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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Radiation Decreases Immune Systems, Post Fukushima, Flu Stats Have Skyrocketed

From an email sent by Peter Daley, 100% Kudos to him, an Australian that gets it.


The Flu Is Ravaging America This Year!
After Fukushima I kept a close eye on the latest worldwide flu statistics using a publicly available service, Google Flu Trends. My reasoning was people’s immune systems would become weakened by exposure to the the huge Fukushima radiation releases, particularly those people living in the Northern hemisphere.
If that was the case, then it would likely show up in the flu stats.
Google Flu Trends was an excellent resource to keep track of this. In the early stages of observation a trend started to appear. Flu epidemics where increasing in severity. Then Google stopped updating the stats. Getting hold of the most recent worldwide flu statistics then became very difficult.
Recently Zerohedge published a short article “The Flu Is Ravaging America This Year” and it had an excellent info graphic (see chart below).
What does it show?
A dramatic year on year increase in the number of flu hospitalizations in the USA since 2011!
19th February 2018 – The Flu Is Ravaging America This Year
It took 25 weeks for the hospitalization rate to reach that point during the deadly 2014-2015 season. During a mild year, an average of 12,000 Americans die due to the flu and judging by the current trend, 2017-18 is on course to surpass 2014-15 in lethality. More than 80 percent of flu deaths usually occur among the elderly and people with underlying health problems.
This year, seemingly healthy individuals are being infected and hospitalized at higher rates than the historical average. The CDC has reported that 63 children have already died during the current season.
Info graphic:

8th March 2018 – TEPCO Admits Fukushima-Radiation-Blocking “Ice Wall” Is Failing
The wall’s failure, among other factors, is preventing the company from removing all of the radioactive melted fuel at the site, where one of the world’s worst-ever nuclear disasters unfolded seven years ago when a tsunami struck the area.
When the “ice wall” was announced in 2013, TEPCO assured skeptics that it would effectively limit the flow of groundwater into the plant’s basement, where the water becomes contaminated with radioactive debris.
But since the wall became fully operational in August 2017, an average of 141 metric tonnes of groundwater has seeped into the reactor and turbines each day – worse than the 132 metric tonnes a day that seeped into the ruined plant during the nine months before the wall’s completion.
A 1992 German risk study of a NPP core meltdown on the upper Rhine river they suggest using an ice wall, plus concluded that:
1. Strontium-90 levels would skyrocket, and reach a peak level around 5,000 days later. Strontium-90 levels would then stay high for around another 40,000 days + !
We are already seeing reports of skyrocketing levels of Strontium being detected in the ground water tests, at the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site.
2. Cesium-137 would reach peak levels after 10,000 days.
Interestingly, Tepco has tried to implement the counter measures suggested in this document, at the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site. They have not had much success so far.
(Note: The charts in this study are log scale.)
If this study is correct, these increases will continue long into the future!
All the wars and strife in the world at present, is analogous to people fighting each other on a sinking boat. We urgently need the whole world to cooperate, and focus on dealing with the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Break Up Google, Too Big, Too Partisian and they are Censoring Big Time

stock here, please see compiled story by contibutor below.

Here is a good summary of "where we are at"

The media, led by CNN, MSNBC and the other alphabet networks, believe they - and they alone - should dictate American policy. The MSM expect our president to be their puppet, to play by their rules.

This all started long ago in the Vietnam era, when American foreign policy became strongly influenced by media opposition to the war. In later years, when WAPO actually brought down a sitting president (Nixon), media egos swelled to monstrous proportions.   Now the MSM are convinced that they are the eminent arbiters of morality, the rightful rulers of this country and they strive very hard to control the hearts and minds of a substantial portion of the public, which they believe to be naïve, ignorant and politically lazy.

This mirrors Josef Goebbels' s assessment of his own populace and Jonathan Gruber's more recent opinion on the same subject.   But disappointed that things are not going exactly according to plan, the MSM have started to abandon even superficial attempts to appear truthful and honest. Openly gorging on obvious lies and transparent hypocrisy, dogma has replaced MSM editorial policy.

It's gotten so bad that in the absence of supporting facts, hasty opinions, desperate name calling and casual insults have become "news".


Contributed by Lot's Wife

All across the YouTube network, hundreds - perhaps thousands - of content providers have been banned. Their channels and archives blocked. The great god Google that owns YT will not speak to the banning other than ‘terms of service breaches’.

Media literate ‘net savvy people have seen this day coming. The orthodoxy's walls were falling as more and more people sacked it for its archives of control and manipulation. It’s been a race to the tipping point - a day when enough people see through the illusion that their numbers have an effect. Google’s defensive reaction indicates a critical point may have been reached. 

If you left wondering why Google would do this, remember, it is HRC’s biggest supporter. Google is acting like a partisan. It’s time to break up Google; it’s too powerful. Use a public utility model in its transformation.

This fellow is representing attitudes and opinions of those who remain online but now fear that what they say will cause termination. Cast around independently to hear what others are saying about YT’s ban of disapproved speech. Who dares utter Fourth Reich?

FOX News Tucker Carlson discusses the same here:
Dave from the X22 Report begins by stating the obvious: big tech giants such as YouTube have been taking down news channels that don’t align with the deep state’s brand of tyranny. But he says to watch for people to dump stocks as the Internet Bill of Rights (IBOR) becomes more widely accepted (the regulation of tech giants to stop censorship). Because once freedom is speech is allowed online again, all of the information can come out, and Snowden may have more that will cripple the deep state.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Let's Have a Real Discussion About Mass Shootings -- Drugs / Marginalized Population

UPDATE at bottom I added in a video about a "Active Shooter" Drill at Parkland, using professionally applied makeup to make kids look dead.    Check it out and drop a comment. 

 Peter Breggin, a world-famous psychiatrist who has been called “the conscience of his profession,” recently warned that the side effects of psychiatric drugs are an “obvious prescription for violence.”

stock here -- I want to deep dive into this subject at a later date.   The only explanation that I can conjure up is that Big Pharma / Big Med has their hooks so deeply into the Government and it's regulators, that psychoactive drugs are not even allowed to enter the conversation.

It is beyond disgusting that those sworn to "first do no harm" have become such whores to their own paychecks, that they foist these dangerous drugs on the population, especially kids. 

There are several "classes" of drugs that can be very harmful, anti-depressants, and anti-psychotics, and I will throw this down too, from personal knowledge, some sleep aiding drugs in the "hypnotic" category like Lunesta can cause disturbing thought patterns (that go away when the drug is stopped) so the connection is obvious.

And besides the claims that many of these are false flags, or drills that they decided to "take live", in particular Sandy Hook, the lack of accountability for government workers who have totally failed the people they are supposed to serve in the social services and mental health area, is obvious, and should be "fixed".  

And the other topic that I threw in "marginalized society", the intentional gutting of America via a few decade of NWO plotting and strategizing, is "working".    The overall goal and hope of the Globalists is to pull power, control, and wealth out of the chaos that they create.

Also on the "take the guns early" meme, it should be made clear that Trump was only talking about those who are deranged and are an obvious risk.    And then "due process" after the threat is first eliminated.    I am kind of OK with this.

But the risk of abuse to punish or marginalize people simply by "trumped up charges" of mental illness, created by authorities is there.    And that possibility of abuse by government, should be addressed very strongly by severe jail terms for anyone abusing the process, and that a 30 day "due process" and independently supervised review of all the facts is conducted, again with that deadline.   

------------------------------------------------- from the article

We’ve written previously about this very topic. We researched dozens of high-profile cases of violent crime over the last few decades, and found that in at least half of the cases, we know that the perpetrator was taking, or had recently stopped taking, some form of antidepressant or antipsychotic medication. It could well be 100% if all the information is made publicly available.

The most recent examples support this thesis. In the  Las Vegas shooting, where Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others, the autopsy showed he was using an anti-anxiety drug. Adam Lanza, the killer involved in the 2013 Sandy Hook school shooting, was suspected to have been on, or recently stopped taking, antipsychotic drugs; but as Emord details, the coroner would not release the deceased Lanza’s medical records. The killer in Parkland, Florida, Nikolas Cruz, is also suspected to have been on some kind of medication for “emotional difficulties,” according to a family member, but the specific drug has not yet been specified. Here is parkland Sheriff "Israel" telling LEO to Run and Hide, not to engage a mass shooter. The police security guard should be tried for cowardice, and Israel should be tried for abetting cowardice with death as a result.

Parkland Florida Students Rehearsal Before The Fake Shooting - Aired By NBC from Robin Westenra on Vimeo.

And the released police radio transmissions. ---------------------------------------------------------- A youngish Eric Holder promoting the idea of propaganda to brainwash Americans into bleating for gun control, bleating for their own enslavement.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

FBI Data Shows That Hands Kill More People than Rifles and Shotguns Combined

Opioid Crisis -- An Intentional Plot to Degrade America -- Enrich the Elite And Further The NWO Jackboot

Opioid Crisis: Complete Economic Destruction Of The "White Working Class" 

The link is barely touches the surface. Though sources are still in the shadows, evidence will out that the opioid crisis is tied to Pakistani-Afghani vendetta culture. It’s payback - reprisal - for decades of pillage by US forces. Rouge officials on both sides, using the color of law, move heroin and pain-med pharmaceuticals [oxy or fentanyl] into US markets. Apparently, a nexus of CIA/FBI and deep staters have arranged contracts between the VA [+mil health units] and pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. The poppy crop is huge and under US control - mostly. US elites get a cut of the action while paying Paki warlords with weapons on the back-haul. The ‘war’ is a profit center with multiple partners. Using hacked ID data, active and retired US mil are being targeted at home or as patients in hospitals or pain clinics. The drug crisis is compounded by poor nutrition [GMO’s] and the effects of radiation from Fukushima. Anticipate mass overdosing incidents. Labeled ‘deplorables’ by Hillary, they are about 25 percent the country [according to her]…and apparently expendable. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The War On Men (and Women) Continues -- Create Chaos By Dividing Everyone

Seen on the net -- so few people have the ability to see with their own eyes. Sometimes a moment of
disgust is needed to open our eyes and create lasting change.

Apparently, anyone who even tries to discuss the so called "harassment issue" will be viciously attack.

Anyone who even points out that the vast majority of men are "good" will be viciously attacked.
 I am nervous to post this video but felt compelled to record it after coming home from work today. I wanted to briefly express my appreciation for all the amazing men out there and the contributions they make, which often go unrecognized. Their actions are what allow a society to function. I tweeted a while back — I wonder (and worry about) what will have to happen for women to realize WE are the privileged sex — looking around at all the male bashing being encouraged in our culture, I am blown away by women’s shortsightedness. Men are the builders and keepers of a culture, but they’ll only maintain and protect it for so long, without female appreciation and inspiration.

Monday, February 26, 2018

It's Time to Wake up -- Fake World Is Living In Hell

stock here, here is one of my favorite newish songs on my radar, a dear friend from central america hooked me up with this.
See videos below. Submitted by Lot's Wife (Google That), and step into the light key word "Crowd's On Demand" This guy, drake, radak, kriaku, snowden are heroes. -------------------------------------------------------------------

nice response from GOM at ENE to detractors of America (this one from South Africa supposedly, another from Belgium, who thinks it is his purpose in life to denigrate the USA).

 Fuck You Fauna America is what she is but at least I can walk down the street without gangs of government sponsored thugs trying to kill me over religion or some other 'cause'. I have the freedom & privilege to shop for food in clean stores, drive my vehicle on decent roads, attend schools, visit museums, go watch a movie..

 If I am Gay, Lesbian, or Transgendered, I have the right to be treated human without prejudice. If I am disabled or blind, I have rights that allow me to live normally. I have a right to the freedom of speech, a right to protest.. I have the right to bear arms which gives me the right to defend myself.

I have a right to sleep at night knowing my country is feared around the world. And that is exactly why so many people want to live here. We may bitch & moan, but I've seen enough of the world to say Thanks But No Thanks..I'll stay here..


From a ZH reader, although Google no longer counts hits from "fake news" ZH, LOL

Counting on a government worker to act like a hero is bad calculus. The police are not going to save you. The police are not paid to protect you.

The police are paid to serve and protect The State, law enforcement, not personal protection.

With all of that in mind:

 I have covered defending your life with a pistol.
 I have covered defending your property with a shotgun.

 I have covered defending your liberty with a rifle.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Solar Radiation Management -- An Air Force Insider Spills The Beans

But the creativity of the trolls to twist even their own positions and facts is an expression of their growing desperation. They would even claim they’re with us.

The battle against chemical and biological warfare in all their forms, e.g. chemtrail, vaccines, and GMO, is humanity’s battle. This is our battle against pure evil that is now occupying critical positions of power.

We are hoping that more insiders would come out in the open and tell the world the whole truth about all these sinister operations.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Japan uses NWO Tool To Force South Korea to Consume It's Radioactive Food

The World Trade Organization is a tool of the Globalists.   The basic idea is to allow the super rich to
sell their crappy and dangerous products any where, any time.

This comes on the heels of the largest coverup in history.

UPDATE 1-Japan wins WTO dispute over Fukushima-related food

By Yuka Obayashi

TOKYO, Feb 22 (Reuters) – The World Trade Organization on Thursday largely upheld a Japanese complaint against South Korea’s import bans and additional testing requirements imposed on Japanese seafood because of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.

In a ruling that can be appealed by either side, a WTO dispute panel said that South Korea’s measures were initially justified but that keeping them in place violated the WTO’s sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) agreement.

Japan launched its trade complaint at the WTO in 2015, arguing that radioactive levels were safe and that a number of other nations, including the United States and Australia, had lifted or eased Fukushima-related restrictions.