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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Lets be Blunt, How Can We Get Away From This Totally Evil "Media"

Michelle MalkinVerified account @michellemalkin 11 hours ago
How are you transitioning to post- , post - , post- world? It's coming. Recommendations welcome. Here's what I'm test-driving so far: New browser: Search engine: Social:  

E-mail: File-share: ???
56 minutes ago
No, no, no...NOT Protonmail!!!


Do the DEMs actually have some game, or are they just talking a big story?

Keep in mind, Business Insider is totally a tool of the Globalists.    If they are pimping a story, its for a reason.

Facebook busted by internal whistle blower who describes how Facebook censors opinions that don't align with their leftist agenda.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Social Media, Zuckerberg, Formed as a CIA Program, and Still Is

This film challenges us to pay attention. Its message: Many people are so deluded by social media’s novelty that their behavior matches clinical definitions of mental illness.

As you watch the film unfold, you’ll grasp the enormity of the threat posed by the technology. Experts inform the audience that the threat is beyond addiction. Addiction can be treated and overcome. Social media technology is operant conditioning, a much more permanent change in the psyche. Infants still in the crib are being raised within the technology’s 24/7 matrix.

Note that the producer does not mention physical health abnormalities associated with exposure to EMF radiation. The film also lacks a perspective on endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Dozens of credible studies show EDCs [and EMF] are altering genetic expression beyond the capacity of most individuals to adjust to their new realities.  

The issue deserves your attention; perhaps your analysis will prompt letters to the editor, or state legislators, or a sit-down with someone who matches the kids featured in the film.


Much more at your fingertips via search.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bezos Family Connected Deep Into Uranium / Nuclear Deals --Why Is Unfaithful Bezos Getting $10B Contracts to the Pentagon?

This is important stuff, we need to neuter lover boy Bezos.   Drop a comment or further research!

When Q has your back, you know you are over the target.    Yesterday and the day before, I was focusing on the "Cloud" Storage fiasco, and Zionist Bezos "warning" the USA that USA will be in big trouble with their storage "solution".

Today, Q publishes these nuggets!


(9) TOTAL (6_NON PUB).
[12-14-18] > RIP📁
[PART 1 OF 9]

I hope you have a fake Twitter account, it's useful for now.   Get one even if you have to get a burner phone.

Bezos presents the narrative as the son of an immigrant.   His grandfather was a main player in the early Nuclear days of the USA.     If you don't have Twitter and need more, ask and I will send.

Most important things in the world?   My dog diagnosed with Melanoma, today, test results. 

Second.....Take down the Cabal, at least kick them in the balls, hang a few, shoot a few, and set them back for contemplation.

Fuck these bastards, to hell if we could

At first I thought it was a $600M contract with the CIA.....then saw it as $10B with Pentagon.   I am glad I rechecked, and now adding in this older link -- The CIA really does have a $600M contract with Bezos.

Why would it even start to make sense for a online retailer to be given sole source contract for $10B to store data of the most secret National interest?    And call it a "cloud", as in....sorry that China hacked our cloud and got our latest Carrier and Hypersonic development secrets......

This is a contract with The Pentagon.    I wonder how many Global Swamp critters inhabit that place?  You know, the airliner flew into our building but there were no damage from wings kind of Swamp place?

This is great!   Expose corruption and slap back Bezos and his country hating Washington Post


I'll be Bezos would love to just breath in the profits on that $10B deal.

Business Insider is part of the Globalist Owned Liberal Lackey Only Media (GOLLUM).   They are pretending that Amazon is getting smeared.

In reality Amazon is getting investigated.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Amazon Bezos / Washington Post Investigated in Shady $10B Sole Source Military and Intelligence Storage "Cloud"

At first I thought it was a $600M contract with the CIA.....then saw it as $10B with Pentagon.   I am glad I rechecked, and now adding in this older link -- The CIA really does have a $600M contract with Bezos.

Why would it even start to make sense for a online retailer to be given sole source contract for $10B to store data of the most secret National interest?    And call it a "cloud", as in....sorry that China hacked our cloud and got our latest Carrier and Hypersonic development secrets......

This is a contract with The Pentagon.    I wonder how many Global Swamp critters inhabit that place?  You know, the airliner flew into our building but there were no damage from wings kind of Swamp place?

This is great!   Expose corruption and slap back Bezos and his country hating Washington Post


I'll be Bezos would love to just breath in the profits on that $10B deal.

Business Insider is part of the Globalist Owned Liberal Lackey Only Media (GOLLUM).   They are pretending that Amazon is getting smeared.

In reality Amazon is getting investigated. 

Vaccines, Finally a Pretty Deep Dive

Vaccines are suspicious at least.    They are now being promoted heavily, along with "Fighting For
Climate Change".    They both are central tenants of governmental control.

So I did a bit of a dive.    It looks quite bad, anti-mercury-Vax seems appropriate.

April 2019....the push to push vaccines is obvious, even though open borders is even more obvious. 

The latest meme is that Chicken Pox is dangerous because it is HERPES.   Oh they will play any card, no matter how cheap, false, or misleading.

Now Anti-Vax is a different question.    A deeper dive is needed, but any vaccine with Mercury of any sort is suspect.

The rates of use of vaccines and rate of increase of Autism have been linked.    Correlation is not causation, but sheesh, real Autism (not the Aspergers Spectrum which should not even be thrown into the same basket as Autism) is a pretty horrible thing, and extreme caution should be the tact.     Not the, in similar fashion to radiation caused morbidity "you can't prove it".

They have, and are still, putting Mercury into vaccines.    Apparently it functions as a preservative,
and I am amazed that "they" can't find something else that is known safe and effective at preserving?   It goes into other medical products too, and tattoo ink.

When Facebook side with the WHO, you see evil and evil aligned.   Fakebook says they will be "less prominent" that is the narrative for "we are censoring the heck of it".

Anyone who doesn't understand just how evil the WHO is should read this article on how they control ALL the narrative on the dangers of Radiation.  

Why is this?

My research indicates that vaccine abuse was much worse in the past, with young humans being injected with twice the legal limit of Mercury.

Mercury is a known nuero-toxin.     The other clear cut thing is that the FDA and the CDC failed horrendously in acting promptly to improve the situation.   Decades of feet dragging as our children are poisoned.

One of the ways that grant receiving scientist defend the use of Mercury, is they claim that Ethylmercury is not harmful, in comparison to Methylmercury.    Due to the "biological half life".

But maybe it is like the I131 versus I135 radiation.    If you measured

Others support my assertion --Ethylmercury "goes away" (biological half life as measured by hair or blood) faster because it gets in to do it's damage faster.      The WHO plays the half-life card, for those who understand how the WHO "manages" radiation information, the WHO's position is suspect.

This tendency may be evidence not of ethylmercury’s comparative safety, but of its greater danger if, as science has suggested, ethylmercury is not leaving the body but simply migrating more rapidly to the organs, including the brain. 

Some studies indicate a wide variation in biological half life between people.   So what may be just
below the safety threshold for some people, might be 6 times over for others (189/35)

This article shows that Ethylmercury is not just a bad neurotoxin, but causes substantial DNA damage, many of a type that cannot be repaired "blunt ends". 

----------------------------------------------------    Just the numbers, Ma'am

Ethyl Mercury Exposure Levels Based on Methyl Mercury Guidelines

A single Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms of ethylmercury. If the EPA RfD for ingested methylmercury is applied to this injected ethylmercury figure, an individual would have to weigh more than 250 kilograms (551 pounds) for the 25 microgram exposure to be considered safe. Young children are commonly given half-doses of Thimerosal-preserved flu shots nowadays, working out to approximately fourteen times a safe daily exposure for a 20-pound (9-kilogram) individual. Back in the 1990s, a two-month-old child could have received 62.5 micrograms from three vaccines in a single doctor’s visit. Assuming the child weighed about 5 kilograms (11 pounds), he or she would have received 125 times the EPA RfD for methylmercury.

The pro-vaxers like to use a false argument, an invalid comparison.

This is like the nukists saying that because you didn't develop an immediate acute radiation reaction, that the morbidity you got 5 years later could not have been caused by radiation.

And another "meme" is that there is no increase in Autism, its just how we label it.    Does anyone believe this?   I am not saying that for vaccines are the primary cause of an increase in autism......but saying that there is NO INCREASE just seems absurd.    Nowadays, everyone knows someone who has a child with Autism, prior decades, I never had an interaction with anyone with a child with Autism for the first 35 years of my life.

Yeah right, like there is no increase in Thyroid cancer in Fukushima....its just "more inspection" which is bullshit.

HPV Vaccine?    Majia did a nice article on that

And more on vaccine safety

My Opinion on autism and vaccinations: 

I don't believe that vaccinations are the leading cause of autism. I believe, in some instances, vaccines may increase vulnerability or precipitate a cascading chain of adverse biological events. For example, in one case the US vaccine court concluded that vaccinations might have precipitated autism in a child who had an underlying mitochondrial disorder (see here).

That said, I don't believe vaccinations account for the majority of autism cases.

We live in a highly contaminated environment. Lead, mercury, arsenic, uranium, radiocesium, tritium, etc are in our air and our food. We have  been damaging our human genome by extracting and manufacturing these genotoxic elements in truly massive quantities for the last 150 years.

For me, "autism" can represent human diversity but, 

MOST OF ALL, autism, ADHD, Parkinsons, cancer name the human symptoms of our ongoing and wholescale environmental destructio

Doc GoodHeart is a true SJW, but aside from that slant, he does detailed research.

Measles Outbreaks, Blue States, and Illegal Aliens A Broad Connection

Yesterday, I noted Google intentionally censoring information about illegal aliens voting in the 2018 midterms.   Earlier stuff was findable, but since it is not "actionable" is still "allowed" in the search results. 

There is a clear connection between being a blue State, and having lots of illegal aliens, and measles outbreaks.    I am right on this?

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Google Censoring Ilegal Voting in 2018

I tried a search to find information about illegal voting in 2018 midterms.

Google provided a few results, BUT ZERO related to 2018, even when I did the +2018 requiring it to be part of the results. 

It seems like this should be illegal.   To coverup the real data that could lead to a re-vote or at least re-count.    To tamper with election results like this is horrific.

Wisconsin, the swingest state of 2016....well "they" made sure to replace the Governor with a tool of the Globalists.    Tony Evers....shown here in apparent picture of teaching something to a black youth.

Tony Evers tweeted out how Wisconsin would be giving out Driver Licenses and State IDs to illegal aliens.    He says that having low income, uninsured illegal aliens driving on the streets will make us safer. 

I am calling tomorrow to ask him to defend that claim.  

Dear liberals, Excuse me while I beat a dead horse....

The Green New Deal isn’t about the environment or saving the earth. It’s sole purpose is to give the political elite greater control over the masses.

And you fools are feeding right into it.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hawaii Had 4 Deep Earthquakes over 60km in 100 Years, Now A New One, At Depth Range Never Seen Before

Really Deep Large EQ Only Occur at Very Specific Points on Earth
This say a lot about how our earth is structured.

Friday, March 1, 2019

7 Geiger Counters and A Brief Explanation

stock here.   I was getting a ton of hits from this site where I copied this information.

Its a pretty good writeup, BUT, kind of more of a sales pitch than actionable information.  

I did a writeup shortly after Fukushima, and came up with an Actionable Table that was not available anywhere in the world.

That Table is HERE, please review, print, keep it with your Geiger.   Spread the word far and wide.    Several others have copied it nearly verbatim, but I sure appreciate the attribution.

An aside --- Medical Products recalled due to cancer risk.


Top 7 Geiger Counters & How they work

This article was written by Dave Robertson (see bio below). I asked him to write this knowing that I had little knowledge of Geiger Counters, but also knowing that I really wanted you guys to get solid basics and a decent comparison. I consider a Geiger counter a luxury item, unless you need it. Please keep in mind some of the recent (early 2016) articles in the news about documents stating that large amounts of radioactive material may have disappeared in the middle east. Of course we can’t say for sure what the who and why are, but we can say that dirty bombs are a very low tech way of causing large disruption once you have the material. Please keep in mind that you may need a Geiger counter to determine how radioactive your water supply or food might be. Even oceans can carry radioactive material as we saw from the recent nuclear disaster in Japan. Please don’t hesitate to add a Geiger counter or two to your bugout gear. John

What do they do?

A geiger counter is a device that detects radioactivity, also known as ionizing radiation. Nearly all geiger counters detect x-rays and gamma rays, the two strongest and most dangerous types of radiation. X-rays can travel long distances and can pass through most any material except lead. Gamma rays, though usually not as strong as x-rays, still require thick shields of lead or concrete to stop them. Both are very dangerous to the health of humans. Some geiger detectors also detect alpha and beta radiation. These types of radiation consist of particles produced by the decay of certain unstable atoms. These types of particles can only travel a short distance through the air and both can be stopped by heavy clothing or thick cardboard. Alpha particles can be dangerous, however, if ingested or inhaled.
Each geiger counter contains a small device called a Geiger-Muller sensor. It’s the thing that actually senses radiation. A pocket style geiger counter is roughly the size of a cell phone and stows easily in a pocket. You could walk down a city street, checking radiation levels as you go and nobody would be alarmed. The other type of geiger counter has an external wand and the sensor is contained in the wand. If you’re checking the radiation of specific objects, you’ll need to get the sensor close whether it’s the wand or the pocket unit itself. Most geiger counters show radiation levels with a visual readout and with an audible signal, a tick or click that sounds for each particle detected. The more noise the detector makes, the higher the concentration of radiation found. You’ve probably seen movies where characters use a geiger counter. A few random clicks might be acceptable, but when there is radiation danger the counter sounds like a radio emitting heavy static. Time to hightail it out of there.

Why do I need one? (Prepping for SHTF, TEOTWAWKI)

If a nuclear facility has a meltdown or a “containment problem”, you’ll want to know how it affects you. Also nuclear material is routinely mined, transported, and stored. What happens when there’s an accident? Are we always informed, or do problems happen without our knowledge? The authorities may be able to hide these problems, but if you have a geiger counter you can still be aware of the danger. Let’s say you find yourself in a situation where you need to bug out. Are there old uranium mines in the area? Recent hazardous spills? A geiger counter can help you stick to areas with lower radiation. It can also be used to test food, fish, and other game for high radiation levels. Even if there is no disaster situation, a geiger counter can be very useful. You may have items in your home that emit or contain low levels of radiation. Did you know that some antique pottery and furniture is coated with a radioactive glaze? Glow in the dark watch dials are usually slightly irradiated, smoke detectors contain a radioactive material called Americum (a tiny amount, but still). Are there unknown sources of radiation near your home or safe place? Get a geiger counter and check.

‘Normal” Radiation and what in the world is a microsievert?

People who measure radiation use various units of measurement. One is microsieverts/hour which is often shown as uSv/hr. You’ll also see it with a long tail on the left side of the “u”. That’s the technical symbol, but for those of us who can’t figure out how to make that fancy symbol on our keyboards, we just use uSv/hr. Sometimes you’ll see mcSv/hour which also stands for microsieverts/hour.
So how many microsieverts/hour is “normal”. Well, that’s a bit of a problem. No one seems to agree on what’s normal and “acceptable levels” as defined by the US government have changed several times over the years. But here’s one way to look at it. The average American is exposed to about 3600 microsieverts a year. That works out to about 10 per day, or .41 uSv/hour. If your geiger counter is showing .25 to .5 uSv/hr you know you’re pretty close to normal. Again, we all are receiving about 10 microsieverts per day. Consider that normal background radiation. For perspective, A dental x-ray adds 5 microsieverts. A flight from NY to LA exposes you to an additional 40 microsieverts. Spending one hour near the Chernobyl nuclear plant in 2010 would have netted you 6 sieverts, which is 6,000 microsieverts! Who knows what the level could be in a Teotwawki situation?

Another unit of measurement is milli-Roentgens/hour shown as mR/hr. In the US, Roentgens used to be the standard unit, but that is quickly being replaced by microsieverts which is the standard in much of the rest of the world. Most of the detectors you’ll find today still can be set to microsieverts or milli-Roentgens. Also, many radiation detectors will have audible, visual, or vibrational alarms that will go off when radiation levels are high. With most detectors you can set the level where you think “high” begins. 1.0 uSv/hour is considered by some to be “unsafe”, while 1.2 or more is considered “dangerous’. Again, there is no universal agreement on what constitutes unsafe or dangerous.

Geiger Counters Compared

Many of the most common radiation detectors I found are from four main companies: GQ, Radex, Soeks, and GCA. They are listed in order of price. The more expensive ones tend to have more functions and claim to be more sensitive and more accurate. All are calibrated from the factory and should be accurate out of the box. Some of the online reviews are helpful in determining the reliability and functionality of different units.

GQ GMC-300E-Plus Digital Geiger Counter

$99 – rating average on Amazon 4.2 stars (100 reviews)  View on Amazon

This is a pocket sized geiger counter that has both audible and visual signals for detected radiation levels. Visual LED readouts show radiation detected in both microsieverts and milli-Roentgens. The device can continually monitor radiation levels and store the data in its internal memory. It can also be connected to a PC via the device’s USB port so that data can be stored and analyzed. It is powered by a rechargeable internal battery which can be charged using the supplied wall adapter. Continuous data monitoring is possible using the wall charger. An included disk provides software for use with a PC.

RADEX RD1503+ Geiger Counter

$147 -rating average on Amazon = 4.5 stars (84 reviews)  View on Amazon

Pocket sized and operating on AAA batteries, the Radex is for use indoors, outdoors, and with objects. It has audio and visual readouts (in microsieverts and Roentgens) with audio and vibration alarms. The company claims the unit has been tested by the Japanese Consumer Protection Agency and it is backed by a one year warranty.

SOEKS DEFENDER Portable Radiation Detector Dosimeter

$174 -rating average on Amazon = 4.7 stars (17 reviews)  View on Amazon

The Soeks Defender portable pocket size radiation detector includes 3.5 inch military grade Geiger Muller Tube SBM 20-1 that is the standard for surveying areas for potentially harmful ionizing radiation levels and for detecting radioactive contamination of food, packages, supplies, equipment and people after SHTF. The color display shows radioactivity levels in graphs and numbers and changes color to red for Dangerous Levels of radiation (greater than 1.2 uSv/hr) ,green for Normal radiation background measured less than 0.4 uSv/hr, yellow for HIGH radiation background 0.4-1.2 uSv/hr. Users can scroll through 3 menu categories: Device Settings, Measure and Radiation Dose; Users can easily set a threshold value, access Screen settings such as Brightness, Themes (4 possible), Off time, Sound (keypad, sensor and dose sound for the alarms and volume) Accumulated Dose. Accumulation process of radioactive dose begins after the device is switched ON and goes on permanently until device is switched off, regardless of current mode. When you turn it back ON, accumulation process continues; Battery life is 10 hours of continuos use batteries rechargeable through included USB cable or charger; Alarm sounds an audible alert when the measured radiation level exceeds safe level and can be turned off in settings. Designed by SOEKS and manufactured in Russia,

RADEX RD1706 Professional Radiation Detector / Geiger Counter

$260 – rating average on Amazon = 4.4 stars (17 reviews)  View on Amazon
So what’s the difference between this unit and Radex’s lower cost RD1503? Whereas all the detectors mentioned so far have one Geiger-Muller sensor (that’s the thing that senses the radiation) this unit has two sensors. Like the other Radex unit, it has the same simple design with three buttons, LED display, and similar functions such as alarms, backlit display, and so on. It is covered by a one year (limited) warranty.

SOEKS Quantum Professional Radiation Detector

$288 – rating average on Amazon =4.0 (13 reviews)  View on Amazon

This pocket size geiger counter is able to continuously monitor the radiation environment up to 999 days and work continuously up to 700 hours and alert a user if the preset dose and dose rate thresholds are exceeded. It measures bets, gamma, and x-ray radiation. This unit has two Geiger-Muller sensors, audible and visual alarms, and a color display. it has a USB port for connection to a PC and comes with 2 rechargeable batteries, an AC adaptor, and USB cable. It is covered by a two year warranty.

GCA-07W Professional Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detection Monitor with Digital Meter and External Wand Probe

$350 – rating average on Amazon = 4 stars (22 reviews)  View on Amazon

The GCA-07W is a professional quality monitor that can be certified accurate by the NCR, an independent licensing lab in the U.S. This radiation detector uses an external wand. The wand actually contains the Geiger-Muller sensor. This wand can then be more accurately aimed at radiation sources. Also, if you wish to monitor the radiation outdoors, you could project the wand outside and stay in relative safety indoors. It measures alpha, beta, x-ray, and gamma radiation. The Liquid Crystal Display shows levels in milli-Roentgens/hour or micro-sieverts/hour. The unit has both audio and visual indicators, a USB port to connect to a PC, plus headphone and power jacks. It uses a 9V battery for mobile operation but can be used with a wall adapter (included).

Mazur Instruments PRM-9000 Geiger Counter and Nuclear Radiation Contamination Detector

$595 – rating average on Amazon = 4.5 stars (33 reviews)  View on Amazon

The Mazur Instruments unit detects alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray radiation. The two-line, alphanumeric display supports both English and Japanese languagest. The display is backlit to support low-light conditions. Using only one key, users can scroll through several screens that display present, average, maximum and minimum measurements in uR/hr, mR/hr, uSv/hr, Counts per Second (CPS) or Counts per Minute (CPM). The PRM-9000 instrument not only records the maximum radiation measured, but also displays the time and date at which the maximum occurred. Battery life is over 4-years under normal conditions from a single 9-volt lithium battery. Standard alkaline 9-volt batteries available everywhere provide over 2-years of life under normal conditions. With over 100K bytes of data logging memory included, the PRM-9000 can autonomously store up to 91,466 minutes of time-stamped measurements. These measurements can then be uploaded to a PC in CSV format for analysis. A user-settable dose rate alarm sounds an audible alert when the measured radiation level exceeds that of the alarm level setting. Designed by Mazur Instruments and manufactured in the USA, the PRM-9000 includes abundant I/O options including support for headphones, external speakers, external power and PC/Mac USB data exchange (requires optional 3.5mm to USB adapter cable).