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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Summary of the Status Quo -- The Fabricated Attacks on Trump Are a Direct Attack on America -- Correctly Identify the Enemy Or Miss the Mark

RED ALERT: Attempted political coup now taking place in D.C. with effort to impeach Trump for fabricated “obstruction of justice”
Indeed, nearly every media accusation against Trump has been based on nothing but innuendo, misleading headlines, fake “anonymous sources” (a Washington Post favorite) or outright misrepresentations of hard facts. The New York Times and Washington Post have deliberately published fake news, then whipped it all into a “media circle jerk” frenzy where the same false stories are repeated across the ‘net, all hyped up by Facebook’s selective oppression of liberty-oriented news so that left-wing media lies are more easily shared.
On your video posted above, "if we tolerate this"….

I would further that it is not just our children we have to be concerned about…but ourselves. You know as well as I that the battle drums beat hard for complete worldwide jack boot control, by the Bilderberg assholes that have been working on it for 40 years….Soros, Rotchilds, et al.

Also the meme of "most dangerous thing is ignorance", I disagree.

The tools of the internet as a means to instantly assess the effects of the controlled media propaganda is very strongly in the NWO and just plain evil people's favor. Even non-ignorant people cannot stand up to a continual onslaught of propaganda.

People in my life that I love deeply are in this trap and even with my best efforts I cannot get them to open their eyes, many of them are plus 50 and plus 70. The 50 somethings have in their mind nearing the end of their lives (sad since I am 53 and my actuarial table predicts an average life of 98 for me). The 70 plus cloud is glad to get 10 to 15 years…they don't want to open their eyes much, and certainly they are not ready to take up armed resistance.

The reality is that those with means, those with much to lose, are unlikely to get past being pacifists.

Those without means are struggling so much it is difficult to organize. Hence the massive increase in food stamp handouts and government housing…basically to prevent mass protests and even revolution.   It is a "safety net", for many criminals at the top.  

We see these blatant criminal activities at the top, that are never prosecuted.   Top politicians know that in the current system, that they too must undertake actions that if fully exposed, would be clearly illegal.  

Not to mention now that with the blatant deep penetrating espionage by the NSA et al, there would be very few not subject to full on blackmail if they don't tow the establishment line.   For the few with integrity of sorts, they can often be captured with a "honeypot" a sexual setup.   

Beyond that anyone can be accused of rape or child porn (with the porn inserted into your computer by the powers that be).   Very serious offense.   Think Julian Assange, accused of rape because a woman who he had consensual sex, then did something the next morning that if I remember right, she said "broke my sexual integrity".      hmmmm, set up ya think?   

This is the level the game is being played at.   So although we can educate on crucial issues like radiation and the danger of the nuclear industry, until we can get back to some semblance of fairness, justice, rule of law, and stopping insanely anti-constitutional invasions into our privacy, I think little substantive value will be accomplished.

Sorry for the rant, but some may not yet realize that all of the above is completely true, and very important.
The NWO Globalists have somehow captured the Democratic Liberals and molded their thinking and actions to directly support policies that deconstruct American society, thus aiding (and abetting I may add) the progress of their much desired one world government.

They are so desperate after losing the presidential race with their intensely flawed candidate, Hillary Clinton.     I think they want to run her again, amazingly.    So desperate that they have played the "Russia card" and then antagonize to the point of risking nuclear war.

Even Putin has come out as saying that American "politics" (without directly calling out the Establishment liberal Democrats AND many Establishment Republicans) as Crazy.   His words were translated as schizophrenic.

Professor Cohen Says Assault on Trump Presidency is Our Greatest National Security Threat: Is There A 4th Branch of Government?


-------------------------------------------------------- A reader presents

The forth, fifth and sixth branch of government are Wall Street banksters (thieving pirates), the MIC (more thieving pirates) and the IC (cut-throat, murdering, thieving pirates).
An example of the latter:

A short eye-opening chat at the beginning of this podcast with a major whistleblower - A Dennis Montgomery interview:

Then we have ((( them ))) OTHER cut-throat thieving control freak pirates that like to blackmail and extort their will on all the other pirates.

Notice who isn't on the pirate list fucking up the USSA government?

Right, the Russians.

Live Hard, Face It, There Are A Lot Of Pirates In Control Of 'Our' Government And 'We The People' Are The Hostages, Die Free
~DC v5.0

from one of the handful of blogs that I follow---Funny he is writing this the same day I decided to
spell out the obvious.

The World and Everything in It War on Trump

The real war is not between the Republicans and Democrats, or even Conservatives and Progressives. It’s not black v. white, or Illegals v. Americans.

It’s between the Political class and the People of our country. The Political class doesn’t want any of us anywhere near the levers of “their” power, and will stop at nothing to stop non-politicians from getting a foothold in Washington, DC.

I saw subtle symptoms of this when I worked in the Washington media. I did mornings on a major radio station there, and when I first moved inside the beltway, lived in Arlington, Virginia, a short drive across the Key Bridge into the District. I would fly back to my previous home for the weekend every couple weeks until my then-fiance followed me. I remember having to hump my bags in from parking at National Airport (now Reagan, International), across an almost always virtually empty parking lot WITH a guard 24/7. I asked about it once, and was told it was for members of Congress, and was right next to the terminal. I never saw more than one or two cars parked there, a completely empty, lined slab of concrete I wasn’t allowed to park in. Over the years, I would see COUNTLESS examples of this sort of thing. All of it set up to make Congress’ life as easy as possible. Screw the rest of us.

Trump is that crazy-ass soldier who stands up, charges the line and flops down on the barbed wire, so the rest of the unit can follow, undeterred by the wire. The only way we get our country back is to follow him and charge the enemy, who is concentrating all their fire on him to keep anyone from following him against them. If we stand back and don’t follow, we sacrifice the brave crazy guy and lose the battle, which by the way, means we lose the war, because we won’t find another crazy-ass natural leader to lay down on that barbed wire if we let this sacrifice himself for nothing.

Remember: The war is US versus the POLITICAL CLASS. We have to get our kind elected, and open the supply roads to bring in more like us. It’s the only way we win.

Our Founding Fathers did not set the country up to be run by professional politicians. They expected local farmers, merchants, businessmen, etc. to go to Washington for a term or two and then stand aside. All continuity was to be supplied by the Senate. Why else would they set up a system that involved Congressional elections every two years? Think about how difficult it was to travel long distances in the 18th Century. There was a reason a new Congress was called every two years. It was supposed to be mostly made up of new members.

Whether or not you fully support Donald Trump, don’t waste this guy who is laying across the barbed wire.

Run for office. If that’s not you, work as a volunteer for someone you believe in and help them get elected. 


Coral Bleaching and the ENSO (Southern Ocean El Nino)

This is from NOAA, so it must be held suspect until dumpster dived fully.

It is said by a colleague that 95% of earth temperature changes can be mathematically modeled using only 2 factors.     The Pacific Ocean Decadel Oscillation, and Solar activity, aka sunspots.

In this current age of politicized science, its hard to find facts in the chaff.

No, the Russians did not "hack the election".  

And just today, the biggest global hack ever, and it's blamed on North Korea.    Hmmmm, first I ever heard they were great at hacking.    Easy to get sick of the same old games with dumbed down populations staring into their little electronic toys.

120 people have read this likely more scientific write-up

Friday, May 12, 2017

Radioactive Storage Tunnel Collapse at Hanford, Plutonium Releases Likely

stock here:  the recent collapse of a Radiation Storage Tunnel, which in reality is a Radiation Storage Linear mound, threatens the USA with toxic Plutonium.

They have since infilled it with 55 truckloads of dirt, so that will slow the release.   But still allow rainwater to leech the nuclear waste into the groundwater.

An ENE participant found this interesting data....indeed, these "tunnels" are extremely hazardous.
From the Hanford website:
"There are four events that would cause an unmitigated exposure of at least 25 rem to a non-worker located 100 meters away: • An atmospheric dispersible event caused by a partial or complete failure of the PUREX structures. This would be a short acute ground release duration event without plume meander causing the following unmitigated exposures. Storage Tunnel No. 1 –58 rem; Storage Tunnel No. 2 –76 re; 202-A Building and systems –120 rem. • A fire in PUREX Tunnel #1 associated with its wooden structure could cause an unmitigated exposure of 70 rem. • A partial collapse of the 202-A building roof could cause a 25 rem exposure. • A fire in the N-Cell could cause an exposure of 25 rem because of the residual inventory in the gloveboxes, potential combustibles, and potential ignition from S&M operations."
That explains why the folks at Hanford sent everyone home.

This link found by missFrill has a wealth of Hanford information.


This site is dedicated to pounded on the horrific Hanford.


We track all news articles and reports generated about Hanford and post them here. Check back regularly, as this page is updated daily. For archives of articles from 2009 - 2016, click here. 

MAY 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Goffman, Nuclear Chemist, Explains in Interview How Corrupt and Dangerous the Radiation Industry Is

Some quotes:
The whole interview is here, nicely on one page

Drop a comment here after reading the whole interview.    Mahalo, stock

GOFMAN:   We have to get back to a simple understanding of the concepts of liberty, justice, and truth.
        You know, Frederick Douglass--then an ex-slave--made an important statement about power. He said, "Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them. . . . The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
        People have to see the truth in Douglass's words . . . they have to realize that a lot of freedom is being taken away from them, and they have to learn how to take it back.
PLOWBOY:   So the first step is education. We Americans have to become aware of how we're being used.
GOFMAN:   Yes, but it's not just Americans who need to wake up. We may not have perfect freedom here, but comparing our liberties to those of people in the world's totalitarian countries is like comparing night and day. The journey to full liberty for much of the rest of the world will be a very tough one.
        So we need to preserve and extend our own freedoms and help men and women in totalitarian countries resist coercion, as well. All of the world's peoples need to work toward liberty.

Roger Batzel--who, by the way, once admitted to a TV journalist that even he didn't see any errors in our calculations--came up to me. "Jack," he said, "last year the AEC told us that we'd have to cancel your chromosome and cancer research program. Now you may not believe this, but Mike May and I both said that--although we disagree heartily with you concerning your actions against nuclear power--we think your lab work on chromosomes is first rate, so we're not going to cancel it."
        I started to assure Roger that I appreciated his efforts, but he went on: "This year the AEC people have told us that either we cancel your work or they'll simply cut our budget by the $250,000 that your program costs . . . which would force us to fire somebody else in order to keep you."
PLOWBOY:   Now that's devious!
GOFMAN:   Roger said he'd leave the decision up to me. Well, I couldn't force another project to lose out in order to keep my program. So I told Roger that I thought I might be able to get funding from the National Cancer Institute . . . and asked whether he'd get me the approval to move all my scanners, culture equipment, and other research gear to Berkeley. Roger agreed.
        At first, my plan looked as if it would work smoothly. I talked with Frank Rauscher, the head of the National Cancer Institute, and he was quite excited about funding my chromosome work. In fact, Frank said the research would tie in perfectly with some breast cancer studies the Institute was doing at Yale. All he'd need, before giving me the go-ahead, was three or four weeks to look into the funding.
        Well, about seven weeks later, I still hadn't heard from him, and--since it was getting near the time when Roger would have to cut his budget--I wrote a little note to remind him . . . and got back a letter, from an assistant I didn't even know, saying, "Thank you very much for your inquiry. The program that you're proposing is not in the mainline interest of the National Cancer Institute. But if you ever have any ideas in the future, please call us."
        That was the end of my research. The next day, a program that could have been very important to world health, one that I'd worked on for seven years, was completely dismantled. All the people were reassigned to other scientists' work . . . in fact, to anyone's work as long as it wasn't mine. It was one of the saddest days of my life.
PLOWBOY:   Yet nothing was done that you could point to to improper?
GOFMAN:   Oh no. Everybody knew, of course, that I didn't want to give up the research program. But I had to. It's really a rather common story: There's just no room for scientific truth in government-funded work when the truth in any way goes against a program that the government--or any of its special interests--wants to carry through. And I believe it's an outrage that we're taxed to support dishonest scientists . . . or to finance science that's being paid to provide a façade.

stock here: nothing new under the sun.   Nuclear has been corrupt out of the gate.

This interview is from 1981

Toxic Environment Creating Huge Numbers of Early Deaths Among Otherwise Healthy People

This is just one example, but keep your ears open, these examples are all over the place.

Another man, felled by leukemia at 31, very healthy lifestyle.

"Young" people, dying quickly after contracting a disease, often cancer.   By young, I mean, 57, 62, 65.     This story is about Ken Leghorn from Alaska.  

This is a result of our toxic environment.   Including radiation and heavy metal damage due to ocean dumping of nuclear material and Fukushima.

This article explains why the traditional way to present "life expectancy" way underestimates reality.

Summary: Everyone uses the "mean" aka the average.    A very few short lives can sway the statistics greatly. 

But when we look at the actual chart, we see for men, the most likely age at death is 86, but the average is 78/79

So when a otherwise healthy person dies at 62, the chart by inspection shows that that early death is actually very unlikely.

Pancreatic cancer - excellent diet, care and attention to life-long health.

Fukushima fuel flea???

From an Alaska native

Yeah, from a distance. I know his best friend and the circle he ran in. All prep school and East coast edu...and the life he lived as a guide for big-money guests to Alaska. He ate well from the land and sea of SE Alaska; he hadn't been warned. Like most of us. Never knew what hit him. So instead of loading up on cannabis, he went rad and chemo [don't know for a fact, but it looks like it. We all know the look.]

stock here: A continued focus on our "toxic environment" is justified.    This year has seen many changes for me, for the better.    Also just fixing past mistakes and realizing that "small insults" to the body and mind add up, and are worth eliminating whenever we can identify them.

For instance, I had Calphalon pots and pans.   Anodized aluminum.    And when the anodization is gone, you are eating aluminum, which is not good.    It's a neuro-toxin like Fluoride.

Well the Calphalon was getting old and wore down.     It went into the garbage, actually to the single sort recycling that the village offers.    And replaced with a multilayer stainless set.

Also last year, stopped using toothpaste with Fluoride.   Easy peasy, Amazon prime.    I went through my emergency Shelter in Place boxes to check and refresh, threw out a tube of Crest with Fluoride and replaced with the good stuff.   Hilarious seeing in my mind's eye, a process of surviving through a radiation emergency while loading yourself with Fluoride.   The absurdity of it all, LOL.

See below, Lot's Wife always send mind provoking links, these are on Aluminum.

And finally, Hawking declares a 100 year deadline to either colonize another planet or risk extinction of the human race.   Indeed I agree.   I have considered the idea bringing a child into my life via birth or adoption, but the future is so hazy, there is no clarity on whether this would be "responsible" and what kind of a future could I guarantee for that child.



Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Earth Now In A Dangerous Earthquake Phase

Things have been normal for months.   Suddenly big things are happening.   Like the 6.8s in Alaska Canada the other day.    Looks at todays EQ and notes.

And see below for Ben's SO observation on space weather, magnetics, electric fields, and Earthquakes.    It also shows how incredibly inept, how incredibly sad "science" has become.    They want to spend $20T to fight carbon, yet they don't even talk about planting trees. 

USGS has spent $500M in studying earthquakes and want to "one day" be able to predict EQ 12 seconds in advance.     Yet some guy (no offense meant to say it like that) in a Mobile home can eat their lunch.

A reader/blogger added to this story with a continuing swarm in Alaska