WIPP cave, over 7 Curie per liter.    That is really RADIOACTIVE!    If you use the WolframAlpha online calculator, see link
That turns out to be 259,000,000,000 Bq
 OK, how can you wrap your head around that huge number?     Well we know that anything above 100Bq per kilogram is too radioactive to sell as food.    A kilogram is 2.2 pounds.     So a kilogram of fish would be a large meal.  
How many fish at 1 Kilogram each could be contaminated by that small one liter of waste stored in the WIPP?    259,000,000,000 divided by 100 is
2,590,000,000 Fish (that’s 2.59 Billion fish, one for every man on the planet)
Now assuming they have 3000 Barrels of the high level waste?      At 55 gallons each.   That is 624,525 liters.
Or enough to contaminate1617 TRILLION fish
How many fish are in the ocean?
Do you know that because WIPP is closed that they are stacking up the barrels in the uncovered parking lot at WIPP?   Hard to believe?
Here is that pronuke site in which James Conca brags about the high level waste…go visit.    