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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Several New Trolls Hired By the Nuclear Cartel -- Damaging ENENEWS

stock here, I am just going to list a few of the comments made by the new trolls, while they are fresh.

time permitting, I will explain what and how they are doing things.    They have an electronic dossier of material to attack particular activists (like me in particular), but their methods also give them away.

AFter SocioDog melted down, minutes later, joseygirl shows up, hmmmm

ya right
January 22, 2016 at 1:56 pm · Reply
Fuck you, dick. Come to Ga, anywhere in the state and I'll meet you there.

ya right
January 22, 2016 at 5:52 pm · Reply
Fuck you both! You'll deal w me tmrw, you pathetic excuses for men.

Yes robg. even on this site. The tea partiers like stock et al yell that Bernie Sanders is a big government socialist. He is a social democrat who does not believe in the govt. controlling the means of production. Good luck Rob in explaining that to most of the lunk heads, bullies, teapartiers, and idiots on this site. Bernie Sanders is the only antinuke candidate in this election cycle. He is almost centrist by world standarts while the rest are fascist or right wing neocon neoliberals like hillary clinton. Try explaining that to most of the people on this site or most americans Rob. Braindead is too kind a word.

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LOL a newcomer, shows up and tries to instigate everyone.
How surprising. PS never made a comment about Bernie, but I would take him over the Hilde-beast.

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Not everyone stock. Robg and obvious agree with me. Back to the oll bully tactics eh right wing bully and troll. The words are right there bernie sanders antinuclear. Try to twist distort manipulate bully as you may you cannot change that. Who is going to dissemble the nuclear power plants, stop more from being built and find safer means for nuclear waste. Of course you will not grapple those pixels of light. This will now degenerate into rightwing politics and attacks with no solutions as usual with stock.


another self appointed troll chaser. no one invented anything. Maybe i am wrong about obvious. Palin and trump are very righ wing also pro nuc. Robg has said many times america is dominated by rightwing politics."They'll just keep buying things they don't need, and will keep buying the propaganda, and will keep voting for the likes of Palin and Trump; both of whom are a total insult to the notion of a nation state." Those are robgs words. I do not think.rob g is endorsing hillary or trump or palin. Do you orwell. I will say for my self i endorse nernie sanders whole heartedly. Still no answer from Stock about sanders. Sanders is the only antinuclear candidate now. He is big govt by the standards of people like stock.

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JonesyGirl, Please refrain from divisive attacks here, ok? Stock works hard to further the anti-nuclear cause. Much harder than you, I am quite certain. Perhaps you know this already? Perhaps you are making $$ by trolling him here? Trying to divide us? Most of us realize that certain candidates are pro nuker whores. Hellary being chief among them. I hope Bernie does win. Let's move beyond the division.
Ban Reactors Forever!



What would people like trump and palin do about nuclear waste building more nuclear power plants stock, orwell, DUD?


plan on making every post offtopic, troll?
How would you deal with this die-off?

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I will keep it more simple newcomer, you ain't getting no traction and screw yourself.
Until a tipping point, or the system collapses, no individual is going to take down nuclear power. But we can build support. and not with your lies.
I have 7 to 9 trolls who have detailed dossiers on me and bring them out to discredit. You know what that means? Effective enough to be attacked.

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Enenews is unfriendly to new ppl! Great show stock.

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or-well or-well

  • jonesygirl
    For bein a scientific illiterate, an embeded leuren moret vampire troll and an ene monkey you sure are stupid chem monkey. Here protected in the ene fishbowl with embedded koch trolls and moret trolls. Moore is a rich prick with most of his money tied up in private prisons, modular nucs charter schools and the military complex. What a silly ol leuren moret troll and scientific illiterate. Did ya ever read anything outside of the hobbit in high school chem monkey?

Michael Moore=Cointelpro
jonesygirl=lowly paid-per-Whipper-Snapper-post
You must have gotten around to that pee break, jonsey
Welcome back! Way to GO!

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Oh yea? I know what you are cf but what am I?

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Now you can call the FBI on me cf

there are plenty of nuts where you come from leuren moret shill. Tell me again how electronic signals can push radionucleide particle several hundred miles to the earths envelope and then into outer space. Just love magical believing scintific illiterate zealots and fantacists . Cultists really.

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I actually have no.ideaa where hillbillyhounddog live. Based on monikor assume in hillbilly country in us which is pretty far south of bc.eOYwKhnkeRYv
December 2, 2015 at 12:20 pm Log in to Reply
December 1, 2015 at 11:49 pm · Reply
HHD here. Funny thing, that auna. "…implying that he has his legions to also follow up with or for…"
So Cullen was trespassing on my property, stalking me, PRIOR to Dana'a arrest because he was so afraid of Dana, that he thought anyone who spoke out against his own garbage news releases posed as science, would also be someday guilty of harassment or terroristic threats- anyone who spoke out @ ENE must be an accomplice and also enough of a threat that he would cross Canadian/US borders to get a good look at them? Enlighten me auna. Anyone who calls foul on Cullen/Buesseller BS get's stalked and trespassed upon or jailed? I never posted anywhere but ENE, I have NO following and I never said one word about doing harm to anyone. But I did say Cullen is full of crapola and I did do the piece everyone seems to have missed regarding FUNDING. It's all here. Never been anywhere else on the net in 16 years. So, how did he get my address, way out here on a dirt road, in the middle of nowhere?
Buck season.

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Do not get me wrong I am seriously repulsed by Jay Culle. Above post by hhd pretty crazy

Just because some geiger counters were bad pia all geiger counters are bad. even if they are used by experienced users. Ya right pia that makes a lot of sense.


Here is the original abc article from 1 20 16 in this latest article from enenews

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Are you gonne post randomly in the thread links from the headline ?

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Lol , and the timing and style is coincidence ofcourse..whatever..

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